Rebuild 2005

Chapter 984 [983] What's changed?

Chapter 984 [983] What's changed?
(This chapter is the content of Li Chengan and Bai Yueqing, if you don’t like it, you can skip it)

After thinking for a while, Li Chengan replied to Bai Yueqing: "Are you free now?"

Bai Yueqing: "No time."

Li Chengan stood on the playground in a daze, then continued typing: "I have something to tell you."

Bai Yueqing: "Then tell me."

Bai Yueqing: "We have to pick an auspicious day, and we can talk about it with a candlelight dinner?"

Li Chengan smiled a little because of her words, and typed:

"Where are you, I'll go find you, but I can't tell you clearly on the phone."

Bai Yueqing: "Then stop talking."

Li Chengan: "Just a few minutes."

Bai Yueqing: "Where?"

Li Chengan could feel her impatience, and said: "I'm at the playground, now I'm going to the milk tea shop, and I'll tell you where I am."

Bai Yueqing: "No, just go to the playground, I just happen to digest."

Li Chengan then strolled to the entrance of the playground, wandered around, waited for a while, and saw a figure approaching from a distance.

Bai Yueqing was wearing a black sportswear, and under the light, it made her look even more delicate and beautiful. Li Chengan looked at her with strong joy and admiration in his heart, but he didn't know what to say.


Bai Leqing glanced at him, and walked briskly into the playground. At this time, there were still many people in the playground, and the two merged into it. Bai Leqing said, "Tell me, what do you want to say?"

Li Chengan felt that her attitude was too cold and felt a little uncomfortable, and said, "Can you be a little patient with me?"


Bai Yueqing turned her head and looked at him with a very complicated expression, "My surname is Bai, not Li. I'm not your sister, so there's no need to spoil you...Why should I be patient with you?"

Li Chengan was speechless.

Bai Yueqing continued: "If it wasn't because we were still classmates for four years, or because I helped me, I wouldn't bother with you... Do you know what you're doing? What are you talking about?"

Li Chengan was silent for a few more seconds, and then asked, "When did I help you?"

"The press conference, and the Yougou code."

Bai Leqing sighed, "Okay, let's talk about it."

While talking, her mobile phone rang, and she took it out of her jacket pocket with some difficulty, and took out the Starlight Gold Will Drink 2 Collector's Edition, which arrived yesterday, and pressed the screen to turn on, and saw someone sent it on the lock screen. Consonance news.

Li Chengan also took a peek, and saw that the name in the note was "Gong Xuan", which sounded like a girl's name, and felt a lot better.

Bai Yueqing entered the password to turn on the phone, and replied briefly to the message.

Li Chengan was watching from the side, and after she replied, he was afraid that she would be impatient, so he said, "Didn't I leave yesterday afternoon, and then I walked near the ancient poetry company, after walking for too long, I wanted to go to the coffee shop downstairs Sit down..."

He recounted what happened yesterday, first of all the rumors he had heard, and at the same time looked at Bai Yueqing's reaction.

Bai Yueqing thought about it for a while, and asked: "It means that you found out that your brother-in-law cheated on you? And the person who cheated on you is still on good terms with your sister?"

Li Chengan nodded, "Yes."

"and then?"

"Then I told my second sister that because my eldest sister is pregnant, I'm afraid she will be sad if she finds out..."

Li Chengan continued to narrate, until the conversation and agreement with the eldest sister, the corners of Bai Yueqing's mouth, who had always been calm, moved, as if he was smiling.

Li Chengan noticed it and asked, "What are you laughing at?"


Bai Yueqing shook his head, but then said: "Your elder sister is very kind to you."

"Of course it's fine."

Li Chengan was a little more depressed and sad, because he didn't work hard immediately.

Bai Yueqing didn't seem to notice his emotions, and asked again: "You just want to tell me this?"


Li Chengan nodded, "I feel uncomfortable, and I don't know who to tell... I can only think of you."

"Then have you ever thought about how involved this kind of thing is?"

