prosperous age

Chapter 388 Chapter 387

Chapter 388 Chapter 387
"Anlu County, De'an Prefecture?"

On this day, after Emperor Jiajing practiced in Xiyuan, he called Gao Zhong and brought up all the memorials that needed to be approved today.

After approving a few memorials, it was soon the cabinet's turn to select the documents for the new royal fief.

Undoubtedly, most of the Beijing officials may not have any impression of De'an Mansion. Unless they have checked the records before, they must not know the situation, but is this difficult for Emperor Jiajing?
Before Emperor Jiajing entered Beijing, he was not too young, so he naturally knew something about the surrounding prefectures and counties in Anlu Prefecture.

Instead of asking the little servant to continue reading the memorial, he wanted to come over and read it himself.

The memorandum is very detailed, listing all the reasons why Xu Jie, Wu Shan and Gao Yao supported Anlu as the new king's fiefdom, but when he saw Yan Song's statement, Emperor Jiajing's eyes could not help but froze.

He could see that Yan Song did not support the contents of this memorandum, he was against it, but he couldn't find a reason to object.

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Emperor Jiajing leaned on the throne with a relaxed body, turned to Huang Jin and asked, "Huang Jin, is the former fief of King Shou in De'an Mansion?"


Huang Jin and other courtiers did not participate in the decision of the cabinet, and the choice of fief has nothing to do with their inner court.

Suddenly asked by Emperor Jiajing, Huang Jin was startled and searched for memories in his mind.

After all, it happened more than ten years ago, and Huang Jin still vaguely remembered something.

Who is Shou Wang?

It is Zhu Youju, the ninth son of Emperor Xianzong of the Ming Dynasty.

It seems that it disappeared many years ago. His fief should be in De'an Mansion.

Thinking of this, Huang Jin bowed and replied: "My lord, King Shou's fiefdom should be in De'an Mansion, but it has been withdrawn."

It was not clearly stated in the cabinet memorial, but between the lines still reminded Emperor Jiajing of this matter.


For no reason, Emperor Jiajing suddenly said harshly.

Afterwards, he leaned against the back of the imperial seat again, and said another sentence, "You should be punished."

Huang Jin on one side, Gao Zhong and other eunuchs below, and all the servants in the palace were nervous and at a loss.

The emperor was in a bad mood, and they could all tell that at this moment, if they made a slight mistake in front of the emperor, they might be doomed.

Emperor Jiajing's anger was not aimed at them, and they all knew it, but for no reason, they felt guilty and worried that it would hurt Chi Yu.

Huang Jin just turned his head and looked at Gao Zhong at each other, then both lowered their heads.

I don't know what Emperor Jiajing thought, he picked up and put down the memorial in front of him, and finally put it aside, and did not return it to Gao Zhong.

For a while, both Huang Jin and Gao Zhong couldn't understand the emperor's plan.

Approved or rejected, or stay?


It's just that after thinking about it for a short time, Emperor Jiajing gave orders.

The matter of the cabinet memorandum passed by like this, as if nothing happened.

"The Ministry of War announced that Huang Guangsheng, the new governor of Huguichuan, please transfer Yu Dayou as the general guarding Guizhou Zuolu. It seems inappropriate for Baihu to be the general."

The little servant read out the text proposed on the cabinet ticket, discarded the rhetoric piled up in the memorial, and simply stated the main content of the memorial and the cabinet's opinions.

"Yu Dayou was beaten back and became a hundred household?"

At this time, Emperor Jiajing asked with a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, my lord. The criminal Yu Dayou was deprived of his official position and hereditary military position due to his crimes, and was demoted to Datong. He was restored to his hereditary military position because of his surprise attack on Bansheng City and his participation in the First Battle of Anyinbao. He is still serving as a hundred household officer."

His Highness Gao Zhong replied immediately.

"Both Huang Guangsheng and Yu Dayou are from Fujian?"

While nodding slightly, Emperor Jiajing asked again.

"Eh? It seems to be."

As for the native place of the minister, the inner court does have information, but if you don't check it specifically, no one really pays attention.

After all, with so many officials in the world, who would remember the origins of irrelevant people.

Gao Zhong followed the meaning of Emperor Jiajing's words, and immediately added: "Your Majesty, this old slave will be checked immediately."

"no need."

Emperor Jiajing waved his hand and refused.

"His former Zhejiang commander-in-chief, can he go to Guizhou?"

Yu Dayou was in charge of suppressing the Japanese in Zhejiang before. Zhejiang was located on the coast of the empire, while Guizhou was a mountainous place. Emperor Jiajing had some doubts about Yu Dayou's ability at this time.

Although the battle between Zhejiang and Datong fully demonstrated Yu Dayou's tactical command ability, after all, the terrain conditions are very different from those in Guizhou.

"My lord, it should be possible."

