Starting from the Abandoned Disciple in Laoshan

Chapter 198 Cultivation is Life to Death

Chapter 198 Cultivation is Life to Death
Unforgettable swordsmanship hurts sword energy too much!
Too hurt, not too much.

Someone exclaimed, recognizing the source of the sword energy.That is the Taishang Sword Qi, which is said to be able to injure everything, and it can only be cultivated if you have a natural sword heart and step into the forgetful situation of the Taishang Sword Sutra.

The capital of God is so big that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

As soon as the sword energy of Taishang appeared, people would immediately see through its origin.

The Taishang Jianzong, who had no successors to walk down the mountain for almost a hundred years, finally sent a successor to walk the world.

And this Taishang Sword Sect disciple, the first target to challenge when he came down the mountain was the evil king Shen Mo.

Where did she get the guts.

But as a descendant of the hermit holy land, he should indeed have such boldness.

But as soon as he appeared, he faced the evil king directly, which really made people sigh.

This opponent was not chosen well.

In fact, as the evil lord Shen Mo ascended to the sky step by step, few people in the younger generation dared to challenge the evil lord, and everyone agreed that the evil lord was the pinnacle of the older generation.

It's really that Xiejun's record is too hard and beyond reproach, comparable to that of Taoist Taihe in the past.

It is said that the Taihe Taoist has never lost a single defeat in a battle of martial arts between the age of 30 and before the age of 70.After he was 70 years old, he never shot again, and it took 30 years for the magic way to revive.

It can be said that he has dominated the entire world for 100 years, but he is a living Martial God, and because of his practice of Taoism, he is known by the world as the "Demon God" alive.

The evil monarch is now following the path of Taoist Taihe back then.

Since re-emerging from the rivers and lakes, one after another, there has been no real defeat. In the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, he used one opponent against all the masters to forcibly snatch the peerless magic weapon, the sin of heaven, and the elders of the royal family. Hou Zha fought, defeated half of his moves, returned to the god capital, and beheaded Zhu Huang's incarnation.

Not to mention that real gods such as Judge and Shimoyue Musashi died in his hands.

From being chased and killed by the Nether Sect back out of the rivers and lakes to now coercing the gods, it has only been a short period of one or two years.

Moreover, the latest top-secret information was leaked out, that the Demonic Buddha Seal on the body of the evil lord Shen Mo actually contained extremely terrifying supernatural powers, once released, even the world's top figures would have to retreat.

After the news spread, the major forces became more and more scruples about Shen Mo, and they didn't dare to push too hard.

What's more, there are still ambiguous rumors about the evil king and the iron-shoulder god nun. They are the top figures of the older generation. Stay away from the edge.

"The weak throw their fists at the weaker, and the strong draw their swords at the stronger!"

Some people questioned the irrationality of the descendants of Taishang Jianzong, while others appreciated it.

In the Qinyin Xiaozhu, it was originally calm and indifferent, with no waves.

When the soaring sword energy was at its peak, the sword energy swooped down and went straight into Qinyin Xiaozhu, only then did a terrifying sword intent appear, like a mountain rising up, and the top of the mountain smelled like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. gas.

The mountain of knives is like a terrifying black vortex, sucking out the sword energy.


The bluestone road around Qinyin Xiaozhu shook, and there was a strange force introverted, absorbing the aftermath of the collision between the two.



"Wei Shiqing, the saintess of the Taishang Sword Sect, asked the evil king, and spent a day and a night with the evil king, and was impressed by her."

"It's a pity that the saints of this generation were actually captured by the evil king."

"The evil king is in trouble, I don't know what the Iron Shoulder Goddess will think."

"He is a talented man and a beautiful woman, a natural match, so it's your turn to make irresponsible remarks?"

"You said it as if you have seen the saint of the Supreme Sword Sect."

"Of course, that is a wonderful woman who is a brilliant woman. No one who has seen it once will never forget it."

"How does it compare to the Holy Maiden of the Hanging Temple?"

"Each has its own merits."

"Being a man should be like an evil king, beheading his enemies and roaming all over the forest."

"Go to sleep, there is everything in the dream."

Wei Shiqing, the Saintess of the Taishang Sword Sect, who failed to challenge the evil king, actually chose to travel with the evil king in the Shendu, and stayed directly in Qinyin Xiaozhu, which is really surprising.

Everyone wants to see the evil king destroy flowers with his hands.

This is the fact that people have to accept and feel the charm of the evil king.

Wei Shiqing's soaring sword qi left a deep impression on all parties in Shendu, and the reputation of the too hurtful sword qi was so prestigious that the evil lord just had an extra helper at the level of refining gods, making it even more difficult to deal with.



Although Mu Shiyao had acted with Shen Mo in a play, she was not completely acting. She was indeed fascinated by Xie Jun.

It's not that there is any affection for a daughter's family, but a real appreciation from the bottom of my heart, and I want to learn from Shen Mo's strengths.

She not only asked Shen Mo, but also asked about Shen Mo's past experiences.

Shen Mo didn't hide much, and said roughly.

She was very interested in the difficulties and obstacles that Shen Mo encountered. Although Shen Mo narrated it bluntly, she could still feel Shen Mo's attitude in the face of difficulties.

Xie Jun is really an interesting person, he is still cautious in the face of small enemies, and he is extraordinarily brave in the face of big enemies.Whether it is after returning to the arena, facing the pursuit of Meng Po, the judge, and even the master of Yan Luo, they all show their fearlessness of powerful enemies.