Bai Yueqing turned to look at him, "Your brother-in-law is the third richest man in the country, and he is the founder of a mass consumer brand, with many fans on the Internet... You just told me about such an important matter? "

Li Chengan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I believe in you."


Bai Yueqing rolled his eyes, "It's such a nice way to put silly..."

She turned her head again, with a helpless expression, but she asked seriously: "Hey, Li Chengan, I'm seriously asking you, how long have we known each other? Besides name, major, and place of origin, how much do you know about me?" ? Do you know who I am?"

Li Chengan was stunned again, thought about it carefully, and found that it was true, all he really knew was her name, age, profession, where she came from... Other than that, almost everything was blank.

This is a normal situation among most classmates, but he himself has already told Bai Yueqing almost everything about him and his family.

"You boys are so funny..."

Bai Yueqing didn't know whether it was complaining or helplessness, so he said in a sarcastic tone, "Obviously I don't know anything about me, it's just a normal communication between classmates, so I have to make up a lot of things by myself, as if I can't do it if I don't like a boy Talk to that boy, talk to which boy is which boy you like... You don't even know if I have ever been in love, if I have a boyfriend, or if I have someone I like..."

She sighed heavily, "There are also those who confessed their love after just a few days of acquaintance... When you enter university, you will be in heat, right?"

Li Chengan was a little embarrassed, but wanted to know more about other things, so he asked with a heavy heart: "Do you have a boyfriend?"

Bai Yueqing said straightforwardly: "No."

" you have someone you like?"



Li Chengan was completely relieved, and asked again: "You said that the one who confessed to you just a few days after we met...was from our class?"

In fact, he had vaguely heard about this incident. It happened during the military training. At first, Bai Yueqing was talking and laughing with that boy, but then he basically stopped talking.

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

Bai Yueqing looked at him with an incomprehensible expression, "If you like me, I can't talk to other boys? If you like me, I can't interfere, and I don't want to interfere. It's best if you don't like me, and there's nothing you can do if you like me." .

"But don't use this reason to interfere with me. What I want to do is my freedom. I don't have a boyfriend. I can chat with other boys, sing, eat, play ball, and even go shopping at night. The playground, as it is now..."

She emphasized her tone, "Now we are strolling around the playground. If I am like other boys, you will definitely lose your temper again... What do we have?"

Li Chengan was at a loss for words, and he knew he was guilty, because what happened yesterday was his own fault, and it was Shi Shaodong's birthday party.

Bai Yueqing continued: "Don't you want to study hard? Then put these thoughts away, study hard, and don't let down your elder sister's painstaking efforts."

Li Chengan said: "I know, I will study hard."


Bai Leqing nodded, "Now that you've finished talking, are you okay? Can I go?"


Li Chengan was silent for a while, and asked her: "Do you hate me?"

"it's OK."

Bai Yueqing shook his head, "To be honest, my first impression of you was quite good, you are tall, handsome, and have a good personality..."

This is the truth, both Li's father and Li's mother have very good foundations, otherwise Li Wanyi and Li Wanyun would not be able to give birth to the sisters Li Wanyi and Li Wanyun. There are big reasons for this.

However, Bai Yueqing emphasized the "first impression", obviously he no longer thinks so.

Li Chengan asked: "What about now?"

Bai Yueqing thought for a while and said, "It's not too bad, anyway, it has nothing to do with me."

Li Chengan only felt his heart sinking, but he still refused to give up, and asked, " I have no chance at all?"

"I've told you all this, do you think there is still a chance?"

Bai Yueqing turned to look at him, with a look of incomprehension, "If I fall in love, I'm looking for a boyfriend, not a younger brother, let alone a son... I'm curious."

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, turned around and asked seriously: "Your sister and your brother-in-law are so powerful, even if you don't know how to fall in love, you should know how to chat... Why do you have to bring the topic to this direction?" What? Why do you have to let me talk to death? "

Li Chengan was a little confused, and tried hard to think for a while, but couldn't figure it out, so he asked, "What do you mean?"


