Rebuild 2005

Chapter 1131【1130】You are sick

Li Chengan plot.


For many days, Li Chengan was in a state of confusion, unable to accept such an inexplicable breakup.

The eldest sister and the second sister both said that there must be signs, but he didn't pay attention to it before. Following this idea, he quickly remembered many clues:
For example, Yuan Siyu has not mentioned going to see his family or sister for a long time, and this topic has not been mentioned;

For example, at the beginning of last semester, she would occasionally become distracted, as if she had something on her mind;

For example, she seems to be in a bad mood these days...

such as……

Looking at it now, she had such thoughts or worries, and it was no longer a matter of a day or two. It was just that she had not made up her mind, and she had never discovered it, and it had not been able to bring her a sense of security.

So when I thought about it again, I felt a little regretful. I felt that I shouldn't have spoken like that that day. I should have discovered and solved the problem, which might have resulted in another outcome.

But that's not necessarily the case. When she said that, she had obviously made a decision... It would be nice if we could talk more about this aspect...

I don't know if he avoided it consciously. After the breakup, he didn't see Yuan Siyu again for a long time, but some of his roommates did.

The attitude of boys when facing the breakup of their roommates is very strange. When they first learned about it, they all advised him: "What a mess, why don't you get such a good girl back as soon as possible?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't let her go even if I held her legs!"

"She just broke up when she said we were going to break up?"

Then seeing how uncomfortable he was, he drank with him and comforted him: "It's okay, the next one will be better!"

Now he joked again: "I just met Yuan Siyu and her roommate. She is even more beautiful than when I was with you!"

The implication is: Why don’t you hurry up and chase me back?
Li Chengan could only respond with a wry smile.

My junior year life began to get back on track due to such a sudden change. As the days passed, the feeling of lovelorn did not weaken, but became more and more "prominent" in the life I gradually got used to.

Every day when he goes to dinner with his roommate instead of his girlfriend, he will realize that he is not in love;
Every time he sees a couple passing by, even a beautiful girl, it will also make him realize that he has lost his love - not that he can chase the beautiful girl anymore, but that there was such a beautiful girl once belonged to him.

Amidst such feelings, the National Day holiday has arrived.

At this time, Li Chengan suddenly remembered something: the press conference of Jiang Jin Jiu 4 was about to begin!

I still have two tickets in my hand, which were originally prepared as a surprise. Now that the person is gone, the surprise is meaningless...

This thought flashed in his mind, but he didn't pay attention and was not ready to go.

However, things changed the day before the launch.

Entering the junior year, the classmates in the class have changed more or less in the past two years. Some are doing poorly, some are working hard, and some are excelling in different directions.

Among the four people in the dormitory, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the dormitory director Zhuo Zhuo. He was not very eye-catching when he first entered the school, but as he got along with him, his mature and steady character gradually gained the trust of his classmates.

At the beginning of the sophomore year, the class cadres changed. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Zhuang chose to run for the election, and was elected with a high vote. He resigned after the beginning of this year. He also successfully ran for the student union in the college and became the president of the student union. He became a famous figure in the department and went to other places. Many people in the department know his name when he mentions it.

Last year Bai Yueqing also participated in the election and became the life committee member of the class. This year he became the deputy squad leader. Perhaps it was due to a compatible personality or work needs. In short, the relationship between Zhuo Zhuo and Bai Yueqing has obviously become closer, and they often become a couple. Enter and exit the class correctly.

Many boys in the class chased Bai Yueqing. When they saw this situation, they would inevitably talk behind their backs. They basically regarded the two as a couple, even some seniors and juniors in the upper and lower grades. Also heard about it.

This year's National Day, Bai Yueqing did not go home. On the National Day, Zhuo Zhuo organized a game and everyone went out to sing and eat together.

Shi Shaodong was also present at the party today. He prefers digital products. When people in the class buy mobile phones or computers, they come to him for consultation. One of Bai Yueqing's roommates is planning to get a new mobile phone, so he asks during dinner.

Shi Shaodong's reaction was very real: "Do you have a lot of money? If it's a lot, don't hesitate, just get an iPhone 6!"

The girl said angrily: "If I had money to buy an iPhone 6, why would I ask you?"

The iPhone 6 was released on the 10th (September 9th, local time). It was launched in the first batch of sales areas around the world on the 9th. It did not include mainland China. Therefore, the Hong Kong version became popular and a large number of people came to resell it. Returning to the mainland, it is easy to start with 19 yuan. .

However, there has been news in the past two days that iPhone 6 has obtained network access permission in the mainland and is expected to be launched in mid-October.

The market feedback caused by the first large-screen iPhone is not ordinary. Even people who don’t pay attention to the digital circle know the news of the release of iPhone6.

Shi Shaodong smiled and asked, "How much is your budget?"

"About three thousand, not too expensive."

"Then ancient poetry."

Shi Shaodong knows how to recommend, so he has to choose a big brand. If something goes wrong, he, the recommender, has the least responsibility. Otherwise, the manufacturer's warranty period has expired, and he will still have to be responsible for after-sales service.

"Now you can buy the Guisi version of Niaomingjian 3 for about 2800. This is the third-party price. If you buy it officially, it will still be the original price..."

Shi Shaodong gave the introduction seriously, and then said: "But Jiangjinjiu 4 will be released tomorrow. You can wait and see after it is released tomorrow. The price should be reduced."

"What about Sauvignon Blanc? I heard they also have fingerprint recognition..."

