prosperous age

Chapter 799 898 Objections

When Wei Guangde was deep in thought, Xu Jianglan had already seen that Wei Guangde was thinking about something.

From the moment she saw the transcript of the memorial, she knew that this was a government matter. Although Wei Guangde, who was at home with Ding You, should not interfere with this matter, her husband obviously knew that this matter could not be refused.

You can use the official post to deliver official documents, or send them in the form of memorials. You can guess who sent them.

So at this time, she did not disturb Wei Guangde's thinking. Instead, she went out and brought a cup of hot tea, put it on the table, and then left the room.

As a descendant, Wei Guangde would certainly not only look at the immediate interests and ignore the future.

Just like the Ming clan clan Lumi, the policies set in the early Ming Dynasty did not seem to put much pressure on the court's finances at the time, but now they have become a heavy burden on the court.

To be honest, the result of the Longqing Peace Negotiation negotiated by Wang Chonggu did not meet Wei Guangde's psychological expectations, and was even greatly inferior.

Although Wang Chonggu's idea was to fix the annual transaction volume, Wei Guangde knew better that the rules were designed to be broken.

The annual transaction volume is tens of thousands taels now, but what about ten years from now?
Fushangyin is calculated based on the transaction volume. The larger the transaction volume, the greater the demand for Fushangyin.

Although the Ming Dynasty could obtain horses, cattle and sheep for this purpose, the Ming Dynasty's tribute had always been a thin and unfavorable business.

Knowing that the Tatars' appetite would not grow bigger and bigger, they kept asking for an increase in transaction volume.

The market price of horses, cattle and sheep, plus the reward money, is a high price, and it cannot achieve what he wants, which is to weaken or even control the Tatar economy.

We must refute him and give Mongolia a reward of silver. Later generations will say that the emperor's 300 years of Ming Dynasty will be greatly reduced if he does not make peace and does not pay tribute.

Wei Guangde confirmed his thoughts in a short period of time. Although he originally supported the peace negotiation, the conditions were too harsh and that would not work.

Of course it doesn't matter if there is a mutual market or the opening of a free market in border towns.

But it would be inappropriate for the Ming Dynasty to send a large amount of money to the Mongols for free.

Although the accounts were calculated, it seemed that the imperial court's annual expenses could be saved a lot, but the purpose of weakening the grassland's strength was not achieved, which was a wrong decision.

Instead of signing the contents of the Longqing Peace Agreement, it would be better to wait until Anda Khan dies of old age and the grassland powers fight for the throne of Khan, and then Ming Dynasty will take advantage of pushing Hannaji out.

After thinking about this, Wei Guangde immediately took his things and went to the study.

This is a bedroom after all, but there are no such things as pens, inks, paper and inkstones.

When he got to the study, he directly put the water into the inkstone, picked up the ink stick and started grinding it, while also organizing the words in his mind.

He didn't want to think about those people in the court who supported this memorial. It had nothing to do with him, but as a cabinet minister, he had to report his thoughts so that the emperor could think about this matter.

At this time, Wei Guangde's mind began to think divergently again, and suddenly a term jumped into his mind, "Shanxi merchants".

Shanxi merchants actually refer to Shanxi merchants during the 500 years of the Qing Dynasty. Shanxi merchants operated salt industry, banknotes and other businesses, and were especially famous for their banknotes.

However, at this time, the strength of Shanxi merchants was still very weak. Even if some Shanxi merchants had already joined the ranks of major salt merchants, more of them would choose to move away and go to Suzhou and Hangzhou for development.

Moreover, due to the Ming Dynasty's strict restrictions on border trade, during this period, apart from those who had become big salt merchants, the Shanxi merchants were still very weak.

Even if he gets involved in the smuggling business, the scale is actually not that big.

After all, in the eyes of most businessmen, the salt industry is the fastest way to make money.

Similar to Fujian, the land is narrow and densely populated, and going out for business has become a means of livelihood for people.

The difference is that most Fujian people went overseas, while Shanxi businessmen moved within the Ming Dynasty.

Jinzhong merchants had spread all over the country at this time. Although the business scale was not large, there was a popular saying in Beijing: "There are as many Jin people as there are big businessmen in the capital."

As for the late Ming Dynasty, in order to seek greater profits, Shanxi merchants used Zhangjiakou as a base to travel between and outside the customs, engaged in trading activities, transported materials to the Manchu regime, and even delivered documents and information.

The trading activities of Shanxi merchants inside and outside the customs gave great material support to the Hou Jin regime. The Hou Jin regime also treated Shan merchants with courtesy and attention. They cooperated with the Qing rulers to strengthen their rule over Mongolia. effect.

At this time, Wei Guangde had already realized that the development of the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce in later generations was probably due to the "contribution" of mutual trading.

