prosperous age

Chapter 284 Chapter 283

Chapter 284 Chapter 283

"Wenhua's old illness was Gu, and he was condemned to lie in the boat. Yiyiyi couldn't talk to himself. One night, he touched his abdomen with his hands, his stomach ruptured, and his viscera protruded. He died."

After the news of Zhao Wenhua's death reached the capital, there was another big shock.

Everyone felt a little terrified, what kind of death is this?

Many people thought that Zhao Wenhua was pretending to be ill before, but when they left the capital, many people saw that Zhao Wenhua was carried out of the car on the gate of Zhao's house, which seemed to confirm that Zhao Wenhua was indeed seriously ill.

After leaving the capital, which is a place of right and wrong, everyone thought that the matter was over, but who would have known that it took only two or three days for him to die on the boat.

The key to the reported death method is also extremely strange, "hands touch his abdomen, gastrorrhagia, viscera come out".
Stomach is punctured?

Most people were shocked at first when they heard about this, then laughed a few times, and then sang loudly the words "Rebellious ministers and thieves, everyone can punish them", regardless of their relationship with Zhao Wenhua in the past, this time they are quick Cut with the Zhao family.

Only a handful of people could remain calm, and they couldn't help but look in the direction of Beizhen Fusi in horror.

This is an unheard of death, no matter whether Lu Bingcheng admits that Jin Yiwei did it or not, the officials here will think that he ordered someone to do it.

Emperor Jiajing was also stunned when he received the report. First of all, he still felt that it was extremely absurd. If he could blow up his stomach by slapping himself, Zhao Wenhua couldn't do it because he practiced iron sand palms.

Just die, I have already let Yan Song go once for the sake of Yan Song's face, this is also my fate, I will ignore it if I leave the report aside.

But when it got to Wei Guangde's ears, Wei Guangde was more willing to believe that it was Zhao Wenhua who was stabbed in the belly by someone Lu Bing sent. Later generations have never heard of any disease that can split a person's stomach.

Acute appendicitis will cause the intestines to perforate and rot, but that is also in the stomach, and it is impossible to rupture the stomach.

Zhao Wenhua's death seems to have brought an end to the movement against Zhao, and everything should be over.

Wei Guangde goes to work every day, revises his leave notice, and other people are doing their own business, even if they have nothing to do, they still have to find trouble, so they can't be told behind their backs that they are a vegetarian.

At this time, in the lobby of the Ministry of Rites, Wu Shan, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, and the left and right ministers were a little bit troubled about how the court should deal with this matter.

For others, Zhao Wenhua died as well, but he was a second-rank official of the imperial court after all. Although he was dismissed by Emperor Jiajing, he was not guilty of the crime. According to the rules, the imperial court should express it.

Has served as a high-ranking official like the Six Departments and Jiuqing, did the court allocate some burial expenses for his family, posthumous posthumous title or something.

These matters are out of the control of other yamen, and belong to the Ministry of Rites.

Everyone knew what was going on with Zhao Wenhua, but at the last step, when Zhao Wenhua left the capital in a hurry, Emperor Jiajing did not pursue his crimes, which also made the things Jin Yiwei did before useless.

Of course, Jin Yiwei is not without gains, at least there are a large number of criminals in custody, and most of them have admitted to committing crimes, so naturally they are not allowed to escape alive.

According to Emperor Jiajing's will, the stolen goods were recovered.

Prisoners with rich family backgrounds who can afford compensation and give red envelopes are naturally released early, while those who can't pay money can only be ransacked and exiled.

Wu Shan and the others were a little unsure as to whether they should submit a petition to Zhao Wenhua.

After hesitating for two days, there is no longer any delay. Today, the Ministry of Rites must discuss and come up with a result. If you want to ask for grace, you will send the memorial to the palace early tomorrow morning. This is also the imperial court's system.

"Are you still hesitating?"

Wu Shan sat at the top and asked the two servants next to him. In fact, he also had the same thoughts.

Ordinarily, the imperial court should be asked to allocate some burial expenses and give him a posthumous title. Even if the person has some problems, it is nothing more than a posthumous title.

"Master Wu, why did Lord Zhao leave the capital? We all know that if he doesn't leave, he will probably die in the sky prison right now. Criminal, how can you ask for an order?"

"Yeah, the difficulty is that the court did not make a conclusion when he died, and did not add any crimes. This is really hard to decide."

It was still the rhetoric of the previous two days, nothing new, Wu Shan looked at them helplessly, could it be that he could only do what he wanted, write a memorial and go to the palace to see Emperor Jiajing's reaction?

Wu Shan is upright, but he is not a stubborn old man who doesn't know how to adapt.

Of course he looked down on Zhao Wenhua, but since everyone was dead, he naturally didn't say anything.

Just when Wu Shan was going to make a decision like this, he was going to write a memorial when he came down, and it was better to kick the ball down in front of Emperor Jiajing, when a clerk suddenly appeared outside the door and looked inside.

