Rebuild 2005

Chapter 129 [128] Progress

Chapter 129 [128] Progress


Wei Qingfan couldn't keep up with the old lady's rhythm for a while, and said helplessly: "You think too much, I didn't plan to buy such an expensive one, isn't it because the boss of Dalangtaosha wanted to get her ideas, there is no way , I had no choice but to show off my strength a little bit, so that she would retreat in spite of the difficulties."

"Boss Dalang Taosha?"

Wei Qingchan didn't know about this matter yet, so Wei Qingfan briefly told her about it. Wei Qingchan just had a false alarm and shed a lot of tears. Hearing this, she felt like she was mocking herself, and said angrily, "This person also How shameless!"

After she finished scolding, she felt that it was understandable for her younger brother to buy such an expensive car, and even looked at him more and more pleasing to the eye, and said: "Although this is a bit too much like an upstart, but you are an upstart anyway, so it doesn't matter... "

Before Wei Qingfan could explain, she asked again: "Did that boss see it?"

Wei Qingfan shook his head and said, "Sure, anyway, I haven't seen it, and I haven't heard it mentioned by my senior sister. I don't know if I've been discharged from the hospital."


Wei Qingchan was taken aback, "You hit me?"

"Do I have the guts?"

Wei Qingfan had no choice but to tell the story of Chang Shan being taught by Li Shuqing.

Wei Qingchan was greatly relieved, and had a better impression of Li Miaoyu, so she couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

This Li Miaoyu also looks like a very good girl, it would be great if my younger brother can catch up with her... But what about Father Yi...

And now that Father Yi can go to college again, he will be separated from his younger brother for at least a year... Father Yi is so beautiful, there must be many people chasing after him in college...

She was suddenly full of a sense of crisis, and felt entangled, but she understood why Wei Qingfan ate what was in the bowl and looked at what was in the pot. If she were a boy, she would definitely be hesitant, not knowing which one to choose.

"It's time to eat!" Li Wanyi's voice came from the stairs.

"Hey, here we come."

Wei Qingchan responded first, and then said to Wei Qingfan in a low voice: "I won't betray you, but I think you still have to tell your parents, think about it for yourself."

Wei Qingfan nodded and said, "Okay, thank you sister, I will think about it seriously."

Wei Qingchan gave him a blank look, then turned around and went downstairs. When stepping on the stairs, she almost stepped on the ground, and hurriedly grabbed the handrail to stand still, obviously still a little distracted.

330 million!

For her, this is definitely an astronomical figure, so large that it is almost beyond imagination.

When Wei Qingfan came downstairs, his mother and senior sister had already prepared noodles, and the four of them sat around and finished their meal. Wei Qingchan went home, Wang Shuhua went to replace Wei Peng, and Wei Qingfan helped Li Wanyi clean up. , and then went upstairs to take a nap together.

When Wei Qingchan came home, his parents had just finished eating, Li Heng was cleaning up in the kitchen, and Wei was helping to mop the floor. Seeing his daughter coming back, he said, "It's just right, you mop the floor."

"I won't procrastinate. My mother must have asked you to procrastinate."

Wei Qingchan didn't fall for it, walked around, and then asked, "By the way, Dad, when will the prize for the county champion be paid out?"

Knowing that she and Li Wanyi are good friends, Weizheng said with a smile, "I asked specifically this morning. The money approved by the bureau was sent to the school last Friday, and the school will give some more. It should only be in these two days. According to the situation in previous years, it could have been given to the students yesterday, and they probably planned to go home to congratulate them."

"Will you still go home to congratulate?" Wei Qingchan was a little surprised.

"Then it depends on the school. Last year, there were so many teachers. Didn't they still go to congratulate with gongs and drums?"

Wei Zheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, even if it's late, it's only a matter of two days. This is a good thing, and the school will definitely publicize it."


Relieved, Wei Qingchan went back to her room and wanted to send a message to Li Wanyi. After thinking about it, she was worried that she was sleeping, so she decided to go to her in the afternoon.

She fell asleep and went to the store after waking up, but Li Wanyi was not there. A bicycle was parked at the door, next to the brand new Audi A6.

Wei Qingchan looked at the door of the store, and then at the Audi A6 parked by the side of the road. She had a different attitude. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it. Even the bicycle seemed quite pleasing to the eye.

After waiting for a while, Wei Sheng and Li Wanyi came over with a tricycle. Inside the carriage were some custom-made clothes hangers. joy.

The only pity is that when school starts, Yi's father will be leaving...

But if the progress is fast, two months is enough...

She thought about her own thoughts, and then took the time to tell Li Wanyi the news she heard from her father, so that she could feel at ease.

After Li Wanyi listened to it, her heart grew colder.

If the money had already been allocated to the school last Friday, wouldn't it be more evidence that Wei Qingfan's worries and guesses were closer to reality if he called the head teacher yesterday and still responded like that?

She didn't show her worry, but smiled and said, "That's good, I know."

In the evening, she went back to Wei Qingfan's house as usual, talked with Wang Shuhua, helped cook, and said that she would go to the provincial capital with Wei Sheng to buy goods tomorrow, and she would not come back for lunch tomorrow.

Wang Shuhua knew that she had to work part-time to earn money during the summer vacation, and she had also heard her talk about the purchase of goods. She was not surprised by this, but asked: "Then your boss will go?"

Li Wanyi shook her head and said, "He's not free, so he won't go."

"You boss is really..."

Wang Shuhua shook her head, she didn't want to comment on this unreliable boss anymore.

