Chapter 685
Hylia is a city name mixed from La Rochelle and Elvish, meaning "next to the sea".

It is the easternmost town in the Adler region and the easternmost city in the entire Amasir region.

It is like a sharp corner, inserted into the gap between the forest and the Adelaide Sea.At first it was just a human settlement, but later, because it was adjacent to the Elf Sea Peach Clan—that is, the Elf clan where "Natural Storm" Jenny belongs to among the future Elven Gold Three Heroes—there was a settlement from the previous Duke of Amasir. , the support of Duke Vader.

A period of resource inclination, coupled with the unique geographical advantage of being adjacent to the Haitao clan and being able to trade with elves, Hylia quickly grew into the top three cities in the Adler region 100 years ago.

Although the O'Connor family has reduced their resource preference for Hylia after taking over the Vader family's Duke of Amasir, and the Sea Peach clan is also concerned about having such a powerful human city close to their clan land. Advice was sent to stagnate Hylia's development.

But that's the case. Today, 100 years later, when the new Marquis of Amasir, Cyril Adrian, took office, the city was still in the top five in the Adler area, both in terms of wealth and city defense strength. list.

——By the way, there are not only five cities in the Adler area, and the lower-level towns are not included in the city rankings.However, the richness of some key commercial towns and ports even exceeds that of key cities.

Simon Berkeley, a division commander of the Fifth Legion's Halibut Corps, Hylia was the city where his "Ripple Corps" was in charge of garrisoning, and his legion was named "Halia Ripple Corps" for this reason .

The root of the Ripple Corps is the elite selected from the Halberd Shark Corps. It has been more than [-] years since the establishment of the Hammer Shark Corps, and the Ripple Corps has been formed for more than [-] years.They have been stationed in the surrounding areas of the Adelaide Sea since they joined the army, and they are good at amphibious warfare.

Most of the soldiers of the current Ripple Corps are local young people in Hailia, who have not experienced the baptism of war, and their brows are full of confidence.

Early mornings on the coast of Adelaide in November are often filled with thick fog.The damp and cold air penetrated through the gaps in the armor, and then penetrated into the inside of the cotton-padded clothes inside. A normal patrol from the city wall early in the morning would cause the whole body to shiver for several hours.

Simon Berkeley got up early as usual, stood on the city wall, watching the soldiers who pulled up the anchors of the ships in the port and patrolled the coastal area as usual.

The order from Fort Mandex had been implemented as early as three months ago.

At first Simon Berkeley was indifferent to this, but the young Marquis whom he had never met and who was said to be under 20 was so generous that he almost called his father.

The barrels of those heavy coastal defense magic cannons are so thick that a strong man can be easily stuffed into them. Simon Berkeley has seen all the high-end equipment of the Shark Corps, but he has never seen such heavy and wild weapons. He estimated that this weapon could pierce three assault ships of their regiment with one shot.

Leaving aside the coastal defense magic cannon, this young Marquis who had never met before actually directly assisted Hylia with thousands of new-style light armors.

Simon Berkeley didn't take it seriously when he didn't get the equipment. He is a majestic Ripple Corps, the ace team of the Halibut Corps, and the equipment he uses is naturally top-notch.

Did that brat, who was under 20 years old, think he could fool him with a few tattered clothes? !

As a result, as soon as he got the high-quality light armor produced by Lurea, Simon Berkeley took off his armor on the spot, put on the new clothes happily, and almost danced on the top of the city.

What grade of armor is this!It is light and protective, and it is naturally inlaid with magic circles inside, and even has a small magic crystal to rotate the power source, which is so much higher than my original armor that I don't know where it went!
From today, I, Simon Berkeley, have only one immediate superior, and that is Lord Cyril Adrian!

Of course, this was just a joke—otherwise their commander in chief, Gerald Walton, would have come overnight to blow his dog's head off.

What surprised him even more was that, because of the existence of this young marquis, the Haitao clan, who had treated them like a cold goddess before licking dogs, took the initiative to negotiate with them to deploy defenses, allowing Hylia's outpost to expand To the coral mangroves ahead.

