prosperous age

Chapter 146 Chapter 145

Chapter 146 Chapter 145
Naturally, Wei Guangde only thought about the matter of distributing and suppressing Japanese money, but he would not write it into the policy theory.

That is after I have come to power, the court will only operate after implementing this policy.

At that time, if I am a low-key person, it will be really difficult to deal with. I guess I am not even qualified to see the face of the department hall.

As for general selection and military training, Wei Guangde was born in a military family, so he is quite clear about the problems in the guards. Although he can't say that he knows all about the problems that have been exposed.

In the final analysis, the soldiers at the bottom still had too little money.

So far, the only thing Wei Guangde knows is that when the soldiers of the guard die in battle, no one will be greedy for burning and burying money, because it is a robbery of money, which is still very taboo in traditional thinking.

In his view, as long as the military salary can be guaranteed, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers can be guaranteed.

For generals, it is natural to suggest that the military officers who have been trained in the flames of war in the border towns be appointed, and for the soldiers, the elite and civilians are selected from the guards and brave men are recruited.

He felt that relying solely on the soldiers of the guards to suppress the Japanese was not effective, and that recruiting soldiers should be used to suppress the Japanese.

These days, recruitment has actually been made public. When the Ming Dynasty fought against the Mongolian Tartars in the north, most of the main soldiers were recruits, that is, battalion soldiers. Guard soldiers were rarely sent to battle. The main task of the guard soldiers was to defend the city. Mainly.

As for how to practice, it depends on the military officer's method of fighting. Wei Guangde didn't know how to practice.

These days, every family of generals has their own inheritance, how to fight and how to train soldiers has a set of secrets that cannot be passed on.

Naturally, Wei Guangde wouldn't worry about these things, as long as he could win if he gave the money.

Wei Guangde is still a little complacent about his strategy of pacifying Japan.

He wouldn't naively think that the slack in the guard's combat power is because the generals don't want to die, and the soldiers are greedy for life and fear of death, and they can defeat the Japanese pirates just by shouting slogans to inspire their fighting spirit.

However, Wei Guangde was also worried that if his fellow examiner was a pedantic scholar, it might be a little troublesome.

Because of these things, many will not be recognized by these pedantic readers.

In their consciousness, it is correct to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, and everything else is trivial. After all, Cheng Zhu Neo Confucianism has shouted the slogan "starvation to death is a small injustice, but a big one".

Fortunately, Wei Guangde's worries did not come true.

At this time, in a room in the Hengjian Hall of Nanchang Gongyuan, a fellow examiner had just turned over Wei Guangde's paper.

I glanced at the articles on the test paper hastily. A few articles are quite satisfactory. In this pile of test papers, they can only be regarded as the middle level.

Shaking his head slightly, the heat is not enough, and he needs to continue learning.

This is the judgment given by the examiner after reading the beginning and the end of Wei Guangde's article. As expected, he is another candidate who failed the exam.

It's just that, unlike usual, in the past, the papers were dismissed by the examiner directly, and it was definitely not on the list.

Why is this so?
In fact, it is very simple, because of the interests.

If you recommend the test paper yourself, you have to go through two tests, the main examiner and the deputy chief examiner.

Why choose good articles, isn't it to increase the chances of being selected?
As for why he recommended more papers with high chances, it was because he was the examinee's teacher, and there would be no shortage of thank-you gifts.

In order to increase the number of test papers I got, I made a lot of rubbish papers in the past, I am afraid that the master examiner will simply not read the papers I recommended.

The stereotyped essay wasn't very good, but the examiner didn't just throw the paper aside because of it. Instead, he flipped through a few pages, skipped the second test paper, and went directly to the final strategy.

The whole movement is like flowing clouds and flowing water, and has been repeated countless times.

"Emperor Taizu Gao mixed up the world. Outside of Bohai, there is no servant. But before Japan arrives, he sent envoys to tell him."

It's interesting, unlike many papers I saw before, most of the candidates' papers begin with denouncing the Japanese pirates for their cruelty and inhumanity, and then send out soldiers to rectify the discipline.

Unknowingly, the examiner read Wei Guangde Pingwo Ce once, then closed his eyes and meditated.

Japanese pirates and Japanese kingdoms are ambitious and courageous.

The surrounding countries all surrendered, but this small Wa country dared to challenge the big tomorrow.

The king of Wa is really damned.

Although Wei Guangde knew that Japan was the so-called emperor, most of the people in the Ming Dynasty didn't know about it at the moment, and he wouldn't point it out. Does it make sense?

People ask, how do you know?
It's too difficult to explain, so Wei Guangde just made do with what he read from books and newspapers.

As for the latter, the selection of generals and training is actually a cliché, and it has been said in previous wars.

It's just that the examiner can't get it for the proposed collection of Japanese suppression taxes in the Japanese-infested areas, and to ensure that the military salaries and rewards of the Japanese suppression officers and soldiers are issued in a timely manner.

The military system of the guard is corrupt and unbearable to fight. In fact, they are very clear in their hearts, but knowing it doesn't mean they want to speak out.

In this article, the good thing is that it only proposes to let the guards defend the city and use the newly recruited battalions to suppress the Japanese.

Battalion soldiers, this is a costly thing, they are not as easy to fight as guard soldiers.

If the military salary is not paid in time, you can be picked at any time.

But for fighting, battalion soldiers are indeed much easier to use than guard soldiers.

The thing about this article, in fact, what makes the examiner a little uncertain is the suggestion of tax collection, which involves too much.

However, this can be considered to have something to say, it is much better than those bombastic articles. In the policy theories I saw before, it was all about mobilizing heavy troops from all over the world to encircle and suppress. Most of them did not mention the war and spend money. It seems that the imperial court has more money than can be used up.

Opening his eyes again, the examiner put Wei Guangde's paper aside and prepared to send it to the master examiner later, please make a final decision.

The stereotyped essay is average, but the policy theory is a bit brilliant.

When the examiners turned on the lights to look at the test papers of the candidates, Wei Guangde and a large group of classmates had already gone to a famous brothel in Nanchang City to eat and drink.

After suffering so many days in the Gongyuan, it is natural to enjoy it at this time and make up for the sins suffered.

"Do you know? I just heard the news today that Mr. Zhang Jingzhang was arrested by Jin Yiwei sent by the emperor."

Zeng Yuanshu, who lives in Nanchang, put down his glass and said to everyone.

The seemingly ordinary sentence instantly overwhelmed the classmates at the surrounding tables.

These people all knew that not long ago, Nanzhili had just won the news of a great victory on the battlefield against the Japanese. win?

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes shifted from Zeng Yuanshu to Wei Guangde, making Wei Guangde depressed for a while.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Wei Guangde couldn't bear it anymore, he is small and has a good temper, he is not like many people in the guard, he is cautious in speaking and doing things in front of literati.

"What crime, don't say half of what you say, just tell what you know, and we all will refer to it for details."

Wei Guangde pursed his lips and said: "It's weird, just after winning the battle, someone took it."

(End of this chapter)

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