Rebuild 2005

Chapter 988 [987] You are in love


In the morning, Li Wanyun was still in a deep sleep, when she heard a roommate shouting next to her, she opened her eyes in a daze, and saw that the sky had already brightened, and it was a sunny day.

"Get up~"

Pei Jingmei patted her bed board, "I have class in the morning, forgot?"


Li Wanyun checked the time, it was already seven twenty, so she yawned and sat down with her long hair combed.

"Your hair is so nice~"

Pei Jingmei looked at her long black and smooth hair, she was very envious, and then she saw the graceful and proud curve of her pajamas when she sat up, she became even more envious, she reached out her hand to touch it, but Li Wanyun blocked it vigilantly, And he hit her casually, "Female hooligan, you!"

"She's used to being touched by her boyfriend..."

Jiang Wenqin came out of the bathroom, laughed and teased, "I thought everyone liked being touched."

"You're the one who likes being touched."

Pei Jingmei was ashamed and angry. She was the only one of the four in the dormitory who had a boyfriend, and she was often gossiped and made fun of because of this, and she came to Jiang Wenqin to settle accounts.

In mid-November, the capital has already entered winter, but there is heating in the dormitory. She went to sleep wearing thermal underwear, a sweater that is not too thick, and a pair of fleece jeans over long johns for her lower body, and then climbed out of bed. .

"Wei Lingling, wake up!"

Li Wanyun got out of bed and found that Wei Lingling was still lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone, so she raised her voice and shouted.

"Aren't you just getting up, and you still say that I..."

Wei Lingling grunted, put her iPhone 4S screen aside with a "click", and then sat up to get dressed.

"I'm up already."

Li Wanyun laughed, seeing Jiang Wenqin looking at her, she smiled at her and said, "Wait for me, I'll go wash my face."

Jiang Wenqin nodded reluctantly.

They are all in their junior year and have fully adapted to college life. Those who have a sense of urgency have already jumped out of the campus and started to think about their future.

Under such circumstances, the originally unharmonious relationship in the dormitory began to melt to a certain extent——

The relationship in their dormitory was tense, mainly because of Wei Lingling, and Wei Lingling was more hostile to Li Wanyun, and ignored and disdained the more ordinary Jiang Wenqin and Pei Jingmei.

The hospital itself is one of the places where it is easiest to see all kinds of things in the world. Li Wanyun has never had a similar experience. The summer internship in the hospital had a great impact on her. After returning to school, she has a mentality towards campus life, classmates and roommates , attitudes have changed.

In the past two months since the beginning of school, almost all the students can more or less feel that she has become more cheerful and enthusiastic, and her attitude towards Wei Lingling has also changed significantly, becoming more enthusiastic and tolerant.

This change of attitude made Wei Lingling at a loss at first, but gradually, her attitude towards Li Wanyun became more positive.

This directly promoted the change of their relationship in the entire dormitory, which became more harmonious, and even the relationship between Wei Lingling, Pei Jingmei, and Jiang Wenqin was much better.

However, Jiang Wenqin just quarreled with Wei Lingling over some trivial matters two days ago, and she was unhappy in her heart, so she fell into a subtle cold war state again.

Under such circumstances, she who has a better relationship with Li Wanyun is a little unhappy when she sees that Li Wanyun is still enthusiastic about Wei Lingling. Can't you be so hot?
Li Wanyun quickly came out of the shower, Wei Lingling followed in, Pei Jingmei had already left, her boyfriend was still waiting outside the dormitory to accompany her to have breakfast.

Jiang Wenqin was checking Weibo with her Manjianghong, when she saw Li Wanyun came out, she glanced at her and said nothing.

"You help me wipe a little..."

Li Wanyun wiped the skin care product, and accidentally put on too much again, so she smiled and wiped it on Jiang Wenqin's face. Apply skin care products evenly.

There are four girls in the dormitory, Wei Lingling's family has the best financial conditions, Pei Jingmei's family is not rich, but it is considered well-to-do, and one of them is conceited in appearance, the other is in love, and they both like to dress up.

Li Wanyun is not very keen on these things, but she also pays attention to daily maintenance.

Jiang Wenqin's body and appearance are very ordinary, and her family's situation is relatively poor. She is relatively frugal on weekdays, so she doesn't care much about these things. She has financial considerations, and maybe she also feels that she is not good-looking, and she will only make people laugh when she dresses up , some feelings of inferiority complex.

