Rebuild 2005

Chapter 259 [257] Such a coincidence

Chapter 259 [257] Such a coincidence (also)

The train departs from the urban area at 11 o'clock in the evening, and arrives in the capital at 29 o'clock in the morning on the [-]th. They are all sleepers, and you can arrive there after a night's sleep.

Although it is not comparable to the plane and high-speed rail, compared with most students studying in other places in this era, it can already be said to be more comfortable.

Although there was plenty of time, the whole family had dinner early and went to the restaurant as a way to see Wei Qingfan off.

At the banquet, Wei Qinghuan, who had already started his third year of high school, showed some reluctance, and said sadly to Wei Qingfan: "My sister is gone, and you are gone too. Both of you are not at home. We will have dinner later. They will definitely scold me..."

Wei Qingfan scolded her on the spot as a parting gift.

After dinner, he went home with his parents, and his parents rarely offered to take a taxi to the county railway station.

Several families gathered here, and then took the train to the city railway station. It was only eight o'clock, and they had to wait for nearly three hours to get on the train.

Wei Qingfan chatted with senior sister and Miaomiao occasionally, but the train started too late, and both of them had other things to do, so they went to bed after ten o'clock.

Li Miaoyu will also leave tomorrow; Li Wanyi will continue to be busy with the opening and promotion of the clothing store in the school.

Fortunately, Wei Qingfan was in no hurry to queue up for the ticket check, but his parents were very anxious and dragged him into the line for half an hour, and finally got the ticket.

They are all sleeping berths, except for Wang Kai's family of three who bought tickets later and are not in the same compartment, and are adjacent to the same compartment as Cao Ze, Xie Yao, and Ma Chao.

When Cao Ze met Xie Yao's parents for the first time, he was obviously a little excited and wanted to show off. He was always active and proactive in helping with things, and acted very sensible.

There was nothing Wei Qingfan could do to help, so he could only restrain his brilliance as much as possible, lest Xie Yao's parents fell in love with him, which would be embarrassing.

The six beds on his side were all acquaintances, and he chose the top berth with Lin Zhaohai, lying on the bed listening to music, the train just started, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Then I don't know how long it took before I suddenly regained consciousness. I felt my bladder was swollen and about to burst. I raised my wrist subconsciously, and then realized that the watch my sister gave me didn't have a luminous function, so I picked up my phone and looked at it. It was 3:33 in the morning.

Wei Qingfan silently weighed and calculated for a while, thinking that the dawn should not be able to hold back, and when it was dawn, the train would have to wait in line to go to the toilet, so he lay down and dawdled for a while before getting up under the pressure of his lower abdomen becoming more and more distended, Climb down from the top bunk to go to the toilet.

There is only a faint light from the wall lamp in the carriage, and the train is still driving on the plains and wilderness. Amidst the rattling sound, the outside of the car window is pitch black, and occasionally it seems to be passing through a village, and there are faint lights in the distance.

Wei Qingfan was dazedly thinking about these boring information, and came to the door of the toilet at one end of the carriage, and was shocked to find that there were actually people inside in the middle of the night.

Now the drowsiness finally subsided, and he stood at the door waiting bored and tormented.

Then, he waited and waited, waited and waited, there was no movement inside, neither opened the door nor flushed.

"Either it's a girl, or it's a big man..."

Wei Qingfan guessed and slandered boredly, and hesitated whether to change to another car, fearing that his bladder would explode.

Then hesitating and hesitating, the train continued to move forward, and when he finally couldn't stand the pressure and wanted to change places or simply knock on the door to urge him, he finally heard the pleasant sound of water rushing inside.

After waiting and waiting, there was the sound of the door lock opening inside, and then the narrow bathroom door finally opened, and a short-haired girl wearing light blue jeans and a purple short-sleeved T-shirt came out of it.

Wei Qingfan didn't really like girls with short hair, but even though the lights were dim and the girl's face couldn't be seen clearly, at a quick glance, she felt a kind of pure beauty that was eye-catching and stunning.

He felt uncomfortable and his bladder was about to burst. Although he thought it was pretty, he didn't look at it too much. When he saw the other party coming out, he moved aside, and was about to wait for the other party to go away, and hurried in to pee.

However, just as he stretched out his hands, wanting to push the door open, and impatiently going in to relieve the pressure on his bladder, the pure and beautiful girl who had already staggered by half of her body suddenly stopped, turned her head to look at him carefully, and then lowered herself a little. The voice still couldn't hide the surprise tone of a soft "ah", Jingliang's eyes widened, showing surprise and joy, and the voice was sweet and crisp: "It's you? What a coincidence?"

Wei Qingfan was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at her again, and saw that the girl in front of her was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a pure and sweet appearance. At this time, she smiled because of surprise, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, and she looked more gentle and pure. The Jiang Qinghuai whom we met a few times.

She took a bath at her house last summer!

Wei Qingfan recognized her and couldn't help laughing, "What a coincidence?"


Jiang Qinghuai nodded vigorously, the smile on his face became more and more sweet, he stroked his soft short hair, and asked with a smile: "Where are you going?"

"Go to school, how about you?"

"Me too, where are you going?"

"What about you, Beijing?"

"So coincidentally?"

Jiang Qinghuai covered his mouth and laughed, his eyebrows and eyes were curved, sweet and pleasant, and then he smiled and said: "But now there should be quite a lot of people going to the north to go to school in the capital...Which school do you have?"



Jiang Qinghuai opened his eyes even more surprised. Wei Qingfan originally wanted to say, "Can I go take a piss first, or I will explode", but seeing her expression, the words were about to come out, and it became: "You can't do it too. Bar?"