At this time, Gao Zhong took over the Memorial of the Ministry of War from the little servant and opened it, looked at the content again, and then said: "There is a record in the Memorial of the Ministry of War. This Yu Dayou participated in the evaluation of Guangdong and Guangxi and the war against Annan before. The terrain conditions are close to those of Guizhou."


Emperor Jiajing was slightly moved.

Although he has never been to Guizhou, he also knows from the records in the book that Guizhou, even the southwest of the empire, is full of mountains and rivers, and the terrain is complex.

Commanding operations in such an environment is very troublesome for many generals.

Emperor Jiajing did not expect that this Yu Dayou was actually an all-rounder among the generals of the Ming Dynasty.

He still remembered that someone interceded when Yu Dayou's case happened, but he mentioned that Yu Dayou was good at water and land warfare, and he was one of the few coastal generals in the Ming Dynasty who understood water warfare.

In this Battle of Datong, Yu Dayou showed his combat command ability on the northern grasslands. Now Huang Guangsheng and the Ministry of War value his combat experience in commanding counter-insurgency wars in the southwest region, and want to transfer him to Guizhou to suppress the Miao rebellion.

Emperor Jiajing did not think that the things on the memorial were fake.

"Before, the Ministry of War issued a memorial to ask the Nine Sides and the various ministries of the Beijing Camp to build unicycle chariots."

Emperor Jiajing suddenly said casually.

Huang Jin, who was standing on the side, knew the elegant meaning when he heard the string song, and immediately bowed and said: "There is such a thing, it is said that the Ministry of War thinks that this unicycle chariot is very useful for infantry against cavalry, and it is recommended to promote it. It has already been approved by the slaves.

Speaking of it, this unicycle chariot is the weapon that Yu Dayou built to kill the enemy when he was in Datong. "

Gao Zhong below blinked at this moment, and understood what Emperor Jiajing meant. Huang Jin still understood the emperor's mind better than himself.

"Declaration, Yu Dayou made meritorious service in building the unicycle chariot, he was promoted to the command of the guard, and he was awarded General Guangwei, Captain of Shangqi, and moved to West Guizhou Road to guard the general."

While speaking, Emperor Jiajing glanced vaguely at the cabinet memorandum on the imperial book case.

Just when Gao Zhong responded to the order and wrote the emperor's order at the end of the memorandum, Emperor Jiajing said again: "Go down and find Yu Dayou's information, I want to have a look, and see what battles he fought. "

Gao Zhong's hand that was writing was slightly paused, he knew very well that Yu Dayou had fallen into the eyes of the emperor.

Gao Zhong had read the memorial carefully. After all, not long ago, because of Yu Dayou's award, there were several rounds of back and forth between Yan Song, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and the Ministry of War. The Ministry of War wanted to promote Yu Dayou, but Yan Song just blocked it.

Although I don't understand why Yan Song agreed with Huang Guangsheng and the generals of the Ministry of War this time, but the emperor's statement has reached the cabinet, I think Yan Song will be very disappointed if he comes to the Yan Pavilion.

Gao Zhong thought in his heart, but then he thought again, maybe Mr. Yan Ge wanted to leave him in the backcountry of Guizhou, maybe he stayed in Xuanda, and maybe one day he would beat the Tartars to the ground and run away. It's not good to block the reward anymore.

Thinking about it this way, Gao Zhong suddenly felt that it seemed that Mr. Yan Ge's move was quite clever.

Then came the previous procedure again, the servant continued to read out the content of the memorandum, Emperor Jiajing quickly made instructions, and Gao Zhong recorded the emperor's decision behind the bill.

The memorials were disposed of in such an efficient manner, and not long after, all the memorials brought by Gao Zhong had been processed.

At this time, Gao Zhong directed the servants to sort out the red-approved memorials and organize them. Those who were approved and rejected were stored separately. Emperor Jiajing did not give any opinions, but they would not be published.

However, Gao Zhong still sneaked a glance at the memorial left on the imperial book case from time to time.

The emperor didn't express his position, and he didn't say whether it was approved or rejected, or whether it was retained.

This situation is rare.

You know, the memorials sent by the cabinet to the Supervisor of Rituals are all recorded, and the final whereabouts will also be recorded. If the memorials are left with the emperor, what should be written in the records?
But out of the corner of his eye, he could see that the Emperor Jiajing was just sitting on the throne in a daze at this time, he didn't know whether he was meditating or in a daze, his face was neither happy nor sad, and expressionless.

The little waiter is very agile, after all, the people who can be selected to be with them are not stupid people.

After the memorials were put in order, Gao Zhong had no choice but to get up and bow to Emperor Jiajing to leave, and took the memorials back to the Supervisor of Rites.

After Gao Zhong saluted, he got up and was about to exit the hall when Emperor Jiajing blinked at him as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Maybe it was in his heart, or maybe he just looked down from the throne inadvertently. In short, Emperor Jiajing finally saw the memorial on the imperial book case.

