Rebuild 2005

Chapter 979 [978] Brother-in-law is actually this kind of person

Chapter 979 [978] Brother-in-law is actually this kind of person

"I didn't even get to our dormitory, Shi Shaodong and the others dragged me into their dormitory, and I just took it apart in their dormitory."

Although Bai Yueqing's reply didn't contain much content, a single expression can interpret a lot of content. Li Chengan quickly gave a positive response. This is the secret he summed up for chatting with Bai Leqing. Only in this way can the chat continue.

This is normal, someone has to take the initiative, and it is not a bad thing for boys to take the initiative.

After briefly introducing the situation here, Bai Yueqing didn't reply immediately. Li Chengan worried that she wasn't interested in this topic, so he raised another topic: "What are you doing?"

Bai Yueqing followed up and replied: "Wow, then don't you feel proud now, don't you?"

This was a text message, but Li Chengan felt that Bai Leqing's sweet smile could be seen in front of his eyes, looking at him with a bit of disgust and amused look.

He replied with a feeling of happiness:

"It's okay, a little bit."

"After all, this is not my skill. It's just a fake tiger's prestige. If I really want to buy it, I can't afford it."

Bai Yueqing: "No, isn't your sister very rich?"

Li Chengan: "That's not my money."

Li Chengan: "A man is a man, but he can't live on others forever."

Bai Yueqing: "It makes sense, I'm impressed with you"

Li Chengan: "Hahahahaha"

Li Chengan: "The main reason is that if I dare to rely on my sister and brother-in-law for the rest of my life, if my sister can beat me to death, she will look down on this kind of person the most."

Bai Yueqing: "Is that your eldest sister?"

Li Chengan: "Yes."

Bai Yueqing: "I feel that your eldest sister is so powerful."

Li Chengan was about to reply when a boy came over and said with a smile, "Who are you chatting with? You don't even want your phone?"

This boy's name is Ding Qihang, and he has a good relationship with Bai Yueqing. He is a potential rival in love. Li Chengan didn't want him to know that he was chatting with Bai Yueqing, so he said with a smile: "It's okay."

He put the phone up slightly to prevent Ding Qihang from seeing it, and typed to Bai Yueqing: "I'll tell you later, there's something wrong."

Bai Yueqing didn't reply, so Li Chengan put away his phone and walked over to check his phone.

Shi Shaodong and others are experiencing the new function. Their dormitory is equipped with an air conditioner. They tried it with an infrared remote control. They can really control the air conditioner. Everyone was amazed and clicked.

"As expected of more than 4000 mobile phones..."

"Cow pen!"

"Go back and try the bus card."

"Subway should also be able to swipe, right?"

"It should be fine, go back and try."

It was the first time since Li Chengan entered the school that Li Chengan became the focus of everyone's attention. Fortunately, he didn't get carried away. He joked with everyone, and then returned to the dormitory with his mobile phone.

He took a look at the old phone, but Bai Yueqing hadn't replied yet, so he felt lost and didn't have the heart to show it off. He took the phone back to the dormitory, imported the data from the old phone, and started using the new phone.

In the following two days of weekends, his mobile phone became the focus of attention. From time to time, some students came to his dormitory to "pay their respects", and two or three of them were hesitant to buy it, asking about Li Chengan's experience.

They were not worried that Li Chengan would lie, because they already knew that although Li Chengan was holding an engineering machine, his brother-in-law only worked in an ancient poetry company, not a sales position. no good.

After all, there is a lot of information on the Internet, and Li Chengan has clearly rejected his classmates' request to help him buy a mobile phone.

"Anyway, I think it's fine."

Li Chengan told the truth, "You can see the screen, it's very clear, I even compared it with the Samsung note in the next class, his is a bit blurry... Now that I'm used to it, my old phone is also a bit blurry.

"Then the power is very durable, and the big screen looks cool, but it's too big, it's inconvenient to hold it, and it's easy to drop your pants..."

What he said was the truth, but he did have a certain tendency. He actually persuaded two students who were a little hesitant to decide to buy it on the spot after experiencing it.

