Occupational sacrifice

Chapter 126 Which Taoist friend is crossing the catastrophe【Please ask for a monthly ticket, please

Chapter 126 Which Taoist friend is crossing the catastrophe【Please ask for a monthly ticket, please subscribe】

If before, after the template is separated, what to do will not affect the personality of the template that is being condensed, and it is a separate operation.

It should not have much influence now. What is really involved is that Zhou Tai, under the banner of being his nephew, is doing the things he used to do as a template before, so he has influence, quite like a cohesive template doing things.

However, rescue should be no problem for Chen Lianfang's character design. Zhang Buyi had figured out the compatibility of the big buttons before.

Because of his background, Chen Lianfang hated foreigners, especially Japanese pirates in Japan, and probably only appeared when he helped foreigners... Wait, help foreigners?
Thinking of this, a flash of lightning flashed in Zhang Buyi's mind, and he immediately left the room.In the main hall next to it, the prefect Cheng Zhanping was still busy, making some arrangements, and many people came in and out.

Noticing that Zhang Buyi came out suddenly, he asked in surprise, "Brother Zhou, what are you?"

"Among the people you rescued, do you include foreigners?" Zhang Buyi asked straight to the point.

"Well, there are a few foreigners, but they are all pure businessmen, and have not participated in any other activities. They belong to the type of building factories in the city. For us in Daxia..."

Before Cheng Zhanping finished speaking, Zhang Buyi said: "No matter what your status is, if you want to get out first, you should use your own channel, and don't go to our master and apprentice."

Cheng Zhanping was choked by Zhang Buyi's rude words for a moment, and he could hear Zhang Buyi's non-discussive tone. As a local magistrate, he had seen too many people of all kinds. It's not uncommon to see red and white, even in today's Great Xia, it's not uncommon.

He was silent for a moment, nodded, and said: "I understand, I will give orders and let the foreigners figure out their own way."

"Master Cheng, don't blame me for being impolite. If my uncle finds out, the whole rescue matter may be ruined, even if you take the civilians who were destroyed as an example." Zhang Buyi's expression did not recover. Half way.

"Understood, I will explain it!" Cheng Zhanping replied seriously.

Zhang Buyi nodded, instead of turning around and entering the room, he walked directly outside.They're coming back soon, it's better not to multi-thread rescue, if the wave comes accidentally, the fit will be greatly reduced, and he will die!
Remember this lesson, even if you want to put the template out to do things, you can’t use the banner associated with the cohesive template, you need to go out independently, otherwise it’s easy to fall into the pit!
After a while, sensing that Zhuang Zhengsong had reached the range of the spell and could maintain the water mang, Zhou Tai quietly collapsed without a trace.

On the other side, Zhang Buyi brought Hu Shi and two people back to the Hu Mansion, looking at the half-submerged and empty Hu Mansion, two teenagers, one big and one small, stood together speechless.

"Pindao rushed over immediately when he received your father's emergency call for help, but unfortunately he was one step too late and couldn't catch up!" Zhang Buyi said as he looked at the two children.

"The Daoist said first that my family was murdered?" Hu Shao said in a low voice. Hu Shi heard this, and his clear big eyes also looked at Zhang Buyi with a different kind of light.

"En!" Zhang Buyi nodded.

"Does the Taoist priest know the murderer?" Hu Shao asked again in a low voice.

"I didn't know it at first, but I came here to make a divination, so I know it all." Zhang Buyi looked at Hu Shao and the eight-year-old Hu Shi, and said: "I still want to be poor, but I want to take revenge." ?”

"Who is it?!" Hu Shao asked with hatred in his eyes.

Zhang Buyi looked at the hatred in the eyes of the elder and the younger, and was silent for a moment. The two children were not very old, so he actually didn't know whether he should help them avenge it. It wasn't because he couldn't bear it.

He won't even blink when he comes to two more Rong Mansions. After all, he's been around for several lifetimes, and he's not some brat who hasn't seen blood.

The main reason is that he is afraid that the two children's outlook on life has not yet formed, which will affect their xinxing or something. If it is distorted, it will be bad. If they want to run a newspaper in the future, they need normal values.

Liu Ruiheng's kind of "poisonous monster" is not good, not to say that such a person is bad, but with that kind of temperament, he can't run a newspaper office, something will happen!
This has to be taken into consideration, because it is a very serious issue and must be taken seriously!

"Ren Pindao knows about it, and has also touched the other party's whereabouts. But this enemy...wait, when the flood is over, you will rescue the disaster together with Pindao." Zhang Buyi pondered for a moment, and said:

"If after the incident is over, you still want to take revenge, how about I help you and ask you to come in person?"

Hu Shao's two brothers didn't speak, Hu Shi looked at his second brother, Hu Shao bowed his head and said nothing, it was a tacit consent to Zhang Buyi's request.

They also have no choice now, they are helpless, even the mansion has been washed away, and they are still in a catastrophe. They have no other choice but to rely on the elders of this father, or the elders he himself said.

After all, even if the flood is over, without the suppression of the elders, the two of them will not be able to keep the Hu family's share of the family business.

