Peerless Tangmen's Sun and Moon Glory

Chapter 148 The Past and the Kidnapping

Chapter 148 The Past and the Kidnapping

In the end, Xu Zihuang still briefly told He Caitou about his three years in prison and his subsequent rescue by his father's old department.

Xu Zihuang said it easily, as if he was describing a matter that had nothing to do with him, but he felt the same way as Caitou.

He was exiled overseas and imprisoned for three years without freedom, and his life could not be guaranteed. Every day, he must endure great suffering in his heart.In contrast, he will be much luckier.

Under the cover of Xu Zihuang's father, his mother found an opportunity to stuff him into the secret passage of the palace, and finally let him escape.

Although the former crown prince was reduced to a refugee who was not as good as a beggar, he was lucky enough to be rescued by Fan Yu after he fled to the territory of the Heavenly Soul Empire

"Zihuang, it is our family that implicated you." He Caitou, who was half kneeling in front of Xu Zihuang, was full of guilt, lowered his head, and clenched his fists tightly.

"If it wasn't for protecting our family, Third Uncle would have had a chance to take advantage of the chaos to break through."

"Brother Huang, the matter is over. And those things can't be blamed on you."

Xu Zihuang took a deep breath, stretched out his right hand and put it on He Caitou's broad shoulder.

"I came to Shrek Academy to study because I hope to improve my strength and develop contacts as soon as possible. When the time is right, I hope that one day I can avenge Xu Tianran's family. I didn't expect to meet you, Brother Huang, in the Soul Guidance Department. Although you have changed He changed his appearance, but I recognized it at a glance. Out of caution, I waited until such a suitable opportunity to reveal my identity to you, Emperor Brother."

Speaking of this, Xu Zihuang still had that indifferent expression, but there was endless hatred and coldness in those deep purple eyes.

"Brother, are you willing to help me?"

Awakening the memory of his previous life is his biggest secret. Even in the face of He Caitou, who was once close to him, he still decided to bury this secret deep in his heart.

He Caitou raised his head, his eyes were red.The originally simple and honest face was even more ferocious, and the hatred in his heart had reached its peak.

"Zihuang, I have never dared to forget this bloody feud in my heart. I have been learning to make soul tools under the guidance of my teacher all these years, but my strength alone is too small. But you are different, young You have cultivated to the soul sect realm at the age of 12, and you have twin martial souls. When you grow up, you will have infinite possibilities."

"Your appearance gave me the hope of revenge. When the teacher told me that I might train you as an extreme individual soldier in the future, I still had a lot of considerations in my mind, but now this problem has been solved." He Caitou face The hideous expression on his face became calmer.

Xu Zihuang raised his eyebrows pretending to be surprised.

"Extreme single soldier?"

He Caitou nodded emphatically, and said: "This is also the most important plan of our soul guidance department. It was created to compete with the soul advisors of the Sun Moon Empire."

"The so-called extreme individual soldier refers to changing the outcome of a local war with one person's power. A person with this ability is an extreme individual soldier."

"Extreme individual soldiers exist for the sake of war. Not only do they need to be strong individually, but they must also be able to use and make various soul guides, be good at hiding, lurking, and destroying, and be able to keenly find the node of a war, destroy it or It is auxiliary. The ultimate individual soldier is not a commander, but he is an artist who can change a war. Title Douluo is simply strong individually, but his role in a war is far from being comparable to that of the ultimate individual soldier."

"If you are trained as an extreme individual soldier in the future, I am willing to serve as your auxiliary individual soldier to assist you with all my strength."

After pondering for a while, Xu Zihuang said seriously: "Brother Huang, if Teacher Fan Yu mentions this plan to me, I will agree."

Although Douluo originally belonged to the three great empires' soul guidance technology was far behind the Sun Moon Empire, but this extreme individual soldier plan still has merits.

In the future, if he thinks of taking revenge and seizing the throne, he will inevitably need to go deep into the battlefield.And with He Caitou's support, he didn't need to devote too much energy.