But I bought the standard version.

This already made Li Chengan very happy, and felt that he had done something for his brother-in-law. He wanted to show off to his elder sister and brother-in-law, but then he felt that this was too childish.

The eldest sister has always worried that she is too naive and immature, and she doesn't show off such things now, so she is considered mature, right?
He thought like this, endured it, and didn't tell his eldest sister and brother-in-law, but later told Bai Yueqing. Bai Yueqing chatted with him a few words, and then asked him: "Did Shi Shaodong call you on his birthday?"

Li Chengan: "Called, did he call you?"

Bai Yueqing: "That's right, the people in our dormitory are called to go together, I'm hesitating whether to go or not."

Li Chengan hurriedly typed: "Go, anyway, you are a classmate, and your roommate is not a good relationship with his dormitory."

Bai Yueqing: "Let me think about it again."

Li Chengan: "Don't think about it, it's nothing to go to play."

He successfully persuaded Bai Yueqing to go play together at that time, and was very happy, so he began to look forward to Shi Shaodong's birthday coming soon.

Shi Shaodong's birthday is on the 31st, and Jinjiu 2 will be officially released in the morning. Li Chengan has been reading posts in the Luoshen community to understand the situation, and posted an experience post to answer other people's questions. I feel very fulfilled.

Moreover, Bai Yueqing also made the payment immediately, her new mobile phone will arrive in a few days, and then he and she will use the same mobile phone...

However, he finally made it to the 31st. He was still very happy in the morning, and he had been looking forward to the afternoon coming soon. When it actually came, he was far less happy than expected.

Even, far subverted his expectations and cognition.

There was no class in the afternoon, so after lunch, everyone made an appointment to set off. It was late autumn, and the temperature in the capital had dropped, but it wasn't that cold.

There were quite a few girls in the class, and several of them came this time, and Bai Yueqing was the most beautiful among them.

She was wearing light blue jeans and a milky white knitted jacket, she looked fresh and gentle, taking advantage of her delicate and pretty face, she was very beautiful and moving, and the boys present would inevitably take a second look.

Bai Leqing was usually very popular with boys, chatting and laughing with everyone, but Li Chengan was unhappy in it, and didn't like her like this very much.

Bai Yueqing obviously sensed his emotions, and after getting off the subway, he deliberately came over to talk to him. Li Chengan felt uncomfortable, so he responded lightly, but did not speak.

Bai Yueqing glanced at him, didn't say anything, and didn't take the initiative to talk to him again.

There is no shortage of boys around her, especially Ding Qihang, who has been talking and laughing around her, trying to get closer, and the others also join in the fun, laughing and joking.

When Bai Yueqing smiled, she covered her mouth, her big beautiful eyes were slightly curved, very beautiful.

Li Chengan likes her smile very much, he used to be very intoxicated, but now he also likes it when he looks at it, but at the same time he feels heartache.

Because just now, he made up his mind that he would never look for Bai Yueqing again, she was not suitable for him.

I will never accept such behavior from her, and I don't know how to avoid suspicion with other boys...

Doesn't she know that she will be angry?

She just doesn't care.

Unrequited love is meaningless, love is not a matter of one person.

He thought this way, after that, when he went to the KTV box, he didn't talk to Bai Yueqing, and he didn't look at her when he sang, but he still couldn't control his efforts to make himself as good as possible.

After singing, he sneaked another look at Bai Yueqing, hoping to see if she had any reaction...

Then, he saw Bai Yueqing talking to Ding Qihang.

Li Chengan almost held back his internal injuries, and scolded himself loudly in his heart, blood gushed up, and stayed there for a few seconds, then picked up his phone and shook it for a while, and replied to the post in the Luoshen community.

After pretending to be chatting with someone, he picked up the wine glass, went to the birthday star Shi Shaodong, and said, "Shaodong, I'm sorry, I still have something to do, so I have to go first."

Shi Shaodong persuaded him, and other boys persuaded him, but Li Chengan kept smiling and refused, made a toast, then got up and left.

