Rebuild 2005

Chapter 877 [876] The choice between life and death

Note: Wei Qingfan’s Mercedes-Benz S350 was replaced by Li Miaoyu’s BMW 750, in order to dispose of this car. Miaomiao will no longer drive a BMW. The previous article has been fixed.


Dark clouds overwhelmed the city, and the torrential rain was like a waterfall. Wei Qingfan's struggling roar seemed to be blocked by the heavy rain and could not be heard very far.

Fortunately, everyone realized that the situation was wrong. Some people saw the scene of the three of them fleeing in the rainstorm, and they were surprised or waited and watched, while others followed suit and hurriedly opened the car door and escaped.

The surging torrent in the tunnel grew rapidly, and it had already reached Li Wanyun's waist, because there was continuous downward impact of the water above, it was very difficult to reverse direction and go upward.

At this time, they saw a very subversive and powerful scene:
A car next to it was directly hit by the torrent and floated up!
The vehicle whose weight is measured in "tons" floated in the water! !

Seeing this scene, Wei Qingfan was heartbroken. Seeing that the car door was still locked and the people inside refused to get out, they just screamed inside, and hurriedly shouted: "Get down! Get down!"

The car door can be temporarily separated from the water flow, and it will also be washed to float for a short time, but it will definitely sink, and it will definitely be a dead end.

Li Wanyi and Li Wanyun also shouted, but at this time the people in the car must have panicked and dared not get off. They were in the car, being hit by the torrent and rushing further down the tunnel, hitting Li Miaoyu's car with a bang. On the BMW 750, there was a slight pause, and it was displaced by the back shock for a certain distance, and then rushed down in the gap next to it.

The people in the vehicle below have also run out. There are men and women, all drenched by the heavy rain, pale and flustered, trying to escape upwards. Someone even tried to get something from the car, but was yelled at by the man next to him. Stop drinking.

The torrent below was deeper, and the two women were not as tall as Li Wanyi and Li Wanyun. They had just escaped to Wei Qingfan's car, and the water was almost up to their chests. This depth was enough to make most ordinary people panic and fear, not to mention that the torrent was still there. The constant surge is even more frightening.

"Honey, we won't die, will we?"

"I don't want to die!"

The panicked voices of two women crying came from behind, Li Wanyun couldn't help but look back, but was soon dragged by her brother-in-law to continue walking.

Wei Qingfan does not lack the kindness to help others when he can do what he can, but at this moment, his life or death is uncertain, especially since Li Wanyi is still pregnant, he has no way to turn around and help others.

More people escaped from the car, and at a quick glance, there were about fifteen or six people in total, and there were actually acquaintances among them:
Previously in Jinqiu Zhichun's "neighbor", Li Miaoyu's family of three met when the elevator club died!
The couple, with their son, were on the top vehicle, and they had already got out of the vehicle at the moment. The husband picked up the son and led his wife, trying hard but hard to survive against the current.

"Step aside! Step aside!"

Another wave of torrent came from above, and the wave was a bit big. Wei Qingfan hurriedly pulled the two sisters to the side of the tunnel to minimize the impact.


The family of three in front was in the torrent and didn't notice the water surge in time. When they found it, they were already in front of them. The husband quickly pulled his wife behind him, but he couldn't stand still because of this movement while holding the child. He staggered from being rushed, tried to stand still, and then was hit by the subsequent water flow, and the whole person fell directly into the water.

The woman screamed and reached out to grab her husband's hand, but failed to grab it. She could only watch her husband and child being washed deeper below in the torrent.

"Car! There is a car next to you, grab it!"

The three of Wei Qingfan were less impacted and were not affected much, but they had no time to help, so they could only yell at each other.

I don't know if he heard the sound. The man desperately grabbed the rearview mirror of the vehicle and stabilized his body. The boy was luckier and was directly hit by the car. , has been much better.

"Come on!"

The water rose too fast, Wei Qingfan did not dare to delay, led Li Wanyi and Li Wanyun to continue walking up with difficulty, and shouted: "Wanwan, you come to the back, I am in front."

There will definitely be waves in the future. Although Li Wanyi is tall, her quality is not enough, so she may not be able to withstand it. It will be troublesome if she is knocked down.

The torrential rain did not stop, and the three people's heads and faces were covered with water. Wei Qingfan signed one in each hand, and didn't bother to wipe it off.

Li Wanyi didn't speak, just let go of his hand and walked back.

Li Wanyun stretched out her hand, held her sister's hand, and at the same time let go of Wei Qingfan's hand, shouting: "Sister, you are in front!"

Li Wanyi pushed her forward and shouted: "Don't waste time, let's go!"

"You are ahead!"

Li Wanyun dragged her forward with great effort, and shouted with a face full of rain: "You are pregnant with a baby!"

"Come on!"

There is no more water waves ahead, it is already a good opportunity, how can we delay here, Wei Qingfan dragged Li Wanyi nearby, Li Wanyi grabbed Li Wanyun again, the three of them lined up and tried to move up.

The man in front had already grabbed the child, hugged it again, stood still with difficulty, and shouted to the wife in front who was thankful but anxious, who was wiping tears after great grief and joy: "Go! Go!"

Wei Qingfan reminded: "Stand aside! Step aside!"

The water waves should take time to converge, but there is no pattern. The woman in front has no one to support her, and she is still walking in the middle, and it may be washed away by a wave.

