Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 211 The Battle of Anyi

Chapter 211 The Battle of Anyi (1)

After Liu Yu arrived at the city of Anyi, he immediately built a big camp in front of the defenders of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and at the same time, terrifying siege equipment also rose from the ground.

These weapons are magic weapons that have been tested in countless wars. From the Warring States Mohist mechanism to the current advanced equipment, Liu Yu obviously wants to use them all in Anyi City at this moment.

In the city of Anyi and the army of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the northeast direction of Anyi, after learning that Liu Yu was building siege equipment, they all turned a blind eye to this good opportunity to attack.

Who doesn't know that there may be mistakes in the Song Army's formation at this time.

But who dares to provoke Liu Yu at this time?

Who dares to fight Liu Yu, who has won battles all his life, in a field battle in Hedong where the cavalry cannot be used?
This kind of opportunity that is not considered an opportunity, the Northern Wei Dynasty did not intend to take risks, but just watched countless hideous war monsters appearing in the Song army's position.

Liu Yu was also a little surprised that the Northern Wei Dynasty did not come to harass him.

When fighting in the south, even if there is a disparity in the strength of the defenders and the attacking side, it will create some obstacles for the attacking side, and if it doesn't work, it will disgust the opponent.

But when it came to the Northern Wei Dynasty, there was no movement at all.

This may be the similarities and differences in tactics caused by different methods of warfare.

The Northern Wei Dynasty still prefers to tear apart the opponents on the plain and cannibalize them a little bit. Compared with the Song army who has rich experience in siege, it is relatively naive.

But such an opponent...

Of course Liu Yu likes it!

The siege equipment is not difficult to make, especially Zhu Lingshi has accumulated a lot of raw materials before. In just one morning, the equipment Liu Yu wanted has been made.

Looking up at the warm sun in winter, Liu Yu roughly estimated the time.

It coincides with noon, which is a good time to attack the city!
Siege the city first and cross the river.

Anyi used to be the capital of Wei State, the most powerful country in the early Warring States Period, surrounded by Fen River, so its moat is wider than that of other famous cities.

If you want to break through the moat, you need a siege weapon called a trench-filling vehicle.

There are solid wooden shields above and in front of the trench filling vehicle, and a folded bridge deck below.

The soldiers of the Song army changed the chariots into trench-filling vehicles and parked them on the edge of the moat in Anyi.

After that, as long as the folded bridge slab on the trench filling vehicle is put down, the bridge slab can become a wooden bridge, which can extend across the moat to reach the opposite bank.

At this time, the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty on the city wall also noticed the actions of the Song Army, and began to concentrate their firepower on the position where the Song Army placed the trench-filling vehicles. Waves of dense arrow rain hit the Song Army below.


Song Jun did not panic, but erected a large shield on his head to resist the rain of arrows and cover his fellow robes below.

At this time, the Song army, who was fast, had already waded across the bridge with great strides, and directly put up the trench-filling vehicle on the other side of the moat, and hid in the trench-filling vehicle to protect himself from harm.

"Prepare the crossbowmen!"

"The catapult is ready!"

Faced with the long-range attacks of the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it is not only natural that sending troops will be beaten.

The built catapults were lined up, covered with stones the size of human heads, and flew towards the city wall of Anyi under the action of leverage.

At the same time, the crossbowmen below also adjusted their angles and shot at the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the city. With the strength of the crossbow machine, the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty who were pressed down on the city wall for a while retracted their heads, not daring to face the attack of the Song army.

"Get ready for the ladder! Get on it!"

Compared with the crude catapult, the ladder, a siege weapon that has appeared and been continuously improved since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, is much more refined.

It uses big wood as a bed, with big wheels on the bottom, two ladders on the top, each more than two feet long, and a rotating shaft in the middle.

The four sides of the car are shielded by raw cowhide, and the inside is pushed by people to reach the city, and then take off the ladder on the ladder to see the city.

There are a total of three floors of the ladder, so that they can attack the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the city condescendingly, and observe the movement of the defenders in the city by the way.

The archers on the ladder and the crossbowmen under the city wall worked together to form a terrifying iron curtain, completely extinguishing the arrogance of the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

At this time, a large number of soldiers of the Song Army crossed the moat and came to the side of the city wall. They carried ladders with grab hooks and lifted them up and placed them on the side of the city wall of Anyi.

"Come on!"

The crossbow arrows are not unlimited. Taking advantage of this opportunity when the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty were suppressed, it was a good opportunity for the Song Army.

The troops at the forefront are the elite under Quane's command.

This seems to be a customary rule.

As long as it is Liu Yu's main action, Kuai En's troops will always be the first to move.

And Kuai En never let Liu Yu down.

He will always be the first to rush up the city wall!

The city wall of Anyi was originally only five feet high. Changsun Song managed to build the city wall to six feet high during his stay in Anyi, but it still couldn't resist the fanatical Song army.

Song Jun was indeed very fanatical and excited at this time.

These soldiers are all old soldiers who followed Liu Yu.

When they faced the enemy in the south and went to attack the city, the defenders had more dirty routines than one.

What kind of golden juice and boiling water, they all greeted their heads mercilessly.

In comparison, the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty who could only fight back with bows and stones were as beloved as the recruits who could not fight.

I love him so much that I want Song Jun to rush forward and ravage him!
Soon there were Song soldiers who killed the city wall, brandishing their strong shields and ring-shoulders, and slashed at the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty did not expect the Song Army to break through so fast. They wanted to stop it in a panic, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of the Song Army's elite soldiers who had experienced many battles.

Compared with the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty, these Song soldiers seem to have become legendary martial arts masters, and they can completely chase and chop three by one.

Of course, there is no superb martial arts skills in this.

It means greater strength, faster speed, and more experience.

And have a stronger will to fight.

But everything is a little bit stronger, and together they are a powerful army of the times.

The soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty who could show off their might on horseback turned into pitiful ants when they fought hand-to-hand with the Song army, and could only be dealt with by the Song army in a destructive manner.Song Jun quickly occupied a foothold several feet long on the city wall.

Xie Hui at the bottom of the city laughed contentedly when he saw Song Jun's brave posture: "I didn't realize that Suolu is so weak, I'm afraid I can take Anyi today!"

Liu Yu shook his head beside Xie Hui.

"It's not that simple. I can't use my strengths to compare with the enemy's weaknesses. Tuoba Si, there will be action soon."

Seeing Liu Yu by his side, Xie Hui really wanted to ask some questions, but looking at the crowd around him, he finally lowered his head.

At this moment, from the north came the sound of thunder.

The generals of the Song army were horrified, only Liu Yu's frown that had been frowning suddenly relaxed.

"Northern Wei dispatched!"

(End of this chapter)

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