In the middle of the Ming Dynasty, they used the mutual market to expand their capital and made friends with the Ming Dynasty's generals. In the later period, they were not bold enough to directly become traitorous businessmen and earn those bloody money.

Wang Chonggu, the home of Shanxi merchants
Wei Guangde only knew that there was a Qiao family among the eight major merchants in Shanxi. It was thanks to movies and TV series that he knew about this family of profiteers.

But Wei Guangde really didn't know if there was anyone named Wang in the Eight Great Houses.

Perhaps, because the Wang family had gradually entered the Ming Dynasty, they would not get involved in those traitorous activities, but other Shanxi merchants finally intervened.

In the home of merchants in Shanxi, the figure of Zhang Siwei, the right servant of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, appeared in Wei Guangde's mind.

The Zhang family seems to be also a big businessman in Shanxi, and Yang Bo, who has returned to his hometown to recuperate after becoming an official.

Suddenly, Wei Guangde felt a chill. When had the strength of Shanxi businessmen begun to penetrate deep into the court?

Although Wei Guangde did not believe that people like Yang Bo, Zhang Siwei, and Wang Chonggu would agree to the traitorous activities of the clan members, money and silk moved people's hearts, and there were always those who were bold enough to deceive the superiors and conceal the truth.

Such a peace treaty must be organized.

Wei Guangde became more determined, so he put down the ink stick, picked up the pen and started writing.

At this moment, thousands of miles away in the cabinet of the Forbidden City in Beijing, Yin Shizhen was also arguing with Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng about the terms of peace negotiations.

Naturally, Yin Shizhen didn't know about the "Eight Great Shanxi Merchants" or what would happen in a few decades. He only knew that once the contract was signed, it would be a treaty that humiliated the country and was no different from the "Chanyuan Alliance". Paying reparations to the Mongols.

Not to mention that Wang Chonggu has set a small figure for bilateral trade. It seems that the reward is not much, but even one tael of silver cannot be paid.

"No, absolutely not. Everything else is fine, but the reward is absolutely non-negotiable."

Yin Shizhen roared at Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng in the check-in room, expressing his firm attitude.

But did what he said have any impact on Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng?
of course not.

Of course they knew what the so-called "rewards" were. The Longqing Peace Agreement was essentially money to buy peace and ensure the security of all nine sides.

But no matter what, they still chose to support Wang Chonggu's memorial, because in their eyes, this little money was nothing.

In their view, the most important thing is to stabilize the financial crisis of the Ming Dynasty, which is on the verge of collapse. At the same time, it can also ease the situation in the north of the Ming Dynasty, allowing them to free up their hands for internal rectification.

In their view, the Ming Dynasty was already riddled with holes, and if they continued to use strong medicine to treat it internally, otherwise the Ming Dynasty would be finished before the Mongols could rise.

To fight outside, you must first be safe inside.

Today we sign a contract with the Mongols. When the Ming Dynasty recovers its national strength in the future, it can just find a reason to start a war and start another Northern Expedition. This contract will become a useless piece of paper.

In the eyes of politicians, there is only profit.

Now Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng just want to carry out internal reforms as soon as possible, and do not want the threat from the north to interfere with their plans.

"The peace talks at Datong were unanimously decided by the cabinet and have been discussed by the court. What's the use of your objections." Gao Gong looked at the furious Yin Shizhen and sneered disdainfully: "And the court has always been like this about paying tribute and giving rewards to subordinates. , which time is this not the case?

It's OK for other vassals, but not for King Shunyi? What's the point? "

"Zhengfu, we all know what you are thinking, but given the current situation of the court, eliminating hidden dangers in the north is a top priority.

Jiangxi and South Zhili are now experimenting with a whipping method. Seeing that it has been completed, it will be promoted nationwide. At this time, no external force can be allowed to interrupt.

You should understand how much resistance there will be in the implementation of a whip method, not to mention that the essence of this method is to measure the world's acres and plow the taxes.

Our cabinet should be united more sincerely at this time, and we must not be thrown into disarray just because of these trivial matters. "

Zhang Juzheng continued what Gao Gong said.

Although Zhang Juzheng and Gao Gong also had their own thoughts, on this issue, he and Gao Gong had the same view, so they naturally stood together to deal with Yin Shizhen.

At this time, the chief assistant Li Chunfang was just sitting in the chief assistant's seat, silently watching the three people's argument.

The cabinet has been debating this matter for several days, and the government and the opposition are also discussing it.

However, because of the last court meeting, the number of people who publicly stood up to oppose this time was unexpectedly much smaller.

Of course, this does not mean that all the original opponents have changed their stance, but in the past few months, most of the Kedao spokespersons with the toughest attitudes have been released.

These are naturally Gao Gong's handiwork. Naturally, if you are not convinced by him, you will be transferred out of the capital.