The Haitao clan even assisted a group of elf mages for free, making Simon Berkeley directly worship the Marquis.

Because of this, he unconditionally carried out those seemingly unnecessary orders to intensify training, expand defense areas, and so on.

"One, two, three, get into the water—"

The assault patrol ship was pushed from the shallow water area to the deep water area by several soldiers, and then the soldiers jumped onto the ship one after another. Driven by the magic engine, the assault patrol ship quickly started its cruising mission this morning.

Time passed by, and Simon Berkeley inspected the city wall for a round, and after confirming that there was no problem with the city defense equipment, he returned to his previous position, looked outside the city, and then frowned. .

The assault patrol ship has not returned yet.

47 minutes - his quick patrol just took only 47 minutes, which is the same time as usual, and the usual assault patrol ship should have returned to the near shore area 2 minutes ago.

But now, it is empty there.

Did they take a long way?
The thick fog made it impossible for him to obtain information on the Adlai Sea, nor to confirm the situation of the assault patrol ship.

He waited another 5 minutes, but there was still no sign of the ship jumping out of the fog near the shore.

He didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately ordered: "Order, let Conrad and his team go out to sea to find out where Wilbur and the others have gone."

"Understood." The soldiers quickly took orders, ran down the city wall, and quickly pushed another docked assault patrol ship into the water and drove into the mist.

Time began to pass slowly again. This time, Simon Berkeley did not go to other places, but simply stared at the near-shore area, waiting for the return of the ship.


"Eighteen minutes and 27 seconds, Captain."



"36 minutes and 13 seconds, Captain."

He became more and more irritable, and ordered: "Let all the people who are resting get up and gather."

"Head, what kind of assembly method is it?"

"According to the exercise, focus on arming."

There was a burst of chaotic running sounds behind him, and some soldiers who took advantage of the morning and evening shifts to rest quickly got up and rushed to their posts.



"One hour and three minutes, Commander." The soldier gave Simon an unexpected number.

He pressed his hands on the city bricks, and there was still no sign of the return of the two assault ships ahead.

With an extremely serious expression, he paced back and forth for a while, then stopped and called to the herald beside him.

"Let the soldiers in the dock fortress prepare the coastal defense guns, contact the elves, and get their mages in place."

"And...ready to fight."

"Understood, leader... wait a minute? What are you preparing for?"

"I said prepare to fight, the highest level of alert!"

He almost yelled out these words, this posture startled the herald and the soldiers around him, but they all took action immediately——

"The highest level of alert! The highest level of alert!"

"Check the city defense artillery! Check the city defense circle!"

Hailia, who was silent in the early morning fog, immediately started to operate like a roaring machine factory in the cloudy age. The chaotic footsteps resounded through the city wall, and everyone was busy rushing to the familiar defense area, ready for battle .

However, their preparations had just begun when they heard a loud cannon from the southwest of the city——


"It's the cannon from the dock fortress! The coastal defense artillery has fired!" A soldier immediately reacted and shouted in surprise.

"What is Osborn doing? Why did he just fire the guns?!" Simon Berkeley was also in shock—Osborn was his deputy, and was in charge of commanding the coastal dock fortress where the coastal defense guns were erected. He is a prudent man, and he will never act recklessly, unless...

Before he could finish his thoughts, he heard another loud cannon.This time he saw clearly the momentum of the cannon fire—a deep blue beam of light flew over from the distant shore, tore through the thick fog, and shot straight into the depths of the fog.

Seeing clearly the beam of light belonging to the coastal defense magic cannon, Simon's pupils shrank in an instant——

For he saw the black, metallic hull of the ship behind the ripped fog.

what is that?The ship of the O'Santa Emma?But it should be more than ten meters above the water, right?Is there such a big ship on the Adlai Sea?
While Simon Berkeley was still in astonishment, the hidden thing behind the thick fog responded to the dock fortress that had provoked them twice.