Reach out, take the memorabilia in your hand, and gently open it.

Seeing this, Gao Zhong, who had already taken a few steps back with his servant, stopped. He wanted to see if Emperor Jiajing would give instructions to this memorial in the end.

The servants had already retreated to the gate of the hall. They noticed that Gao Zhong was still in the hall and did not retreat, so they all stood still at the gate of the hall.

Emperor Jiajing seemed to be re-reading the memorial in his hand again, the speed was very slow, and it took a long time to read it again.

After closing the memorial, he casually threw it at Gao Zhong who was standing in the hall, without paying any attention to the cabinet memorial.

Zoushu fell on the ground a few steps in front of Gao Zhong. Gao Zhong hurriedly took a few steps to pick it up from the ground, and after closing it, he gently patted the cover of Zoushu, as if to wipe off the dust on it.

His movements were small, but he didn't dare to cause dissatisfaction on the throne.

His petty actions were actually just deceptions, how could he escape the emperor's eyes.

It's just that Emperor Jiajing just looked at Gao Zhong quietly, as if he had no intention of speaking.

Without expressing his opinion, Gao Zhong understood in his heart that this memorial could only be kept, or that the emperor was not satisfied with its content.

Just when Gao Zhong took the memorial and was about to exit the hall, out of the corner of his eye he suddenly noticed that the aloof Emperor Jiajing slowly closed his eyes and his lips moved slightly.

"Order the Ministry of Rites to Shangshu Shangjing Wang Zhiguoyi, the Shangshu Wu Shan, Lei Li and Jing Wangfu chief Shi Shi proposed to build the Wangfu, and Gao Yao cooperated."

Just a few words were spoken from the mouth of Emperor Jiajing, and King Jing was confirmed as Fan De'an.

Gao Zhong was overjoyed for no reason, but there was no expression on his face, he just hurriedly sat back to his previous seat, spread out the memorial, and took a pen to record what the emperor just said.

After finishing the recording, Gao Zhong didn't say goodbye and quit immediately, but got up and stood up. After all, it's not a trivial matter for a prince to seal the country, and he wasn't sure whether Emperor Jiajing had made up his mind.

Just now, the emperor's performance made him understand that the emperor is still very conflicted.

Although I don't know why, King Jing is favored?Or is it the reluctance of father and son to part soon?

Once the prince leaves the domain, he will almost never return to the capital.

"Go down."

Only this time, without making Gao Zhong wait too long, Emperor Jiajing spoke again.

When Gao Zhong exited the hall, he not only looked up at the sky with the memorial in his hands.

The battle for the position of crown prince had come to an end. At this time, Gao Zhong thought so, King Yu finally had the last laugh.

In recent years, King Jing's Mansion has often sent gifts to the chief eunuch of the inner court, and his Gao Zhong Mansion naturally received many gifts.

However, after the accident ten years ago, he became more cautious. Naturally, he would not refuse the property sent by King Jing's mansion, because refusing would mean tearing his face, and he did not want to be an enemy of King Jing.

It's just that after collecting the things, he still keeps a distance from King Jing, unwilling to have too deep communication.

He understands that in the civil official group of the Ming Dynasty, although Yan Song, the leader, supported King Jing, among the other officials, except for a few officials from Yan Song's family, all of them supported King Yu's supremacy. Their opposites have become the target of public criticism.

Even knowing that Wei Guangde had joined King Yu, he still acquiesced in Chen Ju's secret contact with Wei Guangde to spread the news from the palace there.

Glancing at Chen Ju who was standing in front of the palace gate, Chen Ju was also looking at him at this time.

Gao Zhong let out a long breath, and nodded slightly to Chen Ju.

When Gao Zhong walked out of Xiyuan with his two servants in his arms, Chen Ju had already asked for leave, and followed them out of the gate of Xiyuan.

"Master, Zhang Ji asked someone to bring a message. There is an old friend of the master waiting at home."

In the guard room of the Imperial Academy, Wei Guangde was flipping through the books in his hand boredly, there is still some time before the Sanya.

He is not very interested in the current hot spot in the capital's officialdom, he had discussed it with Gao Gong before, and the next day he also received a gift from King Yu.

Obviously, his views on the situation won King Yu's favor, at least it made King Yu less worried, so he even sent him a reward from the palace.

Although the gifts are not very expensive, they represent more friendship and trust.

At least, in King Yu's impression, it seems that Wei Guangde hasn't missed anything yet.

"Old man?"

After hearing Lu Bu's words, Wei Guangde frowned slightly, which meant to let him skip work and go home early.

Closing the book in his hand, Wei Guangde got up, and said to Lu Bu while walking, "I'll go for a while, and when someone asks me later, they say I'm going to Zhan Shifu."

(End of this chapter)

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