Rebuild 2005

Chapter 797 [796] Brother-in-law is too powerful

Chapter 797 [796] Brother-in-law is too powerful


After activating the phone and getting familiar with it briefly, the boy was about to change the phone card for his girlfriend. Seeing that Cao Ze had just made a phone call, he asked again, "Can you cut the card here?"


Cao Ze took out the card cutting tool and skillfully helped the other party cut off the redundant part of the phone card.

There are three sizes of mainstream SIM cards, and the standard size was popular before. In 2010, Apple started to promote the smaller Micro Sim card with the help of ipad and iPhone4, and it quickly became popular due to the popularity of iPhone4.

The Nano SIM card, which is smaller and will become the mainstream of smart phones in the future, has not yet officially appeared. Apple and Nokia are still competing for the right to speak around its design standards. It will arrive with the iPhone 5 launched this fall.

Cao Ze helped the other party cut up the phone card and put it in the phone. The boy asked again, "Do you have wireless network here?"

"Yes, do a search, that's 'Cao', the password is 9439261314."

For this ten-digit password, the first six digits are taken from the Jiugongge Pinyin of the word "Xie Yao".

Cao Ze saw that the other party was connected to the wireless network, and reminded: "You can download a 'mobile phone clone' on the old mobile phone, which is available on Gushi's mobile phone, and then transfer the data of the old mobile phone to the new mobile phone."

He reminded him, and was about to continue making calls when someone came in at the door and asked, "Boss, do you have a bird singing stream here?"


Cao Ze quickly responded, and then asked, "What color do you want?"

"Are there any colors?"

"Grey and silver are fine, but there are too few gold, pink and blue ones. I have to ask the pre-booked users first."

"I made a reservation with you before, the golden one!"

"Uh... sorry, what's your last number?"

Cao Ze took a look and found that the other party was the next person to call, and there happened to be the last gold one left, so everyone was happy.

However, after learning that it would add 2999, the other party began to hesitate again. After struggling for a while, he chose to buy the silver version with 1+16G large memory at [-], and gave up the gold.

"Boss, let's go!"

The new customer did not disassemble the phone on site, and took it away after paying the money. The couple processed the data, bought another phone case, asked Cao Ze to help paste a free high-definition film, and then said goodbye and left contentedly.

"It's much easier to use than my original one, so beautiful and smooth!"

Walking out of the shop, the girl is still playing with her new mobile phone, she can't put it down, "The screen is also clear!"

"Huawei definitely can't compare with ancient poetry, mainly because we didn't understand it at the time, so we bought it when we had an event in the business hall."

The boy explained, "I knew that buying Manjianghong was better than buying Huawei, but Manjianghong hadn't come out at that time..."

"I feel like I can use it until graduation."

The two people in a good mood wandered around the neighborhood for a while, and had dinner at a small shop nearby at noon. When they were about to leave, the girl took out a stack of money from the bag that was bulging a lot due to the packing box, and handed it to the shop. Gave it to boyfriend.

The boy was obviously a little stunned, then a little unhappy, and asked, "Why?"

"I will offer 2500, and you will offer me 300."

The girl smiled sweetly at him, and seeing that he refused to take it, she said in a coquettish tone, "I didn't give it to you when you bought the mobile phone, and it wasn't your own money... You spent all the money You bought me a mobile phone, so you won’t eat after that?”

"I saved the money for the meal!"

The boy scowled, "You take the money back, I don't want it, I told you I bought it for you."

"I don't know how much your monthly living expenses are?"

The girl was jealous, seeing his face flushed, she said softly: "Okay, I know what you think, but we can't make money by ourselves now, after we get to work, you can buy me a new one... I don't want to Because I changed my mobile phone, you have to owe your roommate a whole lot of money... After that, you have to save money and pay back... If you don't want it, am I angry? I don't care about you!"

The two tugged for a while, and quickly turned this tugging into a show of affection for passers-by. The boy finally accepted 1449.5, which was very accurate. Take a breath.

The girl was in a better mood. She packed up her things and got up. After leaving the small shop, she found a mobile phone shop next to her. After hesitating for a while, she said, "Let's go and ask if we want to increase the price here."

The two walked into the store and asked about it. The shop owner who was selling mobile phones to customers said, "Yes, add 100 to black and white, 300 to blue, and 400 to gold and pink."

"So expensive!"

The two originally wanted to see if it was too expensive, but they didn't expect to take advantage of 200 yuan. They made some vague words, turned and left.

"I actually earned two hundred..."

The girl was in a better mood, and the boy also became happier. Looking at the time, the girl said, "Okay, I have to go back to school. I still have classes in the afternoon."


Both of them had classes, the boy sent her to the subway entrance and went back to school by himself, the girl took the subway to the bus and returned to school before class.

She sent a message to her boyfriend, took the new mobile phone in her hand, hesitated, put it in the bag again, but after walking a few steps, she took it out again, hung up the earphones that came with the mobile phone, and listened to the song Walk into the teaching building.

"Guan Lingyue!"

