Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 582 Ghost Ship Movement

Chapter 582 Ghost Ship Movement

April is the season of non-fishing.

Fishing boats cannot fish in the offshore fishing grounds. If you want to harvest in this season, you have to go to the far sea.

In previous years, fishermen in Rab Port often went out to sea during this season, but in April this year, fishermen could only honestly squat in their small nests in the port, without the courage to go to sea at all.

"Ghost Ships in Tranquil Seas".

The legend of the ghost ship adjacent to the nearby sea has lasted for nearly half a year, and countless merchant ships from New Aowei Port to Rab Port have been robbed in half a year.The navy has also gone out to sea to find the ghost ship, but the ghost ship is extremely cunning and can always escape early, as if someone tipped off the news.

It is not that there are no cases where naval ships catch ghost ships, but every time two or three small ships encounter ghost ships, and then the navy is dumbfounded: the "ghost ship" is several times the size of their ships , it is clearly a big ship of at least Battlecruiser level!

Did they catch the ghost ship, or did the ghost ship catch them!
The small destroyers in the navy turned around and ran away in fright, not even daring to touch the guns.

Although there have been no cases of fishermen being attacked so far, some fishermen have even received a "gift" from a ghost ship - the ghost ship shelled and killed a sea devil shark more than [-] meters long, but did not drag it away. Cheaper for passing fishermen.

But the experience of those robbed merchant ships was too miserable, and the fishermen didn't have the guts to take a gamble.

And the instigator of all this, the "Solconan Military Academy Fleet", is floating leisurely on the surface of the quiet sea at this moment.

The Dawn Goddess-class battlecruiser lowered several small boats, and the students and crew members who became sailors sat on the small boats and were engaged in a fishing competition.The competition has been going on for nearly an hour, and the one who has harvested the most is a half-leopard man, who has already harvested two big boxes full of fish.

Gwulf, the gunner on the boat, swore before he started fishing that he was the best fisherman in the class, and he usually went fishing by the small river on weekends, but at this moment he was the only one in the "air force", with no catch.

Sunny Evans was lying on her back on the carved pillar protruding from the hull of the ship, with one leg crossed over the other, covering her face with a captain's cap, humming a little tune.

Ever since they robbed the naval ships disguised as pirates and embarked on this "point of no return", their desire to rob was out of control.

From only one ordinary military ship at the beginning to the current scale of one Aurora-class battle cruiser, three Feiyan-class destroyers, and one Rook-class cruiser, they only took less than five months. The number of people on the ship has also expanded from the initial number of people on a class of merchant ships to nearly 200 people today.

This includes some students who also belong to the "Southern Handicap Project".At first they didn't understand why their classmates would give up exploring desert islands and "degenerate" into pirates instead.

Some of them even shouted that it is absolutely impossible to become a pirate on a ship, even if they die, they will never jump into the sea to feed the sharks!

But when they saw the pirate ship returning with a full load of wine and food, they all threw away the manuscripts and hoes in their hands, resolutely boarded the ship, and lived a life of pirates who were full of wine and food without starvation.

Really fragrant.

Another part of the crew is the "half-orc slaves" transported from the port of New Orville to the southern port of La Rochelle-of course, slaves are just temporary labels added to them in the past, and now they can proudly say that they are "half-orc slaves" A member of the Solkonan Military Academy Fleet" and an excellent crew.

"There's nothing wrong with my choice."

Evans did not feel guilty about his behavior of "falling into the sea as a bandit" in his anger, but was complacent.

Although they are robbing pirates, they don't rob fishing boats, nor do they rob merchant ships of the Chamber of Commerce that go to sea normally.

There are only three types of targets they attack:
One, the pirates on the route from La Rochelle to Port New Orville.

Second, the New Orway Harbor Navy, or the pirates disguised as the navy belonging to the southern nobles.

Three, merchant ships secretly transporting half-orc slaves.

