Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 654 Huang Zongxi: I want to leave my name in history, so don't stop me!

Chapter 654 Huang Zongxi: I want to leave my name in history, so don't stop me!
Oqiertu knew that there were only 30 Ming envoys, four of whom were civil servants, and there were actually only 26 guards.

The Jurchens are brave and capable of fighting, which is known to everyone in the grasslands, otherwise the Mongolian tribes would not have been conquered by the Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, in Oziltu's view, Sony led more than 100 people to attack and kill the envoy team, and there is no reason why it should not be successful.

Moreover, he believed that if the envoy was killed by the Jurchens, it would be none of his business.He didn't need to write any letter of apology, and he didn't need to send his son as a hostage, so he could completely shift the responsibility to the Qing Dynasty.

Even if the Ming Dynasty sent another envoy, it would take several months, even half a year.

At that time, with a little delay, he was able to kill the Ming envoy's sacrificial flag, and led the coalition forces of Oara and the Heshuot Khanate into the territory of Daming to avenge his shame.

Bilig and the cavalry who went to investigate all showed strange expressions when they heard the words.

Bilig said: "Khan, I don't know how many Ming people died, but the Jurchens were completely wiped out."

"What?!" Oziltu's face was full of disbelief, "My uncle, are you joking?"

"I'm not joking." Bilig said, "Actually, I'm still shocked by this matter—I went to the Ming Envoy's camp to see that they were cleaning up the battlefield, and it seems that not many people died.

Guards watching not far away said that after the Jurchens rushed in, they were violently shot and shelled.

Later, only Sony and a few others rushed out. Sony was knocked down with a single shot, and the Jurchens who were about to rescue him were all shot and killed by the Ming army. Only Sony seemed to be alive and was led by the Ming army. Entered the camp. "

After hearing Lige's words, Oziertu still didn't want to believe it, and murmured: "How is this possible? Could it be that these Ming soldiers are all Batur (warrior, Baturu)?"

He didn't doubt the strength of Sony's people.

Sony and other Jurchens have lived in Heshuote for a long time, and the warrior Jurchens in the tribe have long fought against each other. So far, no one has been able to defeat Kulecha, the number one warrior in Sony's entourage.

Therefore, he thought it was because the Ming army was too powerful.

When Oziltu was thinking about this, Bilige reminded: "Khan, we should think about how to deal with the aftermath now."

Eqiertu said without hesitation: "The Jurchens attacked the camp of the Ming envoys, and now they are killed, they asked for it.

I heard that the Qing Dynasty has been driven back to the old forests of Baishan and Heishui by the Ming army, and its strength is not as good as one-tenth of its previous heyday. Is it possible that it still has the ability to trouble us? "

Bilige said: "Khan, what I'm asking is how to explain to the Ming envoys—after all, they were attacked in Ulan Burekir, and the guards were indeed bought off by the Jurchens."

"I still have to explain to the Ming envoy?" Eqiertu was a little annoyed, "It's okay to pick out an officer who received the money from the Jurchens and hang him for three days, right?"

In this kind of weather, if a person is hanged for three days, it is basically equivalent to being declared a death sentence.

So Bilig nodded and said, "I will try my best to appease Mingshi."

In the battle attacked by the Jurchens, one soldier of the Imperial Guard was killed and nine were seriously injured, which meant that ten people were lost at once.The rest of the soldiers were almost all wounded.

When Bilig came over, Huang Zongxi made a request for the Heshuo Special Department to hand over all the Jurchens brought by Sony.

It turned out that all the Jurchens who came with Sonny followed him to carry out the attack, a total of 126 people, except for Sonny and Kulecha who were seriously injured, the rest had been killed by them.

Afterwards, Bilig brought over another officer in the Oala guards, and in front of Huang Zongxi and others, announced Oqiertu's punishment for this person.

Although Huang Zongxi, Di Wushang and others were dissatisfied with this result, they could only accept it—they mainly didn't want to affect the mission of this mission because of other things.

However, in the follow-up negotiations, when they learned that the Ming Kingdom demanded ten times the compensation, Oqiertu and the nobles asked for time to consider and asked the Ming envoy to stay in the tribe for a while.

When they were taken (escorted) by the cavalry of the Heshuo Special Forces and walked north around the Tianshan Mountains, Huang Zongxi and others finally realized that something was wrong.

"Where are you going to send us? Didn't you tell us to wait in your department for a while?" On the way, Huang Zongxi questioned the Oirat cavalry officer who escorted them.

The army said: "Our Khan said that we are worried that you will be attacked again if you stay in Ulan Bole Qier, so we send you to the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain.

We have arranged a pasture there. If the supplies you bring are not enough, you can graze the sheep yourself. "

In the end, the legion showed a gloating smile unabashedly.

Only then did Huang Zongxi and the others know that they were placed together by the Heshuo Special Department.

Gu Chong said angrily: "How can you do this? Is this the way of hospitality?!"

This officer is also able to speak, after listening to the interpreter, he snorted: "Our Heshuo special department's way of hospitality is not like this, but you are not my guests of the Heshuo special department, but enemies!"

After speaking, he ordered the team to move on.

Gu Chong wanted to argue with the army again, but Huang Zongxi stopped him.

"It's useless to argue with him like this." After speaking, Huang Zongxi approached the Oirat officer and said, "I can go to the ranch arranged by you to wait for news, but our accompanying personnel must return to Daming to report the progress of the mission to His Majesty.

If you don't agree, we will break through by ourselves.Maybe we will all die in battle, but you Heshuo Special Division will have no room for retreat! "

Huang Zongxi's words were sonorous and forceful, and at the same time, the soldiers of the imperial guards who accompanied him also drew out their swords and made preparations for battle.

The Wala officer had no choice but to order the troops to camp on the spot and send people back to Ulanboleqier to report the news.

Because the team didn't go too far, they got a new order from Oziltu two days later.

The accompanying personnel of the Ming envoy team were allowed to return to Daming, but Huang Zongxi had to go to the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain to wait.

Obviously, in the previous negotiations, Huang Zongxi made Oqiertu hate him, and made him suffer even if he said anything.

Huang Zongxi knew this, but he laughed and said: "In the past, there was Su Wu in the Han Dynasty who herded sheep in Beihai, but now I, Huang Zongxi in the Ming Dynasty, will herd sheep in Tianshan Mountain!

Please be sure to thank Oziertu for me, thank him for giving me this opportunity to leave my name in history! "

The brighter Huang Zongxi smiled, the more angry and worried Gu Chong, Di Wushang and the others became.

Because they all understand how dangerous it is to herd sheep at the northern foot of the cold Tianshan Mountains in this kind of weather.

People in the world know that Su Wu herded sheep in Beihai, and finally returned to the Han Dynasty.But I don't know how many Han Chinese envoys stayed in that ice and snow forever.

Gu Chong, Di Wushang and others wanted to persuade them, but Huang Zongxi stopped them before they could speak.

"I want to leave my name in history this time, so don't stop me." Then he said, "Besides, this is already the best result at the moment."

Although Huang Zongxi didn't explain it, everyone else knew what he meant—the more people went to the place arranged by Oqiertu, the harder it would be to survive this winter.

If it must not survive, then the more people go, the more people will be sacrificed.

So other people go as they please, there is no need to risk their lives with him, Huang Zongxi.

In this way, Gu Chong and Di Wushang left with most of the envoys, but insisted on staying with Huang Zongxi, the three volunteers of the imperial guards.

However, Huang Zongxi could only agree, and took the three of them to the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain...
 Second more.

  I'm late.

  Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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