Peerless Tangmen's Sun and Moon Glory

Chapter 423 Aboriginals and the Jade Phoenix

Chapter 423 Aboriginals and the Sapphire Phoenix (4K)

Wang Qiu'er, who stayed where she was, couldn't hide the shame and indignation on her pretty face.She clenched her fists tightly, and her delicate body trembled.

In addition to being ashamed and angry, an indescribable humiliation appeared in the depths of her eyes.

As the emperor auspicious beast three-eyed golden beast, she has the luck of the entire Star Dou Forest attached to her body.In the past ten thousand years, no soul beast has ever dared to disobey her.Even the beast gods Ditian and Bi Ji doted on her.

But she was the only one who suffered grievances from Xu Zihuang.

At this time, watching Xu Zihuang gradually disappear into the distant sky, an inexplicable fear began to rise in her heart.

Even Wang Qiu'er didn't realize that after more than a month of sailing, she had subtly formed a dependence on Xu Zihuang.

After all, this is her first deep sea voyage, and she will always be attacked by powerful sea spirit beasts.As proud as she was, at the beginning, her heart was actually full of uneasiness.It was because of Xu Zihuang's existence that she completely concealed this uneasiness in her heart.

"This bastard!"

After hesitating for a moment, Wang Qiu'er gritted her silver teeth lightly, stepped on the golden flame and lifted into the air, quickly catching up with Xu Zihuang.But her expression was still a little aggrieved, and even her eyes were slightly red.It's like a proud princess who has suffered all kinds of grievances, but has to recognize the reality.

Xu Zihuang had expected this ending a long time ago, so he didn't rush at full speed before.He turned his head and glanced sideways at Wang Qiu'er who was following behind him, and then accelerated his flying speed.

The scenery below passed quickly in the line of sight of the two of them.

The situation here is the same as what Xu Zihuang saw from the memory of the magic pattern octopus. They are now in the southeast corner of the Xinghai Continent.This area is relatively remote and desolate in the entire Star Sea Continent.

Because there is a large spirit beast forest in the south.

The progress of human development on Xinghai Continent is far inferior to that of Douluo Continent and former Sun Moon Continent.Whether it is in high-end combat power or productivity.

It took a very long time for the original aborigines on the Xinghai Continent to gain the upper hand in the battle with the soul beasts, and thus began to compress the living space of the soul beasts.But even now, near the large wild spirit beast forest in the south of the mainland, there are often spirit beasts fleeing into the wild.Moreover, these spirit beasts are very aggressive, and they often take the initiative to attack humans.

For various reasons, the desolation of this area was naturally caused.Only the pioneers who were exiled would report here to keep warm and build sporadic villages in order to survive.

The destination of Xu Zihuang's trip, Dragon Wolf City, is located in the most prosperous northern part of the Dragon Wolf Territory, which is the south-central part of the entire Xinghai Continent.But he only knew a general direction.

After flying toward the northwest for nearly a quarter of an hour, Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer were almost approaching the outer area of ​​the mountain range.

To the south of the mountains is a vast expanse of dense forests, giving people a feeling of depressing heart palpitations.There is no doubt that this is the large wild spirit beast forest.It's called the Meteorite Forest.

Thousands of years ago, this mountain range actually belonged to the Meteorite Forest, and it was only for man-made reasons that this mountain range was separated separately.Even today, there are still many groups of soul beasts living in the middle and deep of this mountain range.

Therefore, the current lord of the Dragon Wolf Territory is currently only ordering those exiles to slowly develop the area outside the mountains to obtain more cultivated land and population.

In the outer area of ​​the mountains, some small villages can be seen.The houses in the village are all made of wood, and there is not much architectural style to be seen.If you really want to compare it, it is somewhat similar to the architectural style in the south of the Star Luo Empire that originally belonged to the Douluo Continent.

Beyond the mountains, there is a wide plain as far as the eye can see, and the outline of a city can be vaguely seen in the distance.The scale of the city is not large, but it has a towering city wall, which adds a bit of majestic momentum to it.

Xu Zihuang thought about it, but decided not to be so high-profile.Although with his strength, there is basically no soul master who can threaten him on this continent, but he doesn't want to draw too much attention.

"Go down first." Xu Zihuang's figure fell towards the mountains below, and at the same time reminded Wang Qiu'er.