The more powerful the opponent, the braver the evil king.

She asked Shen Mo why he had more courage when he met a stronger opponent.

Shen Mo smiled: It's not courage, but knowing that retreating can't solve the problem, and there is no other choice.

"When you have no choice, all choices are the best choices." Shen Mo replied meaningfully.

"Since people are doomed to die from birth, then don't be afraid, any choice will not be worse. So just boldly make any attempt, as long as you don't give up. Our practice is actually to live towards death."

"Cultivation is to live towards death." This is what Mu Shiyao is most emotional about.

She thinks that Xie Jun is really a good person, why do people always say that he eats soft food?
After several days of communication, Shen Mo also gained a lot from Mu Shiyao.

Mu Shiyao is good at swordsmanship, but Shen Mo's swordsmanship is really not the best in the world. Even if there is a heavenly sin, he still uses the sword with the instinct of heavenly sin.

Regarding the Heavenly Sin Sword Technique, he couldn't really do whatever he wanted.

As for Xuepiao Renjian, it is the saber technique in the sword technique, and it is not suitable to be used in the crime of heaven.

Frost Moon is the most suitable for the world of Xuepiao.

Although it is not as good as the sin of heaven, let alone a hatchet, it can perfectly fit with Xuepiao's world.

Mu Shiyao's kendo is the way of forgetting emotion.

Shen Mo has seen the unfeeling way of Lord Yan Luo.

He vaguely realized that the swordsmanship of Tian Sin should be the way of extinguishing emotion.

Only when emotions rise and fall, with absolute rationality and dominance, can the greatest power of heavenly sin be exerted.Wangqing is softer, Juqing is too rigid, and Mieqing is in between.

It's not that there are high and low levels of the three ways to get rid of the shackles of emotions, but it depends on the person.

Shen Mo is more suitable for extermination.

He can't forcibly forget his feelings, otherwise there is a risk of losing himself. Unfeeling is not suitable for him, and extermination is just right.

Love rises and dies, but it will regenerate.

As it arises and perishes, it will not be trapped by love, nor will it forget the taste of love.

Love is like a double-edged sword, as long as it is within the controllable range, it can exert great power.

"I can't discuss with you today, I'm going to see Cao Tiangang."

Mu Shiyao: "I'll accompany you?"

Shen Mo waved his hand and smiled: "No need, I can go alone. This time I went to cooperate, but after arriving at Xiaoleiyin Temple, Cao Tiangang and I may not have a cooperative relationship."

Mu Shiyao: "Understood."

She mainly owed Shen Mo a lot of favors, so she helped whenever she could.Hey, in fact, Qinyin Xiaozhu is very good, because Shen Mo can not only eat, but also cook, and the most important thing is that Shen Mo is not short of money.

After Mu Shiyao went down the mountain, she was poor most of the time, and it was normal to drink clean water.

It was not until after entering Qinyin Xiaozhu that we began to eat delicious food.

Although it is possible to drink clean water, but who can refuse to eat delicious food?
Mu Shiyao was very ashamed, did she count as eating and drinking?
Fortunately, Shen Mo comforted her. As her temporary employer, Shen Mo gave her food and accommodation during this time.

Speaking of this, even Shen Mo himself couldn't help laughing.

Mu Shiyao didn't think it was a big deal, it's really not bad to have food and lodging included.

With her ability, fame, fortune and wealth are really easy to get, but unrighteousness and wealth are like floating clouds, meaningless to her, it is better to drink clear water to be safe.

Anyway, if she doesn't eat, it's fine.

And there is one bad thing about cannibal fireworks, that is, they can shit.

It's been a long time since she pooped.

I used to take heaven and earth treasures and miraculous medicines. Even if there is a little impurity, the pores will be forced out with a little exercise, and I will feel happy after taking a bath.

Fireworks in the world are not as pure as natural treasures and panacea.

Of course, in some secret realms, rice that can be compared to panacea can be grown, and such food will not have too many impurities when eaten.

When a practitioner reaches a high level, he still has to quit eating and drinking. Eating too much is somewhat bad for the body.

That's why many monks emphasize bigu.

Even Shen Mo eats a big meal now and then, and eats delicately the rest of the time.

It's just that if you don't enjoy food at all, it's really lack of fun to be a human being.

Wine, sex and wealth are really harmful to practice.

"But if you don't touch it at all, then you won't be popular." Shen Moru said.

"Immortal Immortal Immortal, there is always half of the Immortal character left."

Mu Shiyao was touched by Shen Mo's ordinary words.

This is something that you can't experience in Xuankong Temple and Taishang Jianzong.



Shen Mo left Qinyin Xiaozhu, and came directly to the inner factory with a swift movement.

As soon as he appeared, the big formation in the inner factory spontaneously raised the alarm.

This was because Shen Mo was too lazy to hide his breath.

As soon as Shen Mo's figure appeared, the factory guards in the inner factory immediately recognized him, and they all lost their voices.Facing Shen Mo's godlike figure, he approached step by step.

The factory guards in the inner factory seem to have a mountain falling down in their hearts.

If it weren't for the strict family law in the inner factory, at least half of them would have run away.

The factory guards guarding the gate were the elites of the inner factory. Facing Shen Mo who was walking slowly, he didn't retreat, but the invisible momentum forced him over. The four guards backed up and vomited blood.

In the past, they only heard about how powerful the evil lord was. Now that they saw it today, they knew that the rumors were not exaggerated in the slightest.

"I hope that the evil lord will be merciful, and the governor invites you in."

(End of this chapter)

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