Rebuild 2005

Chapter 484 [484] Mr. Wei makes a sensation on the Internet

When Wei Qingfan was busy, he saw Li Miaoyu's lottery news in the Lingxi Voice group. Li Wanyi had already replied and calculated the prize: 9519939!

761.6 million after tax!
The two women were so excited about this, they were already discussing how to use the bonus, completely forgetting that Wei Qingfan was going to donate the bonus for publicity.

The first thing Wei Qingfan noticed was this group. This should be the group that Li Miaoyu just added. It's nothing, it can be used as a family group.

The problem is the name of the group, called... "Two of Us".

Li Wanyi: "How about saving it?"

Li Miaoyu: "Yeah!"

Li Miaoyu: "Save them all?"

Wei Qingfan: "What do we two mean?"

Li Wanyi: "Then save half? We share the other half?"

Li Miao said: "Good!


Li Wanyi: "Or save a whole number, 400 million, and we will share the rest."

Li Miaoyu: "[Raise your hands in favor.jpg] This is an emoticon package"

Wei Qingfan: "Can you two respect the head of the household?"

Li Wanyi: "Is your format wrong?"

Li Miaoyu: "No? Isn't that so?"

Li Wanyi: "Are you okay?"

Wei Qingfan: "Why is it called 'the two of us'?"

Li Miaoyu: "Didn't you already answer it?"

Wei Qingfan: "??"

Lai Miaoyu: "[Screenshot]"

On the screenshot is his question just now: Can you two respect the head of the household?
Wei Qingfan: "..."

Wei Qingfan: "When I Don't Exist"

Wei Qingfan: "It's obviously a movie of three people, but I can't have a name"

Li Miaoyu: "Sing it if you have the ability!"

Wei Qingfan: "[Voice]"

Li Wanyi: "[Dead]"

Li Miaoyu: "It's so ugly"

Wei Qingfan: "What are you doing?"

Li Miaoyu: "Reviewing"

Li Wanyi: "Decoration ing"

Wei Qingfan: "Then you two can chat for a long time?"

Wei Qingfan: "And I have to save the bonus for publicity."

Li Miaoyu: "Didn't you agree to divide us in half?"

Wei Qingfan: "We still don't know if we will win in the next issue, so you two are anxious to share?"

Li Wanyi: "If you are not active in distributing money, there is something wrong with your head."

Li Miaoyu: "It makes sense!"

Wei Qingfan: "..."

He chatted with the two daughters-in-law for a while, and then asked about business: "Wanwan, do you know that there is no elevator in Yangui Garden?"

Li Wanyi: "Well, Miaomiao told me."

Wei Qingfan: "Then do you still want to live there?"

Li Wanyi: "I remember that there seems to be a set on the third floor, right? That's okay, it's only on the third floor, as long as there is a parking space."

Wei Qingfan: "Yes."

Li Miaoyu: "Dongsheng Garden is also possible, and it's very close."

Wei Qingfan: "Let's take a look when we come here. Dongsheng Garden seems to have a worse house type and a narrower environment."

Wei Qingfan: "Anyway, it's only half a year, no more than a year at most. Tangning ONE will be able to live next year."

Li Miaoyu: "I don't even have [grievances]"

Wei Qingfan: "If you want to live there, you can buy another set."

Li Miao said: "No, I want to wait for the big villa!"

Wei Qingfan: "Then just wait." …

Li Miaoyu: "I have to wait!"

Li Miaoyu: "I'm going to continue my review, I'm ignoring you, you can continue chatting with senior sister."

Li Wanyi: "I'm busy too."

Wei Qingfan: "Say it as if I'm not busy"

No one answered, Wei Qingfan curled his lips and continued to deal with his own affairs.

The company has sent out the Dragon Boat Festival gift boxes in advance. Wei Qingfan notified Yang Changyu, the old sister, Wei Qinghuan, Cao Ze, Xie Yao, Wu Jiajia and Sun Xiao in advance to have dinner at home. Tang Shuyun has his own home, but Wu Jiajia finally He didn't come, but according to Li Miaoyu, he and Ji Guang finally made progress, and the two went to dinner.

After the Dragon Boat Festival, Wei Qingfan went on a business trip again, still going to the provincial capital to see the situation of the after-sales stores and warehouses here. During this process, he has been keeping up with the World Cup situation and kept interacting on Weibo.

Compared with the previous World Cup, due to the popularization and development of the Internet, this World Cup has significantly higher popularity on the Internet, or the participation of ordinary people is higher.

Internet media has also developed further in the past four years. Sohu, Netease, and Sina have World Cup topics, digging out various hot spots and gimmicks, and some "soccer babies" have become popular because of this.

After the last lottery draw, the first prize has a total of 106 bets (the data error in the previous chapter has been fixed, the original 7 bets in history, plus 99 bets for the protagonist, I don’t know how I made a mistake), and the capital exclusively has 99 bets , almost took away all the bonuses, which caused many people to discuss.

Then it seems that another lottery shop owner broke the news, saying that the 99 lottery tickets belonged to one person, which caused a sensation again. Many people have figured out this simple math problem.

During this period, England drew with Algeria, Italy drew with New Zealand, and Germany lost with Serbia. Three consecutive upsets caused many fans to beat their chests. Wei Qingfan predicted these three upsets on Weibo three times in a row. Breaking the circle, many fans even put the name "Squidward Brother" on his head.

So soon, Wei Qingfan's Weibo comments and private messages all changed their style. From those who used to ask him for Yougou codes, borrow money, and express admiration, they almost all asked him for inquiries. The schedule is predicted.