Perhaps because of the human activities on the outskirts of the mountains, the vegetation in this area is relatively sparse.In the distance is a narrow canyon leading beyond the mountains.

Although Wang Qiu'er still had small emotions, she didn't play her temper, just followed behind Xu Zihuang with a cold face, without saying a word.

But before the two had left for a long time, Xu Zihuang's eyes suddenly narrowed.

As if responding to his gaze, the ground in front of him suddenly split open, and a centipede-like strange beast with its head like a shuttle came out.


This strange beast was nearly one meter long, and its whole body was covered with a yellow-brown carapace. There were neatly arranged ferocious legs on the left and right sides of its body, and its sinister mouthparts exuded a stench.

Moreover, there is a white light of soul power surging on its body surface.

There is no doubt that this is a soul beast.Moreover, it is a unique soul beast on the Xinghai Continent. At least on the Douluo Continent, Xu Zihuang has not seen any records about this kind of soul beast.

After getting out of the ground, the centipede-like soul beast immediately twisted its body and rushed towards Xu Zihuang.The small green eyes were full of ferocity.

Xu Zihuang remained motionless, but at this moment, a golden light and shadow shot out from the right side of his cheek with an incomparably sharp aura, instantly piercing through the iron-hard body of this centipede-like soul beast.

It was Wang Qiu'er who threw the Golden Dragon Spear.

Affected by the effect of the golden dragon gun devouring vitality, the body of this centipede-like spirit beast shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a faint white spirit ring also began to condense and form above its corpse.

Xu Zihuang, who had sensed it for a long time, passed the corpse of the centipede-like soul beast without changing his expression, without even stopping for a moment.

As for Wang Qiu'er, who took back the Golden Dragon Spear, it was as if he let out a bad breath, and the anger in his heart was relieved a lot.

Afterwards, the two continued to march toward the outer reaches of the mountains, and they did not encounter any more attacks from spirit beasts along the way.

But just as Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer were about to enter the canyon, five soldiers in black armor escorted a dozen or so ragged refugees and walked towards them.On the chests of the five soldiers' armors was engraved a majestic purple wolf's head, which was quite chilling.

This was the first time Xu Zihuang saw the aborigines of Xinghai Continent.From the perspective of appearance and skin color, there is almost no big difference between the aborigines of Xinghai Continent and them.

These dozen or so refugees were ordinary people, but the blood in the bodies of the five soldiers was exceptionally strong.Especially the middle-aged strong man in the lead, who was over two meters tall, with thick muscles, he looked like a beast in human form.Although he didn't have the slightest fluctuation of soul power in his body, his physical fitness was comparable to that of a battle soul master with a beast soul in the Douluo Continent.

Perceiving this, Xu Zihuang probably guessed that the leading strong man should be the so-called blood warrior on the Xinghai Continent.Mobilize the power of qi and blood in the body to amplify itself.

Seeing Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer, who were extremely stunning in appearance and temperament, the leading middle-aged man was taken aback for a moment, and then lowered his head humbly.

Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiu'er obviously came from the direction of the Meteorite Forest, combined with their calm demeanor, it is very likely that they are the children of that kind of big family of soul masters.

Although he is a blood warrior, but in front of a soul master from a big family, he is just an ant that can be easily crushed to death.

It is perfectly normal to show respect. On the Xinghai Continent, class distinctions have long been deeply imprinted in the bones.

The other four soldiers beside the leading middle-aged man also followed suit one by one.The movements of those refugees were a little slower.

Under the awe-inspiring eyes of this team, Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer brushed past these people expressionlessly.And the performance of the two of them also made the leading strong man more affirmed his guess.

After Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer had gone far away, the leading strong man coldly reprimanded these refugees.

"You untouchables should be thankful that those two noble soul masters didn't care about you."

The other four soldiers under the middle-aged strong man waved their long whips in shock, and slapped the ground on the bodies of the dozen or so refugees, as if they wanted to vent all the anger accumulated just now.

"You untouchables, why don't you leave quickly?!"

If these untouchables offend Lord Soul Master, then they really want to cry without tears.How can you not feel angry?
Under such a depressing environment, the expressions on the faces of these refugees have long been numb, and they curled up instinctively, and even the courage to resist was completely wiped out.But there are also those very few people who are tough-minded, unwilling to do so, and have longing for the future.

A thin boy was at the end of the line.The boy has short red hair and a handsome face, but because of long-term malnutrition, he looks sallow and emaciated.

