Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 229 Bearing Wall

Chapter 229 Bearing Wall

Finding a mentor for Mia is considered complete.Although Lydia seems to be planning to show off her power and made things almost confused, she should still be "accepted" by Mia as a mentor in the end.

As for where Caroline's father went, Cyril had no clue at all.This piece of related content did not appear in the game, and nothing similar happened in the blacksmith shop.

This is not in line with common sense, unless Caroline's father is a master craftsman lurking in a small northern city, who is good at one-handed cloak and hammer, he will be specially recruited by the kingdom.

If he was just an ordinary blacksmith, then the recruitment of blacksmiths this time should be widely recruited, and the royal capital blacksmith shop under the king's nose is naturally included.

Of course, he also guessed with divergent thinking. For example, a magical plain that appeared in advance was extremely threatening and needed to build a fortress to defend it. But after all, he didn’t have these relevant clues in his memory. Guess It is also a guess.

In desperation, he had no choice but to send entrustments to those private intelligence houses, hemorrhaged a lot, and then continued to search slowly by himself.

In a blink of an eye, it was already the night agreed with Rod Sergey.

Gate No. [-] of Midtown is located on the west side of Solconan.Those students from the outer city who can enter the middle city to study, if they don't live on campus, they will go to and from school through this gate.At six o'clock, it was the end of school at the Solkonan Third Military Academy, which was facing the gate of No. [-] City.

When Cyril came to the gate of the city, he saw Rod Sergey leaning against the wall cautiously, letting the students who trotted out of the academy pass by. He stepped forward to greet him:

"Sergey, let's go up."

The two of them walked up to the city wall of Midtown, and the small half of Midtown came into view immediately.They watched the luxurious carriages galloping on the smooth avenue, and watched groups of academy students gather outside the window of the equipment store, commenting on the armor on display and talking about it with gusto.

In the corner, there seemed to be a sorcerer apprentice trying to practice spells. As a result, the spell he cast collapsed a wall, and then he was taken back into the building by the instructor who rushed over, probably to write a review.

Cyril turned his head and saw Rhodes' face showing some longing and some relief, so he said:
"Do you remember your school days?"

"Ah, no, Lord Adrian, I learned from my mentor—"

"Hired from home?"

"No, it's a wandering old knight. I met him during my travels."

"Then it seems that you haven't had such an experience." Cyril was half lying on the bricks, holding his chin.

"But I can feel their love for life here, and I think these important moments will become the most precious thing in their memory."

"Yes, it should be like this. However, within half a year, a large part of these students will die, and even the bones cannot be returned to their parents—"

Cyril's voice couldn't hear the slightest wave. He looked at Rhodes again, and the expression on the other side was as he expected, full of surprise.

"Your Excellency, I don't understand. Is the northern defense line about to collapse? Or..."

"It's the south. A month later, a large number of students from the academy will be sent to the south to redevelop the southern seas - of course this is written in the decree. In fact, they will be consumed in the internal struggle among the southern nobles. Like a tool, when it loses its value, it is discarded."


"You know very little about this kingdom, or in other words, the vast majority of people don't know what kind of situation it is in. The internal contradictions accumulated for 200 years erupted, which is almost equivalent to setting off a revolution for this country. And External pressure will destroy it completely."

"The Primordial Church will not tell you this. To some extent, they even hope that the kingdom under their jurisdiction will fall into chaos. The value of faith in the chaotic era will become more expensive. People like to pin their hopes on illusory existence. At this time, the church is no longer the representative of the gods, but a sickle to harvest these humble beliefs."

"If you want to support this country, the Church of Origin should not be your choice, Rod Sergey."

Some doubts appeared on Rhodes' face, but these doubts were quickly swept away.He seemed to be thinking, and he seemed to be hesitating. After a while, he suddenly stood up straight, and then bowed to Cyril:

"Then, what should I do?"

Cyril turned his eyes to the distance again, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Perhaps Rhodes had already made a choice that night in the tavern, but now, he only needs to clearly give an option.

"Follow me to the east. To build a reliable 'load-bearing wall.'"


In order to celebrate Rhodes embarking on the road to realize his great ideal, the two went to the tavern to have a good meal.Cyril's own drinking power was only average, but Rhodes' drinking power was even worse. After a few drinks, he lay on the table and woke up for a long time before staggering back to his residence.

He squinted and walked dazedly on the empty streets of Midtown at night.The fruit wine was sweet in the mouth, and he didn't feel much drunk. He was in a happy mood, so he drank a few more glasses.

In the end, the alcohol was very strong. At this moment, the alcohol was so strong that he almost bumped his head against the wall beside the road in a daze.

Cyril finally came to the door of the disguised house, and was remembering how to enter the magic plain, but the space in front of him fluctuated, and then, a person walked out of the magic plain.

Heloise Trewell.

"T, Mr. Treville, good evening, are you... are you here to chat with Miss Mia?"

He felt that his mouth could no longer be controlled, and his speech became much lighter.

"No, I'm here to look for you." Heloise glanced at him coldly, "Have you been drinking?"

"One, just a little bit."

"You wait."

Heloise said in disgust, and went back into the magic plain. Not long after, when she came out again, there was Mia Kristian beside her.

"Ah, Mr. Wei, why are you so drunk?" Mia whispered, and Heroy commanded mercilessly, "Splash water."

So Mia, who was still concerned about the last second, raised her hand in the next second, and carried out the "pride" taught by Lydia, and a strong stream of water splashed on Cyril's face, completely killing the half-elf boy. wake up.

"Bah, bah, what's the matter?"

Cyril wiped his face several times, while Mia had already handed him a set of clothes, while Heloise frowned, grabbed his arm, and pulled him aside.

"Hey, what are you doing, Mr. Treville, if you have something to say, don't talk about it, I will leave!"

Cyril yelled, and then saw the two horses tied by Heloise.

"Get on the horse." Heloise turned her head, her voice was a little anxious, "I'll change the clothes later."

"Where are you going?" Cyril realized that she was not joking, and simply got on his horse and asked.

"The eldest princess wants to see you."

 Calvin's Calvin's

(End of this chapter)

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