Rebuild 2005

Chapter 963 [962] Will enter the wine 2 press conference

Chapter 963 [962] Will enter the wine 2 press conference

During the busy schedule, Wei Qingfan did not rest during the National Day holiday, and took Jiang Qinghuai on a business trip to the other side of the ocean to conduct the final negotiation with Qualcomm in person.

In the end, he got back important patents including wishful gestures and knuckle screenshots as he wished, and agreed on the patents to be used in the future.


This is just the price of getting back the patents already on mobile phones equipped with Qualcomm processors, and the patents used in subsequent products equipped with Qualcomm processors are another price.

This price did not exceed Wei Qingfan's expectations, but it still made him feel angry, but the situation was stronger than others, so he had to swallow this breath.

What he can do is to try to determine the proportion of different series of processors according to the follow-up product planning.

In fact, this result is not bad, at least it is much better than the price Huawei paid for Qualcomm processors in later generations-Qualcomm gave Huawei the condition that if it wants a flagship processor, it must be equipped with several 778 processors in stock.

华为从2021年开始卖这些778处理器,直到2023年都还没卖完,前后搭载的机型有nova9、nova9 Pro、nova10、nova10 Pro、P50E、P50 Pocket S、Mate50E、nova11、nova11 Pro、nova11 Ultra……就这还没卖完,当年购买骁龙8系的条件到底有多么的苛刻也就可见一斑了。

Of course, although it is helpless, consumers are innocent, and consumers who are willing to still support them under such circumstances are even more valuable. Huawei can sell the Snapdragon 2023 to a price of 778+ in 4000. It has indeed reached a very high level, which makes people have to admire.

The three major operators did not resolve it so quickly, because Lingxi didn't have much room to retreat, and the other party asked for a lot of money, so they could only talk slowly. Anyway, it would be beneficial for Lingxi to continue to delay.

BOE is the most worry-free and smoothest way to go in both directions. After the decision of Gushici Company to obtain 2% of the shares was finalized, the follow-up R&D cooperation will be carried out more smoothly.

Wei Qingfan's goal is to make a flexible folding screen mobile phone in 2014, which is very difficult. In the original history, BOE did not start production of the first flexible AMOLED screen production line in Chengdu until 2017.

Of course, Wei Qingfan is not very worried, because in the original history, BOE completed the research and development of flexible AMOLED screens in about 2014-2015 at the latest, but the yield rate is too low, and there is no way to mass-produce it. The follow-up is to overcome the problem of mass production.

In 2017, the flexible AMOLED screen production line was put into production. In 2018, Huawei Mate20Pro, the first mobile phone equipped with BOE’s curved screen, appeared. This is due to Huawei’s desire to support a reliable supply chain after Samsung stopped supplying Huawei Mate9, and BOE’s own efforts. more important.

In this time and space, with the help of ancient poetry companies, the time for the rise of domestic screens will be greatly advanced.

Because Gu Shi Ci is stronger than Huawei in the field of consumer business, and many things are not secrets in later generations. As an insider, although Wei Qingfan does not know much about the technical details of AMOLED screens, he can give the direction of research and development , to avoid unnecessary detours.

Samsung note2 has been listed in Tianzhu in early September, and the price is equivalent to RMB 9. The price of the Bank of China cannot be so cheap. It is likely that it will not be as expensive as the first generation, and it may be closer to the price of iPhone4400.

Wei Qingfan remembers that the price of the iPhone in the Bank of China is 5288.

The first batch of iPhone 5 went on sale on September 9, including Hong Kong Island. Since then, there has been a rapid wave of purchasing agents in the mainland. The price of purchasing agents was as high as 21 yuan at the beginning of the release, and some people still rush to buy them without hesitation.

This is the iPhone!

By October, the price of the iPhone 10 had gradually dropped, but it was still above 5 yuan.

At the same time, parallel imports of Samsung note 2 have also begun to spread in some channels. The 5.5-inch large screen and round body represent a completely different direction and experience from the iPhone 5, but they are also expensive.

These are big international brands!

Under such a grand occasion, the ancient poetry that led the trend of large-screen mobile phones earlier in the minds of domestic consumers will enter the wine, and finally there is more news.

In fact, long before the release of Samsung note 2, it was revealed that the screen of the Gushi 2nd generation of wine would be further enlarged to 5.5 inches. At that time, a large number of people wailed and felt that it was too big.

Among them, some people in the media criticize it verbally and in writing, thinking that this is going further and further down the wrong path.

After the release of Samsung Note 2, these voices disappeared, and there were revelations that Gushi will continue to maintain a 5.3-inch screen size.

As a result, some people began to "exploitation still depends on international giants like Samsung", "domestic manufacturers are too conservative and difficult to innovate", "stuck on their own feet" and so on.

Wei Qingfan commented on the iPhone 5 on Weibo and predicted that Apple would launch a 5.5-inch iPhone in a few years. A group of people scolded it as a fantasy, but naturally some people defended it, because no matter what Wei Qingfan said so far, he hadn’t missed it.

It is said that the iPhone will increase the screen size. Doesn’t the iPhone 5 become larger?

That being the case, it is said that Apple will release a 5.5-inch iPhone in a few years. Although no one can imagine what a 5.5-inch iPhone looks like, it does not affect a considerable number of people and fans who maintain Wei Zong's statement.

It hasn't arrived after a few years, what a fart you are!
A few months ago, you were still shouting "3.5 inches is the most suitable for human use" and "iPhone will never increase the screen size"...iPhone5 came out, keep shouting!Does your face hurt?