"Okay." He Caitou stretched out his big and generous hand, the whiteness of the palm was completely opposite to the blackness of the back of the hand.

Xu Zihuang also reached out to hold him tightly.

"Brother Huang. You and I encourage each other, and we work together. There will always be a day when they will pay in blood."

The joy of reuniting after a long absence gradually overshadowed the strong hatred in Caitou's heart, and only then did he focus on Xu Zihuang's greatly changed face.

"Zihuang, did you also use the royal family's secret method to disguise yourself?"

"Brother Huang, this is actually my original appearance."

Xu Zihuang smiled and shook his head.Then the two talked for nearly half an hour, and Xu Zihuang even told He Caitou about his ability to possess the ultimate thunder.

Ultimate Thunder will be exposed sooner or later, there is no need to deliberately hide it from He Caitou.

However, both of them satisfactorily did not talk about the heavy matter of the Sun Moon Palace and Palace Change, they were more reminiscing about the old days.

Half an hour later, two brilliant tail flames streaked across the sky again.Xu Zihuang and He Caitou, who were flying side by side using the flying soul guide, returned to their previous appearance.

A gentle and handsome boy and a big guy who looks honest and honest.

The southeastern corner of the Heavenly Soul Empire was once part of the Soto City of the Barak Kingdom ten thousand years ago. Soto City has always been known as the food capital of the Barak Kingdom.With the changes of the times, the Barak Kingdom and Soto City have long since ceased to exist, but this area is still rich in various food crops and shipped to all parts of the continent.

80.00% of them were sold to the nearby Shrek City.

Xu Zihuang and He Caitou flew quickly in the air, looking around, there were large farmlands on both sides of the official road below them.

After flying for another quarter of an hour, it seemed that they had already left the wide and flat Lima Plain, and the surrounding terrain became visibly uneven.

The hills with a height of no more than 500 meters rise abruptly on the ground, and the area of ​​farmland naturally decreases accordingly.

Xu Zihuang and He Caitou looked forward at the same time, and about five kilometers ahead, a small village appeared in their sight.

Relying on the astonishing eyesight brought by the golden pupils, Xu Zihuang could clearly discern that the village was not that big, with only about a hundred households.There is a wooden fence around the village, which seems to be used to guard against wild animals.There are also two wooden watchtowers at the entrance of the village with a height of about ten meters.

A lot of people gathered near the observation tower at the entrance of the village, and there were a lot of soul beast corpses of different shapes on the ground.

"Brother, let's land here first."

Xu Zihuang controlled the flying soul guide behind him and said to He Caitou beside him while letting himself fall slowly.

In order to prevent the two of them from revealing their flaws when they were in Shrek Academy in the future, they agreed that unless there was something urgent or urgent, they would still get along as usual.

He Caitou smiled innocently, followed Xu Zihuang and landed on the ground.In terms of disguise, he has been pretending for six or seven years in Shrek Academy, as if his original character was like this.

When we came to the village, even He Caitou found something was wrong.There are indeed many people gathered at the entrance of the village, making this originally remote village very lively.

Dozens of carriages were still standing around the entrance of the village, and some vendors were bargaining with a small team of soul masters whose clothes were stained with blood, discussing the purchase of those soul beast corpses.

Xu Zihuang obviously felt some soul power fluctuations from these people.The vast majority of people's soul power cultivation bases are around the tenth level, and there is not even one whose soul power exceeds the twenty level.

This kind of strength can indeed only hunt down some lowest-level ten-year-old soul beasts in this kind of forest where soul beasts occasionally roam.

But even if it's just the lowest level ten-year soul beast, you can still get a lot of benefits from it.

For example, the ten-year bull with a body length of more than three meters and a huge build not far from Xu Zihuang's body is worth at least [-] gold soul coins for the high-quality beef on it that can be made into high-end dishes.

After all, this ten-year-old bull has at least a thousand catties of beef.

