Rebuild 2005

Chapter 832 [831] You drink slowly

Chapter 832 [831] You drink slowly


Zhou Li was almost pissed off by this answer. She raised her arms and made a gesture to hit her, but she put it down in the end and said angrily, "You've got him right, right?"

Jiang Qinghuai looked at her, nodded seriously and said, "Yes!"


Zhou Li finally couldn't help it, raised her hand high, and slapped her thigh with a slap, and said angrily, "I'll kill you!...Are you sick?"

"I don't want to either."

Jiang Qinghuai was not angry, rubbed his thighs, and said in a helpless and coquettish tone, "But I just like him... I have known him since the second year of high school, maybe since the summer vacation of the second year of high school. It has been so many years, I How could you just let it go?"

"Then why did you go early?"

When Zhou Li heard this, she became even angrier. "I liked it in high school. If we weren't together in high school, that's fine. After all, we're not in the same city. What about the university? My classmate for four years, what are you doing?"
"Ah? You didn't like him when he didn't have a girlfriend. Now he has a girlfriend, and there are two more... You know you like him now?
"Still rushing to become a mistress... No, this is a mistress! Do you think you are sick?"

She really couldn't figure it out, and she was crying after speaking, staring at Jiang Qinghuai with slightly red eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't worry~"

Jiang Qinghuai hurriedly comforted me softly, "I know this is not good, and I also know that you are doing it for my own good...don't worry, just persuade me slowly, okay? If you can't persuade me today, you can continue to persuade me tomorrow."

"Who advised you!"

Zhou Li wiped away her tears, still angrily said, "I don't care about you! You can do whatever you like..."

"Oh, don't be angry, don't be angry, it's not worth being angry for this kind of woman..."

Zhou Li originally had a straight face and didn't want to talk to her, but was amused by this sentence, and wanted to put on a straight face again, but lost the atmosphere just now, froze for two seconds, but was still angry, and hit her again, "You just have sick!"

"That's right, Jiang Qinghuai's brain is broken, and Wei Qingfan gave him the ecstasy soup..."

Jiang Qinghuai echoed her, finally coaxed Zhou Li well, and then seriously said: "I've thought it all over, and I won't marry him, I'll just be a secretary, and I'm not greedy for property or anything like that. Miao Miao’s conflict is very small, and if the relationship is better, if it lasts longer, it should be acceptable, right?”

"Is it your brain that has a hole, or their brains?"

Zhou Li couldn't help complaining, "Your IQ drop is too exaggerated, let's not talk about whether your plan is meaningful, will they believe it, even if they believe it, will the conflict be small?"

Jiang Qinghuai was clearly aware of this, and said, "It's better to have fewer conflicts than more?"

Zhou Li asked: "Can't you give up?"

Jiang Qinghuai sighed, tilted his body, leaned on her lap, and said faintly: "I tried it, and if it's possible, I don't want to do this either...Okay, let me think about it myself."

"I'm afraid that if you think about it any more, you'll want to go to bed!"

Zhou Li was a little crazy, and then she suddenly became alert and stared down at her: "Tell me the truth, are you two like that?"

"What are you!"

Jiang Qinghuai was ashamed and angry, "What are you thinking... how is it possible?"

"That's hard to say."

Zhou Li sneered, "Wei Qingfan is not an honest person, people like Li Wanyi and Li Miaoyu can be trained to be so obedient by him, and the three of them live together... Someday you were really tricked into sleeping by him , I don't find it strange at all."

"Oh, are you ashamed!"

Jiang Qinghuai was ashamed, angry, and flustered. A thought flashed through his mind: "If Wei Qingfan really wants... thinks like that... what should I do?"

This thought flashed by, and she immediately pushed it away, pretending to be annoyed and turned her head away, saying: "Okay, okay, let's not TV and watch TV."