When the remaining people saw this situation, they naturally became jealous.

Except for Guo Qian, Zhu Heng and other six ministers who dared to object loudly in the cabinet, most others were silent.

Even an important minister like the Minister does not want to be transferred to Nanjing to be a minister.

As for Guo Gan's daring to make trouble, the fundamental reason is that he is dissatisfied with this matter.

You know, the Datong Peace Negotiation was a matter for the Ministry of War. The cabinet had a hand in it and actually agreed to generous rewards.

Well, if peace is really negotiated, it will be meaningless to be the Minister of the Ministry of War. There are really too many changes.

Although the Ming Dynasty's large number of troops stationed in border towns will not be completely withdrawn in the short term, the aristocratic families who will be damaged after the resumption of farming are not easy to mess with.

Don't take advantage of it and make yourself a mess, it's not worth it.

Therefore, Guo Gan was eager to make a big fuss and ask the court to remove him so that he could go home and take care of himself in old age, so as not to make too many enemies and make his old age a problem.

But if he wants to leave, the court will naturally not let him go easily.

After all, he is the Minister of the Ministry of War, which is related to military and national affairs, and he was personally appointed by Emperor Longqing.

It's somewhat unjustifiable to have to leave not long after taking office.

Therefore, he can only anger cabinet ministers and even Emperor Longqing with his almost stubborn character.

As for Zhu Heng, he has always opposed mutual trading. This is not because he sees further, but because he does not want to capitalize on the enemy.

At this time, Emperor Longqing also felt in a dilemma because of the disagreement between his cabinet ministers and the six ministers.

He was not a responsible and decisive emperor. Although he could listen to his ministers, he still showed a trace of indecisiveness when dealing with problems.

The reward of silver made Emperor Longqing feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't want to agree, but his most trusted minister and teacher Gao Gong gave him full support. At the same time, he was also more convinced of the ability of Zhang Juzheng, who also had the same attitude.

Li Chunfang, the chief assistant of the cabinet, who was supposed to provide him with important consultation and reference, was very hesitant at this time, which made his thoughts gradually slant towards the high side.

Wei Guangde, who was far away in Pengze, certainly didn't know about the changes in the wind direction in the capital.

He had finished writing his memorial, and then put it back into the box together with the copy of the memorial, and locked it with a padlock.

Later, this box will be handed over to the postman and they will take it back to the capital.

So far, the only thing Wei Guangde has guessed is the peace agreement. Gao Gong must have voted in favor, otherwise the transcript would not have been sent here.

As for the others, Wei Guangde was not so sure.

"Zhang Ji."

After Wei Guangde did all this, he shouted outside the house.

As the housekeeper, Zhang Ji immediately came in from outside the house and stood in front of Wei Guangde with his hands lowered, waiting for instructions.

"Give this box to the postmen and ask them to send it back."

While talking, Wei Guangde handed the box to Zhang Ji.

Zhang Ji took it with both hands and was hesitating whether to withdraw when Wei Guangde ordered again: "Let the capital side send back a copy of what happened in the capital every month from now on."

Originally, Wei Guangde thought that when he returned to his hometown Dingyou, there was no need to pay attention to the court.

But at this moment he realized that it still didn't work.

When the memorial was submitted this time, he must have disagreed with Gao Xinzheng, and he couldn't possibly have offended him again.

In order to be prepared, Wei Guangde felt that he should pay more attention to the news in the capital, even if he couldn't do anything.

"Yes, sir."

Zhang Ji hurriedly bowed and agreed, but before he left, Wei Guangde suddenly remembered something and asked casually: "Did you get any news about the field inspections conducted in Luling and other places? Is there any provincial-wide investigation in Nanchang?" Do you mean open?"

In the fourth year of Longqing's reign, before Governor Liu Guangji was transferred to Nanjing as the Minister of Household Affairs, he wrote a letter requesting that the one-whip method be implemented in Jiangxi before conducting a field inventory to determine the tax amount per mu of land.

This book was presented to Emperor Longqing by Wei Guangde and was approved.

At the same time, not only Jiangxi, but also Yingtianfu in South Zhili was required to confirm a place as a pilot site for field inventory.

However, the order was issued, but the execution was full of obstacles, and the preparations took almost half a year.

Of course, the main reason for such delay was Liu Guangji's transfer to Nanjing, which left Jiangxi without a strong pusher to implement this order.

Wei Guangde's soul was more or less born in New China, and the souls of later generations who grew up under the red flag are naturally not that cold about tax evasion.

What's more, he has always looked down on Ming Dynasty's land taxes. The real money comes from developing industry and commerce. This is the right way to strengthen the country and enrich the people.

"No, I heard that the progress is slow and it won't hit us in the short term."

Zhang Ji misunderstood what Wei Guangde meant and replied. (End of chapter)

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