Rebuild 2005

Chapter 1171【1070】Give her a surprise

In Taibai Semiconductor's financial office, Liao Yaru was sitting at her desk browsing her boss's backend private messages.

Taibai Semiconductor is affiliated to Gushici Company, but the boss she refers to is not Wei Qingfan, because although she works at Gushici Company, she is not an employee here.

She is an employee of "Qingyu Investment Company", or to be more precise, she is an employee of Qingyu Investment Company.

She has only one boss, Li Miaoyu, the general manager of Qingyu Investment Company and the financial accountant of Gushici Company, who is respectfully known as "Mr. Xiao Li".

She is President Xiao Li's personal secretary. She only needs to be responsible to President Xiao Li, so the work content is very clear and revolves around President Xiao Li.

She is very satisfied with this job. She has more money but less trouble. The boss has a good personality and is a lovely person. After getting along with her for a long time, she even sometimes can't help but think that it would be great if she could have such a lovely daughter in the future...

Such thoughts would make her feel "rebellious", but she couldn't help but smile.

Who doesn't want to have such a lovely daughter?
Not only is he cute as a child, but he is equally cute when he grows up.

This young boss has a wide range of hobbies and plays around. He is obviously a wealthy daughter. He has a lot of shares in Qingyu Investment and even the ancient poetry company. He can just hang out like other "socialites", but he actually ran there to shoot a video. …

Although it is a serious video, it is still strange.

But after discovering the true relationship between the little boss and the big boss, this became less strange. If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, marry a dog, follow the dog. This can be regarded as supporting your boyfriend's career.

Li Miaoyu has hundreds of thousands of fans across the platform, and receives a lot of private messages every day. Because she is so beautiful, it is inevitable that there will be some weird private message content, and some people even directly offer to give money or cars. Every time Liao Yaru felt funny when she saw this.

However, the content of most of the private messages is relatively normal. They are mainly for chatting and consulting with her. Some regard her as an idol, some as a close sister, and naturally some people regard her as a "cloud-raised girlfriend"... For normal content, Liao Yaru occasionally helped to reply, some were blocked, and only a few were forwarded to Li Miaoyu.

"Sister Wiaoyu, I am Ling Yiwei!"

Suddenly, she noticed a different private message. After reading it carefully, she confirmed that the content sent by the fan whose name was a series of numbers was "Sister Wanyu".

Does this person know the boss?

Liao Yaru was a little surprised. After thinking about it for a moment, she took a screenshot without hesitation and sent the content of the private message to the little boss using Lingxi.


Li Miaoyu set up a new chime sound, which sounded very comfortable, elegant and concise. When she heard her phone ringing, she picked it up and took a look. When she saw it was a picture, she clicked it a little strangely, and her eyes quickly widened. .

After confirming that she had read it correctly, she typed and asked: "Who sent it?"

Liao Yaru replied to the message. Li Miaoyu quickly opened the website, found this content in the background private message, and then saw the message again:
"Sister Wiaoyu, I am Ling Yiwei!"

Ling Yiwei!
The name was strange yet familiar. Li Miaoyu suddenly remembered the little girl on the train back then. Although the other person was not much younger than her in terms of age, under the circumstances in which they got along at that time, she really regarded her as a person. little sister.

Moreover, she also changed the name of the other party. Now it seems that she really uses this name...

Li Miaoyu couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly, and after thinking for a moment, she couldn't help but be stunned, because then she realized that ten years had passed since that "accidental encounter"...

It’s been ten years, so it’s been ten years since I’ve really known him!

Time flies so fast!
Li Miaoyu sighed quietly, and then typed a reply with excitement:


"how did you find me?"

"How are you now? Where are you?"

Ling Yiwei had just taken medicine for a customer. He opened the video and watched it. He happened to see the reply message. Tears blurred his eyes again. He quickly wiped them away with a tissue and typed a reply:
"I'm in the capital. I just graduated from my undergraduate degree and am starting my first year of graduate school."