Li Wanyun doesn't like to show off, but with her sister and brother-in-law, especially Li Miaoyu, a rich little rich woman who has been raised since childhood, the clothes are not cheap. She doesn't care about these things. Share your supplies with her.

Pei Jingmei also used it sometimes, but after Wei Lingling bought the same model and raised the price seemingly unintentionally, the two were a little scared.

Pei Jingmei would occasionally tell Li Wanyun to use it a little, and Jiang Wenqin would never use it again.

Therefore, Li Wanyun accidentally wiped too much from time to time, and would rub it on her face, not frequently, so as not to make Jiang Wenqin feel that her self-esteem was damaged.

I don't expect such skin care products to have any magical effect, the main thing is to avoid creating barriers.

There may be some compassion for her in the past, because if it weren't for the appearance of that person, she felt that her college life might also be so inferior, sensitive, and entangled, and she was definitely not as generous, confident and calm as she is now. mentality.

Matter is the basis of spirit!

While skillfully smoothing out the skin care products, she sighed quietly in her heart, and felt a little melancholy because that person hadn't come back yet.

They have been on a business trip with Jiang Qinghuai for six days!

It's been six days and I still haven't come back!

With a little grievance, longing, shyness and jealousy, she muttered quietly in her heart, and couldn't help but think: "It's been so many days, and if I don't come back again, then it's not too much for me to send a message, right?"

"Let's go~"

Jiang Wenqin urged after wiping it off, "Where shall we eat?"

"There's still time, why don't you wait?"

Li Wanyun smiled and winked at her, "Are you still angry about something trivial?"


Jiang Wenqin refused to admit it, "I'm not as knowledgeable as her..."

"Oh, it's okay, it's already a junior."

Li Wanyun persuaded with a smile, "What class is coming... I have to eat less, don't turn around and throw up."

"Just get used to vomiting."

Jiang Wenqin joked with a smile, and said, "Hey, I just saw someone on the Internet saying that in some shops, the Niaosing Stream has dropped to the early 2000s. Do you think I should save some money to buy it?"

"Isn't it necessary?"

Li Wanyun hesitated for a moment before persuading, "This year is almost over, after the Spring Festival, Birdsong Stream 2 will come, otherwise the price won't be reduced so much, isn't it worth buying now?"

Jiang Wenqin hesitated for a moment, then asked again: "Hey, then you often change your phone, and now you use this collector's edition... what did you use before?"

"Collect it."

Li Wanyun smiled and said, "I put away all the mobile phones I have used, even the packing box is still there."

She understood what Jiang Wenqin meant, and wanted to buy the old mobile phone she had replaced, but this kind of thing is more prone to disputes, and if they are not careful, the two of them will feel unhappy;
Moreover, they were all gifts from her brother-in-law, so she didn't want to sell them to others, but kept them for collection.

That's what Miaomiao did. Although my sister is not very interested in mobile phones, she also keeps them in her collection as souvenirs.

She has two Niaosongjian, one was flooded during the heavy rain and was repaired, the other was only used for less than ten days during the repair, and the old mobile phone was replaced after it was repaired, just like the new one.

Jiang Wenqin really wanted to buy her old mobile phone a little bit, but didn't know how to say it, so she nodded and said nothing.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Li Wanyun felt soft-hearted instead, but she was reluctant to sell her the phone, so she persuaded her in a low voice: "I heard from my brother-in-law that there may be a big upgrade to the phone next year, you can save money first and wait to buy it later." Next year’s Niaosing Stream or Linjiang Fairy…Niaosing Stream is good for taking pictures, and Linjiang Fairy’s performance is good.”

Jiang Wenqin saw that she didn't think about the old mobile phone at all, and she was embarrassed to mention it. She thought about it in her heart and thought that Linjiang Fairy 1999 should be able to save enough money by then, and the Manjianghong in her hand could be used by her family, so she tapped The head smiled and said: "Yeah."

After thinking for a while, she said again: "If I don't have enough money by then, you can lend me some."


Li Wanyun nodded with a smile, "Then I'll tell my brother-in-law in advance to leave you a shopping code."

"it is good!"

A smile appeared on Jiang Wenqin's face, and Li Wanyun also laughed, but she couldn't help but think in her heart: "Bad brother-in-law, he hasn't come back... It's all Qingqing's fault, the vixen..."