What made Xu Zihuang feel a little puzzled was that there were too many types of spirit beasts scurrying in from the forest near the village.It can almost catch up with the man-made spirit beast forest.

He Caitou is also a little confused.

"Strange. Didn't the teacher say that there are only occasional spirit beasts here?"

"Senior brother, let's go to the village and take a rest." Xu Zihuang reminded, then walked towards the village, preparing to recover his soul power first.

He just used the flying soul tool to drive a certain distance along the way, and the soul power in his body is only less than [-]% of the best state.The quality of He Caitou's soul power is far inferior to his, and his condition is even worse.

Although he didn't think there was anything in the forest adjacent to the Star Dou Forest that could threaten their existence, it was always right to be cautious.Anyway, it doesn't take much time to test the power of the custom-installed soul guide cannon.

Neither Xu Zihuang nor He Caitou wore the school uniform of Shrek Academy today, because only inner court disciples can represent Shrek Academy.The outer court disciples are not allowed to wear the school uniforms outside of Shrek Academy and Shrek City, in order to prevent some unscrupulous outer court disciples from using the name of Shrek Academy to seek benefits for themselves and tarnish the image of the academy .

This is also to protect the outer court disciples.As the supervisor of the mainland, Shrek Academy has long been regarded as a thorn in the side of those evil soul masters.Out of resentment towards Shrek Academy, he casually killed a few low-level disciples from the outer courtyard. Presumably those evil soul masters would be happy to do such a thing.

Xu Zihuang was wearing a close-fitting black dress, while He Caitou was even more concisely dressed.

The two walked into the village from the entrance of the village where the crowd gathered, and they inevitably received attention.The difference is that Xu Zihuang is because of his outstanding appearance, while He Caitou is because of his overly strong body and dark skin.

A simple paved path vertically and horizontally connects houses or shops in the village.Instead of the peace and tranquility of a remote village, it was extremely noisy.

"To form a group to hunt down soul beasts, we still need a defense-type soul master."

"To form a group to hunt down soul beasts, we still need a control-type soul master."

Similar yells came and went, and most of the houses on both sides of the path were selling weapons and food supplies.

This is no longer like a village where ordinary people live, but more like a noisy and chaotic market near the forest of artificial captive spirit beasts.

Xu Zihuang realized that the situation here might not be as simple as Fan Yu knew.

Going all the way, after a while, Xu Zihuang stopped in front of an open-air tea shop with He Caitou.The owner of the tea shop is an old man who seems to be over sixty years old, with white beard and hair, and a very kind face with dense wrinkles.

Seeing such a weird combination of Xu Zihuang and He Caitou, he was taken aback for a moment, and then greeted warmly: "Guests, what do you want to drink?"

"Old man, just have a pot of herbal tea." Xu Zihuang replied with a smile, and sat on the wooden chair beside He Caitou.

The old man didn't seem to be intimidated by He Caitou's sturdy body at all, but nodded kindly to the two of them.

"You two, please wait a moment."

Not long after, a pot of sweet herbal tea was brought over by the old man on a tray.

It's not a high-quality tea, but neither Xu Zihuang nor He Caitou has the slightest intention to dislike it.He Caitou poured several bowls in a row, and the smile on the old man's face couldn't help but softened a bit when he saw it.

Xu Zihuang's heart moved slightly, and he expressed his doubts.

"Old man, I heard that the villagers in this village are often harassed by those spirit beasts that come here. But now it seems that there should be very few villagers who actually lived here."

The old man looked at Xu Zihuang in surprise, then sighed softly.

"One end of the forest ten kilometers south of the village is very close to the Star Dou Forest. As the quality of the spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest has been getting better and better over the years, there were often spirit beasts wandering around a few years ago. They came here. Later, some people from the village went to the nearby city to ask the army to clear them up, but they were all suppressed by the nobles in the city. Up to now, the soul beasts that fled into the forest have gradually developed some groups, and finally The news was released."