"I wanted to buy a mobile phone, so I searched for videos, and I saw you, sister."

Li Miaoyu: "I am also in the capital!"

Li Miaoyu: "Where are you? My sister invites you to dinner."

She had always wanted to be a sister, but unfortunately she was either a daughter or a sister. This was one of the few times when she could truly be a sister, and this experience took place ten years ago, adding an emotion that comes from time and memory.

Ling Yiwei: "I'm at work. How about waiting until the weekend?"

She had only been in the capital for a few days, and she wanted to take a break and wait until the weekend to treat this sister Wanyu to dinner. Today was already Wednesday. In the next two days, she would buy a new mobile phone and a new set of clothes to look more glamorous to meet this person. A sister.

This is not out of vanity, but because she knows that her life is better now, and this sister is definitely happier.

Li Miaoyu: "Are you working? Are you working during the summer vacation?"

Ling Yiwei: "Well, one of my roommates lives in Beijing, and I work in her pharmacy to earn tuition and living expenses."

Li Miaoyu: "Wow, so awesome!"

Ling Yiwei: "No, that brother Wei is really good. I only found out how good he is from my roommate last night. I've never heard of him before."

Li Miaoyu: "Hahaha!"

Li Miaoyu: "He must be very proud to know that you said that."

Ling Yiwei: "Do you still have contact with him?"

Li Miaoyu: "Which school are you in?"

Ling Yiwei: "The graduate student is Capital Medical University."

Li Miaoyu: "Yes, we started a company together."

She was afraid that Ling Yiwei would ask Li Wanyi and that if she told the truth directly, she would scare the little sister. Therefore, she followed the guideline of "bad women are in the light and Miao Miao is in the dark" and defined her identity as "Mr. Xiao Li".

While sending this sentence, she saw Ling Yiwei's answer and was surprised and pleasantly surprised. She quickly typed: "Ah! Do you remember Li Wanyi? She was the senior sister we were with at the time!

"Her sister is at Capital Medical University! She is also starting graduate school!"

Ling Yiwei: "Wow, sister, you are so awesome!"

Ling Yiwei: "Are you working?"

Li Miaoyu: "Hehehe, it's just like that, I'm just a small shareholder."

Ling Yiwei: "Of course I remember!"

Ling Yiwei: "Ah, is it such a coincidence?" Li Miaoyu: "We are so destined!"

Ling Yiwei: "What is sister Wanyi doing?"

Li Miaoyu: "Hahahaha, I am a minority shareholder of Gushici Company. Whatever mobile phone you want, my sister will give it to you."

Ling Yiwei: "It's really a fate. I have to thank my sister for changing my name back then and giving me a study machine to encourage me to study hard. Otherwise, I would definitely not be able to get into university or come to the capital."

Li Miaoyu: "She runs her own company and has already given birth to two babies!"

Ling Yiwei: "Wow, sister, you are so awesome!"

Ling Yiwei: "No, I can make money, I can just buy it myself."

Li Miaoyu: "It's because you are great, hardworking and smart [great]"

Ling Yiwei: "Sister Wanyi is so amazing. Is she already married?"

Li Miaoyu: "Yes, she married Wei Qingfan in 2012 and gave birth to their second child on the first day of the new year this year."

Because they were quite excited, the two of them never stopped typing, resulting in a slight lag in replying to messages. At this time, they finally became "timely".

Although when she recalled it, she speculated and fantasized about whether the brother and the two sisters at that time could be together. After learning Wei Qingfan's current "identity" last night, she also thought about this issue, but this was just a fantasy after all.

Ling Yiwei didn't expect that Li Wanyi and Wei Qingfan were actually together, married and had children. She was immediately pleasantly surprised and felt happy for them. She typed: "Wow, so happy!"

Li Miaoyu: "Yes, the baby is super cute."