"Go to the side, go to the side!"

The man came to his senses and yelled to remind his wife, and leaned towards Wei Qingfan with his son in his arms.

He was delayed for a while, but he was still in the front position. After leaning over, he happened to meet Wei Qingfan and moved forward together.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!"

The man tried to move forward while comforting the child in his arms, "We'll be going up soon."

Li Wanyi watched and listened to the side, and suddenly felt the urge to cry, and felt her stomach quietly. At this time, the heavy rain was pouring, and the raindrops that kept hitting her head and body were icy cold, and the torrent that submerged her waist was also the same. It was cold, but she seemed to be able to feel some warm movement in her stomach.

This is naturally an illusion, but the two hands, one held by Wei Qingfan and the other by Li Wanyun, really gave her a warm and solid feeling, even though their hands were also soaked by the rain. .

A few hundred meters of tunnel, driving is only a short effort of two sentences, but it takes a long time to walk, and it is even more difficult to go retrograde in the rainstorm and torrent at this time.

There were cries from behind. For ordinary people who are not familiar with water, the thigh-deep water can drown people, not to mention that it is still flowing violently at this time. Fortunately, there are people supporting them, and there is still hope of escape.

After walking a little further, the depth of the water hardly changed, because the water flow was still rising rapidly, and the depth they reduced as they went up could barely offset the increase in the water flow.


When walking forward, Li Wanyun only felt her foot stumble, as if she stepped on something, staggered, and was rushed by the surging water, making it difficult to stabilize her body, and fell directly into the water.

Li Wanyi immediately grabbed her younger sister's hand to prevent her from being washed away, and Wei Qingfan quickly turned around and stretched out his hand to grab her.

Li Wanyun can swim, and often goes to play with Li Miaoyu, Li Wanyi, Wei Qinghuan and the others, but those trained in the swimming pool can't play much role in this situation, the water environment is completely different, let alone she wants to swim. To walk is not to swim.

The torrent surging around seemed to turn into indescribable ghosts, monsters, and wild beasts in an instant, tearing her from all directions, her feet were involuntarily lifted off the ground, and her body was being pulled back uncontrollably. Go, the power is so powerful that there is almost no hope of resisting it.

The only point of strength is the hand held tightly by my sister, and I can feel my sister trying to pull her up.

Under the impact and tearing of the torrential rain and the torrent, she tried to open her eyes, and saw her sister's familiar face. The usually bright and charming face was very pale, showing obvious panic, but the corners of her mouth were slightly pursed, giving people a sense of determination. A firm feeling, holding on to her tightly.

The body floated down, and in an instant, another wave of water gathered and rushed over Li Wanyun's tunnel, his mouth seemed to open subconsciously, and an indescribably dirty water rushed in, choking directly into the trachea. Make her breathless.


Looking at the waves of water rushing up from above, she only yelled, but she couldn't utter a complete sentence, but she consciously tried to let go of the palms that were tightly clenched subconsciously.

"pay close attention!"

Li Wanyi sensed her younger sister's movements and shouted sharply, "Hurry up!"

She broke away from Wei Qingfan's hand with the other hand and held her younger sister's hand. Her body was tense in the water, and at the same time, she leaned against the wall as much as possible to borrow strength.

Wei Qingfan let go of Li Wanyi, took advantage of the impact of the water, ran over in two steps, and hugged Li Wanyun's body by the waist.

The torrent was surging, and between life and death, he naturally didn't care about any obstacles. He pressed his buttocks with one hand and his chest with the other, and forced his sister-in-law to "stand up" in the water, shouting: "Step on the ground! Step on it!!"

Although Li Wanyun was choked by water, after all, she was far from losing her sanity. With her brother-in-law's support, she calmed down a little, and supported the wall next to her with her other hand, and kicked down with her brother-in-law's strength. Wake up to the fact that your feet are always very close to the ground, and you step on it as soon as you kick.

Wei Qingfan supported her to stand still, still worried, put one arm around her waist, protected her against the inner side of the wall, and continued to walk up against the current, while shouting to Li Wanyi in front of her: "Be careful! There are waves behind!"


Li Wanyi didn't have time to blame her sister for her absurd behavior just now, she yelled at Wei Qingfan in the rain, still holding her sister's hand, turned around to face the front, so as to better withstand the impact of the water waves.

During this process, she changed her other hand, but still held her younger sister tightly, and leaned on the wall with one hand, looking for slight bumps on the rough surface, and dragged her younger sister forward.


"Go! Don't stop!"

Li Wanyun calmed down a bit, but still had lingering fears, she was still coughing, tears and snot seemed to flow out, she didn't know if it was in the torrential rain, but she heard her brother-in-law shouting in her ears, so she subconsciously followed him and let him hug her Go forward with difficulty.

The torrential rain continued, and the surging icy water was still fierce, and she still felt uncomfortable after choking on the water, but she somehow settled down in her heart, feeling the warmth from her brother-in-law in the cold rain, and her heart was filled with inappropriateness, but it was hard to shake it off A touch of shyness and joy.

Part of this joy comes from being reborn after the catastrophe. Although he is not out of danger yet, at least he has escaped from the danger of being almost caught in the torrent just now, but it is more because of being hugged in this posture for the first time in his life. with.

Of course, the most important thing is him.

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