Starting from the Abandoned Disciple in Laoshan

Chapter 183 Taking the Impossible as the Law, Taking the Infinite as the Limit

Chapter 183 Taking the Impossible as the Law, Taking the Infinite as the Limit

Mu Shiyao shook her head: "I don't understand tea ceremony, I don't know how to drink tea, and I only drink water."

Shen Mo smiled: "Clear water is better than tea, simple and natural."

Mu Shiyao smiled awkwardly, "Because I think it's troublesome to make tea, and I just drink water when I'm thirsty."

Shen Mo: "..." He thought to himself, "In my life, I have met quite a few women, who can be called the terminator. You are ranked second, and no one dares to recognize the first."

Mu Shiyao also seemed to realize that she seemed to have chatted the topic to death.She said: "Actually, I came here with the evil king to ask for advice on the way of cultivation. Please advise."

Shen Mo immediately turned serious: "I also have the same intention. Since Miss Mu has a sword, let's talk about the way of swordsmanship."

Mu Shiyao clutched the front of her shirt with both hands, a little nervous, "If I break something, how much should I pay? Or should we go out?"

She is actually very poor. Since she came to Shendu, she has drank clean water for many days.In fact, she also brought some money with her when she went down the mountain, but she used it for disaster relief on the way.

Shen Mo smiled: "Let's sit and talk about swords, if something breaks, I will lose."

Mu Shiyao breathed a sigh of relief, it doesn't matter if you lose, as long as you don't need to lose money.

The way she walks is the most important cause and effect.So don't take floating wealth, let alone accept others' homes.It's just that if it is to help the world, it can also be changed.

When her mind was slightly relaxed, Shen Mo's sword came.

To be precise, it is the sword pointing straight to the middle.

She has never seen such a smooth sword technique, and she has no time to draw the sword, so she can only stretch out her hand to block it with her sword fingers, but Shen Mo's sword moves are like a broken water, and like the dawn of the sky, the moonlight is omnipresent, and it is relaxed and comfortable , It's as simple as eating and drinking water.

Mu Shiyao did not leave the table and retreated, pointing sword to sword.

Shen Mo's sword is like flowing clouds and flowing water, unstoppable, like the high sky and bright moon, the moonlight can reach everywhere.But Mu Shiyao's counterattack sword technique is a clear stream.

She tolerates the running water, and the dawn moon is reflected in the clear stream, so she naturally tolerates the moonlight.

If the sword she carried was the sword of the benevolent, then the sword technique Mu Shiyao used was the sword of the wise.

The benevolent enjoys mountains, the wise enjoys water; the benevolent is quiet, and the wise move.

With the movement of flowing water, Mu Shiyao tolerated Shen Mo's omnipresent and omnipresent sword.

And the swordsmanship she has practiced hard for many years has really reached the point where she can do whatever she wants. Although she is not able to draw the sword, the fingers of the sword will naturally burst into sword energy.

But Shen Mo's swordsmanship directly engulfed her sword energy without revealing it in the slightest.

Mu Shiyao was originally on the defensive, but unknowingly turned from defense to offense.

It's not that she has the upper hand, on the contrary, it's that her peaceful sword heart is driven by Shen Mo's sword force, and then gives birth to an offensive.

Her sword energy burst out, and the wet green shirt also leaked out along with the sword energy. The green shirt evaporated water vapor, forming a white mist, but it didn't disperse, and instead condensed more and more.

In the end, it condensed into a ball, swinging back and forth between the two of them.

At some point, the water ball fell and entered the teacup on the table.

Shen Mo withdrew his sword finger, and Mu Shiyao retracted at the same time. The water ball was high temperature, which directly soaked the tea leaves in it, and there were extremely subtle sword auras, which aroused milky flowers to foam and rise, just like the sword force just now.

Shen Mo naturally didn't drink tea, he just showed off his tea art.

Mu Shiyao didn't drink it either, she thought the tea was weird.

Shen Mo smiled: "Miss Mu's swordsmanship has the stillness of mountains, the movement of water, and the combination of movement and stillness. Given time, her achievements are limitless."

Mu Shiyao murmured: "The swordsmanship of the evil lord just now is flowing in the clouds and flowing water, swaying naturally, and the force is strong and soft, like Yin and Yang. The two forces form a vortex, but it drives my sword. The yin and yang swallowed up my sword qi like a hole, so not only did the qi not leak out, but it was restrained during the delivery process. If outsiders saw it, they might think it was some kind of evil skill. In fact, it is the magic of yin and yang. The world treats the evil king Misunderstandings are actually prejudices.”

She thought that she only had the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

But in her opinion, Xie Jun is not evil or heretical, but self-willed and natural, but out of season, which is why people misunderstand him and think that he is acting evil.

Shen Mo smiled lightly: "Miss Mu praises me, in fact, what the worldly people think of me has nothing to do with me. Even if their prejudices are like a scourge, I can make the best use of the situation and become my help. It's just that I'm curious now. Miss Mu's swordsmanship, although said to have entered the Tao, but to protect herself in the chaotic situation of the gods, and to choose the wise master, or she is powerless, I don't know why, so that the girl has the confidence to come and go freely? "

He has almost figured out Mu Shiyao's character by now, if he has anything to ask directly, if the other party can answer, he will definitely not cover up, the premise is that he can catch her eyes.

Mu Shiyao: "The way I practice regards the world as a sea of ​​suffering, and only when I get to the shore can I complete my merits and virtues. The sea of ​​suffering is endless, with ups and downs, and it is really dangerous and unpredictable. But if I can drift with the waves, my heart will be as one, and I will naturally have no fear." Any storm."

Shen Mo has a faint realization, drifting with the tide, my heart is one, these eight words are actually in line with his purpose of doing things.

Mu Shiyao also seemed to feel that what she said was too mysterious, she said again: "Actually, it's just five words 'if you can't beat it, run away', so our status of going down the mountain is also called walking."

Shen Mo suddenly felt that these words did not fit him. Could he be someone who just ran away when he couldn't beat him?After he saw that he could not win, he would choose to retreat strategically.

There is a big difference between not being able to win and not being able to fight!
Shen Mo: "It seems that Miss Mu's kung fu practice also has a superb body technique to complement it."

Mu Shiyao nodded lightly, "Evil Monarch guessed right, this body technique is called Immortality Movement Technique, his power is on my body, and my mind is infinite, if I tolerate it, it won't hurt me. To have a law, to use the infinite as the limited way."

"Take the lawless as the law, and the infinite as the finite?" Shen Mo was quite stunned. The three swords of Ah Bi Dao came from the mountains and rivers of the Valley of Myriad Tribulations.

Taking the infinite as the limit, if you can use the limitlessness of your mind to tolerate the limitation of the fierce power of the three knives of Ah Bi Dao, you will naturally not be afraid of the magic knife cutting yourself off.

After all, my heart is infinite, how can I destroy it?
"Miss Mu's words are thought-provoking, thank you very much." Shen Mo didn't expect that the girl would not intentionally hide her secrets in her discussion.

Mu Shiyao smiled: "The evil king has also given me a lot of inspiration. I always thought that a cultivator should not treasure himself with a broom. Through in-depth exchanges between his own way and the way of others, both others and himself can actually gain something. It's just that Those who can discuss the Tao with me are in the minority after all.”

She does not treasure herself, but depends on others.

Discuss the Tao with the sergeant, the sergeant preaches the Tao, and the corporal is not enough.

When she finished speaking, she sighed softly, "Actually, for the world, the more unambitious masters like Xiejun and me, the better, otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the monstrous catastrophe in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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