Starting from the Abandoned Disciple in Laoshan

Chapter 21 Bamboo Forest Blossoming Credit Knife Man

Chapter 21 Bamboo Forest Blossoming Credit Knife Man

"I want to see the credit knife man."

Surprise appeared on Liu Wanqing's beautiful and elegant face, "How do you know?"

Shen Mo smiled slightly, "I have my channel, you take me to meet him."

Credit knife man is an extremely mysterious code name, it may be a person, or it may be a huge organization, as if it knows everything.

Anyone who has the opportunity to meet the credit knife person will give him a knife, and then he can answer a question for him, or leave a prophecy about his fate.

Moreover, everyone has one and only one chance to get advice from the credit knife person in this life.

Generally, the knife sold on credit is required to be returned after a certain number of years. If it is lost or damaged during the period, there will be a great disaster.

Of course, if you return the knife on time, nothing will happen.

This is also the second chance for a person to meet the credit knife man in this life.

However, no matter how mysterious the credit knife man is, there will be a day when he will be defeated. There was once a river and lake overlord who got the prophecy of the credit knife man about his first half of his life, and climbed to the top of the rivers and lakes. I got a credit knife and asked about the prophecy for the second half of my life.

The credit knife man couldn't refuse, broke the rules, and left a prophecy, but was killed in the end, and the overlord's Huangtu hegemony was wiped out not long after.

Some people say that it is a curse left by the man who died on credit, not a prophecy.

Shen Mo wanted to ask the credit knifeman about the magic Buddha's seal.

Shen Mo doesn't know how to ask about his own life, that thing is too illusory.What's more, the internal scene method of the Shangqing Dynasty clearly stated that the way of heaven is unreliable, and my fate is up to me and not others.

The Taoist method of cultivating gods, taking oneself as the ghosts and gods of the sky, has the saying of going forward to become an adult and retrograde to become an immortal. It looks calm and calm, but in fact it is domineering in its bones.



Mochou Lake, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, looking around brightly.Liu Wanqing became the boatman and carried Shen Mo.She punted the boat with one hand, sprinkled some bait with the other, fed the fish in the lake, and sang lightly.

"Hold wine for the king to persuade the setting sun, and take evening photos among the flowers."

Maybe it's because staying in the evening photos is very suitable for her name, so she especially likes these two sentences.

She remembered the words of a close friend in Shendu, that Shen Mo would not only give jade thrones and golden Buddhas, but what he gave would often hit people's hearts.

Sometimes, you clearly know that he has bad intentions, but you still want to treat him as one of your own.

The singing floats on the lake, adding noise to the quiet night.

A light boat, haunting the waves of the lake, passing through the endless lotus swing, finally came to a remote shore.

It was a quiet bamboo forest, and the scenery was strange.

Because this bamboo forest is actually blooming.

Liu Wanqing frowned.

Shen Mo was behind her, and said quietly: "It is said that when bamboo blooms, there will be a catastrophe in the world."

Liu Wanqing was silent.

The world is indeed in chaos.

"Let's go."

This piece of bamboo forest is full of white flowers, one by one, like paper money, the wind blows the bamboo forest, like a sound of condolence.

Ordinary people who come here are afraid that they will easily get sick from fright.

Although Liu Wanqing is a weak woman, she is very human, but at this time she also solemnly said to Shen Mo, "Come with me later, don't miss a single step, otherwise you will easily get lost..."

She paused, her clear eyes showed a trace of fear, "Maybe there will be dirt on it."

Shen Mo nodded.

Liu Wanqing took out a small jar of wine and a basket of meat and vegetables from the boat.

"After finishing the business, the three of us will share the food and drink together. I guess it will be the last time I see him."

Bamboo blossoms, and the world is in chaos.

In order to protect themselves, people with credit knives often choose to avoid the world completely in the near future.

Shen Mo smiled, "The wine god Du Kang brewed the best Huadiao 20 years ago, even if you can't ask me what I want to know tonight, it's a worthwhile trip."