How could Zhou Li just let her go like this, and continued nagging for a while, and was about to call on Peng Juan and Liang Yuxiu to criticize her together, but Jiang Qinghuai racked her brains to act coquettishly, and managed to fool her.

The next morning, she was picked up by Zhou Li, who had a regular schedule, and she lay down again after breakfast, and it was already 9 o'clock when she woke up.

Picking up the mobile phone on the bedside and looking at it, I found that there were several unread messages, including two text messages, which were very conspicuous:
"Qingqing, are you free today? Mom wants to talk to you."

The two words inside made her feel a little tingling in her heart. After hesitating for a while, she typed: "I'll see you in an hour. You decide the location."

Liu Yubing was probably very pleasantly surprised, and quickly chose a nearby teahouse. Jiang Qinghuai knew that she didn't like tea, but coffee. Keep her from touching bad memories.

After many years, Jiang Qinghuai once again felt her tenderness and consideration. It seemed that it had traveled through more than ten years from her childhood memory, and it suddenly struck her, making her have the urge to cry for a moment.

However, after wiping away the tears, she knew very clearly that the tears and emotion were not for her, but for the mother she once had.

Mom and Liu Yubing are two people now.

She told herself this, and then she got dressed and got up. Zhou Li was not at home, so she didn't know if she was out on a date or went back to the company to work overtime.

After washing up, she simply tidied up, sent a message to Liu Yubing, then went out to take a taxi and came to the teahouse.


It is not a prosperous place here. The teahouse faces the street and has two floors. There are books on the upper floor. It looks quite elegant. Liu Yubing has arrived. When Jiang Qing came back downstairs, she greeted in a gentle voice: "Qingqing, mother here~"

Jiang Qinghuai looked up, without responding, he went upstairs calmly, and sat down opposite her.

The waiter followed, and Liu Yubing asked, "Take a look, what do you want to drink?"

He also said intimately: "The Biluochun and Tieguanyin bubbles here are both good, and the jujube flower cake and dried fruit are also delicious."

Jiang Qinghuai said, "It's all fine."

Liu Yubing then ordered a pot of Tieguanyin, a jujube flower cake, and a dried fruit platter, thanked the waiter, and then looked at her daughter sitting opposite with a gentle smile.

"When you were young, I said that you must be very beautiful when you grow up..."

Liu Yubing's expression was gentle, her eyebrows and eyes were filled with the glow of motherhood, "And it's that kind of pure and well-behaved look, it really is, and it's even more beautiful than mom imagined."

Jiang Qinghuai looked at her quietly, looked at her tenderness, looked at her smile, looked at her quietly, and didn't speak.

"Do you remember, in the winter when you first entered elementary school, the two of us went to take pictures, and the photo studio wanted to hang our pictures on the wall, but they didn't charge us, so we used the money to eat tofu... …

"That year, you had to get money for taking photos in your class. You told people that you could hang up your photos, so you didn't have to pay... During the parent-teacher meeting, your head teacher told me about this, and treated it as a Fun fact..."

As Liu Yubing said, she wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue, feeling a little sad, and then smiled again, "Mom remembers...I wiped my tears secretly when I came back from school, and I didn't dare to let you know, but you still found out, right? You Since I was a child, I was smart, sensible and obedient...

"At that time, my mother had no money, so she could only give you a one-dollar pocket money, and didn't let you spend it. She pretended to put it in her pocket... That summer..."

She talked about what had happened, sometimes with a smile, sometimes sad, with a gentle expression all the time.

There were tears in Jiang Qinghuai's eyes, but he didn't say a word after all.

After a long while, the waiter brought tea and snacks, Liu Yubing stopped talking, gently wiped away her tears, and thanked the waiter as calmly as possible.

"how much is it?"

When the waiter was about to leave, Jiang Qinghuai suddenly asked and took out his wallet.

Liu Yubing hurriedly said, "No need, it's fine if mom pays."

"I'm here this time."

Jiang Qinghuai replied lightly, looking at the waiter, who hesitated for a moment and said, "108 yuan."

