Rebuild 2005

Chapter 857 [857] Having a boy and a girl

Chapter 857 [857] Having a boy and a girl

Wei Qingfan has already thought of the name of the public welfare foundation, and it is called "Zimei Public Welfare Fund", which can be regarded as making up for the regret that Mr. Du Fu's work did not become the name of Gushi mobile phone products in the end.

Although Li Bai's "Jiangjinjiu" has become the name of the flagship series, and "Taibai" has become the name of the self-developed processor, Du Fu probably won't mind these.

No matter how you say it, Wei Qingfan doesn't have that much ability for the time being, and won't have it in the future, but he uses the name "Zimei" to do good deeds and help some students. If the old man knows, he would like to come is happy.

However, this incident caused great resistance earlier in the company.

Almost everyone in the strategy office voted against it. Even Zhang Yuanping, although he agreed, suggested that it should be slowed down. The attitude of others, some think that donations are enough, and there is no need to waste the company's manpower

——This kind of thing sounds nice to say, but it is too troublesome to actually do it, and it is easy to offend people.

It is far less troublesome than donating money, famous, no trouble, and many friends, will not make enemies.

And even if I agree that the company can do it by itself, I think it should not be done at this time. In fact, the company has spread too many projects in the past year. The after-sales service and channels are all gold-swallowing beasts!

Although the company's development prospects are very good, and everyone has confidence, the reality is not shifted by people's subjective will. Reducing risks is the pursuit of all companies. We should not make mistakes just because of good prospects, or accidents will happen if we are not careful.

Wei Qingfan can force his own decision to pass, but this goes against the company's decision-making system that he has always wanted to build, so he can only use the most strenuous method to persuade them one by one.

He asked Dai Jialiang, who was a supporting teacher, to send more "information", and then handed it over to Li Miaoyu, asking her to try to edit it into a video.

"Why did you let me do it?"

Li Miaoyu was naturally willing to help with this matter, but felt that Wei Qingfan came to him directly instead of Li Wanyi, so she couldn't help but fight daily.

She pouted and rolled her eyes at Wei Qingfan, "Do you think that bad women are busy with work, and I'm the only one who has more free time, so you can come to me if you have anything to do?"

"Because you are kind!"

Wei Qingfan squeezed a place for his buttocks on the stool in front of the piano, leaned against him again, and explained seriously, "My family Miaomiao is cute and kind, and the one who is the most helpful, of course I think of you right away. gone."

"...makes sense."

Li Miaoyu suddenly became happy, "Although a bad woman is not bad, she has too many thoughts, unlike me..."

She tilted her head and thought for a while, and found a word: "Pure!"


Wei Qingfan nodded vigorously, "Miaomiao is like a clear spring, clear to the bottom."

"You called me stupid, I heard it."

Li Miaoyu pinched him, "You think I can't hear it, do you?"

"Nonsense, I just want to praise you for your simplicity and kindness, which is close to the 'innocent heart' that the ancients said. This is a kind of great wisdom, close to the realm of returning to nature."

"Hehehe, I think so too."

For the sake of making himself happy, Li Miaoyu happily agreed to help, but after transferring the data to the computer, seeing the children in their early teens or even less than [-] years old in the supporting education area, I can't laugh anymore.

She is not very proficient, but carefully edited these materials and texts into a video, and then asked Wei Qingfan: "What if other people in the company don't agree?"

"will not."

Wei Qingfan said confidently, "People are not grass and trees, so no one can be ruthless, but these things are too far away from them, and they can't see them on weekdays.

"Besides, I didn't want to say how much money to invest at once. First, I went to this county to do a pilot project, open an after-sales store, and of course sell it at the same time. The initial investment in this aspect is at most 30 to [-]..."

If it was just money, it wouldn’t cost so much, but if Wei Qingfan wanted to find out a system and system, and wanted to connect with the offline network of the ancient poetry company, he would have to spend more money.


Li Miaoyu nodded, puffed her cheeks again, and begged softly: "If the people in your company disagree, we can do it ourselves, and I can pay for it."

"it is good."

Wei Qingfan smiled and agreed, hugged her and kissed her again, "My Miaomiao is so nice."

"of course!"

Wei Qingfan chatted with her for a while, and went to accompany Li Wanyi at night, hugging the sexy and proud snow-white carcass of the senior sister for a long time, and finally made the senior sister's muscles and bones soft, paralyzed on the bed like mud, and did not move. Finish.

"You hate~"

After tidying up and resting for a while, she seemed to have come back to her senses, her charming face was flushed and seductive, her watery eyes showed a little shame, she raised her white palm and hit him lightly, her voice still revealed the coquettish and charming after being satisfied and happy Meaning, "Everyone thinks they are going to die..."

"I have neglected Wanwan for so many days, I have to work harder~"

Wei Qingfan put his arms around her and kissed her, then said with a low smile, "I found that you are really different from Miaomiao..."

He still wanted to talk about the specific similarities and differences, but Li Wanyi covered his mouth in shame, and said angrily, "Don't tell me... What did you say to Miaomiao at night?"

"It's still about the foundation."