That was the clerk next to him. He usually has good eyesight. He didn't know what happened today. He was so reckless. Didn't he know that he was discussing something serious in the room?

"what's up?"

Wu Shan still suppressed his dissatisfaction, and asked the person outside the door.

After hearing Wu Shan's question, the clerk walked in cautiously, entered the hall and bowed to the three adults before saying: "Three adults, the villain just heard the news from outside, Bingke Write a letter to the Emperor Luo guest in the matter, impeaching Zhao Wenhua for embezzling military pay, the amount is as high as more than [-] silver."


Wu Shan couldn't help but lose his voice, just now he planned to ask Zhao Wenhua for favor, because he thought that everyone was dead, and the previous grievances should be written off, but he never thought that You Qingliu would not let Zhao Wenhua go, and chose to continue the impeachment.

The servants on the left and right can also be surprised, this kind of thing is rare in the past, if a person dies, even if there is any grievance in the past, it should be written off, but he didn't expect someone to write a letter of impeachment at this time.

With this impeachment memorial, Wu Shan knew that the Ministry of Rites had to slow down the memorial, depending on the meaning of the palace.

If he was punished because of this, then naturally there would be no need to mention Zhao Wenhua's posthumous title. Why should the guilty minister enjoy the posthumous title?

After thinking about it for a while, Wu Shan began to think about it, and then he said to the left and right servants: "That's good, we don't have to worry about whether to play the Son of Heaven, we will know what to do when this memorial is approved."


"It makes sense, let's see what the palace means."

The two ministers naturally supported Wu Shan's decision. Such a memorial should have news in a day or two. Even if the Ministry of Rites moved slowly this time, other colleagues should understand their embarrassment.

"You go to the Secretary of the General Administration and give me a copy of Luo Jiabin's memorial."

After the left and right servants left, Wu Shan gave orders to the scribes.

At this time, the news of Luo Jiajie’s impeachment of Zhao Wenhua’s corruption has spread in the official circles of the capital. The difference is that most officials frowned slightly after hearing about this matter, no longer like before. Zhao Wenhua was so elated.

When Wei Guangde heard the news, he just shook his head, why should he sue if he is dead?Are you going to get involved?

If you don't understand it, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it, Wei Guangde definitely won't get involved, and he didn't plan to get involved in the beginning, it's not good for his little arms and legs.

Most of those who impeached Zhao Wenhua wanted to use impeachment to fight for positions, hoping to gain a clear name, which would benefit their official career.

Now Wei Guangde has no chance to be promoted, so naturally he doesn't want those false names.

Zhao Wenhua is dead, and Yan Song's resentment towards him has naturally dissipated. Looking back on the past, it is still a bit sad.

It's just that Luo Jiajing's memorandum was sent to the cabinet, but he had to deal with it. According to the customary system, he suggested that there should be an inspection by the secretary under the rules, and the matter would be over. As for the final choice that Emperor Jiajing would make, he didn't bother to care about it.

Yan Song smelled a dangerous breath from this impeachment memorial, because the memorial mentioned that Zhao Wenhua's embezzlement of ink and military expenses was the year before last, that is, the 34th year of Jiajing.

when was that
That was the most troublesome time for the Japanese invasion in the southeast. The imperial court was very troubled by the Japanese invasion in the southeast. Under extremely difficult circumstances, they mobilized a large number of troops and military resources to suppress the Japanese. I don't know if Emperor Jiajing's anger will be ignited again.

"140,000 shi for military food, can the Zhao family finish it?"

Yan Song muttered something in a low voice, it's not that he doesn't believe in Luo Jiajie, this kind of thing is really possible to be done, it's this timing, really.
In the evening, this memorial was sent to Yongshou Palace.

Neither the cabinet nor the supervisor of ceremonies dared to suppress any memorials about Zhao Wenhua at this time, and could only let them go all the way to Emperor Jiajing's imperial book case.

When I saw that the year before last, during the most difficult period of the Ming court, Zhao Wenhua, the supervisor of Jiangnan, actually embezzled 140,000 shi of military rations, which is more than [-] taels of silver.

After the construction of the city wall outside the city of Beijing, the central finance of the Ming Dynasty was extremely tight. At that time, in order to repel the harassment of Japanese pirates, the batch of grain squeezed out of the grain was forced to be greedy.

Before the waiter finished reading the memorial, Emperor Jiajing reached out and signaled to hand the memorial to him, and he wanted to read it himself.

Soon, Huang Jin got Luo Jiabin's impeachment memorial from the servant and presented it to the imperial court. Emperor Jiajing read it several times, and the evidence mentioned in the memorial did not seem to be fake. Building his own luxury house, all of a sudden new and old hatred erupted together.

Not thinking about anything else, she turned her head and said to Huang Jin, "Let's say Lu Bing, after checking the facts, he ransacked his house and paid compensation. The more than one hundred thousand taels of silver must be spit out to me."