"What is the purpose of the Southern Restraint Plan? One is to train troops, and the other is to restrain the South." He said to Jia Aisi, who was selected as his deputy and who is good at eagle-eye skills, "We have eliminated pirates and trained graduates. At the same time, it hit the southern nobles disguised as pirates, and blocked their slave trade route, isn't this perfectly in line with Solkonan's expectations?"

"Listen to you...it seems that we are doing the right thing." Jais always felt that there was something wrong, but he frowned, but couldn't think of an answer.

"Of course what I said is right. So I am the captain and you are the second officer." Evans just patted him on the shoulder, and then went about his own business.

And now.

The fishing competition below has come to an end, baskets of fish have been sent to the kitchen, and hot fish soup is on the table.After nearly fifteen days of wind and rain, this rare sunny day meant a lot to them, and it was suitable for dinner on the deck.

"To the life we ​​have now, cheers!"

Evans raised his glass and toasted the gathered crew.He drank all the wine in the cup, and the whole fish feast officially began.

But before he sat down and took a few bites, his deputy, Jayce, rushed out of the cabin and called him to enter the cabin.

"What's the matter, news from Rabport?"

"It's the news from the insiders of the Third Fleet." Jayce handed Evans a piece of water-stained parchment.

The water marks on the parchment are long and short, and different lengths have different meanings.If Cyril was here, he would be able to recognize it at a glance. This is the water-stained letter paper produced by the "Gracey" family of Solconan. The two parties holding the letter paper can communicate through the water marks.

By the way, water-stained stationery is also listed in the [Top Ten IQ Taxes on the Road to Glory]. Each water-stained stationery that sells for ten Gentry has strict environmental requirements, that is, the environment of both parties and each other The distance between the water elements must be very abundant, and more importantly, all it can do is to transmit information.

But the problem is, the player has a chat box.

The long and short traces on the paper are not complicated to read. It is because of the news of this "internal agent" in the Third Fleet that Evans can avoid being rounded up by the naval fleet and find those nobles disguised as pirates private army.

"In the near future, there will be a mission...going to New Orville Port...as appointed by the Duke..."

"Duke Marcellus's mission is going to Port New Orway?" Jayce felt uneasy, "Has the southern nobles turned their backs so blatantly?"

"The parliamentary change of the Port of New Orville is coming soon, and they probably want to gain more resources from the Port of New Orville." Evans calmly analyzed, "The commerce and trade in the south of La Rochelle is very important to the Port of New Orville. Port New Orville will not give up the opportunity to gain more benefits from La Rochelle."

"It's okay if it's a normal commercial trade, but if what they want to strengthen is the cooperation in the slave trade..." Evans tapped his finger on the table lightly, "Whether it is for La Rochelle or for us, it is very important." Not good news."

"If we let them reach a consensus, pirates like us who interfere with their earning money will definitely focus on eliminating them. Although the ocean is vast, if we are constantly pursued, our result will only be close to death."

"So we..." Jayce asked tentatively, "Can't we let that noble mission reach the port of New Aowei?"

"I think so." Evans took a deep breath, "Let the captains of the ships on deck come over for a meeting, we have work to do."


Siliki's April has long been sunk in a lush greenery.

The sound of birdsong in the morning woke people up early. Caroline got up from the bed with messy hair and before she could fully open her eyes, rushed to the calendar hanging on the wall, and drew a big tick on it. .

Then she went to another small bed in the room, vigorously shook the cat girl Tiffany awake, and shouted into her cat ears:
"Tiffany, wake up! It's a new day, and it's another day closer to Cyril's return!"

"Caroline... don't make noise..." The catwoman waved her tail, kicked her legs, curled up again, and covered her head with the quilt.

"Let you stay up at night and make trouble." Caroline found the position of Tiffany's buttocks, patted left and right twice, then jumped out of bed and began to wash.

Caroline has maintained such an early, diligent and self-disciplined life for fifteen days. She has to go out early, and then go to the newly opened "Mage's House" in Siliki to listen to various mages discussing issues inside.