Bai Yueqing took a breath, "In the future, if you have a girl you like, remember, don't let her know, at least you can't say whether you like it or not. This is for expressing love, not for declaring your pursuit... ...don't ask 'I don't have a chance' because that's what makes people say 'yes, you don't have a chance'... Get it?"

She blinked, as if she was serious about teaching the children something.

Li Chengan obviously sensed the change in her attitude, and felt more and more frustrated and uncomfortable. He wanted to try to make it up, but he didn't know what to say. In the end, he could only say: "I can change, I can learn."

"Then you can change it, and learn it."

Bai Yueqing became even more helpless, "What are you talking about here?"


Li Chengan hesitated to speak, seeing Bai Yueqing's expression became more helpless, so he boldly said: "Then can you find a boyfriend later..."

Fearing that she would be impatient, he quickly explained: "I will try my best to get better."

"When I find a boyfriend depends on when I meet someone I like."

Bai Yueqing emphasized, "It has nothing to do with when you get better and whether you will get better... I'm not looking for you, so you don't have to worry about it. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Li Chengan felt as if his heart had been hollowed out, lost his soul and suffocated, and wanted to try again, Bai Yueqing waved his hand and said, "Okay, student Li, continue to understand life, and try to do everything you say... Study hard and try to save your eldest sister from the sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible."

For some reason, Li Chengan felt that she was smiling when she said the last sentence, as if she couldn't help laughing.

He felt strange, and hope was rekindled. This may mean that Bai Yueqing is not so indifferent and unfeeling towards him, and followed her: "I want to go back too..."

There is still a long way to go back to the dormitory from the playground.

He tried to find a topic and asked, "Even if we are ordinary classmates, we can chat... What kind of boys do you like?"


Bai Yueqing didn't reject this topic, but thought for a while and said, "I don't have bad looks, I don't have a bad family, I don't have bad abilities, I don't have bad personality, I'm emotionally stable, you better still like me..."

Li Chengan heard it strangely and found it difficult to understand, so he asked in disbelief: "It's better to like you?"


Bai Leqing nodded, "For me, love is not a necessity in life. Marriage may be... the first thing you can't get, so let's get the second best."

Li Chengan felt that the Three Views had been refreshed again, and this was the first time he had heard such a statement, so he thought for a while and asked, "The first thing is that love and marriage are happy? The second thing is that there is only marriage without love?"


Bai Yueqing sighed, "Ordinary people are very lucky if they can get one, but the vast majority of people can't get both, so I am very envious of your eldest sister, who has both love, marriage, and career... "

"My brother-in-law cheated..."

Li Chengan's mood became more and more depressed, "I really never thought that my brother-in-law would be such a person."

"It's normal."

Bai Yueqing smiled and said, "Look at those celebrities, who hasn't been married several times? It's not clean outside. Your brother-in-law is at least likely to be clean outside, otherwise your sister would not allow such a situation..."

Her words have increased, and her expression and tone have returned to her usual appearance. She speaks softly, delicately and gently, "Besides, the other two you mentioned have known your brother-in-law for a long time. One Earlier than your sister... This situation may be special, but it is also much more harmonious and happy than most people. The ancients said that "harmony between wives and concubines" may be like this."

"What age is this?"

Li Chengan thought her words were too ridiculous, "What era are you talking about?"

"What age?"

Bai Yueqing looked at him with a smile, "Do you know how long it took for the Qing Dynasty to perish?"

Li Chengan calculated and said, "Exactly 100 years."

"That's right, it's only been 100 years since the fall of the Qing Dynasty."

Bai Yueqing repeated it, "During the Republic of China, there were concubines everywhere. Those famous people in our history textbooks, who didn't have several wives? Did it affect their history books? Our thousands of years of civilization history, you said How long has it been 'modern'? And, have things changed fundamentally in modern times?

"A man who couldn't afford a wife in ancient times can't afford a wife now; a man who didn't lack women in ancient times still doesn't lack a woman... and more women have the opportunity to contact them and rush to them desperately..."

She blinked and asked seriously, "What's changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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