Li Miaoyu: "What's your Lingxi number? I'll send you baby photos. They're super cute."

Ling Yiwei: "Yeah."

She sent her Lingxi number and then switched to Lingxi to wait. In the process, her excitement cooled down a little, and she suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why is Sister Wanyi so excited about having a baby?
And as soon as I asked, she remembered to add friends and send photos, which was a bit weird...

It was as if it was her own child and she couldn't wait to "show off the baby"...

"Besides, I remember that Sister Miaoyu and Wei Qingfan had a very good relationship at that time. They seemed to be in the same class, and Sister Wanyi was a senior. Now that Sister Wanyi is married, isn't Sister Miaoyu jealous at all?"

She felt a little strange, but that was normal. How could there be so much love entanglement and gossip in life?

She reflected for a moment and saw a reminder to apply to be added as a friend. She quickly clicked on it and noticed that Sister Miaoyu's avatar was a cat. She quickly approved the friend application and noted "Sister Miaoyu".

"dong dong"

"dong dong"

Just after applying as a friend, Li Miaoyu sent several photos one after another. There were boys and girls. The boy was obviously older, already two or three years old, but the girl was still a baby.

However, Ling Yiwei soon noticed something was different, because two babies appeared inside at the same time, lying in a stroller.

Didn’t I say that Sister Wanyi has two children?

How did it become three?
Before she could ask, Li Miaoyu sent a new message: "By the way, my senior's sister's birthday is on Saturday. You two are in the same school. You can get to know each other. I will pick you up then."

Ling Yiwei was a little hesitant and typed: "Wouldn't it be bad?"

Li Miaoyu: "Don't you want to meet sister Wanyi and brother Qingfan?"

Ling Yiwei thought "Brother Qingfan" was a bit weird, so he typed: "They probably don't remember me, right?"

Li Miaoyu: "Of course you remember, don't worry, and I'm still here, don't be afraid, it won't be embarrassing."

Ling Yiwei said: "No, I just feel a little guilty, afraid that they will be disappointed."

Li Miaoyu: "Why should I be disappointed? You have already done such a good job."

Li Miaoyu: "Be good and have confidence."

Ling Yiwei looked a little embarrassed, but also felt funny and warm, so she typed and asked: "Sister Wiaoyu, are you married?"

Li Miaoyu: "Not yet."

Ling Yiwei: "So you are in love, are you ready to get married?"

Li Miaoyu: "Of course, I'm so cute."

After the message was sent, she sat in the office and looked at it. She felt a little regretful and wanted to withdraw it because she felt that the following sentence "I am so cute" was a bit damaging to her image as a sister.

But she soon felt relieved, because her sister could say the same, and her cousin Song Xiaochi was often narcissistic like this.

Ling Yiwei: "[laughing]"

Ling Yiwei: "Sister is indeed cute and beautiful. I have so many fans watching your videos."

Li Miaoyu: "It's just so so. Most of them are just for the face. I have to continue to improve my professional ability."

Ling Yiwei: "Hahaha, being good-looking is also an advantage."

Li Miaoyu felt that the momentum was not right. She was the elder sister, so why did her little sister come to comfort her? So she changed the subject and said, "Are you in love?"

Ling Yiwei: "No, I don't look good."

Li Miaoyu: "Nonsense, I remember your appearance."

Ling Yiwei: "I have grown up, and women have changed into eighteen years old."

Li Miaoyu: "Yes, yes, it gets better and better."

Li Miaoyu: "You want me to praise you, right?"

Ling Yiwei probably had a customer there and didn't reply immediately. Li Miaoyu closed the chat box and opened the "Wuren Mooncake" group, wanting to tell Wei Qingfan and Li Wanyi the good news that they had found their little sister from ten years ago.

However, she quickly deleted the typed words, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and thought in her heart: "Don't tell them yet, especially not the bad woman, wait until Xiaowan's birthday at the weekend and give her a surprise... "

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