After making a decision, the two followed Zhang Buyi to the government office. Cheng Zhanping didn't mean to ask about it, he didn't want to get involved at all, he only cared about dealing with the disaster, he didn't seek merit, but he had a very clear attitude of seeking no fault.

The flood only lasted for more than half a day, and then began to recede. Although the city was still submerged to the calf, it was barely able to survive. Unlike before, there was a crisis of destroying the city at any time.

And Zhang Buyi didn't take much rest, helping the disaster relief. The two children Zhang Buyi also let him follow during the day, even eight-year-old Hu Shi was no exception, let them watch all the time.

As for the other guards and Jiang Dongxiu, her home is still there, so of course they went back to their own home.

In the past two days, the heavy rain has not stopped, and the disaster situation in the city has basically stabilized. The prefect Cheng Zhanping is planning to start tomorrow, and a large number of personnel will be dispatched to the surrounding counties to support.

Zhang Buyi didn't have any opinion on this, nor did he participate in it, he just did what he could.

But before the second day, in the evening of this day, the sky actually began to flash and thunder, thunderstorms appeared, the rainstorm rose again, and the flood that had just receded actually started to warm up again.

Although it is not as exaggerated as before, it has submerged the knees at a visible speed, and it seems that it will continue to rise.

The group of people who had just rested began to fly around again, while the people in the city could only look at the sky, hoping that God would open their eyes.

In the government office, Zhang Buyi and others gathered again, looked at the prefect Cheng Zhanping and asked: "What's the situation, isn't it that the dike has been blocked, why is the water rising again?"

Cheng Zhanping shook his head and said, "I don't know, the higher-ups haven't given any information, and Huzhou doesn't know what's going on, so there's been no movement for a while."

"And this rain, what news did Fucheng give, how long will it take to stop?" Zhang Buyi asked with a frown.

Cheng Zhanping and Shu Xuechen shook their heads together. It seemed that there was no news about them.

After discussing for a while and discussing loneliness, the final conclusion seems to be to wait?

Zhang Buyi returned to his room, stood in front of the window on the third floor, looked at the rain curtain outside through the pouring rain, looked at the value and fate.

Fate: 124
Character fit: 89%
Compilation value: 50%
A few days of disaster relief, because there was no big news, although more people were rescued, the harvest was not as great as that from Baishui County before, and the value also increased by 3 percentage points during the process of bringing the two babies.

He returned to the bed, sat cross-legged, and began the ascension again.

[Will it consume 28 life points to improve the medical skills to the second level and fifth level? 】


[Will it consume 30 life points to improve the medical skills to the second rank and sixth rank? 】


[Will it consume 32 life points to improve the medical skills to the second rank to the seventh rank? 】


[Cultivation base +1! 】

[Second turn Lv4! 】

[Compilation value: +2%! 】

It took a long time for Zhang Buyi to wake up from the samadhi, and looked at the cultivation base that had improved again with a slightly happy face.

Name: Chen Lianfang (Tong Zijing)

Sex: Male
Fate: 34
Cultivation level: Level 4 Lv[-]
Sub-occupation: Physician

Ontology skills: Medicine · Second turn Lv7 (0/34),

Elementary Secret Technique: Five Elements Spirit Shield

Primary occupational diseases: many disasters
Character fit: 89%
Compilation value: 52%
The target of compiling the sacrifice: the adopted son.

After absorbing the harvest after the breakthrough, Zhang Buyi's mind moved slightly, and Zhuang Zhengsong's template appeared beside him, and the body that was condensing was arranged by Zhang Buyi in the room to sleep and rest.

He opened the window, and it was still evening, but the sky outside was pitch black, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thundered, and it was pouring down rain.

With a slight movement of his mana, he quietly sank into the night.

He planned to go to the banks of the Yellow River and see where the embankments burst, and even went to Huzhou Fucheng to see what was going on.A flood can come up again and again, in waves?

That’s all. Even though it’s 1899, a time when great Confucian scholars can’t hide from the world, but as the capital of a state, there must be a few rank-three monks. It’s been three days and the problem of breaking the embankment has not been resolved. There must be a reason Bar.

Well, this rare torrential rain should count as one.

But it’s nothing more than flooding several counties, and it’s too much if several states are flooding!

The sky is like a loud explosion, constantly colliding above the head, and the silver-white lightning illuminates the dark night sky, and the world becomes a touch of strange white, flashing quickly, as safe as a ghost.

Zhang Buyi rode a fox, ran quickly, looked up at the dark sky, and remembered the joke in his previous life: Could it be some fellow Taoist who is crossing the catastrophe?
"Boom... slap..."

A bolt of lightning exploded not far away, Zhang Buyi's hair stood on end, and the fox beneath him trembled a little.

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it, don't run away in the woods, go by water, follow the original river course to the Yellow River!" Zhang Buyi gently patted the fox under him, saying so.

Hearing this, the fox turned around decisively.The water is still rising at this moment, and the surrounding area of ​​the river is even wider, with transparent foxes running on it, like a wide road.

 It's late, there is a gate for monthly tickets, hurry up and vote, otherwise it will be a waste if it expires!
(End of this chapter)

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