"Sidian 3 and Guiniao 3 are about the same price, at most two to three hundred cheaper, but the gap is quite big. Gushi is better to buy the flagship model."

" about Jiangjin Wine 4?"

"It hasn't been released yet, but it seems that it will have wireless charging."

While they were talking, Bai Yueqing was chatting with Zhuo Zhuo beside him, covering his mouth and laughing. Then he seemed to think of something and turned to look at Li Chengan with a slight smile. He seemed to be watching others recommend ancient poems on mobile phones. He, Mr. Wei's brother-in-law What will be the reaction.

Li Chengan noticed it, and a thought suddenly came to his mind: How about asking Bai Yueqing if he could go?

He didn't know why he thought so, but the idea did come up suddenly, just like he thought of Bai Yueqing on the way back after breaking up with Yuan Siyu over there.At that time, he also had the idea of ​​"could he pursue Bai Yueqing again", but found that there was no such possibility, because the imprint left by Yuan Siyu on his mind was much deeper than he expected.

Going after Bai Yueqing now, regardless of whether he can succeed or not, doing so is just like when he hastily got together with Yuan Siyu two years ago, it is a very irresponsible and scumbag behavior.

In two years, there is still progress in this point, and he will not rush into the next relationship again.

However, the idea still popped up.

After returning, he sent a message to Bai Yueqing and extended an invitation.

Bai Yueqing quickly replied to the message: "Are you sick?"

Li Chengan: "Don't get me wrong, I originally planned to go with Yuan Siyu, my girlfriend, but we broke up and now I can't find anyone. The only person I can find is you."

Li Chengan: "Otherwise I have to explain why I have the votes."

Bai Yueqing: "To be honest, it's nothing."

Li Chengan: "I don't want to say it yet."

If she said it now, Yuan Siyu might also know that no matter what her reaction or thoughts were, they were unnecessary.

Bai Yueqing: "Then you can go alone."

Li Chengan: "What a waste."

Bai Yueqing did not reply, and Li Chengan continued: "Let's go see Mr. Wei."

Bai Yueqing finally replied: "Okay, I have nothing to do tomorrow anyway, I might as well go to the Bird's Nest for a walk."

Bai Yueqing: "In the Bird's Nest, right?"

Li Chengan: "Yeah."

Bai Yueqing: "Then we'll see you at noon tomorrow. Call me in advance."

Li Chengan: "Okay."

He didn't have a part-time job and had a lot of free time. He slept in the next morning. When he woke up, he replied to his sister's message. Seeing that it was almost time, he got up to wash up and then sent a message to Bai Yueqing.

In order to avoid being seen by classmates, after the two met, they went to eat outside the school. Bai Yueqing behaved casually and naturally. After sitting down at the snack bar, he curiously asked: "Why did we break up? Isn't it good?"

Li Chengan smiled and said, "You didn't know that I broke up just now, did you? Zhuo Zhuo didn't tell you?"


Bai Yueqing shook his head, "Why?"

Li Chengan hesitated for a moment and briefly explained the breakup process. But at first he just summarized it briefly, and then he couldn't help but add that he had finished the meal and hadn't finished talking yet.

"Then you heard that they are right, right?"

The two of them went to the subway station together, and Bai Leqing said softly, "Why are you hiding this from others?"

Li Chengan sighed: "I don't know either."

"Because you think she cares more about this?"

Bai Yueqing blinked, saw him looking over, and explained: "When you were talking about her personality, you said that she 'cares more about money and cares about things'. I think this is normal. We They are all children from ordinary families, and not everyone is Wei Qingfan or a relative of Wei Qingfan. Who can not care?


She paused and looked at him sideways, "Under such circumstances, if someone is willing to fall in love with you for two years, and is willing to spend money on you, doesn't it mean that he likes you very much, which is more rare, and should be cherished? "

Li Chengan was startled for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe..."

He thought for a while, and then said: "It's also possible that since I first left such an impression on her, I have had this idea in my subconscious mind, wanting to see that I am a poor student, that I am just me, and follow me If there is no relationship with my brother-in-law, can we be together with her or go to the end?"


Bai Leqing gave him a blank look, "Why don't you give it a try. You are 160cm tall. You are a beggar. You have physical disabilities, such as brain damage...Will she be with you?"


Li Chengan was speechless and could only smile bitterly.

But there was another thought in her mind: It was also possible that when she was chasing Bai Yueqing, she couldn't wait to talk about her brother-in-law, but she still hadn't caught up with him in the end, so after getting together with Yuan Siyu, she was even more reluctant to mention it. I want to prove that I am also attractive to girls...

Such conjectures don't make much sense. If they do, it's a lesson learned and don't do such boring things in the future.

At this time, he remembered two sentences that he had heard many people say and seen in many places on the Internet:
Do not test humanity!
Life is so confusing!

However, immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but think of his brother-in-law. If his brother-in-law had not founded the ancient poetry company, or even won the prize, then he would still be living the life he has now. Would his eldest sister, Li Miaoyu, and Jiang Qinghuai still be with him like this?

The eldest sister will definitely be with him. Li Chengan has no doubt about this, but he will definitely not accept the existence of Li Miaoyu and Jiang Qinghuai.

Li Miaoyu is hard to say, because she seemed to have a good relationship with her brother-in-law before he won the lottery, but they may not be able to make it to the end, because her parents will definitely not agree...

Needless to say, Jiang Qinghuai...

Anyway, the eldest sister must be the best!
He thought like this and didn't talk much along the way. After two years, he and Bai Yueqing came to the Bird's Nest again. (End of chapter)

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