After Wei Qingfan got home, after dinner, Li Wanyi easily found a chance to be alone, and whispered to Wei Qingfan about going to buy goods tomorrow.

Wei Qingfan expressed his trust in her.

Li Wanyi didn't want to comment on this unreliable boss anymore, so she went back to her room after going through the process.

On the next Tuesday, after breakfast, Li Wanyi went to the store to meet Wei Sheng, and then went to the provincial capital to purchase goods, and returned to the county seat in the evening.

The things were not brought back directly, and they will be brought over by buses and trucks in the next two days.

When Wei Qingfan came back in the evening, she showed Wei Qingfan the purchase order. There were many styles, but the quantity of each style was not large, which was a conservative and safe approach.

Naturally, Wei Qingfan had no objection. After going through the process, he asked again: "Did your homeroom teacher call you?"

Li Wanyi shook her head, and then said: "Your sister asked me... I'm a little worried that she will go find her father."

Wei Qingfan thought for a while and said, "It's nothing, just ask at most and see how the school responds."

Wei Zheng's character is not impulsive and tough, he is really conflicted, and he also adheres to the principle of "being a human being and staying on the front line". Before the matter is clear, he will not take drastic actions.

After dinner, he went back to school and shot blues on the basketball court next to the sculpture square. He didn't dare to exercise vigorously. When he saw Li Miaoyu coming, he wiped off his sweat and went to the classroom with her.

On the way, he asked casually: "Miaomiao, do you know the leaders of our school? For example, the principal and vice principal, have you met?"

Li Miaoyu thought for a while, shook her head, and asked again: "But I can ask my parents."

"Need not."

Wei Qingfan smiled at her, "I don't worry if you don't know me."

Li Miaoyu tilted her head slightly and stared at him with a puzzled expression.

Wei Qingfan smiled and said, "Let's keep it a secret first, and I'll tell you why later."

After study and school in the evening, when I got home, Li Wanyi's room door was open, and she was sitting at the table, still designing promotional cards.

Wei Qingfan didn't bother her, and called his elder sister after taking a shower.

"Sister, let me ask you something. Do you know the leaders of our school? Have you met them outside the school?"

Wei Qingchan thought for a while and said, "I don't know, anyway, I don't know, and I haven't met outside the school. Why do you ask this?"

Before Wei Qingfan could answer, she continued: "You want to ask about your senior sister's bonus, right? Don't worry, I know our head teacher hasn't messaged her yet. I told my dad and he said tomorrow Ask again at work."

Wei Qingfan smiled and said, "That's good, thank you sister."


Wei Qingchan snorted, "Why do you thank me? That's my classmate, if you have the ability, you can turn her into your girlfriend?"

"Sooner or later."

Wei Qingfan curled his lips, and before the old lady could laugh, he said, "Hang up, I'll go and exchange feelings with my senior sister."

Wei Qingchan originally hung up the phone after hearing what he said, and was about to scold him, but when he heard that he was going to build up a relationship with Li Wanyi, she immediately changed her words: "Go, let's have a good chat."

Wei Qingfan hung up the phone, carefully opened the door and took a look outside. He didn't see Li Wanyi eavesdropping, so he was relieved and went back to the study to continue reading.

He had just turned two pages when he heard his mother's voice outside: "Wanyi, what are you doing?"

Then came the mellow and sweet voice of the senior sister: "Let me get some promotional cards in the store..."

"What's this for?"

"Just buy a piece of clothing, get a stamp, and if you collect five stamps, you can change a piece of clothing for free." Li Wanyi gave a brief introduction.

"It's a good feeling...I'll buy it later."

"Okay, I'll make it cheaper for Auntie."

"You can do it later. I cut the watermelon and went down to eat it first. If you don't eat a few watermelons, they will go bad."

"Okay, I'll go down now."


Listening to the conversation outside, Wei Qingfan couldn't help curling his lips, his mother would call her senior even if she wanted to eat a melon.

He waited and found that there was no movement at his door. After listening carefully, his mother seemed to have gone downstairs.


Wei Qingfan's head was filled with question marks.

It is understandable to call Li Wanyi first, but what does it mean to leave after shouting?

I'm so biological!

He was a little speechless, but there was no need to worry about it, anyway, just go down and eat.

Wei Qingfan was about to get up and leave, when he saw Li Wanyi coming to the door of the study in a flash, reaching out to turn off the light, and seeing him inside, he was a little surprised and said: "You didn't go down? I thought you forgot to turn off the light." Where's the lamp?"

Wei Qingfan curled his lips and said, "My mother didn't call me."


Li Wanyi looked puzzled and looked at him suspiciously, then laughed and said, "I guess I forgot, then do you want to eat?"

"Of course I eat, am I such a spineless person?"

Wei Qingfan let out a heck, turned off the lights and went downstairs with his senior sister.

When they got downstairs, the watermelon had already been cut, and Wei Peng and Wang Shuhua were eating. Seeing them coming down together, the couple looked at each other.

Taking advantage of the two not paying attention, Wei Peng quietly gave his daughter-in-law a thumbs-up, and then went out with a piece of watermelon to feed the dog.

After Li Wanyi ate the watermelon, she chatted with her for a while, then helped clean up, went upstairs to wash up, and went back to her room.

She perfected the card again, seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock in the practice, so she turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next day I got up as usual, helped to make breakfast together, then went out after eating, cleaned the inside and outside of the store, practiced the car for a while, and came back at noon.

When she was riding her bicycle back into the alley, she received a call from the head teacher, Chen Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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