Amidst the quarrel, there were also voices who were more concerned about Jiang Jinjiu, thinking that since Mr. Wei said so, then there is a high probability that Jiang Jinjiu 2 will have a 5.5-inch screen, otherwise Mr. Wei would not deliberately mention this size.

There are those who agree with it, those who oppose it, those who expect it, and those who scold it.

All of these have led to the popularity of the new wines on the Internet before the warm-up has begun.

"Does anyone know when the new version of ancient poems will be released?"

"I also want to ask, hold an iPhone 4S, don't want to use the 5, want to buy an Android phone as a backup, will drink or a Samsung note is fine, the battery is better"

"Double Ninth Festival, if there is no accident, it will be October 10rd, the ninth day of September"

"It should be the Double Ninth Festival, and the press conferences of ancient poetry mobile phones are all traditional festivals"

"I'm also waiting. I'm Gu Ci 1. I want to buy Linjiangxian, but I want to wait to see what the new wine will look like."

"It seems that this year's new version is called Jiangjinjiu 2, and I won't change the name of other poems."

"That's okay, otherwise I won't remember it"

"That's coming soon, why haven't you announced the news yet?"

As time went by, the voices of discussion and urging on the Internet became louder and louder. On the morning of October 10th, Gushici finally released the poster of the press conference.

The poster continues the main body of the previous generation of sunshine and bird's nest, but the perspective has changed, as if seen through the gaps in the leaves, causing the theme color of the entire poster to become green.

In the blank it reads:

Traveling far is self-sacrificing, a gentleman is like an orchid

Ninety-nine Chongyang, see you there


Invitation letters to various media have also been sent out, but this is an invitation letter for domestic media. Foreign media received invitations earlier because they need to prepare visas for going to China.

Intellectually speaking, Wei Qingfan is very clear that it is more beneficial for Huawei to develop a press conference abroad first, and then develop a press conference in China, and it is easier to arouse heat in China.

However, emotionally, it was really difficult for him to accept such an approach.

Therefore, after internal discussions, it was decided to be a little more arrogant and directly follow Apple's example, hold a global press conference in its own headquarters, and invite overseas media to come.

There were also voices of opposition within the company, who believed that it would be better to go abroad first to develop the press conference. After all, no matter what it is these days, overseas plating gold will be more compelling after returning, but in the end Wei Qingfan forcibly suppressed it.

Naturally, there are media who disdain to come, but naturally there are also media who are willing to come and have fun. After all, there are food, drinks, and transportation, and it’s just a matter of writing an article later.

Isn't this more stylish than going abroad to develop a conference?
Anyway, no matter where you go to develop a press conference, the publicity expenses that should be paid are indispensable.

Although the Gushi mobile phone has been sold overseas, its sales volume and influence are far inferior to those in China. This is the first global press conference, so the overseas media did not pay much attention to it, and with the confidentiality clause, it did not pay much attention. A lot of news spread to the country in advance.

After the release poster was announced in China, the main information revealed was the product name and launch time, but some people noticed the words "global launch".

"Changed to the global press conference?"

"Jiangjinjiu and Niaosingjian are both listed overseas"

"Didn't someone say it before, it's much more expensive to sell abroad than domestically?"

"Isn't it good for people to buy Apple, Samsung, and Google? Is anyone buying it?"

“The domestic sales should be better”

"After all, the first generation"

"It is said that the total sales of wine will exceed 400 million units"

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, take your time, if you can really open up sales overseas, you will be as proud of domestic production as Lenovo."

"Hehehe, a certain idea is not worthy"


Because this time there will be an overseas live broadcast, Wei Qingfan chose to translate the subtitles and gave the manuscript, and then delay it for some time in order to change the details.

The rent of the Bird's Nest is too expensive, and it is impossible to wait until that day to debug. The company's technical department conducts tests in advance, and he himself is busy with the entertainment with the channel dealer.

Because Samsung note 2 increased the screen size again, the general public seems to have a higher acceptance of large-screen mobile phones. Coupled with the impact of price cuts, the sales of the first generation of wine will increase rapidly in more than a month.

By the eve of the press conference, the shipment (non-sales) of the first generation of Jiangjinjiu had exceeded 1 million units. The price reduction of Niaosingjian was relatively small, but the shipment could barely exceed 550 million units. The sales volume in the entire life cycle There must be more than 500 million units.

This made the major distributors quickly increase their expectations for the second generation of wine, and they have already got the machine, and some people are already using it. They are quite satisfied with the quality improvement of this generation, and they are more confident. .

Some things cannot be avoided by Wei Qingfan, but if he can hand them over to others, he should try his best to give them to others. He revised the draft of the press conference several times, and concentrated on preparing for his next press conference after more than half a year.

On the eve of the press conference, the most direct competitor of the Niaosingjian series of mobile phones, Samsung note 2, officially went on sale on October 10, priced at 20.

And the channel dealers have also heard the sales information of the most important product in the industry, the iPhone 5, which will be sold for the first time on December 12, with a price of 14 yuan.

Everything is ready, Wei Qingfan is gearing up and is ready to challenge the two major international manufacturers again at the press conference. It is the most powerful competitor of ancient poetry mobile phones for a long time in the future.

 The rear seats of the Continental GT can accommodate people, but they are not that comfortable (it will occupy the space of the front seats, and the front seats will be automatically adjusted according to the position of the legs of the people in the back row), but it is not suitable to drive this kind of car to pick up the elders , I didn’t take this into account when I wrote the last chapter, and it has been revised to two Mercedes-Benz, no Continental.

(End of this chapter)

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