The whip drew a few bloodstains on his body, the young man seemed to be unconscious, his eyes were cold and he lowered his head, swearing secretly in his heart through gritted teeth.

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor! One day, I will make those who bully me pay the price!"

Although he didn't have innate soul power when he awakened his martial soul, the blood power in his body was not weak, and sooner or later he would be able to leave here as a blood warrior.This is where his confidence lies.

But in the next instant, a sudden change occurred.


Amid the cracking sound of flesh and blood being torn apart, a huge blood hole was instantly opened in the boy's chest, and blood and internal organs flowed all over the floor.

His pupils began to become dilated, and the last picture he saw was a yellow-brown centipede-like soul beast penetrating his body.

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, you have to be able to live until then.


Noticing the tragic situation of the young man, one after another horrified cries were heard among the refugees.No matter how numb your heart is, as long as you are a human being, you will have an instinctive fear of death.

The five escorting soldiers were relatively calm, but their faces changed drastically when they saw the ferocious centipede passing through the boy's chest.

"Earth armor centipede?! How did it appear here?!"

Not just this one, there are many more centipedes emerging from the ground in all directions.

The Earth Armor Centipede is a unique soul beast on the Xinghai Continent.Defense, speed, and strength are all extremely strong, and the only flaw is the lack of long-range attack ability.Usually act alone, but once killed, it will imbue the killer with a special aura, which will attract nearby groups.

Therefore, even a powerful soul master would rarely kill this kind of soul beast.

Facing such a formidable enemy, the aura of the five soldiers also changed suddenly.The clear eyes instantly became cloudy, and a blood-red light appeared.Their eyes all turned blood red, and even their bodies seemed to be covered with a vague bloody light.

This is the power of their own blood.

The leading middle-aged man punched a ten-year-old centipede flying away, and quickly retreated with four of his subordinates, not caring about the lives of those refugees.Fortunately, these armored centipedes are ten-year-level existences. As long as they are not surrounded by groups, there is hope of breaking through.

Of course, he was able to make such a decisive decision because he knew that Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer who had just left hadn't gone far.As long as these two soul masters help each other, they can easily solve the problem in front of them.

But what made the middle-aged strong man feel even more depressed was that after the group of ground armor centipedes killed those refugees, they chased after them relentlessly.In just a moment of effort, four of his subordinates were traumatized to varying degrees.

After all, they who mobilized the power of qi and blood were no match for real soul masters.It is really rare to be able to temporarily protect oneself in front of the soul beast.

At the same time, Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer, who sensed the situation here, stopped immediately and turned to look over.

Although Xu Zihuang has tried his best to avoid causing riots, some things cannot be avoided if he wants to.What should happen will happen.

"It turns out that those soul beasts are called Earth Armor Centipedes."

And judging from this posture, it is clear that he and Wang Qiu'er attracted these centipedes.Those people were implicated by them.

Wang Qiu'er, who was beside Xu Zihuang, frowned slightly, her face was cold, and she was about to release the Golden Dragon Spear, ready to annihilate the chasing centipedes.

But it is at this time.A dazzling cyan light soared into the sky from the side of the canyon close to the mountains, turning into a phantom of a big cyan bird.The whole body of the blue bird was burning with dazzling flames, and its three elegant tail feathers were raised high, resembling a phoenix.

And in the center of this cyan phoenix phantom is a slender girl with long cyan hair flying up, reflecting her beautiful and delicate face.There was a pair of wings completely condensed from blue flames on her back, and the flames rose all over her body, which was extremely miraculous.

Sapphire Phoenix, Phoenix subspecies.It is said that it can compete with the real dragon.As a human martial soul, it is undoubtedly the top class.

Four soul rings, two yellow and two purple, floated around the girl.The purple fourth soul ring shone, and countless feather-like blue flames condensed in front of a pair of blue flame wings behind her, falling down like an overwhelming sky.

The group of centipede centipedes that numbered more than thirty were wiped out in this blue sea of ​​flames, leaving no bones left.

And behind the girl, there was another guard who turned into a streamer and arrived in time.

In the not-so-wide canyon, people from three parties gathered together.

Xu Zihuang and Wang Qiuer walking in the front, the five soldiers in the middle, the green-haired girl and a group of guards behind.

The sight lines of the three parties meet here, and the atmosphere is slightly delicate.

(End of this chapter)

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