Rebuild 2005

Chapter 852 [851] Choose who to sleep with

Chapter 852 [851] Choose who to sleep with
Although the company and the outside world—at least in China—generally believe that Jiangjinjiu is the pioneer of large-screen mobile phones, Wei Qingfan knows very well that Gushici’s product division is based on future Huawei mobile phones.

As for Huawei's mobile phone product division, a large part of it refers to Samsung. Of course, a more specific statement should be based on the layout and adjustment of the market:
The Samsung note series became popular, so we learned and benchmarked against the Samsung note series to create a large-screen mate series;

Samsung has dual flagships, and is also learning to adopt a dual flagship strategy (early D and P dual flagships, and later Mate and P dual flagships);

When Xiaomi became popular, it learned from Xiaomi and created Huawei Honor, and then further became an independent brand of Honor, and finally sold it under external pressure, becoming a real state-owned enterprise.

When OV becomes popular, learn from OV and make a Nova, and learn the same operating model. If you endorse, I will also endorse, and if you traffic, I will traffic.


As in the original history, the mobile phone "Huawei Honor" was also released at the end of 2011. The specific model is U8860. Its configuration is similar to that of Guci Phone 1 in all aspects, with the same 512M memory, the same 4-inch 480p screen, and Qualcomm 8255T. The processor... the price is also 1999!

That is to say, Huawei Honor sells the same price with the configuration of the ancient mobile phone a year and a half, nearly two years ago.

The youth version of 1499 and Gu Ci 2, as well as the Man Jiang Hong of 799, are similar configurations.

It is a proper IQ opportunity, and it has nothing to do with the price/performance ratio. Of course, this is also a normal situation. The youth version of Guci 2 also has similar configurations, but the price is 1499.

Manjianghong also has a similar configuration, selling for 799.

That's why the ancient mobile phone in this world, the Xiaomi mobile phone in the original history, has so many fans and supporters.

Looking back, no matter who comes first, among the different series of Gushici mobile phones, in terms of product positioning, Linjiang Xian is responsible for stabilizing the basic market, Sauvignon Blanc and Qingyu case are responsible for the offline channel, and the wine will enter the market. , Niaosingjian should establish a high-end image.

From the analysis of the current competitors, Linjiangxian is now Xiaomi and Meizu, and the opponents of the Sauvignon Blanc and Qingyu cases are OV, Samsung, Nokia, HTC, Huawei's mid-to-low-end smart phones, and the opponents of Jinjiu and Birdsong. Direct competitors are Samsung's S series and Note series.

The current iPhone is another track. It is not in the same world as other smartphones at all. It is the only one with no rivals.

There is no way to do this. Smartphones are defined by others. The halo is too powerful, and of course the user experience is unique.

After all, even if Wei Qingfan has the advantage of foresight, he cannot solve the freeze problem of the Android system in such a short period of time by himself.

Starting from S3, the quality of Samsung's high-end mobile phones has been significantly improved, which puts a certain pressure on Gushici companies. After all, Samsung's brand influence is still stronger, plus the right to speak in the supply chain, profit margins, etc. Advantages in all aspects, when faced with the impact of ancient poems and mobile phones, it feels like ancient poems beat Xiaomi.

Gushi’s current advantage is the price. Under the premise that the product is not obviously behind, the price is a full two thousand——Samsung’s mobile phone dives very quickly, starting at 4999, but the price for real mass shipments is about 4500-3000 , while the shipping range of Niaosingjian is about 2700-2000, and when the life cycle is about to end, the price will be reduced for promotion.

The difference is about 1500 or so.

In overseas markets, the two advantages of domestic production and price of Gushi mobile phones no longer exist.
——The selling price in different countries and regions is simply a mystery. In Europe, it is 599 euros, which is 50 euros more expensive than Samsung note, and the price is equivalent to RMB 4995, which is 5 yuan cheaper than the price in China;

The same configuration costs US$666 in Dubai, equivalent to RMB 4220, which is a full RMB 779 cheaper than in China, which is almost equivalent to the price difference of a Manjianghong!