Wei Qingfan told her, "Didn't Miaomiao always want to go there? I promised her that when the foundation is established, she can apply for a position if she wants, and help out when she is free."

"Well, that's good too."

Li Wanyi nodded, and said again: "However, Qingyu Investment still needs her to watch."

"That's fine. Anyway, I don't need her to work. The main thing is to experience and exercise. With her temperament, it will take a few more years to rely on her to work."


Li Wanyi responded lazily, stretched out two white arms to wrap around his neck, raised her charming face slightly, and said with a smile: "It feels like raising a daughter, when she grows up..."

"What nonsense."

Wei Qingfan patted her amusedly, "Miaomiao will be pissed off if she hears it, I regard you as my sister, and you treat me as your daughter, right?"

Li Wanyi also laughed, arched into his arms, and asked in a low voice: "You said, we are always like this, I...will I be pregnant?"

"I'll be pregnant."

Wei Qingfan kissed her, and stretched out his hand to gently stroke her smooth belly, "Anyway, we are all certified, legal, and it's a good thing to conceive. My parents, your parents, can be crazy happy."

"What about the company?"

"It's running normally. It's not that you won't turn around when you leave. Besides, it didn't say that you have to stay at home every day when you're pregnant, but you don't need to cook. We can hire an aunt."

Wei Qingfan seriously discussed with her so that the senior would not feel that she didn't care, "Also, Tangning's place has already been furnished and will move in after a while. It's so big, I can't clean it myself. ? Really need to hire an aunt, or housekeeper..."


Li Wanyi listened to him talking about these trivial things, she seemed to feel very happy and enjoying, with a sweet smile on her mouth, she nodded seriously, and then frowned and said: "But I am worried, if I am really pregnant, when the time comes, Auntie will come over, why not?" manage?"

She didn't say that her mother was going to come over, because she would not agree, and she could prevent this kind of thing from happening. It was not heartless, but rational. In the long run, she had to do so.

On the one hand, it is necessary to prevent parents from having the idea of ​​drawing blood from their daughter and son-in-law to adopt a son, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid affecting the relationship between the two families.

As long as the relationship between her and Wei Qingfan is stable, the two families will have no major problems. In this case, it is necessary to avoid "too close" and conflicts due to trivial life, rather than worrying about alienation.

Wei Qingfan thought about it for a while, and felt that with his mother's temperament and doting on Li Wanyi, he might really do such a thing. He was not worried about any conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law with Li Wanyi when his mother moved here, but was worried Li Miaoyu's matter.

Of course, the worry is not that my mother refuses to accept Li Miaoyu. Instead of worrying about Li Miaoyu, it is more practical to worry about myself.

In case the mother comes to "godson" at that time, she will definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

Moreover, my own mother is already very partial to Li Wanyi, if this matter is exposed again, wouldn't it be more biased towards the two of them?

Most importantly, there is Jiang Qinghuai...

When he thought about it, he couldn't help but feel a little headache, but fortunately, the matter has not happened yet, so he doesn't need to worry too much, he has failed to conceive so many times, how could it be so easy to conceive?

"You said, should we have a boy or a girl for our first child?"

After turning off the light, Li Wanyi snuggled into his arms, and started the question of the century again, "Do you like boys or girls?"

"Of course it's a girl!"

Wei Qingfan answered without hesitation. He knew that Li Wanyi was deeply affected by the "patriarchal" thought, which left some shadows and was affected unconsciously, so he deliberately answered this way.

In this way, if she gave birth to a girl, Li Wanyi would not have any psychological burden, but if she gave birth to a boy, she would like it very much, and her parents, grandparents, and grandparents would probably like it too.

In short, this answer is guaranteed to be correct.

"I still prefer boys more."

Li Wanyi said with a sweet smile, "The first child wants a boy, and if we still want a girl, we can have another girl... Will it affect us if we have two?"

The second child was opened in China in 2016, and it is still the first stage of family planning.

"What impact will that have? In the future, the economy will become more and more developed, housing prices will become higher and higher, education expenses will increase, and there will definitely be fewer and fewer children... Maybe there will be rewards for having a second child."

"It's true...there are so many people in China..."

"You can't just look at the number of people, you have to look at the trend. This is dynamic. Look at those developed countries..."

Wei Qingfan analyzed it for her, "We can have a few more children..."

"That won't work."

Li Wanyi retorted softly, seemed a little embarrassed, and muttered softly, "If you have too many won't be able to recover..."

Wei Qingfan immediately understood what she meant, hugged her a little tighter, and said with a low smile: "My family Wanwan is very talented, you are born to be charming, you are born to be seductive... don't worry about the problem of recovery after giving birth... ..."


Li Wanyi was so ashamed that she stretched out her hand to hit him, "What..."

After being shy, she couldn't help being curious again, and asked in a low voice, half shy and half puzzled: "What is obsequiousness..."

"This is a description..."

Wei Qingfan leaned close to her ear, rubbing his ears together, and whispered, "Didn't you notice that you are different from other girls, most women have breasts as big as yours, how could they be so thin, this is called a manga figure , in reality, picking one out of ten thousand is not too much... and the following are also..."

(End of this chapter)

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