She had just walked into the hall when she heard a classmate calling herself from behind, she turned her head to take a look, waved to the three girls who came over, and said hello, "Wenqin~Wanyun~Lingling~"

While talking, she stopped, took out the new mobile phone from her pocket, took off the earphones, held the mobile phone in her hand, then put the earphones in her bag, and finally put the mobile phone in her pocket.

"Have you changed your phone?"

Li Wanyun noticed the pink Niaosing Stream in her hand at a glance, she was a little surprised, and asked, "Niaosong Stream?"


Guan Lingyue saw that a classmate found out, she was secretly happy, but also a little embarrassed, feeling that she was really shallow and vain, she slightly pursed her lips and nodded in response, and said in a calm and casual tone: "I just bought it."

She said, and looked at Li Wanyun with some surprise and doubt: "You are so powerful, you recognize it at a glance?"

Surprised, Li Wanyun was able to recognize which phone she bought at a glance, but she was puzzled, why did Li Wanyun seem happier than herself when she changed to a new phone?

She can't make money by buying her own mobile phone!
Li Wanyun got an affirmative answer, and seeing her doubts again, she gave a "hee" smile, took out her white bird song from her pocket, licked it with her slender white and delicate fingers, and turned it slightly to show the beauty of the phone. Slim, said with a smile: "I use it!"


Although the three people in front of them are all classmates, Guan Lingyue is only familiar with Jiang Wenqin, Wei Lingling is a bit proud and looks down on herself, Li Wanyun seems to be the same as her, a bit introverted and doesn't have much contact with her.

She has been a classmate for more than a year, and this is the first time Guan Lingyue has seen Li Wanyun have such a pleasant and proactive performance. She is a little surprised to find that Li Wanyun looks better when she smiles than when she doesn't smile.

"Anyway, she looks better than Wei Lingling..."

As one of the two most beautiful girls in the class, Wei Lingling has always targeted Li Wanyun either explicitly or covertly. Many girls see this in their eyes. Although Guan Lingyue doesn't talk much, she can see it clearly .

She had a better impression of Li Wanyun in the past. Seeing that she had changed to a new mobile phone, Wei Lingling didn't participate in the conversation, she just curled her lips and took out her own white iPhone 4S. She looked disdainful, and felt even more displeased. Quietly slandered the other party.

"let me see."

After seeing it last time, Jiang Wenqin has been envious for several days. Seeing that Guan Lingyue also bought it, she was even more envious. She came over to appreciate it, "What color did you buy?"


Guan Lingyue took the new phone out of her pocket, carefully peeled off the protective case, and handed the thin and delicate pink phone to Jiang Wenqin.


Jiang Wenqin looked at the pink color, touched the texture of the metal back shell with her hands, and exclaimed in a low voice: "I think pink looks better... Wanyun, why don't you want pink?"

"I prefer white."

Li Wanyun also took off the protective case and compared it with Guan Lingyue's pink one.

"This white is also very beautiful..."

Guan Lingyue was a little annoyed, "It looks much better than the picture, I would have bought the white color if I knew it...the pink one cost two more... 300 yuan!"

She subconsciously said to add 200, and then remembered that the boss had told him not to talk about it, otherwise he might be rejected by his peers. After all, his peers added 400. He originally only added 300, and later reduced himself by one. Bai, it will definitely make my colleagues hate me, so I quickly changed my words.


Jiang Wenqin was very surprised, "Do you need to add more money?"

"Yes, gray and white are not used, but pink and gold are added."

Guan Lingyue said, looking at the same beautiful white birdsong, she was even more annoyed, 200 yuan is enough for a week's living expenses, and she spent it because of one color.

Jiang Wenqin asked: "Then how much did you add? Two hundred? Or three hundred?"

Guan Lingyue hesitated for a moment, and then said: "300, some stores add 400 for gold and pink, the owner of the store I bought is very good, only 300 for us."

Li Wanyun originally wanted to ask, but then remembered that her brother-in-law had a premium purchase code, and she could have bought it for Guan Lingyue at the original price, so she was a little embarrassed, so she didn't ask.

She then decided not to tell Guan Lingyue about this matter as much as possible, not because she didn't want to give you the purchase code, but because the phone was activated now, and it was impossible to go to the boss to return the product... I know my brother-in-law, but I don't know the owner of the phone shop, so I can't help busy.

In this case, talking about this matter now, except that it can make the students feel that they are very connected and seem to be more powerful because of it, it will not help the matter, and Guan Lingyue will definitely be even more annoyed, because the two 300 yuan could have been saved. It's better not to let her know.

Of course, as for the other students...

I know that I am a good person, so I can secretly give you the Yougou code...

She quickly made a decision, and thought with some joy and pride: "However, if Guan Lingyue pays more to buy it, the channel dealer will earn more, and it will also help my brother-in-law's business to a certain extent...

"Of course, the most important thing is that my brother-in-law is so good at starting a company and making mobile phones. The Niaomingjian is so easy to use and so beautiful that Guan Lingyue is willing to pay more to buy it!"

(End of this chapter)

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