During this process, he noticed that Bai Yueqing looked over, and there seemed to be some emotion in his eyes, but he didn't say anything, and calmly moved his eyes away.

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with you..."

Li Chengan walked out of the box, feeling suffocated in his heart, he didn't take a taxi or take the subway, because he didn't know where he could go.

After walking aimlessly for a long time, the streets were full of people, and he was the only one alone. Li Chengan felt more and more depressed and uncomfortable. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard someone next to him say, "That's the Ancient Poetry Company."

Ancient poetry company?
Li Chengan was stunned for a moment before he realized, turned his head and looked over, and saw a park, which was a little familiar, it seemed to be the address of the Gushici Company after it moved again, and rented the upper and lower floors, and there were other branches, because the people were too crowded. too much.

Li Chengan stood there in a daze for a while, then turned his head and walked towards the ancient poetry company without any purpose.

He didn't plan to find his brother-in-law, because he didn't know what to do with his brother-in-law, but he had always admired his brother-in-law since he was a child. At this moment, he couldn't help but think in his heart, what would his brother-in-law do if it was the same situation?
After thinking about it for a few seconds, he secretly mocked himself and smiled wryly, thinking with a bit of anger: If it was brother-in-law, maybe Bai Le would have posted it early in the morning...

Thinking about it this way, she felt that she was really shameless, and Bai Yueqing had nothing to do with her, so he could naturally talk to other boys, this was her freedom.

It's my own selfishness, my inexplicable possessiveness, and being angry with others, which is ridiculous in itself, and thinking about others so viciously...

He was a little ashamed, but he felt even more depressed. After walking for a long time, his mouth was a little dry and his legs and feet were a little weak. He turned his head and saw a cafe not far away.

"I seem to have heard from my second sister that the coffee here is delicious..."

Li Chengan was going to buy a cup of coffee or a drink. Although it was more expensive here, his living expenses were sufficient, so he must be able to afford it.

Just as they were about to pass by, two girls in professional attire walked over. They were both quite beautiful and seemed to be very close to each other. However, one of them was obviously more mature, while the other was younger and more respectful. It may be a superior-subordinate relationship, or one of them is a newcomer.

The two girls walked to the door, and two more beautiful girls came out of the cafe, especially the one on the left, who was dressed in gray business attire, so pure and refined that it overshadowed the other beautiful girls.

Li Chengan stopped subconsciously, because he recognized Jiang Qinghuai as his brother-in-law's secretary, and he had a good relationship with his eldest sister and second sister.

He didn't want the other party to see it, so as not to turn around and tell the eldest sister and second sister, he must ask himself why he came here.

Li Chengan hid to the side, and saw Jiang Qinghuai greeted the two girls who were not as beautiful as her with a smile, then turned around and left with the girls next to her, carrying coffee.

He waited and waited, and then he came out, a little hesitant to buy another drink, afraid of meeting acquaintances again.

He was already in a bad mood, and stood there for a long time, not knowing what to do next, and then sighed, planning to sit inside and rest his feet.

When he walked over, the two beautiful girls who had just entered had already bought coffee and came out. Passing by him, a low voice floated over: "Hey, I heard people say that Secretary Jiang and Mr. it true or not? ah?"

"What's the matter, I've known each other since high school, my college classmates, we've been together for a long time..."

"Huh? Really?"

The voice who asked was a little surprised, "Isn't Mr. Wei married?"

"He is rich, what's the matter... besides Mr. Li, Mr. Wei also has a little Mr. Li..."


"Don't talk nonsense... I also heard..."

"I'm sure not to say... Sister Wei, tell me..."

Li Chengan followed secretly, eavesdropped behind him, and heard these contents intermittently. When he walked into the hall, he didn't dare to follow again, but what he heard was enough.

How can it be?

He couldn't accept it for a while, and felt even more shocked than Bai Yueqing suddenly telling himself that she had a boyfriend...

Brother-in-law... Is he actually such a person?
(End of this chapter)

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