Wei Lingling came out of the bathroom and saw that they were still there. She was a little surprised and said, "I thought you were gone...wait for me for 2 minutes."

She said it was 2 minutes, but naturally it couldn't be so fast. After tidying up, Jiang Wenqin was a little impatient, but didn't say anything. After she finished dressing up, they went to the cafeteria to eat together.

On the way, students came and went, many of them had mobile phones in their hands, and some only had earphones on. Li Wanyun observed carefully as usual, and was secretly happy when she saw someone with a mobile phone with ancient poems.

"What happened to your phone?"

They bought breakfast, and when they were eating together, there were a few boys chatting next to them. Li Wanyun turned her head to take a look, but she didn't see what kind of mobile phone it was, so she didn't care, but she heard the other side continue to say:
"Tell me to spend money to repair it... I'm so mad."

"No warranty?"


"Let's just say Samsung is rubbish...and spend so much money on it"

"What's wrong?"

"His Samsung note2, bought for 5000 yuan, can't be used now..."


"I see that many people on the Internet have encountered this problem, and they all ask themselves to pay for the repair"

“I wish I had known about buying ancient poems, there are so many functions”

"I advised you at that time, don't you think Samsung is a big brand..."

"Did you buy it at the store?"

"That's right, I went to look for it, but it's useless. They told me to go to the after-sales service, and after-sales repair, I have to pay for it myself..."

"It's disgusting!"

Li Wanyun heard it strangely, but noticed the sentence "Many people have encountered this problem", so she took out her mobile phone and searched in the post bar, and found a lot of complaining posts, including Samsung note2 and Samsung S3 earlier , have encountered the same problem.

Seeing this, she secretly rejoiced, skillfully tapped the screenshot, and then sent it to her brother-in-law: "Brother-in-law, I heard people at school say that Samsung note 2 has quality problems, and many people said it online."

She knew that the Samsung S series and Note series were the biggest competitors of Gushi mobile phones, and she was afraid that her brother-in-law would not know about this matter—although there must be professionals in Gushici who pay attention to these, what if they haven't noticed?

Time is money!
Besides, wouldn't I have a reason to talk to my brother-in-law like this...

She knew it was evening over there, and she was not in a hurry. After sending the message, she felt relieved. She was about to put the phone away when she heard the vibration, and her brother-in-law had already replied.

"so fast……"

She was a little surprised, so she quickly read the news, and saw that her brother-in-law replied:
"The news is very well-informed, and it is worthy of praise.

"I passed it on to my colleagues in the company. I will follow up in time and try my best to seek justice for the vast number of domestic consumers."

"Brother-in-law is really bad..."

A sweet smile appeared on the corner of Li Wanyun's mouth, and she muttered quietly in her heart, "It's obvious that I want to take this opportunity to damage Samsung's reputation in China, and it sounds so nice.

"However, their colleagues in the company must have noticed it, and they pretended not to know, deliberately making me happy, making me feel that I have really contributed a lot..."

She pursed the corners of her lips, but her smile became more obvious, and her heart was sweet, "Brother-in-law is so considerate in such a busy business trip..."

"What are you laughing at?"

Jiang Wenqin and Wei Lingling next to her both noticed the strangeness in her and glanced at each other. The two who had disliked each other miraculously formed a united front in front of the gossip. They both stared at Li Wanyun curiously, "Are you in love?"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Li Wanyun blushed, and refused to admit that it wasn't love in the first place, "It's just chatting with people..."

Wei Lingling wanted to come over to watch her chat, but Li Wanyun covered the phone screen to prevent her from watching, and said angrily, "Hurry up and eat, don't gossip..."

"You must be in love!"

Jiang Wenqin said firmly, "You didn't see that you just smiled, Pei Jingmei didn't smile so much like you..."

She couldn't think of how to describe it, Wei Lingling next to her added: "Nympho!"

"Yes, it is!"

"Oh, eating..."

Li Wanyun's cheeks were hot and she didn't want to pay attention to them. She typed a reply to her brother-in-law while gnawing on the steamed stuffed bun, and then asked, "Brother-in-law, when are you coming back?"

After a pause, as if she was afraid that her brother-in-law might misunderstand, she quickly added with a guilty conscience: "You have been away on business for so long, and my sister misses you..."

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