Jiang Qinghuai covered his mouth with his snow-white hands, and looked at him with clear and clear eyes, surprised and amused, as if subconsciously wanting to nod, but temporarily canceled the move, looked at him and said with a smile: "Guess?"

Wei Qingfan was amused and helpless, pointed to the bathroom which was close at hand, and said, "Can I go to the bathroom first, and then guess?"

Jiang Qinghuai blushed a little, took a step back, and said, "Go."

Wei Qingfan smiled at her, then quickly dodged in and locked the door lightly.

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Jiang Qinghuai pursed his lips to hold back a smile, and soon heard the sound of rushing water coming from inside, his cheeks blushed involuntarily, and he took two steps back to the side.

After Wei Qingfan finished feeling comfortable, he washed his hands in the sink inside and wiped his face when he came out. He saw Jiang Qinghuai standing by the sink between the two carriages. Also just washed my face.

Wei Qingfan saw that she hadn't left and that her bladder pressure was gone, so she couldn't go back to sleep, so she walked to her side with a smile and asked, "Are you really Beihang?"


Jiang Qinghuai nodded seriously, and asked, "Which major are you?"


Wei Qingfan's first choice is computer science, which is Beihang's trump card major. He was worried that he would not be able to get in, but he was somewhat relieved to be admitted.

Jiang Qinghuai looked at him with a strange expression and stopped talking.

Wei Qingfan also looked at her, and the two looked at each other for a while, Wei Qingfan laughed and said, "Don't tell me you are too?"

There was a smile in Jiang Qinghuai's clear and clear eyes, he looked at him and blinked lightly, then nodded with still weird expression.

Then the two looked at each other and fell silent again.

Wei Qingfan was about to speak, but Jiang Qinghuai asked suspiciously, "You're not lying to me, are you?"

Wei Qingfan said helplessly, "I said it first."


Jiang Qinghuai nodded, but still felt a little weird, and said with a smile: "Is this too coincidental?"

Wei Qingfan nodded, and asked again, "Did your father accompany you here?"

Jiang Qinghuai shook his head and said, "No, he didn't take the time."

"Then yourself?"

"No, my cousin came with me."


Wei Qingfan nodded, expressing his understanding, and asked, "Which compartment are you in?"

Jiang Qinghuai stretched out a spring onion-like finger and pointed towards him.

Wei Qingfan smiled and said, "I'm here too, what's your shop?"

"number 17."


Wei Qingfan was silent for two seconds, and said, "I'm 16."

"So coincidentally?"

Jiang Qinghuai laughed again, "Did you come here by yourself?"

"No, my parents followed."

Jiang Qinghuai hid the envy in his eyes, and once again showed a gentle and pure smile, "That's pretty good."

Wei Qingfan nodded and said with a smile: "After all, I haven't gone to college, so bring them here to see the world."

Jiang Qinghuai couldn't help laughing again, and said angrily, "Aren't you afraid that your parents will beat you if you talk like that?"

"They can't hear it, and what I'm telling is the truth. I'm the person with the highest education in my family now."

Jiang Qinghuai covered his mouth and smiled, then asked, "How many points did you get?"

"660, how about you?"


The two looked at each other, then laughed at the same time, Jiang Qinghuai asked again: "Have you been to our school before?"

"No, I have been to BJ before, but I must go to Tsinghua University and Peking University. Who cares about Beihang University?"

"Then why don't you go to Qingbei?"

"I really want to go. I used to wonder whether I should go to Tsinghua University or Peking University. In the end, I found out that I had to use all my energy to pass the exam, and I couldn't pass any of them."

"Haha, I secretly thought about it before..."

The sound of the train rattling and rattling could be heard far away in the dark night wilderness. The two chatted for a while at the junction of the carriages. There seemed to be a faint light outside the window. Someone got up and came to the toilet, then squinted at Wei Qingfan and Jiang Qinghuai, and lit up next to him. Smoke comes.

Jiang Qinghuai frowned slightly, Wei Qingfan looked at the time, a little surprised and said: "It's past four o'clock... Are you sleepy?"

Jiang Qinghuai was also a little sleepy, he stroked his fair and smooth arm lightly with his hand, and said, "A little bit."

"Let's go then."

The two walked back two steps side by side, Jiang Qinghuai suddenly stopped, took out his mobile phone, and whispered: "Let me save your number."

Wei Qingfan gave her the phone number, added QQ, and then went back to the bed, and found that the two of them were on the top bunk, and there was a wall between them when they were sleeping.

Wei Qingfan pointed to the bed with a smile, Jiang Qinghuai waved to him with a smile, took off their shoes without a word, climbed back to the bed and lay down.

Wei Qingfan didn't feel sleepy for a while, not because of Jiang Qinghuai. Although Jiang Qinghuai was beautiful, he had no intentions. There are many beautiful girls in the world, and there may not be any who are prettier than Li Miaoyu and Li Wanyi. Meet one love one?
Let's not talk about whether it is acceptable emotionally, but just from a rational point of view, people who really do this will basically not end well, and it is inevitable that their evening will be bleak.

Dregs to scum, you have to do what you can, even if you are physically strong and exercise hard, two will be enough.

However, even if you're not attracted to her, and you don't feel sleepy for a while, you will inevitably think about it, especially from the examination room two years ago, to the "rescue beauty" last summer vacation, to this year's "encounter", and even the scores and volunteers. It seems to be a "smart" word.

He thought about it over and over for a while, and finally fell asleep in a daze. However, when he woke up the next day, he found that he and Jiang Qinghuai were already such a coincidence, and there could be even more coincidences!

(End of this chapter)

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