This is a country of local tyrants, but it is cheaper than in China, a poor country and a place of production!
Wei Qingfan really couldn't think of any other reason besides thinking that Chinese people are stupid and have a lot of money and blatantly discriminate against them.

Jiangjiu and Niaosongjian are priced according to Samsung mobile phones. The European version is 529 euros and 499 euros, and the Middle East is 649 US dollars and 599 US dollars.

According to Wei Qingfan's memory, the sales volume of the entire series of Samsung S3 has reached 7000 million units, which is about the same as that of the iPhone 5 and is the second highest-selling Android smartphone in history.

Ranked first is the Samsung S4, with a sales volume of 8000 million units!

In the face of such a record-setting opponent, it would be nonsense to say that there is no pressure, but anyway, the ancient poetry mobile phone in the domestic market is already capable of fighting, and there is no hope for the overseas market for the time being.

In short, losing is not a shame.

After the strategy office meeting, Wei Qingfan went to the product department, design department, software department, and application department to learn about the progress and status of key projects.

By the time he finished chatting with the application department, he had already left work at noon, so he simply had lunch with a few key members of the software department.

In the afternoon, I went to BOE's Beijing factory to investigate and understand the situation, and then attended the city meeting. In the evening, the Commerce Bureau, followed by the driver, first took Jiang Qinghuai back, and then sent him downstairs. It was almost ten o'clock.

Back upstairs, as soon as he opened the door, he heard laughter inside, Wei Qingfan changed his shoes, hehe had already greeted him, he patted its head, then walked into the living room, and saw Li Miaoyu, Li Wanyi, and Li Wanyun all wearing With hair, wearing pajamas, sitting on the carpet playing cards.


Probably having fun, the three women didn't hear him coming back. Li Wanyun spotted him first, and greeted him with a smile.

Wei Qingfan smiled and said, "Did you leave?"


Li Wanyun threw out two 10's, then nodded and smiled, "Stay with my sister."

Li Wanyi next to her rolled her eyes, then threw out a pair of Qs, and asked Wei Qingfan, "Did you drink?"

"A little bit, it's okay."

Wei Qingfan laughed, "I'll pour the water myself."

"There was no one to serve you."

Li Miaoyu said with a smile, "You don't think we're going to get up to pour water for you, do you?"

"Then how dare I labor three fairies!"

Wei Qingfan snorted, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of mineral water and came back, sat down between Li Miaoyu and Li Wanyi, "Haven't you finished playing yet? Count me in."


With Li Wanyun around, Wei Qingfan couldn't get too close to Li Wanyi, so he turned to Li Miaoyu's side to see her cards.

Li Wanyi said vigilantly: "Only look at one card, or don't talk."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Li Miaoyu only had the last three cards left, Wei Qingfan could see clearly, and helped to direct, "This, this."

"Don't talk!"

Li Miaoyu bumped him with his shoulder, "Every time you order, I will lose."

Before Wei Qingfan could refute, Li Wanyun asked curiously: "Brother-in-law, when you say you are not that kind of person, do you mean that you are not that kind of person? Are you not a person who breaks the rules, or a person who obeys the rules?"

"Then needless to say~"

Li Miaoyu wrinkled her nose cutely, "Of course I am a person who obeys the rules, I just like to beep beep and order blindly."

Wei Qingfan retorted: "Of course I am a person who abides by the rules. You are the one who doesn't follow the rules every time and will play tricks."

"You're just fooling around!"

Li Miaoyu stretched out his hand to pinch him, Wei Qingfan stretched out his hand to block him, and the two quickly started fighting, as if they were practicing a small grappling hand.

"You don't..."

Li Wanyun is obviously not used to the daily life of the two troubled children, and wanted to speak out to dissuade them, but suddenly saw Li Miaoyu's card fall down during the fight between the two, so she quickly focused on it.