"Really expensive……"

Jiang Qinghuai complained in his heart, took out a 100 yuan bill and a ten yuan bill, and handed them to the waiter.

"I'll give you two yuan change, please wait a moment." The waiter said, and went downstairs with the money.

Liu Yubing didn't compete with her daughter for the payment, that was too ugly, and when the waiter left, she said with a slightly reproachful tone, "You still have to see your mother?"

She skillfully and gracefully poured the tea, placed it in front of her daughter, and said softly, "Try it, it tastes very good."

Jiang Qinghuai put the wallet on the table in front of him, didn't answer the phone, and didn't drink tea. He looked at Liu Yubing and said, "I know why you came to me. Whether Xunguang Electronics has been kicked out of the Guci mobile phone supply chain has not yet been determined. , should be between the two.”

When Liu Yubing heard her talking about this matter, her expression changed slightly, and she quickly smiled again, explaining: "Qingqing, you heard what mother said..."

Jiang Qinghuai interrupted her and said, "I can promise to help you, and I'm sure I can, but you have to promise me one thing."

Liu Yubing was silent for two seconds, looked at the daughter who was close to her by blood, looked at her calm and even cold to the point of being very strange, watched quietly, and then smiled again, said: "Tell me, as long as mother can do it When we arrive, we will try our best to do it.”

Jiang Qinghuai said: "My dad has been alone for so many years, and I know he still has knots in his heart. I hope you can persuade him. Yingying and I are going to let Aunt Yu stay with my dad."

Liu Yubing was taken aback for a moment, then smiled relaxedly, and said happily: "This is a good thing! I also hope that your father can have a new life. Yu Xiurong is a nice person, and more gentle, just like your father. Complementary."

Speaking of this, she heard the waiter's footsteps going upstairs, she stopped talking, turned around and saw the waiter coming over, and handed two coins to Jiang Qinghuai with both hands.

Jiang Qinghuai took the money, put it in the wallet, and then put the wallet in the bag again, and said, "Okay, I will talk to Mr. Wei about this next Monday, and the cooperation with Xunguang Electronics will definitely continue. I'll call you back."

Liu Yubing smiled and was about to speak when Jiang Qinghuai continued: "You are a smart person, I believe you will not break your promise, otherwise I have many ways to kick your husband's company out of the Guci mobile phone supply chain."

Liu Yubing's smile froze slightly, and she said with a sad expression: "Qingqing, mom knows she's wrong, it's mom's fault, but there is no gap or conflict between us, mom will treat you well and make up for the care that I owe you.

"You don't have to worry about mom breaking her word. I'm willing to let your dad start a new life, and no matter what you want mom to do, mom will do her best..."

Jiang Qinghuai got up and said, "I still have something to do, so I'll go first, drink slowly."

Liu Yubing opened her mouth, but seeing her daughter's indifferent expression, she paused again, unable to speak, and could only watch her calmly and calmly go downstairs with her bag.

She sat there quietly, dazedly, without moving for a long time. After a while, there were footsteps and voices again, as if some other guests had come to the second floor.

She quickly wiped away the tears on her face with a tissue, took a deep breath, adjusted her expression, then took out a small cosmetic box from her bag, tidied up her appearance, and soon regained her elegant, beautiful, confident, and The posture and appearance that a noble lady should have in the legend.

After putting away the makeup box, Liu Yubing took a sip of tea gracefully, tasted it a little, then seemed to have thought of something, took out a brand new white Birdsong Jian mobile phone from her bag, turned on Lingxi, and sent Liao Daqing information.

In the corner next to it, two beautiful young girls sat down. The two girls looked at each other, looked at each other, and looked at each other's dress, appearance, and mature and elegant charm, and their expressions seemed a little envious.

Then they saw the Android phone taken out by the other party, and the expressions of the two of them changed subtly. The look of envy disappeared and was replaced by pride and pride. Turned on the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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