Chapter 155 Comprehension (Part 4)
When Shen Mo swung this knife, he carried the incomparable confidence that he had gained the upper hand against the judge several times, and he used the Tianzi Wangqi technique to see through the flaws in the mismatch between the judge's mood and strength.

In fact, if the judge is completely transformed into a demon, he can also fully control his own expanding power.

But he tried to merge with Yanfa, the abbot of Moha Temple, and wanted to use Yanfa's Zen mind to resist the loss of control after being enchanted, but Shen Mo left a shadow in his heart, which caused an irreparable flaw in his state of mind.

Shen Mo's words are like knives, pointing directly at Dao Xin.

It can be said that Shen Mo, from the spirit to the body, attacked the judge.

There is no escape, no escape.

This knife is the condensation of Shen Mo's 32 years of skill.

What will the judge do to block it?

The judge had a clear realization that he couldn't take the knife, and the arrival of his body made his soul empty.

There is no going back!

He once again felt the state of mind that he had when he broke through to refine the gods and put himself to death.

After despair is not necessarily darkness, but a new beginning.

On the other hand, the Zen mind from Yanfa affected him.

In the world of mortals, the sword will not spare!
The air wall is like a copper wall and an iron wall, first facing the knife swung by Shen Mo.

The judge's face showed a kind of peace and tranquility that is as peaceful as the earth even if he was born in the sea of ​​​​Sura's blood, as if he had attained the Tao.

Faced with Shen Mo's desperate knife, he developed a determination comparable to passing the level of refining gods, and he developed the courage to sacrifice his life without fear.

This determination to not fear life and death made his mental strength climb to the limit in a short time, and finally made him perfectly control the power of demons.

The impenetrable air wall was split open by the hatchet.

But the judge is no longer afraid.

With a peaceful heart, he turned his seal into a fist in this life-and-death line.

"Shen Mo!"

The judge punched out straight, like a judge's pen, this punch could decide a person's life or death.The fist light meets the hatchet.

At the same time, blood seeped out from all the pores on Judge's body, and a pen appeared in his hand, and the tip of the pen collected his blood.

The fist glow is also just a hindrance to the hatchet.

The real killing move is the judge pen.

With a bloody pen, he drew a scarlet and frightening word "Death" in the void.

Endless power of demons and blood-colored true essence poured into the tip of the pen.

After the judge wrote the word "death", he showed the detachment and ease of an eminent monk enlightened.

The scarlet and horrifying word "death" in the void is still pouring blood all over his body, which makes people feel daunted and chills in their hearts.

Some bystanders exclaimed, thinking of something.

"The Sacrifice of Banruo Temple!"

Finally, someone recognized the secret technique that the judge just performed. It was the sacrifice of the Banruo Temple, and it was a tactic of burning jade and stone together.

The evil king is in trouble.

Shen Mo's hatchet broke through the wall of air like a Pao Ding dispelling an ox, but when it met the fist glow, the hatchet was blocked by the fearless fist.

Under Shen Mo's Tianzi Wangqi technique, it was obvious that the judge was not there in a short moment, and his mental strength had risen to the extreme.

It is worthy of refining gods!
Any refining god is a man of the moment, and should not be underestimated.

Shen Mo knew clearly that the judge was finally fearless and selfless under the crisis of life and death, and put aside the psychological shadow he caused on him, he finally displayed his supernatural powers.

Shen Mo would not be able to clearly understand all of this if he hadn't completed the Tianzi Wangqi Technique.

But it is precisely because he has practiced the Tianzi Wangqi technique, and also practiced Bodhisattva Zen, that he can empathize with others.

The combination of Tianzi Wangqi Technique and Bodhisattva Zen Kung Fu produced such a wonderful effect in the life-and-death crisis battle, which made Shen Mo feel a little unexpected and reasonable.

If his current situation is known to outsiders, it may shock the entire world.

Being able to empathize with the opponent's state of mind in battle is equivalent to obtaining a huge amount of spiritual wealth out of thin air.

The judge's decision to sacrifice his life has become Shen Mo's cultivation.

"Your perception is very good, now it's mine!" Shen Mo felt a sense of joy in his heart.

But still have to go into battle.

The Inquisitor does not know all this, nor can he be distracted.

The word of death meets the hatchet!

Both touch.

No earth-shattering collisions.

When the two terrifying forces were in contact, the power was no longer released, but extremely restrained.Only Shen Mo and Judge can feel the terrible heaviness.

The air stopped flowing, and the fog seemed to solidify.

The bystanders felt an extreme silence and oppression.

The world seemed to stand still.

But silence and depression are temporary.

Visible to the naked eye, thin cracks appeared on the ground, and then continued to expand, becoming cracks, and a terrible surface tension began to spread.

However, the evil aura from the soil rolled in the cracks and did not come out.

Because there was an invisible heavy force between Shen Mo and the judge, which firmly suppressed the evil energy that wanted to emerge.

The silence didn't last long.

Shen Mo clearly felt a strange force of death, transmitted to him through the handle of the hatchet.Abi Hell's body was impacted by this destructive force, and her viscera were greatly shaken.

But the judge was even worse. Under Shen Mo's earnest eyes, he could clearly see that the judge's flesh and blood had dried up, his bones were cracked, and his internal organs had turned into a puddle of mud, but he was suspended by an evil spirit and did not fall down.

But the light in his eyes was dim, and everyone knew that the judge was exhausted.

Shen Mo fell slowly, looking at the judge silently, as if looking at a candle that was about to burn out.

"If it wasn't for the hatchet, you wouldn't be able to beat me."

The judge still refused to die.

"You are right, but the result is already doomed." Shen Mo did not deny this, but it is not advisable for a seeker to be good at things and blindly reject foreign things.

The hatchet is part of his strength, if you don't accept it, come and grab it!
The judge knew that these words had no effect on Shen Mo, and he suddenly felt extremely calm, without any resentment, but instead had a kind of enlightenment, "The Valley of Myriad Tribulations is not as simple as you imagined, you have been exposed. There will be many malicious eyes If it falls on you, they won't let you go. Good luck."

It is unclear whether the last four words of his passage are a blessing or a curse.

Before Shen Mo could speak back, he saw the horrific magic fire erupting from the judge's body, burning blazingly. The extreme explosive power made Shen Mo have to back away.

The judge's cry from the soul is rippling in the void,
"No one can judge my life or death except myself."

For a long time.

While avoiding it, Shen Mo grabbed the Wu clansman who was playing the flute. This guy was still useful to him.

After going for an unknown distance, Shen Mo finally stopped.

"I don't know what your name is?"

"Wu Liang." The Wu tribe who played the flute stammered.



The ultimate explosion of the magic fire finally wiped out all traces of the judge.No, there was still a little spark, which touched a monk who was watching.

He comes from the White Horse Temple, the capital of the gods, and his dharma name is "Wynn".

Wynn was touched by sparks, and two different voices came out of his mind.

"I am the judge of the Nether Cult."

"I am Yanfa, the abbot of Moha Temple."

(End of this chapter)

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