Rebuild 2005

Chapter 920 [919] How to fight 1 against 4

The cucumbers that Wei Qingfan picked belonged to the fish that slipped through the net, and the other cucumbers would definitely not grow to be so big before they were picked, so the three of them searched for a while in the cucumber bushes, but they couldn't find any that could compare with Wei Qingfan. of.

So they resolutely abandoned Wei Qingfan, and the three happily compared each other. Li Miaoyu was the first to go out, and the biggest one she picked was also obviously smaller. There was no dispute.

This vegetable garden has been built for many years, and it has never been so lively as it is today. Several girls are chattering non-stop. Wang Shuhua is funny and happy to see it, but she still reminds: "Okay, okay, you should go to business , go and buy something first."


Li Miaoyu agreed crisply, and took the cucumbers, beans, and eggplants he had picked, and put them in the basket together with Jiang Qinghuai and Li Wanyun.

When a neighbor heard the noise, Wei Qingfan greeted him and drove to the car. Li Wanyi accompanied him to exchange greetings, waited for Wei Qingfan to turn around, got in the car, and went shopping in the street together.

Li Miaoyu, Li Wanyun, and Jiang Qinghuai consciously sat in the back, leaving the passenger seat to Li Wanyi. When she got in, Li Wanyun smiled and said, "The treatment of the big belly woman is really good."

Li Wanyi glanced back at her sister, with a smile in her charming eyes, and said: "When you are pregnant, you will be treated in the same way."

Li Wanyun's cheeks became hot, and she said angrily, "Who is pregnant...Miao Miao is almost pregnant."

"Why are you talking about me~"

Li Miaoyu reached out to hit her, "Don't talk about me, if you want to talk about yourself, talk about yourself."

"I'll tell you~"

Li Wanyun also stretched out her hand to hit her, "Don't you often talk about me too?"

"I didn't say you were pregnant."

"I said I wouldn't get pregnant again."

Li Wanyi said helplessly, "Can you two stop arguing?"


Li Miaoyu stopped her hands suddenly, opened her eyes wide, and looked surprised, "Sister, you are so gentle now, you don't scold us anymore."

Jiang Qinghuai asked curiously: "I heard people say that the body's hormones will change when pregnant, personality changes, and pregnancy stupidity, it seems to be related to this, is it true or not?"

"I don't really know."

As a medical student, Li Wanyun shook her head, "Anyway, there will definitely be changes, and she will be moody... Be careful, brother-in-law."

"That's impossible."

Wei Qingfan shook his head resolutely, "My Wanwan is gentle, it's her nature and it won't change."


Li Wanyun dragged her voice in disgust, "It's so nasty~"

Li Miaoyu said with a smile: "I hope that senior sister is moody, happy when she sees me, angry when she sees a bad man, and then toss him hard..."

Jiang Qinghuai said with a smile: "If there are rules, then it's not moody."

"If I'm moody, I'll throw all three of you out of the car window right now."

Li Wanyi snorted, "No wonder people say that there are three women in one drama, the three of you get together and chatter all day long, especially you two, Miaomiao and Wanyun."

Jiang Qinghuai smiled and said, "It's a good thing Qing Huan isn't here, otherwise the three of them would be even more noisy when they get together."

"Didn't say you, did you?"

Li Miaoyu sat in the middle and turned to stare at her, "Senior sister just said that she wanted to throw the three of us away."

Li Wanyun said: "Yes, there is also you."

Li Miao said: "If we leave Qingqing behind first, then she doesn't have any acquaintances in the county, so it's best to bully her."

"You are in the middle, it is most convenient to throw you out."

Jiang Qinghuai retorted, "Wanyun and the two of us teamed up to lift her up and throw her out of the window."


Seeing them chattering and arguing again, Li Wanyi sighed and didn't bother to care about them anymore.

Wei Qingfan smiled and said, "I share a piece of good news with you."

Li Miaoyu and Jiang Qinghuai were still arguing, but Li Wanyun showed her brother-in-law a lot of face and asked curiously, "What good news?"

"Sister-in-law is actually the most considerate..."

Wei Qingfan secretly sighed, and then smiled: "When I was squatting in the toilet just now, I received news that the three major operators have jointly sued Lingxi to court."



"Is this good news?"

Several girls were a little surprised, "Why?"

Li Wanyi pondered for a moment, and asked, "Because of a text message or a phone call?"


Wei Qingfan smiled, "Actually, I came to the door before and wanted Lingxi to charge a fee, but I directly refused. Originally, I was going to delay it and make some appropriate concessions, but they didn't want to talk about it at all."

In the original history, in the end, WeChat still gave way in the end. Text and voice messages were not affected, but voice calls and video calls have greatly increased the delay. In many cases, even the party calling here has been told that "no one Answer" and the other side still hasn't rang.

This is not due to mobile phones or the Internet. In the early days of WeChat, whether it was iOS or Android, WeChat messages, voice calls, and video calls were all very sensitive.

The three major operators sued, and after the two parties reconciled, they began to "venture" frequently.

iOS has a unified push mechanism. Although domestic Android does not have GMS, WeChat occupies the background activities 24 hours a day. Under normal circumstances, there is no possibility of delay or omission.

Even if it exists for a short time, it is long overdue to fix it.

Such a problem that seriously affects the experience has always existed, so it is not a technical problem.

Wei Qingfan originally asked Lingxi to propose a similar solution. In terms of details, such as the "delay level", there was room for discussion, but the three major operators did not intend to talk about it. They just wanted to press Lingxi die.

This is the danger of monopoly (the three major operators jointly monopolize). I am used to domineering, and I don’t want to change it, and I don’t want others to change it.

If it wasn't for the promotion of 3G, China Mobile and China Unicom have successively cooperated with Gushici, such actions would come sooner and would not be delayed until now.