In order to avoid any unknown influence, Wei Qingfan ignored all private messages and no longer predicted the upcoming match schedule.

His purpose is just to gain popularity. Now that the purpose has been achieved, naturally there is no need to get involved, just wait for the bonus to be donated later.

Of course, there is also a grandiose reason for this.

He blogged specifically to explain this:
Khan, I was really confused, I didn't expect this to be able to guess.

The private messages have exploded, and many friends have come to me to ask about the upcoming schedule predictions. The sudden truth makes me panic, but I am just an ordinary fan, not an expert. At first, I just wanted to exchange opinions with everyone on Weibo ( By the way, let’s promote our value-for-money Guci mobile phone), but I didn’t expect it to turn out like this...

In order not to mislead everyone, I decided to remain silent from now on and no longer make any predictions about this World Cup. For this reason, my friends can unblock it. Of course, if you want to know about our value-for-money Guci mobile phone, then I must be sincere. welcome. …

In this way, in the future, I will try my best to concentrate the Weibo content in the digital circle.

After this Weibo was sent out, there was a lot of wailing under the comments. There were those who followed his forecast to buy lottery tickets, some watched the fun, and some missed the previous predictions and wanted to follow him... There are many people who have spoken badly about it. Wei Qingfan didn't bother to spend any more time, so he directly blocked and dealt with it.

However, although Wei Qingfan no longer predicts, his previous prediction is still there, that is, Spain will win the championship. After he posted it on Weibo, the odds of Spain winning the championship that day dropped wildly amidst the stunned eyes of all the game experts. .

Even the owners of many lottery shops were baffled, because suddenly there were a lot of fans who came to buy Spain to win the championship.

In the following two days, these news undoubtedly appeared on the homepages of major portals along with the enthusiasm of the World Cup.

"In the [-]th consecutive upset prediction, the identity of President Wei of the World Cup 'Brother Octopus' will be revealed!"

"People don't need lottery tickets at all, juniors are already founders of trillion-dollar companies"

"Shocked! The true identity of China's 'Squidward Brother' is even more shocking"

"The junior students of Beihang University became popular on the Internet in such a way, this is the tragedy of Chinese education"

"The old word mobile phone boss once again shocked the world and attracted crazy discussions from foreigners"


In addition to the upsurge on the Internet, it has not stopped in real life. The students in the World Cup, from the more familiar Wang Jing Li Yuchen and Xu Zhixiang, to the classmates, alumni, seniors, and seniors who had little idea at first, all There are those who "come here for fame" to add friends, and those who send private messages on Weibo...

Luckily, Wei Qingfan sent a notice to turn off his personal mobile phone and use his work mobile phone.

But it still doesn't stop. After the company's meeting, the three giants Wang Qinggen, Zhang Yuanping, and Tang Tingyue couldn't help asking him. It's strange how he predicted it...

Every time Wei Qing went out to get some water, he would encounter employees who asked nervously, "Mr. Wei, can I ask... I'm just curious... How did you guess it? Can Spain really win the championship?"

Afterwards, he simply went on a business trip directly, but he still couldn’t avoid it. Some of the distributors and suppliers are familiar with him, and they also called to chat. There are really some executives from foreign companies who are very enthusiastic to ask him to discuss the World Cup. The qualifying situation, and praised him as "amazing".

This gave him the illusion that he had suddenly changed from Mr. Wei to a circus performer.

What broke him even more was that after Li Miaoyu showed off a few times, Li Shuqing finally couldn't bear it anymore and called him to discuss the game...

If it wasn't for the father-in-law, Wei Qingfan, who had been tortured for several days, wanted to say, "Let's talk about it!"

It's a pity that this is the old man, so he can only chat with him patiently.

What is more gratifying is that the information in the small county is really blocked a lot. Wei Qingfan feels that he has become the focus of the world overnight, but there has never been any inquiries and inquiries from his parents and elders about this.

One day near the end of the ten-day period, Wei Sheng called. Wei Qingfan was taken aback, thinking that his brother-in-law was also going to have a chat with him. After answering the phone, he found out that he was looking for him to ask about Wei Qinghan's voluntary report, so he let go. in one breath. …

Last year, the rules for filling in volunteers were changed. The results will be released in late June, and the volunteers will be reported in early July. It is much more relaxed. At this time, the classification has not yet been announced, but parents, they have already thought about this matter.

Wei Qingfan followed up with an analysis, and then called Wei Qinghan and Li Wanyun respectively, asking his younger brother and sister-in-law what they thought, and offered reference opinions.

Entering the second half of the year in this way, in the early morning of the 22nd, as Spain defeated Honduras, the results of the 60th World Cup winning lottery were officially released.

In fact, this has no effect, because the previous upsets of Britain, Italy, and Germany have already eliminated most of the lottery players.

But the end result surprised everyone.

The total sales volume of this lottery ticket is 56991752 yuan, 26 second prizes, 420860 yuan each; 99 first prizes, 257902 yuan each.

The terrifying bonus of 25 per bet is enough to make people envious, but the detailed news that broke out soon caused a sensation in the completely temporarily expanded football circle.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple are fine. 】

The 99 bet first prizes all come from the capital!
Moreover, after the lottery shop that gave out huge prizes hung a big banner on the street, the boss stepped forward and broke the news!

It was the lottery shop last time!
It's still the owner of the lottery shop!

Then the boss said, the winner is the guy from last time!

It was the person who won the 99-bet grand prize in the previous issue, and he took away all the prize money in the first prize pool by himself!
A total of 2553 million yuan!

It is 952 million last time, a total of 3505 million yuan!

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