Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 558 Teacher Christian

Chapter 558 Teacher Christian
After the Amman Auction House incident, Cyril only spent one day leisurely in the Magic Plain.

For Solkonan, this day was anything but peaceful.

When he woke up, he felt a burst of warmth against his back—the temperature in the Magic Plain was comfortable and pleasant. He was lying on his side with only a thin quilt covering his body, and he could clearly feel the position on his waist.

At the same time, one hand was gently playing with his hair, curling and straightening the mid-length hair, but the movements were extremely gentle.

He lay flat on his side, opened his eyes, and saw Mia sitting on the edge of the bed with a calm expression, those beautiful blue eyes were looking straight into his eyes without avoiding.She withdrew the hand that was playing with Cyril's hair, and held a long piece of parchment with both hands.

"Good morning, Mr. Wei, it's time for the headlines of the day—"

She cleared her throat, looked away, and began to read the contents of the parchment:
"Solconan Morning, January 1441, 1, Year of Darkness and Whiteness."

"His Royal Highness secretly summoned the top executives of the Corbusier Chamber of Commerce, and the palace screamed again and again in the middle of the night?"

"The Eldest Princess angrily reprimanded all the ministers, Derrick, Edie, Belloc and other cutting-edge nobles were all interviewed, and the horse supervisor made a comprehensive rectification?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..." She covered half of her face with parchment, only her eyes were exposed, and she made a soft voice of praise or teasing, "Mr. Wei, we did a lot of things with His Highness last night."

"Please don't describe it in such an ambiguous tone, Miss Mia." Cyril sat up and reached out to take the parchment from Mia. Newspapers that urban dwellers cannot afford to order.

He glanced at it casually, and sure enough, it was exactly as he thought, Anastasia's resolute character would never save the head that should be chopped off on the first day until the second day.

Of course, at this time, she couldn't really use this as an excuse to cut off the heads of those people.

But those noble courtiers who appeared at the auction more or less got a little knock, in order to warn the family behind them, what can and cannot be done.

Unfortunately, Anastasia Herman was unable to impose too many sanctions on the chamber of commerce.The Pan-Solconan Chamber of Commerce community is an important pillar to ensure the economic stability of Solconan, not to mention the fact that the treasury is empty now, and the Chamber of Commerce is still needed to provide bounties to private troops participating in the war.

Cyril reckoned that this matter just passed away with a lot of thunder and rain—of course, it still had some effect. This beating can make many people understand that it is not that His Majesty Kelson Herman does not go to court, but that the southern nobles You can stretch your hand into Solkonan's pocket a little more.

Don't forget, Anastasia's main target is the southern nobles.

"I'm just a thug." Cyril returned the newspaper to Mia and leaned against the head of the bed. "On the contrary, His Highness helped me a lot."

He looked at Mia's curious expression, and said directly, "We, Solkonan, also have professional-level mages, and at the same time, we can welcome some famous five-ring mages."

Naturally, he was referring to the field mages led by Su Geer, including the dwarf mage Jeff Oak and the halfling mage Sylvia Fox.

"That's really great." Mia showed a gratified smile, "In addition to fiddling with her research, the only thing Miss Lydia cares about is her friends."

As she spoke, she took off Cyril's coat from the hanger at the side, put it beside the bed, and asked, "Does Mr. Wei have any arrangements for today?"

"If His Highness doesn't summon me, I have nothing else to do."

"Where is the crown of the Primordial Church?"

"Ah, the words of Photios..." Cyril thought of the old man, smiled and shook his head and said, "I will make an appointment at the church first, and then pay a visit at home."

"Other than that, there seems to be nothing else to do." Mia said leisurely with her hands behind her back, "In that case, why don't Mr. Wei go with me today..."

"Sorkonan city, take a walk?"


The days when Mia didn't wear a gown or a long skirt are one of the few in Cyril's memory.