"what should we do then?"

Li Miaoyu was a little worried, "The three of them together, we definitely can't beat them."

"Grind it slowly. They will compromise."

The lawsuits of the three major operators are themselves bullying. The current Gushici companies are naturally inferior to the "Pizza Huts" in terms of legal affairs, but under such outrageous circumstances, they still have the ability to protect themselves.

Moreover, they have inherent advantages. Lingxi has been eating away at the business of the three major operators. Time is on the side of the ancient poetry company. When the three major operators find it is not easy to bully people, they will change their thinking in the face of reality.

The SMS service is definitely going to disappear, but although the telephone service is affected, it will not be so serious. There must still be many people who need to call directly to work, but the "telephone porridge" of daily communication will be affected.

Moreover, traffic can also make money.

The current traffic is still very expensive, the king card has not yet appeared, and the mobile package of 5 yuan and 30 megabytes still exists. After the popularization of 4G, the high traffic cost has seriously restricted and affected the development of the mobile Internet industry. Don't introduce the "fee reduction and speed up" policy in 2015 to help them face.

Because data is expensive, at this time most ordinary people still have to switch on and off the data of their mobile phones frequently, so as to prevent the data charges from leaving a house when they wake up. The Android system can directly slide down and turn off the data, which is still very convenient for daily use. Advantage, ios can only enter the switch in the settings.

ios can limit the background traffic of the application, but the cost of normal use is still very high, and those who are willing to use the traffic every day belong to the rich.

"I am the same now, as long as I connect to the wireless network, the traffic is turned off."

Li Wanyun complained, "Otherwise, even if it is connected to the wireless network, I don't know when it will use data again...Brother-in-law, didn't you say that you would give the option? You can choose whether to use data when connecting to the wireless network?"

"Soon, the next version."

Li Miaoyu asked: "Small version or big version?"

"Of course it's the big version."


"What's the matter, isn't this coming soon? When the time comes, you can change to a new phone if you want. If you don't want to change, I can give you a place for the internal test..."

"No, I'll give you a new phone then."

Li Miaoyu giggled and said, "I made a lot of money this year, and I'll buy one for you when the time comes, everyone will buy one."

"Ah, little rich woman!"

"That is!"

The five people were chatting and joking when Li Wanyi's cell phone rang. Seeing them leaving, Wei Peng and Wang Shuhua were worried, so they also drove over and told them to wait there.

Wei Qingfan was a little helpless, but his parents were coming with him, so naturally he couldn't drive him back. When he arrived at the trade city, he went shopping first, and told his parents the address.

Wei Peng and Wang Shuhua came over soon, and also participated in checking for omissions and filling in vacancies, purchasing according to the list, and nearly half of the people they met knew Wei Qingfan, and they didn't know how they met.

The things were relatively trivial. After buying and moving them to the car, it was already noon. The whole family came home and called their grandparents over for dinner.

After the meal, Li Miaoyu was going to sleep, but when she learned that Wei Qingfan and Li Wanyi were going to the hotel to watch the wedding scene, she suddenly felt relieved and followed suit, fell asleep in the car, and got excited again after getting off the car He twittered to help the staff, and took pictures with his mobile phone.

After leaving the hotel, it was past three o'clock. Wei Qingfan was worried that Li Wanyi would be tired during pregnancy, so he asked her to go home and take a nap first, and then let her drive away after five o'clock in the afternoon.

Originally, when Wei Qingfan was away, the house was quiet and quiet, but when he came back, it became much more lively;

Later, it was bustling when Li Wanyi was around, but once she left, the house seemed much deserted;
After that, there were four more girls in the family, and now there are two less, and there are two left at home, which seems to be quite deserted.

Fortunately, Li Miaoyu is quite noisy. After learning that there are chickens, ducks and geese in grandma’s house, I want to visit it again. It was the original old courtyard. After Wei Qingfan’s family moved out, grandma remodeled the yard, and half of To grow vegetables, the other half specializes in captive poultry, and specially planted grass in it.

"so many!"

There are a few old hens, and a flock of chicks raised this spring, as well as six black ducks and four large white geese.

The four big white geese were also raised this year, and they are already very tall. They ran around grazing in the yard, and the four were almost inseparable. After following into the yard, he whined softly at the four big white geese, but dared not approach them.

"Can yellow flowers beat them?"

Li Miaoyu looked a little strange, and looked at the dog and four geese suspiciously, "Why do I feel that Huanghua seems to be a little afraid of them?"

"No way?"

Jiang Qinghuai was originally watching the chickens pecking at each other, but he also looked over after hearing the words, "How can a dog not beat a goose?"

Grandma smiled and said, "This is a big goose, so how can it beat it?"

Wang Shuhua helped explain: "The big white geese are the guardians of the house, and ordinary dogs are afraid of them."


Li Miaoyu and Jiang Qinghuai were both surprised, feeling that their impression had been subverted. Looking at the four big white geese, even the movements of stretching their necks to eat grass became much more powerful.

"Perhaps I still have to fight one. If Huang Hua was young, I would probably be able to fight two or three with one."

Wei Qingfan stretched out his hand to touch the yellow flower, expressing comfort, lest it get too nervous, and at the same time rectified the name of his good partner, "But this time there are four, the yellow flower will definitely not be able to beat... one picks four, and they are all such fierce big white geese , it's too difficult."

Li Miaoyu blinked her big watery eyes when she heard the words, turned to look at him, and then at Jiang Qinghuai.

Jiang Qinghuai was also looking at her, the two of them looked at each other, they thought of something, they looked away at the same time, the warm orange sunset reflected through the trees outside the courtyard, and fell on them, the two white cheeks seemed like All a little red.

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