My Xueba Life Simulator

Chapter 24 Parent Meeting or Higher Mathematics Exam?

Chapter 24 Parent Meeting or Higher Mathematics Exam?

The 5th floor of Menglihua Apartment.

In the duplex apartment where Ling Xiaoxiao lived.

Gu Feng, who hadn't brushed his teeth and washed his face, Ling Xiaoxiao, who hadn't brushed his teeth, washed his face, and applied skin care products, and Ling Cangsong, who had just taken medicine, sat together.

Beside the round table of the coffee table in the living room, they are like the three most stable corners of a triangle, fighting against each other, supporting this stable structure together.

Until Ling Cangsong broke the silence.

After observing the young man Gu Feng for 60 seconds, he decided to break the silence.

Father Ling has been in the mall for many years, read countless people, and has a theological grasp of human appearance.

For example, your class can be seen from the way you dress.

Observe your cultural upbringing from your conversation.

Judge your future development prospects from your behavior.

And so on, the method of integrating theology and psychology.

Although there is no theoretical basis, Ling Cangsong has verified his theory with his 30 years of business experience. He will not be mistaken. The probability is maintained at 99%, and the remaining 1% is because he is afraid of being proud.

His daughter inherited his excellent genes, so the mother and fetus have been single for 22 years and have maintained good behavior habits.

His wife, um, his wife divorced him because of misjudgment.

Although Ling Cangsong saw two boxes of Adu, the packaging of Adu had not been torn off. The utility room was the farthest from the daughter's bedroom, and the study room was full of information books, which were obviously used all the time.

From this, Ling Cangsong judged that the boy and his daughter had just lived together not long ago, and the daughter was still spending most of her time studying.

But even so, Ling Cangsong couldn't accept that his daughter lived with a man at a young age, even a boy who seemed to be only 18 years old.

"Are you still a student?"

Ling Cangsong asked, Gu Feng's aura was completely incompatible with the plumbers his daughter mentioned.

Gu Feng nodded: "Yes, uncle, my senior sister and I are both students of Sanchuan University."

"Why do you live together?"

Ling Cangsong was already disappointed with his daughter who was full of lies, this time he chose to ask Gu Feng directly.

Gu Feng swallowed, looking at Ling Cangsong's eagle-like eyes, he suddenly felt like the instructor he met during the military training at the university was an extremely cruel person.

It is best not to lie to such a person.

Moreover, there is actually no need for Gu Feng to lie.

He doesn't look like Ling Xiaoxiao, who needs to hide something.

"Uncle, I am the tutor that my senior sister invited to teach her high math and scores. Originally, I only came here for 2 hours during tutoring, but because I found a pervert knocking on the door a few days ago, my senior sister was afraid of being alone. If you can’t figure it out, let me stay here for a few days, and I’ll move out when the pervert is scared away.”

Gu Feng summed up the ins and outs of the matter in one sentence, without sloppiness at all.


Ling Cangsong looked at his daughter.

Ling Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue: "It's my cousin, who made him come and go in broad daylight to wrap himself up tightly, I haven't seen him for three years, so I didn't recognize him."

"Don't you know that your cousin is also a public figure?"

Ling Cangsong covered his forehead with one hand, and stopped entangled with Ling Xiaoxiao about misunderstanding Ling Zijie.

He turned his face and asked Gu Feng in surprise:
"Are you a graduate student?"

In his opinion, Gu Feng became a graduate student at a young age, which is not bad, even for the postgraduate entrance examination, he only took the second degree, so he has no future.

"No, uncle, I'm a freshman."

Gu Feng replied honestly that he was not yet mentally prepared to meet his parents.

He always felt that he and his senior sister had developed too fast. They met in the library, lived together, and met their parents, all of which were completed in less than one semester.

Not to mention that the two haven't fallen in love yet, even if they were in love, Gu Feng never thought of meeting the parents so early.

Looking at Ling Cangsong's face, Gu Feng felt that the function was cuter than him, and he was inexplicably stressed.


Ling Cangsong frowned, and he looked at his disappointing daughter.

You said you took the postgraduate entrance examination, but you found a freshman to tutor you in advanced mathematics?

Ling Xiaoxiao immediately explained: "Dad, he is a real student. He has already contributed to SCI. Although I don't know if he has done it, but I can understand him teaching advanced mathematics."


Ling Cangsong felt that he had to take two more heart-saving pills to save his old life.

He was also a mathematician before, but he was forced by life and finally went into business.

So, he decided to test this freshman who can teach his daughter advanced mathematics.

If Gu Feng couldn't even answer his own question, it would prove that what these two people said before was all nonsense, they were completely in a relationship, and they were just looking for reasons to prevaricate themselves.

Ling Cangsong coughed twice, and said calmly,
"Since Xiaoxiao said that you are a master of mathematics, I will test you with a few mathematics questions."

Ah, when other people's daughters and boyfriends meet their parents, they all ask you if you have bought a house or a car, and how much you have saved.

When it comes to me, does it become a math problem?
Ah bah, this is not to meet the parents, not to meet the parents!
Ling Xiaoxiao couldn't help recalling the fear of being dominated by her father's math hobby when she was a child. If it wasn't for her father, she felt that her high math would not be so bad. This may be some kind of rebellious psychology.

Gu Feng straightened his posture, corrected his attitude, and looked at Ling Cangsong seriously: "You ask."

"What is the equation of the tangent line parallel to the line x-y+1=0 of the curve y=xlnx?"

Go straight to high math questions?

Gu Feng was surprised. He thought Ling Cangsong would discuss the history of mathematics with him, or Riemann's conjecture, or Bill's conjecture.

In short, it will not be so rigid, just do the questions as soon as you come up!
Ling Cangsong didn't give Gu Feng time to use the draft paper to calculate, just to test his math skills.

Gu Feng calculated it in his mind and rushed to answer in 3 seconds.


Ling Cangsong narrowed his eyes slightly, unexpectedly, this kid is not bad, he can give the correct answer within three seconds, even if he is not a top student, it proves that his high math performance is not too bad.

But how could Ling Cangsong let Gu Feng go so easily, he still had a lot of math problems in his mind.

Although he is not a math teacher, he can find out a lot of difficult problems based on his memory. After all, it was his hobby.

"Find the value of the derivative y'x of the implicit function determined by the curve y=ln(x+y)."

This question is a little more difficult than the previous question, not just reasoning, but also mental arithmetic.

But it was still hard for Gu Feng.

It took Gu Feng 5 seconds to calculate the result: "One sixth."

Ling Cangsong couldn't believe that this young man gave the answer so quickly. Could it be that he has the same hobby of memorizing test questions as himself?

"Have you done this question?"

"No, uncle, but it's an easy one."

Gu Feng said casually.

Intangible pretense is the deadliest, Ling Cangsong inexplicably praised Gu Feng for a wave of coercion, and Ling Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a while.

She took out the draft paper for these two questions, but she hadn't figured them out yet.

Chachacha, Ling Xiaoxiao broke the third pencil, her mood was complicated, and she couldn't keep up with the rhythm of these two people.

For a moment, Ling Xiaoxiao didn't know if this was a parent meeting or a high math test! ?
PS: The author made a mistake in the time before, and now he has corrected it in time and changed two settings.

Ling Xiaoxiao is a junior senior. (This will make it easier to write postgraduate entrance examinations later)

Li Zixi is a sophomore.

Modifying these two settings will not affect the reading of the following text. I hope you will continue to support me and vote for me! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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