Most of the time, she was wrapped in a mage robe—although with Mia Christian's financial resources, the mage robe she bought would not be ordinary, but a robe was a robe, and it could hardly reflect a person's figure.

Unless she was mediocre in the first place.

And even at home, when she was resting, she would wear a long nightdress, which was so loose that she could hide her body inside, revealing at most half of her calf.

But now, when Cyril walked out of the castle according to Miss Mia's request, he saw a completely different Ms. Mage.

She wore a light yellow wide hat with long feathers on her head, a pair of dark brown high-heeled leather shoes on her feet, and a boldly designed long skirt that exposed her neck and half of her white back. The bag, standing in front of Cyril, looked elegant and noble.

The shoulder straps of the sky blue dress hung on the snow-white shoulders, and the high chest almost jumped out of the collar.The waistline outlines a beautiful waist curve, and the skirt held up by the bustle only needs to be turned slightly. Under the warm sunshine of the magic plain, it looks like a blue tulip blooming on the green field.

"Hurry up, Mr. Wei."

She stretched out her hand and shook it, signaling Cyril to follow up quickly. The long white handbag wrapped her arm, as slender as a stamen, but it gave people an urge to reach out and touch it.

Cyril's face twitched slightly, he reached out and touched his clothes, it was an ordinary style that couldn't be more ordinary - although his figure and appearance could make this ordinary clothes look different, but the top It should be promoted to the level of a little brother who attracts customers by appearance on the street.

Far from being worthy of the flowery girl in front of me.

"Don't be dazed, Mr. Wei, come quickly."

While he was in a daze, Mia had already walked over, grabbed his arm, and pulled him towards the exit of the magic plain: "It will be dark soon, go out early, go shopping for a while, and then Have dinner at the night market."


Just like that, he was half pulled and half dragged out of the magic plain.

The sun is slanted, and the warm and cool winter sun shines on the ancient stone streets of Midtown, passes through the sparse branches, falls on the moss at the corner, and also shines on the two of them.

A street next to the college is a food street. At this moment, the smoke from the kitchen is billowing, and the aroma from afar has already wafted into the nostrils.They are all waiting for the moment when the college rings the dismissal bell, catching the taste buds of the students whose minds are blank.

Cyril followed Miss Mage's brisk footsteps, and could hear Mia humming softly, humming a nursery rhyme that everyone in Solkonan could sing.

During the "Spring Festival" in March, children will run to the suburbs, clap their hands while singing this song, weave garlands, and then take the garlands back to the people they like - usually their parents or brothers and sisters, If someone gave it to another child, he would be booed by other children.

That aside, it's a very beautiful song.It can be heard that Ms. Mage is in a particularly good mood at the moment.

"Where are we going, Harris' clothing store?" Cyril asked. "Harris" is a relatively well-known clothing brand among the nobles, and the price is expensive. Previously, Mia's custom-made clothing for Cyril basically came from there.

"No, I have no plans to buy new clothes recently." Mia turned sideways and pointed with her fingers, "Of course, if Mr. Wei needs it, I will order it... Although the dresses for banquets and courts are not Not missing, but adding a few more items should be..."

"No, no, save some Gentry..." Cyril was almost sweating as he listened, and if he continued, Mia could spend a hundred Gentry with a wave of his hand.

Miss Mage's ability to spend money is obvious to all.

"Then where are we going?"

"Midtown? Inner City? Outer City? Go anywhere. We can go to a show if Mr. Vee wants to. If I remember correctly, there's a pretty famous band at Salconan, wait a minute There is a concert..." Mia said, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Ah, I have an idea."

Instead, she took Cyril and went straight to the location near the city wall on the west side of the Midtown. After going around, she stopped at the gate of an academy.

"The third branch of Solkonan Master's College, referred to as the Third Branch of Sofa School, I have taught here for a while before."

She said, leading Cyril into the door.The guard at the door did not intend to stop her at all, but nodded to her.