Twenty years ago, Dukang, the god of wine, only brewed three altars, two of which were drunk, and the remaining altar was divided into two small altars, one of which was in the hands of Liu Wanqing, and its value was more expensive than gold of the same weight .

But he thought in his heart: "Before my accident, this altar flower carving was given by Qingyutang to the eldest princess of Shendu, and it fell into the hands of Liu Wanqing. It seems that this woman has a very close relationship with the eldest princess."

Thinking of the eldest princess, he actually had a headache.

So don't think about it.

Following Liu Wanqing into the bamboo forest, Shen Mo could truly appreciate the wonder of the arrangement of the bamboo forest.

If he didn't open his blood eyes, he probably wouldn't be able to get out just by relying on his half-handed five-element skills.

Shen Mo came here to ask for help, and he didn't want to make troubles.

Honestly followed Liu Wanqing step by step.

The woman didn't know if it was intentional or not, but she swayed her waist and twisted like a water snake.

Shen Mo had never seen any battle before, so he was not moved at all!
"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva...form is emptiness, emptiness is form..."

Shen Mo recited the Heart Sutra in his heart, his heart was pure, and he heard the rustling of bamboo leaves in condolence.The terrifying atmosphere in the bamboo forest was swept away by the Heart Sutra, and it really was clear both inside and outside.

He put all his attention on Liu Wanqing, and he didn't care how she styled her waist, let alone the road under her feet, and followed her step by step.

If Shen Mo looked down, he would find that sometimes the road under his feet was cut off out of thin air, like an abyss, and more of the roads were circling back and forth, and a slight mistake in one line might be a thousand miles away.

Finally walking through the bamboo forest, the rustling bamboo leaves sounded like condolence disappeared.Countless white paper money flowers from bamboos fluttered and gathered in front of them, overlapping one another, like a tomb made of paper money.

Sitting on the tomb was an old man with long eyebrows, long beard and long hair reaching his knees. He seemed to be dozing off, and suddenly he took a breath through his nose.

"Good wine, good wine," he cried.

Leaning forward, she leaned closer to Liu Wanqing's side, almost falling down.

Shen Mo knew in his heart that this was the credit knife man.

"I entered Shen Mo at the end of my studies, and I've seen people with credit knives." Shen Moke was polite.

The credit knife man seemed to have just woken up, he couldn't help but glance at the wine jar, yawned again, and stretched himself, "Shen Mo? This name sounds familiar."

Liu Wanqing reminded him in a low voice, "Shangqing Palace on Laoshan Mountain, the closed disciple of Changqingzi, the head teacher of the previous generation, who has passed away."

The credit knife man suddenly realized, "Oh, I remembered, you are the kid who was expelled from the Shangqing Palace on Laoshan Mountain. I heard that you also rejected the marriage of the current emperor's younger sister."

Liu Wanqing explained, "Uncle, it's the eldest princess' daughter who refused."

She couldn't help rolling her eyes, thinking: "Uncle is too impolite, how could he expose Shen Mo's shortcomings as soon as he came up. You must be polite, and if you want to talk, talk about his strengths."

The credit knife man laughed, "Anyway, I rejected the royal family, not bad. In my whole life, I hate those powerful people the most. You are very angry with me. Are you looking for me to ask questions, or order?"

He fumbled in his arms again, muttering, "Where is the knife?"

After searching for a long time, he just pulled out a rusty hatchet from the white flower under his buttocks.

"All the knives I made myself have been given away, and they were left to me by my old ghost brother. You are lucky to be able to receive the last knife." He was a little melancholy immediately, "The knife I bought on credit earlier, they I couldn’t keep it, I hope you can keep it. After 20 years, you can return it to me intact.”

Shen Mo's expression was a bit unnatural, thinking that the knife was so rusted, it would be too difficult to keep it intact, and it's worth not asking about the magic Buddha's seal!
The knife creditor seemed to see Shen Mo's worry, and smiled again: "Don't worry, this knife has been in my hands 30 years ago. It is almost impossible to damage it. You just need to prevent it from being stolen or robbed." That's it!"

"Juniors do their best!"

It's all here, let's ask.

(End of this chapter)

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