The dense fog that was still permeating just now, making the visibility almost less than five meters suddenly shrank, as if being swallowed by a big mouth, and disappeared.

Appearing on the surface of the Adelaide Sea is a dark metal fleet led by a large and excessively huge ship.

The red dragon head flag with a black background was raised high above the bow of the leading ship, hunting in the wind under the action of that suction force, like a soaring dragon.

Ulsan Emma's Battle Banner—

The soldiers on the city wall were stunned for a moment, but their reaction was not unpleasant.The melodious sound of the trumpet blew over Hylia, and at the same time, there was a loud command voice from Simon Berkeley:
"Prepare the city defense array, pay attention to the enemy naval guns!"

As he spoke, a thick blue mask rose from the ground, covering the outside of the city wall.

But the muzzle of the leading ship was not aimed at Hylia.

But the dock fortress.

Rumbling, or roaring, is no longer enough to describe the sound of the shelling. In Simon's vision, only the scarlet mixed with white streamer of light tore through the sea surface, smashing through the protection of the dock fortress.

When the streamer disappeared, the shipyard fortress that stored the two shore defense magic cannons, along with the garrison's deputy Osborne, and 68 soldiers of the Ripple Corps also disappeared.

Simon froze on the walls of Hylia.

The melodious sound of the trumpet has not dissipated, or it may have sounded again because of the torn sound of the naval gun just now. The soldiers' attention was still focused on the fleet that suddenly appeared, and they did not notice the ship's affairs that had been razed to the ground. fortress.

Simon could only feel the hoo hoo in his throat, but he couldn't make a sound.He raised his hand high, opened his mouth for more than ten seconds, and finally only shouted two words in a low voice:

In 1441, the Year of Darkness, on November 11th, La Rochelle Amasir Hylia, La Rochelle and O Saint-Emma, ​​launched the 13th war since the founding of La Rochelle .

The signal of war quickly spread from Hylia to St. Heiter, the provincial capital of the Adler region.Gerald Walton was holding the battle report and was about to rush to the residence of the Marquis who was staying in St. Hytel, when the young Marquis had already knocked on the door of his room.

"Marquis Adrian, have you received the news?" Gerald Walton was taken aback when he saw the young man standing in front of him, and then asked.

"The elf has sent me the news." Cyril replied briefly, "The battle started at 13:7 am on the 3th, and it is now [-]:[-] pm. Eight hours have passed."

"Eight hours..." Gerald Walton pondered, "I haven't received any more battle reports from Hylia, and Hylia should not fall within eight hours. It seems that the situation is as we originally expected. It’s almost the same, the people of Osan Emma will not invest too much in the early stage of the offensive..."

"Do not."

Gerald Walton, an experienced commander who is over sixty years old, looked at the young Marquis who was almost 50 years younger than him in surprise. The person who is rich, or the other party is an experienced person.

"General Walton, you missed one thing." Cyril said calmly: "The battle report should have clearly provided information on the ships of the Ao San Emma, ​​and their ships far exceeded the standard in the Adlai Sea. The size of the ship is the size of the navy."


"If I'm not mistaken, their lead ship should be a Paladin-class dreadnought." Cyril's face was also not good-looking when he spoke.

The defense they aimed at was based on the premise of "normality". Due to the large area of ​​shallow water near the shore, the Adelaide Sea could not provide sufficient draft for naval warfare ships.

In addition, the Adelaide Sea is not connected to the ocean on the side close to O St. Emma, ​​so naval ships are not within their defense range.

But I am not afraid of anything else, but I am afraid that the people of Ao San Emma will play rogues.

As early as in New Aowei Port, Cyril had already seen the methods of the Ao San Emma——

The Archons act as beacons to initiate space teleportation, teleporting large ships to areas they would otherwise be hard to reach.

You may say that naval ships are useless even if they are transported to inland seas, they cannot exert sufficient combat power.

But what if they were not intended to be used as "combat forces"?
(End of this chapter)

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