"According to the order."

Huang Jin replied with lowered eyebrows, then took two steps back before turning around and leaving the palace gate to order people to do things.

Early this morning, Wei Guangde left the house in his own carriage to go on duty.

In the past, he walked on foot, but today is a bit special. He has to go to the General Secretary of the General Administration to submit a leave notice, and he is going to go home and get married.

That's right, Wei Guangde didn't ask Yin Tai for approval when he wanted to ask for leave, but he had to ask Emperor Jiajing for instructions, and the emperor nodded and approved in the memorial before he could leave.

All the way without talking, the carriage carried Wei Guangde to the gate of the Tongzheng Envoy. The clerk saw that it was Wei Guangde and greeted him with a smile, but there were countless fires of gossip burning in his eyes.

Wei Guangde hadn't been here for a long time, but the two memorials that brought down a first-rank military general and a super-rank prince are still circulating in the yamen.

Apparently, the petty official thought that Wei Guangde's sudden arrival at the General Secretary might, should, or perhaps impeach someone else.

Ignoring the eyes of the person at the door, Wei Guangde went directly to the General Secretary of the General Administration and submitted his request for leave.

"Congratulations, which girl is Mr. Wei going to marry?"

The Minister of General Affairs naturally wanted to read the content of Wei Guangde's memorandum, and they had to copy a copy for filing first. Naturally, the news of Wei Guangde's marriage could not be hidden from others, and it spread quickly in the yamen, and then spread.

After the Zhao Wenhua incident, the Ming Dynasty fell into a short-term news vacuum. Recently, nothing major happened, and the short stories of the parents became the main content of the broadcast during this period.

The matter of Zhao Wenhua was completely out, and nothing else was said, the more than one hundred thousand taels of silver was indispensable.

The officials who were ordered to raid Zhao’s house searched Zhao’s house four or five times, but found only property worth tens of thousands of taels of silver, which was far from being able to offset Zhao Wenhua’s embezzlement of public funds. Most of the money was used for gifts and expenses. Lost.

As a result, before reporting to Emperor Jiajing for the case, Emperor Jiajing first scolded the officials in charge of ransacking the house, and then issued a very strict imperial edict, accusing Zhao Wenhua of corruption, transferring stolen money, and selling his family, women, and men as slaves and confiscated into the army to pay off debts .

At this time, naturally no one will take care of the Zhao family anymore, they are already a dog in the water, and it will be like that if they fight again.

After the memorial was handed over, Wei Guangde returned to the Imperial Academy to be on duty. After signing the signature on the booklet, Wei Guangde walked straight in, and entered inside within a few steps.


At this time, Wei Guangde noticed that the situation was a little different from the past. Today, there were many people standing in the garden inside the gate of the Imperial Academy, chatting enthusiastically around an official in his thirties.

Wei Guangde's eyes were good, and he quickly saw that this person was of the same rank as himself, they were all officials of the seventh rank, but he had never seen this person in the courtyard before.

Wei Guangde walked into the gate and was soon spotted by people in the crowd. Some colleagues waved to Wei Guangde. Naturally, Wei Guangde couldn't avoid the crowd and walked over with a smile on his face.

As he got closer, Wei Guangde could see the man clearly. He was handsome, with bright eyes, and a beautiful beard, that is, a beard, which was neatly combed.

"Come here, Guangde, let me introduce you. This is Zhang Juzheng, Uncle Zhang. Like you, he is the editor of our Imperial Academy."

At this time, the nearby official who was familiar with Wei Guangde naturally acted as an introducer to introduce the two parties. After all, they will all work in the courtyard in the future, and they will not see each other when they look up.

Zhang Juzheng, this handsome guy is Zhang Juzheng?

Wei Guangde was a little surprised. There were a few portraits of Zhang Juzheng that were passed down from generation to generation. They were said to be portraits of Zhang Juzheng. Some were wearing python robes, and another was wearing python robes.

But since he is a senior, even though everyone is an editor, Wei Guangde still took the initiative to give a deep salute, and Zhang Juzheng immediately returned the salute.

Zhang Ju was the one who took leave in Jiajing 32 years to go to his hometown in Huguang to recuperate from his illness. He just returned to the Imperial Academy today to sell his leave. He is not familiar with Zhu Dashou, Tao Dalin and others, nor is he familiar with Wei Guangde.

Joining the conversation, Wei Guangde soon got a general idea of ​​Zhang Juzheng's past in the Imperial Academy.

Zhang Juzheng was a Jinshi in the 26th year of Jiajing, he was selected as a scholar, he was selected as a reviewer by the Imperial Academy, he was promoted to editor, and then he took leave to recuperate until now, his resume is simple.

"Three provinces came to see me yesterday and told me about you"

Zhang Juzheng saw that Wei Guangde was so young, maybe he couldn't help but think of himself nine years ago.
(End of this chapter)

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