About a month ago, more than a dozen mages suddenly came to Siliki.Atsk Angers organized a special area for them, and built a laboratory and a single-family building, which are now collectively known as the "mage's house".

The mage's house is not open to the public, but who is Caroline?Even if she is not the lord's dear little padded jacket, just relying on her cuteness and cuteness is enough for the mages to allow her to enter the mage's house.

What's more, she does have excellent magical talent.

She was wearing light brown moccasin boots and a warm little jacket.Although the spring in Siliki is very warm, the laboratory of the mage's house is very cold and warm. When the mage stretches out his hand, the temperature in the room will change several times.

Caroline carried a small leather bag, stepped into the red-roofed and white-walled room area, and patches of ivy had been climbed on the outer wall, and got into the most central laboratory familiarly.

The decoration and furnishings in the house are not serious, but like a tavern. There is a blackboard behind a counter for people to write on, and round tables in front of the counter. Wine barrels are piled up in convenient places. a glass of wine.

Generally speaking, the mage who made the topic today will write down his opinion behind the counter and draw the corresponding spell model. After the discussion, the mages around the round table will take turns to come up to the stage to put forward their opinions based on the topic and display their spells.

This kind of spell seminar is a very common mode of learning from each other among wild mages at present. Compared with the "mentor-based" mode in the mage tower, it is more free and open.

Early in the morning, most of the mages in Silikie had already gathered in the house. When Caroline entered the house, the magic seminar had already started.

"Today I want to continue the discussion on the last topic. I always think that earth magic is not as limited as you think..."

Standing behind the counter is the rare dwarven mage, Geoff Oak.He needs to step on the stool to be able to show his head.

"If we cast Rockfall Strike in chain lightning mode..."

"Jeff, you're talking nonsense again!" someone shouted in the audience, and Jeff immediately pointed at him with a beard and stare: "I'm talking nonsense? Bernard, tell me clearly, why am I talking nonsense? Look What's wrong with my spell model drawing? If it's the limitation of energy supply, then there are far more areas rich in earth elements than areas rich in thunder elements!"

"However, the heavy nature of the earth element itself makes it impossible to cast it like chain lightning." The named mage Bernard replied calmly, "Earth elements will be stacked and accumulated into entities, and they will be laid out like chain lightning. A stone pillar that will produce a one-time attack, and these stone pillars fall from the sky, but anyone who is clever can avoid it, right?"

"Then I'll surround them all with a rock wall, and then smash them down. I'll see who can escape!"

"Here it comes again, you need two spells to complete the matter, people can solve it with a single chain lightning, so why choose your way?"

"Wow wow wow, go out and fight!"

"Do you want to fight if you can't fight? Don't think about it, I also know that your attack is a broken rock. I will directly open the air shield and bounce back your attack."

"Then I will bounce back the attack you bounced back!"

The two mages were arguing, and today's magic seminar has obviously gone astray from the very beginning.But Caroline held her face and listened with relish, and even wished that the two mages would immediately fight——

Until there was a knock on the door at this moment, and then the door was pushed open, and Atsk Angers appeared in the house.

"Gentlemen, I think there is something that needs your help." Atzke looked at the mages who were basically present, with a smile on his face.

"The battle between the two young masters of the O'Connor family may spread to our territory. There are rumors that they plan to use the plains of Fell Territory to start the battle."

As he spoke, his voice gradually became lower and lower: "I don't think the lord would be happy to see that when I come back, the area belonging to the territory will be riddled with holes."

"And everyone, you probably don't want the territory that provides you with such a free environment to be harmed?"

Azike Angers said with a smile, his approachable expression made all the mages present who were only one step away from the professional level panic inexplicably.

"That's why I hope that everyone can follow the Siliki army to appear on the stage at the right time, and let the two arrogant young masters of the O'Connor family get to know each other..."

"It's not just the Green Tower of Fort Mandex that has the power of a mage."


(End of this chapter)

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