Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 233 Rush to the North

Chapter 233 Rush to the North
Liu Yizhen, who was still flushed just now, suddenly turned pale.

At this moment, he looked at Liu Yikang in a trance.

He even suspected that he was dreaming.

It was only after confirming again and again that the person who was holding him and crying bitterly was really his fourth brother, that the voice in Liu Yizhen's head told him that everything was true.

At this moment, Liu Yilong also woke up from his nap, and the moment he saw Liu Yizhen, he couldn't help but his eyes turned red.

"Second brother..."

Liu Yizhen closed his eyes, trying to make himself accept everything.

He knew Liu Yu's physical condition.

It's just that Liu Yu proclaimed himself emperor a year earlier than in history. According to the historical trajectory, Liu Yu should have at least one year to live.

In addition, Liu Yizhen helped Liu Yu sort out the court and oppress the family, Liu Yizhen thought that Liu Yu could at least last until he completed his great cause.

But why is the life span not only not extended, but shortened?

At this moment, Liu Yizhen seemed to have lost the big tree that had been protecting him all the time, and was lost in the wind and rain.

too suddenly……

Suddenly, even Liu Yizhen was at a loss.

But look at Liu Yikang, and Liu Yilong.Liu Yizhen suppressed the discomfort in his heart.

Now I can't and can't fall into sadness.

Liu Yilong and Liu Yikang can cry, but he can't...

Now, he was pushed to the front extremely abruptly and became everyone's shield.

Even if the sky is falling, he still has to hold on.

Liu Yizhen ignored the news of Liu Yu's death for the time being, and even forced himself to forget about it, and immediately comforted his two younger brothers.

"Tell me what happened later, take your time."

When he heard that the army in front did not fall into chaos, but retreated slowly with the cooperation of everyone, he was slightly relieved.

But when he heard that Liu Yifu was staying in Shangdang, his expression changed.

"Brother... confused!"

Liu Yizhen couldn't help but feel cold hands and feet.

Liu Yifu stayed in Shangdang, seemingly impartial and selfless, creating opportunities for the retreating army, but in fact... a big mistake!
Now that Liu Yu is dead, what everyone needs most is a strong leader!
Wang Zhongde, Zhu Lingshi, and even Xie Hui and Tan Daoji.

They are generals, not leaders.

Regardless of whether they would argue or not, none of them had the ability and qualifications to be chess players in the face of the intricate chess game ahead.

Once Liu Yifu loses contact with several Song armies, the Song army, which seems to be still unified now, will instantly fall into the embarrassing situation of a group of dragons without a leader and fighting on their own!

At that time, they will face Tuoba Si separately...

Liu Yizhen never underestimated the ancients, and underestimated Tuoba Si.

What they lack is knowledge and vision, not wisdom and boldness.

How could a hero who laid the foundation for the Northern Wei Dynasty to unify the north let go of the scattered Song army at this time?

"Go to the front line alone!"

Must go!

20 elite Song army!

There are even a group of generals and ministers.

If they were all in the north...

The Civil Fortress Change?
No!It's even more terrifying than the Civil Fortress Change!
The worst outcome after the Tumu Fortress Change is that the Ming Dynasty will be in the south, and it will not be able to complete the unification with the Wala at that time.

But the Northern Wei Dynasty has this potential!

Especially Liu Yizhen knew what a terrifying monster Tuoba Tao, the son of Tuoba Si, was. If all the essence of Liu Song was taken away in one pot, and the Northern Wei Dynasty occupied Guanzhong and the Central Plains, adding a Tuoba Tao...

Liu Yizhen opened his eyes at this moment and strengthened his belief.

I must go to the north to lead the battle, otherwise Liu Song will be in danger!
Liu Yizhen didn't reveal a word to his mother, Sun Yuhua, and immediately returned to his mansion, and sent someone to secretly go to the mansion of Shang Shupu to shoot Xu Xianzhi and the guard general Wang Zhen'e to invite the two generals.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, Liu Yizhen asked his personal guard Fan Daoji to change into civilian clothes to invite the two of them in person, and asked him to bring two robes to cover his face and secretly bring them here.

The northern war situation is important, but the maintenance of stability in the rear cannot be ignored.

At least the news of Liu Yu's death must not be leaked until the army is out of danger!
At this time, Xu Xianzhi and Wang Zhen'e were a little puzzled when they saw Fan Daoji who came to pick them up, and they didn't understand why Liu Yizhen, who had always done things aboveboard, would use such a tactic.

Even when he entered Liu Yizhen's mansion, Fan Daoji scrutinized him from side to side, in case someone would recognize Xu Xianzhi and Wang Zhen'e, and let them enter Liu Yizhen's mansion through the back door used by servants.

The two were led one by one to a small dark room in the back hall. There were no windows and the walls were thick to prevent anyone from prying.

After the two arrived, Liu Yizhen entered the house and ordered Fan Daoji to watch around.

"Anyone who tries to approach the house will be killed without mercy!"

Seeing Liu Yizhen's murderous look, Xu Xianzhi and Wang Zhen'e realized that something had happened!

And it must be a big deal!Otherwise, it would be impossible for Liu Yi to act so cautiously.

After the order was completed, Liu Yizhen went into the house and closed the door himself, and came to the two of them and took a deep breath:

"Your Majesty... has passed away."


The two fell into a deathly silence.

They didn't think that with Liu Yizhen's status, he would go to such lengths to make such silly jokes with them.

Liu Yu...

Really gone.

Xu Xianzhi suddenly clutched his chest, pains like a stabbing pain came from his heart.

At this moment, Wang Zhen'e's aloofness is no longer the same as before, his eyes are full of emptiness and disbelief.

After giving the two of them a moment to digest, Liu Yizhen said slowly: "When Your Majesty died, our army of 20 troops was in Shangdang County. When Your Majesty passed away, he left a will for Wang Zhongde and Zhu Lingshi to lead the army to retreat, but But my eldest brother stayed in Shangdang County to delay the enemy army. If this is the case, the army has actually fallen into a leaderless situation."

"The army must be brought out, not to mention that there are also a large number of civil and military officials on the front line. So I have to secretly go to the north to preside over the overall situation."

At this time, Xu Xianzhi and Wang Zhen'e had some reactions.

Xu Xianzhi's voice was dry and hoarse: "What does His Highness King Qin want us to do?"

"Tomorrow, I will say I am sick and never show up again. The two of you must stay in Jiankang's stable rear, and you must not let the news of your father's death spread!"

Wang Zhen'e said: "I would like to lead the Central Army..."


Liu Yizhen interrupted Wang Zhen'e harshly.

As soon as the Central Army moves, all fools know that something is wrong on the front line!
The Central Army left behind by Liu Yu must not be used unless it is absolutely necessary!

Liu Yizhen bowed his head: "This is the autumn of life and death! Not only is my Liu Song Guozuo at stake, but also the time of life and death for the people of China!"

"Qing and others must work together to stabilize the rear."

At the same time, there was a look of sadness in Liu Yizhen's eyes: "If Gu failed... Your third younger brother Hongnong Wang Liu Yilong, who can be left alone, will stick to the south of the Yangtze River and preserve the clothes of the Han family."

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, but that Liu Yizhen must arrange everything properly.

In this way, Fang is the father of all peoples.

(End of this chapter)

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