"Although the wandering spirit beasts only come close to the village occasionally, everyone doesn't want to live in such a frightened way. Many people have moved away in the past few years. And this just followed the wishes of those nobles and lords to transform this place. It has become similar to the market near the Hunting Forest."

Of course Xu Zihuang understood what the old man said about the plans of the nobles.What they did was equivalent to turning the forest south of the village into a natural hunting forest, and they didn't need any payment.

The enormous benefits thus derived therefrom were to be expected.

With the effort of a cup of tea, the soul power in the two of them has almost recovered.Xu Zihuang casually took out a silver soul coin from the soul tool and put it on the table. He left the village under the eyes of everyone in awe, and walked towards the forest in the south.

Although there are quite a few soul masters gathered in the village, most of them are from ordinary backgrounds and their talents are not very good.Otherwise, it would be impossible for someone in their 20s to have a soul power of only a dozen levels.

A storage soul guide worth thousands of gold soul coins is absolutely unattainable for them.

Even if they are fools, they also understand that Xu Zihuang and Xu Zihuang have unusual backgrounds.

The distance of ten kilometers can be said to be very short.If you look down on the forest adjacent to the Star Dou Forest to the south of the village from above, you can find that the overall shape of the forest is long and narrow.

It extends for about [-] kilometers from south to north.

After entering the forest, He Caitou handed the barrel of the custom-installed soul guide cannon to Xu Zihuang.

"Brother Yu."

Xu Zihuang took it subconsciously, and found that the barrel of this custom-installed soul guide gun was much smaller than the one used in the soul guide system test area.

Seeing the question in Xu Zihuang's eyes, He Caitou explained with a smile.

"What the teacher asked you to test is a custom-installed soul guide cannon with reduced power. This barrel is enough."

As he said that, he also took out a few custom-installed soul guide cannons that were only the thickness of two fingers from the soul guide.

Each custom-installed soul guide cannon has a precise core magic circle, and Fan Yu has prepared a total of twelve custom-installed soul guide cannons with different attributes this time.

They are water, fire, earth, wind, light, darkness, poison, lightning, frost, metal, burst and paralysis.

Of course, these are all reduced in power. The purpose of Fan Yu's research is to allow ordinary people to use powerful soul tools.

But it is a pity that after the power of the fixed-installed soul guide cannon has been reduced, the soul power required to activate it is indeed very small, but it cannot be activated without soul power at all.

While talking with He Caitou, Xu Zihuang quickly walked towards the depths of the forest.

It didn't take long to meet a group of soul beasts.

There are a total of six wolf-shaped soul beasts, all of which are about 1.6 meters tall, and the whole body is iron gray.

Nether wolf, a very common spirit beast in the spirit beast forest.

Without He Caitou's reminder, Xu Zihuang skillfully stuffed a shuttle-shaped custom-mounted soul guide cannon with ice-blue patterns into the barrel.

At the same time, the golden pupil martial soul was released.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling icy blue light gushed out from the mouth of the gun barrel, relying on the dynamic vision of the golden pupil to accurately hit the six ten-year ghost wolves.Shrouded in the icy blue light, they instantly turned into hard ice sculptures.

He Caitou stepped forward quickly, surveying various data of this custom-installed soul guide cannon.

At the same time, Shrek Academy, Sea God Island.

Elder Xuan and Yan Shaozhe looked at Ma Xiaotao, who was blushing and struggling in front of him.

"Old Xuan, it seems that each use of Yu Tianhuang's first soul ability can only keep Xiao Tao from being disturbed by the evil fire problem for seven days at most." Yan Shaozhe sighed softly.

Elder Xuan took out another greasy chicken leg from nowhere, and gave Yan Shaozhe an angry look.

"Isn't it enough to be able to suppress it for seven days? In this way, as long as the little guy Yu Tianhuang stays by Xiaotao's side all the time, it's enough for Xiaotao not to be affected by the evil fire in her cultivation."

Yan Shaozhe smiled helplessly and said: "Xiao Tao, this girl really can only be tied to Yu Tianhuang to death."

(End of this chapter)

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