He has always been good at eating melons!

Chapter 141 137. Winter Moon Brand Stove [2-in-1 Tube Full Limited Edition! 】

Chapter 141 137. Winter (Curiosity) Moon Brand Stove [[-]-in-[-] tube full limited edition! 】

The cool wind blows the raindrops and hits the window, making a crisp sound of 'popping'.

In the corridor, the two were holding hands, Nekoyashiki took a step, but was stopped after taking a step.

The boy turned his head to look at Miss Alien, only to see that she was standing there without moving a step.

Because of the rain before and the fact that the aliens' umbrella skills are quite unfamiliar, Nekoyashiki is now soaked in water, almost like Megumin and Kamijou who fell into the pool, completely drowned.

The hair on his forehead still has raindrops condensed, like morning dew, under the action of gravity, half a drop hangs on the corner of the hair.

The petite upper body of the alien was almost soaked, and the short hair was darker and shiny than usual, and strands stuck to the forehead.

The white shirt stuck to her skin, forming sinuous ducts where there was air.

Nekoyashiki is only one meter away from Fuyutsuki, with the eyesight of a young man who can "open his eyes to the sun and see clearly".

You can already see the flesh color of Miss Dongyue's shoulders and neck and the lace pattern on her sexy underwear...

At this moment, Nekoyashiki felt like he was in the beautiful mural "Creation of Adam" by Michelangelo.

The only difference is that the hands of the two are holding together.

After getting wet from the rain, the wet clothes cling to the body, which often makes people feel cold and uncomfortable.

But at this time, the soft and warm touch of Dongyue Shen's hands, slightly wet cheeks, and the looming snow-white skin behind the wet shirt made Mao Yashiki feel hot and dry.

"Cough..." He cleared his throat to cover up.

With an attitude of seeing no evil, Zheng Zheng Lingran moved his eyes to the corridor behind Winter Moon God.

In the process, it naturally swept across Dongyue's slightly raised chest.

Although it is only a+, Nekoyashiki feels that the size that can be held in one hand is just right.

Of course, in such a critical moment of 'Kamijou's identity may be exposed at any time', one really shouldn't think about such shy things.

But Maoyashiki can't help it. After all, people are 360 ​​for five days, and I wish there were animals that were in heat for 360 and six days!
Ashamed of his animality, Nekoyashiki shook his head to get the messy thoughts out of his head.

I also took the opportunity to look at the pattern of underwear.

Finally, he cleared his mind and wanted to ask what happened and why the god didn't lead the way.

But the scene in front of him suddenly began to shake, and the long and narrow corridor in his field of vision stretched and twisted.

Nekoya Shiki showed a clear expression, 【It turned out to be using teleport directly...】

[But this is also normal. Our Dongyue god is a dignified alien, and we don’t want to get caught in the rain on rainy days, so it’s reasonable to use teleportation to find someone directly, right? 】

After thinking about it, he moved his chin slightly.

But in the next second, the nodding stopped again, and the mouth opened in astonishment.

He anxiously yelled, "Wait! Don't teleport directly to your face!"

The image of him teleporting directly in front of Ishi Sakura and meeting Miss Killer's big eyes flashed in Nekoyashiki's mind.

But it was too late, and the scene in front of him changed instantly.

To avoid dizziness, Nekoyashiki closed his eyes.

The cool wind hit his face, and he shivered.

Slowly unfold the distorted facial features and open the eyelids.

Sure enough, the scene has switched from indoor to outdoor.

But fortunately, there was no one in front of him.

Looking back and forth, left and right, and looking around carefully, Ishizakura was not seen, so Nekoyashiki touched his left rib to feel relieved.

[Master Dongyue is really getting more and more reliable! 】Looking at Fuyutsuki, Nekoyashiki sighed.

Even though it was outside, it didn't rain.

Nekoyashiki raised his head as if for verification, and there was indeed a roof covering the top of his head, which seemed to be the structure of an overpass.

Looking to the southwest, you can still vaguely see the top of the blue tower hidden in the green tree canopy.

That is the landmark building of Ueno Zoo, the five-storied pagoda of Kanei Temple, which means that Fuyutsuki did not take him out of the park.

Nekoyashiki roughly judged that this place should be under the overpass connecting the east and west parks.