Li Miaoyu hurriedly reached out to pick up the cards, not letting them see them, "Don't look at it, don't look at's all your fault!"

She turned around and hit Wei Qingfan again.

Wei Qingfan shouted: "You didn't catch it yourself, and you blame me, give it to me, I'll hold it for you..."

"Don't even think about it! You are a spy filmed by a bad woman!"

"I don't know good people!"

The two started to fight again. Li Wanyi saw Li Miaoyu's cards clearly, compared with her own cards, and felt that there was a high probability of winning, she said angrily, "You two will fight again later, do you want to?"

"do not want!"

Li Miao replied in a vigorous tone, "You have all seen my cards, what are you asking?"

Li Wanyi smiled and said, "This is called keeping the rules!"


Li Miaoyu rolled her eyes, then dubbed herself "Yah Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara" and slapped Wei Qingfan.

"If you don't show some real skills, you will start to be arrogant..."



The two used their hands and mouth together and fought into a ball.

When Li Wanyun saw Wei Qingfan patting Li Miaoyu's chest, she blushed a long time ago. She knew it was wrong, but she secretly thought: "No wonder brother-in-law always likes to pat on Li Miaoyu's chest... so it's always like this..."

She is shy and novel, a little funny, and a little envious.

Li Wanyi has already seen the strangeness, but now her younger sister is still watching, angrily reprimanded: "Are you two finished? If you don't play, get out!"


Wei Qingfan and Li Miaoyu agreed to a truce, and Li Miaoyu pouted his mouth and said angrily, "He did it first, and he was playing a hooligan, I'm just defending..."

Li Wanyi was too lazy to break up with her, she rolled her eyes and said, "It's your turn!"

"What did you produce?"

Li Miaoyu stretched out her head to look, Li Wanyun said, "A K."


Li Miaoyu continued to pouted, and glared at Li Wanyi again, "Why are you so fierce? Did you win? There are so many cards, and you are still arrogant..."

Li Wanyi ignored her and threw out a 2, both Li Wanyun and Li Miaoyu couldn't afford it, she quickly discarded the cards, and soon there were only two cards left in her hand.


Li Wanyi finally played a 7, and Li Wanyun followed an 8. Li Miaoyu seized the opportunity and threw an A, "Hahaha, do you still have a 2? Is it gone? I won!"

"whispering sound!"

Li Wanyi sneered and threw out a 2.


Li Miaoyu was dumbfounded all of a sudden, "Impossible? You've already gone out, why are you still there? You cheated..."

"Four 2s, two for me, one for you, one for Wanyun, who cheated?"

Li Wanyi gave her a blank look, "Hahaha, I won!"

"and many more!"

Seeing that her sister was about to play cards, Li Wanyun hurriedly stopped, and threw out four 3s with a smile on her face, "Boom! Hahahaha, I've been waiting for it!"


Li Miaoyu was taken aback, but quickly laughed, "Hahaha, bad girl, you have your day too, don't you know how to count cards? Didn't you count?"

She was very proud, she seemed to be happier seeing Li Wanyi lose than she was winning.


Li Wanyun stretched out a hand, and Li Miaoyu extended his hand joyfully, and gave her a high five, "Wanyun, you are amazing!"

"That is!"

Li Wanyun had a bright smile on her face, "I was just waiting for my sister's hand, and I planned to help you win."


Li Wanyi took a deep breath, seemed a little depressed, and gave her sister another look, "What cards do you have?"

"I still have two."

Li Miaoyu looked at her cards again, and then at Li Wanyun, "Can you finish playing?"

"A pair of ticks!"

Li Wanyun threw out the last two cards, clapped her hands, and said happily: "Hahaha, I won, I will choose who to sleep with tonight!"


Wei Qingfan was stunned for a moment, "Do you still have a bet?"

(End of this chapter)

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