The college is not big, a few houses and a courtyard are all that this small branch has.When they walked into the college, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and many seven or eight-year-old little guys came out from the house on one side, and rushed towards the school gate one by one, probably aiming at the bakery outside the school gate .

But immediately, some students saw Mia walking in the courtyard with Cyril, and they didn't know who yelled first: "It's Mr. Christian, Mr. Christian is back!"

So those students also stopped running out of the school, and turned to surround Mia and Cyril, and there were chattering voices around them for a while:

"Mr. Christian, Mr. Christian, where were you before?"

"Mr. Christian, why haven't you come to see us for so long!"

"Mr. Christian, who is this brother next to him?"

Mia was overwhelmed with each question, but she reached out her hand to fend off some little girls who wanted to get close to Cyril, and then raised her hand and said, "Everyone, don't make noise, don't make noise."

The children made noise for a while, and finally quieted down obediently. She glanced at them with satisfaction and continued, "I am here today with a great lord of the kingdom, he is the youngest earl of the kingdom. .”

"Wow! The youngest!" All the children's eyes lit up, "Where is his territory?"

"In the east of the kingdom, there are forests, elves, dwarves, unicorns, and silver Pegasus... Many of the alien races you read in the book are all in the Lord Lord's territory!"

This made the children scream even more, forest, elf, unicorn, silver Pegasus...every word can make them feel excited, there are many stories about these in La Rochelle's fairy tales content.

"You have to work hard to learn spells. The lord is short of excellent mages. When everyone grows up, you can go to the lord's territory—"

Cyril didn't know how much prestige Mia had among these children, but as Mia slowly described Siliki, the children became more and more quiet, and finally they all sat on the ground and listened to the message from Christian with their faces in their hands. The teacher's "fairy tale".

Mia didn't stop talking until the sky became dim.The children left reluctantly—in order to hear Mia's story, they even skipped a class with the permission of the college, and had to go home at this time.

She licked her thirsty lips, and was about to condense a ball of water to moisten her throat, when a teacup was already brought to her mouth.

"Ah, my lord." She held the cup with both hands, raised her head, and cast a warm smile at Cyril who was walking.

"What a wonderful story, Teacher Christian." Cyril sat down beside her, "I have recorded all the outstanding contributions you made to Siliki in the credit book."

"It seems that classmate Wei is listening very seriously." Mia smiled at the corner of her mouth, lowered her head to sip her tea.

The light of the setting sun fell on her side, dyeing the long brown hair with a little rose red.Cyril looked at her side face illuminated by the sun. Against the backdrop of the afterglow, her graceful cheeks looked extremely holy, like a saint holding up a candle in the dark.

He quietly looked at the girl who was holding a cup and sipping, and recalled the encounter in the Black Forest in northern Xinjiang nearly a year ago. At that time and now, it seemed to unfold like a dream.

Until she suddenly spoke.

"My parents also told me stories about forests and elves when I was young."

"It was only later that they all disappeared." Mia said softly, "The children of Christian's family seem to have such a fate. themselves."

Cyril opened her mouth, and what Mia was saying seemed to be her biggest secret—even the Christian family's secret.

"Before I left, when my mother hugged me, she told me that if I want to be a rich lady, I can squander my family property as I like."

"But if you want to know more, learn spells and become a mage."

"And I chose the latter."

She turned her head, her eyes fell on the face of the half-elf earl, and then she reached out and tapped her temple lightly: "She left what she wanted to say here, and when I celebrate my birthday this year, I can hear what she saved. secret."

"It's also a secret of the Christian family."

"Sometimes I think, is my decision too reckless, am I not suitable to be a mage, maybe I should choose the former, and squander my family's assets comfortably..."

"But after meeting Mr. Wei, I know—"

She stopped talking suddenly, stared into Cyril's eyes, and then moved closer.

The moist feeling fell on his forehead, with the fragrance of milk tea.

Then the girl's resolute voice rang in Cyril's ear.

"I am right."

(End of this chapter)

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