Turning his head, he looked at Dongyue and said, "But Shi Ying is..."

Before Nekoyashiki could finish asking, Fuyuki had already consciously raised her slender hand.

The girl's slightly loose wet shirt drooped slightly under the force of gravity, clinging to the upper edge of her arms, with flawless skin slightly showing through it.

Nekoyashiki is greedy for bright eyes.

Fuyutsuki's little index finger flicked away, and Nekoyashiki looked over.

Over there is the east side of the overpass, and there is a tall and thick concrete pier blocking the view.

"Behind the pier?" Nekoyashiki asked.

"En." Dongyue nodded.

For convenience, Nekoyashiki decisively put on a fox mask and put on a 'cloak of concealment'.

Thinking about it, he also helped Dongyue get a cute three-faced cat mask and a white cloak.

The difference is that Dongyue's cloak is just an ordinary cloak. After all, Dongyue God has the ability to normalize and has its own concealment effect.

Take a half step back and take a look, Dongyue is like a cute cat girl with a white body and a painted face, she looks pretty good!
This time, when changing things from the auxiliary device, he did not hide from Dongyue.

Nekoyashiki is now able to use the "supernormal ability" of "rubbing things casually" in front of Fuyu Moon God without avoiding suspicion.

There are two reasons.

First, after thinking about it last time, Nekoyashiki has realized the inadequacy of the initial strategy of the 'Alien Adult Project'.

Now that she has made up her mind to help Dongyue find a way to fold her 'wings' and hide her 'supernatural'.

Then blindly hiding the special things will have the opposite effect.

Now Winter Moon God has some common sense.

So it is still not concealed, when encountering supernormal events, it is better to teach Dongyue to understand what is "supernormal" one by one.

Second, it is a security issue.

In this regard, Nekoyashiki has a high level of trust in Fuyuki.

Under the two of them sharing the same bed, their relationship has improved by leaps and bounds. To put it bluntly, he now trusts Dongyue Ameng very much.

It's the same as Nobita's belief in Doraemon!

"Fuyutsuki, normal people don't rub out masks and cloaks casually." Nekoyashiki emphasized.

"I know." The alien didn't move his neck, just looked at him with raised eyebrows.

The toneless tone seemed impatient.

Give the cat house a kind of 'You kid is fine, why don't you just talk nonsense! 'a feeling of……

[It should be an illusion...] Nekoyashiki thought.

A cat and a fox walked around the broad bridge pillars and felt there, and sure enough they saw Shi Ying, and there was a person in front of her.

The man was kneeling, with his head bowed deeply. Judging from the length of his hair and the style of his clothes, he should be a man.

Even from a distance, Nekoyashiki could see that the man's body was covered in bright red blood.

Nekoyashiki had foreseen this scene a long time ago. In the final analysis, the mind control thing has no effect on Ms. Ishizakura.

It's not easy to kill a young man who kills with a mind controller alone?

Even though they were far away, the moment Nekoyashiki and Fuyutsuki showed their heads, Ms. Killer had already looked keenly at this side.

Nekoyashiki secretly sighed that it was dangerous, but fortunately he had taken precautions in advance.

Otherwise, even if he and Dongyue can rely on the 'jammer' to prevaricate.

From Shi Ying's point of view, it would also be difficult to explain to her classmates why she was under the overpass, and why a man covered in blood knelt deeply in front of her.

It can't be called a marriage proposal, can it?

How can anyone propose marriage with blood on his face?

At most, the wallet will be bled...

After some hesitation, Nekoyashiki decided to go to Ishi Sakura.

"Xiao Shizhi?" Miss Shi Ying had already opened her mouth when there were still more than ten meters away.

Nekoyashiki's eyes slanted to the right, looking at Fuyutsuki, he suddenly realized that he had made a huge, outrageous mistake.

[Isn't it Shiori? 】Seeing that Nekoyashiki did not respond, Ishi Sakura became alert.

She began to accumulate energy on her feet...

Nekoyashiki stopped.

After hesitating for a second, he finally bit the bullet and clicked to use the special ability 'Advanced False Voice' that was redeemed last time and hadn't been exhausted...

"Yes...it's Shiori~" he whispered in a super cute loli voice.

Next to him, the alien immediately looked up at him at a 45-degree angle, as if he had met Nekoyashiki for the first time.

Even through the small pores of the three-flowered cat's mask, you can feel the alien's eyes are slowly widening.

"Shizhi?" Dongyue said softly.

She stared closely at Nekoyashiki, her eyes were clear and clear, but Nekoyashiki could see in it the exuberant curiosity like "Columbus looked at the New World", "Chitanda Aikaru looked at Oreki Houtaro"...

[Sin! ! ! 】Cat Yashiki covers the fox mask.

Recently, he always died in the Huatai Club, and before Xuezi came, he was sent to the pinnacle of the club's death.

Nekoyashiki once thought that he had experienced enough training, his skin was thick enough to be alone, and he would never feel embarrassed about the death of a mere community from now on.

But now he found himself wrong again.

Die in the form of "pretending to be a girl" in front of aliens, it will still make him so embarrassed that he can directly pull out the Tokyo Tower with his toes on the ground!
At this moment, Nekoyashiki understood a truth.

Man, as expected, I still misjudge my own strength, even if my ability is 'thick-skinned'!
Fuyutsuki's petite body gradually fell over, staring closely at Nekoyashiki's eyes.

That look was like a child playing in the sand at the beach who accidentally picked up a conch, so he wanted to see what kind of structure was inside the shell.

Nekoyashiki blushed, let go of his hands, and kept leaning back his upper body.

[Not good...

If this continues, aliens will learn to eat melons! 】

Quickly look away and look at Shi Ying Bai You.

"Well, it really is Xiao Shiori." Hearing Lolita's voice, Shi Ying carefully looked up and down several times before confirming the identity of Nekoyashiki.

With a smile on her face, she began to unload her feet.

After only a brief glance at Dongyue, she turned around and looked at the man kneeling with his head bowed and bleeding from his mouth.

It seems that Winter Moon God's supernatural normalizing ability is working.

Miss Killer not only didn't question Dongyue, she even thought it was normal for 'Shiori' to appear here suddenly.

Suddenly, the muscles on Miss Killer's slender and beautiful thighs tensed again.

Basically achieved the same strength as when painting the 'Rose Flower Mural' before!
Shi Ying thought: [Alright, since Shiori, who is good at cleaning, is here, let's kill this stinking thing directly. 】

Cat Yashiki: [? ? ? 】

"Ishi Sakura... Miss Ishi Sakura, what did this person do?" Nekoyashiki made a loli voice again, asking knowingly.

Winter (I'm curious) month, come together again.

Nekoyashiki quickly grabbed the alien's soft shoulders to prevent her from getting closer.

In fact, the reason why he asked knowingly was because he wanted to find out Shi Ying's thoughts.

I want to see what information Miss Killer has extracted from this man, and whether Kamijou's secret identity has been leaked.

Shi Ying temporarily slackened her legs to accumulate energy, but still clenched her silver teeth in resentment.

"He used the 'mind control device' to control Megumin, causing Megumin and Kamijo to fall into the water," she said.

The image of Kamijou falling into the water with Megumi in his arms flashed in his mind.

However, due to the influence of Fuyu Moon God's ability, her memory has been corrected to "Megumi didn't hand out the knife, but passed out, and Kamijou fell into the water to save her".

Mao Yafu gave a thumbs up in his heart: 【Winter Moon God, great credit! 】

Bowing his head, Dongyue, the 'strange species', was getting closer and closer, and he was about to kiss on the chin.

Push hard?
Laughing dead, can't move at all.

He had no choice but to stagger his position as if he was playing a game of catching people, and took two quick steps to get in front of Shi Ying.

"Sister Shi Ying, are you sure it's this person?"

This is also a question knowingly, used to seduce... no, it is to hook up the topic.

Miss Killer nodded resolutely, "It's him, I can't mistake the stench on his body, and I found this from him."

Shi Ying spread out her right hand, with slender and beautiful fingers.

It was only then that Nekoyashiki realized that she had been holding a black 'Mind Controller' in her hand.

The basic shape and structure are similar to the last one, but it feels smaller than the previous one, and the material seems to be more refined.

"Ah! It's exactly the same as the device you crushed last time, Ishi Sakura-san!" Nekoyashiki pretended to be surprised.

Shiori's voice is very cute.

Haiyin himself wanted to die very much.

[My heart hurts so much! ] He shouted in his heart.

"Indeed..." Ms. Shi Ying responded, but looked away guiltily.

Heart: [The last time I was too impulsive and directly destroyed the mind-reading device, resulting in the loss of follow-up clues to track down the 'mind-reading organization'.

This kind of low-level mistake can't be said to the lovely junior...]

Nekoyashiki: […]

Sure enough, being handsome usually comes at a price.

For example, the weapon 'Tachi' in Monster Hunter has very handsome movements, which makes people want to try it after seeing it.

But after trying it out, it often ends up being miserable...

(Note: 'Cat' refers to 'cat cart'. In Monster Hunt, after the player dies, the game animation will appear, and the player will be pulled back to the camp by a pet cat with a small cart to be revived.)
Looking at the fainted man, Shi Ying's eyes became murderous again.

"Although I tried to torture him, he still refused to reveal the reason for controlling Huihui.

Here is a public place, even if it is raining, it is difficult to bring him back to the organization to be dealt with by torture experts..." Shi Ying said.

In my heart: [It would be great if I had a car.

But I have no money to buy a car, and I failed the driver's license test...]

Nekoyashiki: […]

There were too many slots, so he gave up complaining as usual.

At close range, Nekoyashiki was able to carefully observe the 'behind the scenes' who was kneeling down and bowed his head.

His hands drooped limply on the ground, as soft as noodles, and it was unknown whether they were broken or dislocated.

The palms were also stained with mud, and mixed with the blood flowing down, it was pitch black, and it really became a 'black hand'...

The legs are twisted outward from the knee joints, and the angle is definitely broken.

Miraculously, this person still maintains a hazy consciousness, raising and lowering his head slightly from time to time.

Even if Shi Ying is not good at torture, maybe she insists on not letting go under the output of her iron fist, which is already considered a tough bone.

This cat house is very admired.

[It's a pity that he is a bastard who does many evils and tramples on other people's will at will by relying on the "mind controller".

In addition, destroying Megumi's confession, causing Kamijou to be injured, and destroying the first group activity of the Human Dispute Mediation Department...]

Nekoyashiki felt that Ishi Sakura's attack was still too light.

"Then can you give Shiori a try? Shiori is very good at torture." Nekoyashiki spoke terrifying words in the cute voice of a girl with vitality.

"Huh? Then I'm counting on you! It's a great help!" Shi Ying said softly.

She showed her face and smiled, not only with a gentle smile, but she even bent down and bowed.

Almost like Yamato Nadeko.

If there was no 'behind the scenes' who was beaten by her to the point of crippled limbs, unconscious, with bloody saliva dripping from his mouth, it would be more like...

Fuyutsuki came up again, but Nekoyashiki had no choice but to grab her by the shoulders, make her face forward, and drag her into the cloak.

He hugged the girl's slender waist from behind and fixed it, with his chin resting on top of her head.

With one set of operations, Winter Moon God obediently entered her arms.

Nekoyashiki sniffed, the alien's wet hair not only smelled of lavender, but also had a faint smell of freshness after the rain.

Probably because of getting wet, when the two of them are close together, the heat becomes easier to transfer.

The tender body of Kami-sama quickly felt a warm touch, as if hugging a stove, Nekoyashiki felt very warm.

Dongyue raised her head, and Maoyashiki ignored her, only tightening her arms, pretending she didn't see her.

"Is there a way to bring him back to consciousness?" Nekoyashiki asked Ishi Sakura.

If 'Black Hand' keeps in such a hazy state, he can't read minds.

 Later today, but five thousand words (rounded) big chapter!I'm so good!Where is the applause?

  By the way, I only found out today that you can add a group number in the background work management and then display it in the chapter above like this. I also heard that if you don’t use this function to promote the group, you will be improperly guided to join the group, and there is even a danger of closing the book. It’s scary. I quickly deleted the group account of Chapter 95, this is really a fate!
  Thanks to Sweet Orange, Crazyperson, and Lu Mingze from Destiny for the rewards, as well as everyone's monthly tickets, collections, recommendation tickets, comments, follow-ups, yum!
(End of this chapter)

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