Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 249 Tuoba Si dies!

Chapter 249 Tuoba Si dies!
Everything came too fast!
The main reason is that before Liu Yizhen was still harassing on the south bank of the Great River, and wanted to fight the Northern Wei Dynasty for a long time, but now he drove the entire main force to Hebei to encircle and suppress Tuoba Si.

If the appearance of fighting a protracted war in the first step deceived the generals of the Song Army, then the decisive battle in Hebei in the next step deceived Tuoba Si.

It is everyone's consensus that the Song Army will not fight the Northern Wei Dynasty in Hebei!
But today Liu Yizhen chose to do the opposite, and confronted Tuoba Si head-on in this Five Dragon Cave.

When Tuoba Si saw Liu Yizhen in person, he knew that he might not be kind today.

Since Liu Yizhen brought all the cavalry families of the Song Army here, did he even go off in person? There is absolutely no reason for him to leave after a visit.

What he is facing at this moment will be a decisive battle of life and death!
Tuoba Si is also a hero, how can he easily catch him in the face of life and death crisis?

He pulled out the golden sword passed down from generation to generation by the Northern Wei royal family at his waist, and spoke the obscure Xianbei language, as if he was awakening the ancient Xianbei heroic spirits to fight with him.

At this moment, Liu Yizhen, who followed the cavalry and came to the battlefield, saw Tuoba Si who was talking a little bit at a glance.

It stands to reason that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, but Liu Yizhen doesn't have too many strange emotions in his heart at this time.

Only one not-too-violent thought—

kill him!

As long as Tuoba Si dies here, all problems will be easily solved.

This is not a personal grudge.

At this time, Liu Yizhen saw Tuobasi surrounded by the Song army, and did not let the soldiers follow him to kill him, but detoured from the rear to completely block the opponent's retreat!
At any time, we must pay attention to "surrounding three ques and one" to prevent the enemy from breaking out of his will to turn defeat into victory.

But now there is no need.

Even if all these soldiers are wiped out, Tuoba Si must be kept here!

Tuoba Si looked gloomy as he watched the Song army rushing towards the rear, obviously he saw Liu Yizhen's intentions.

Did not give myself a little way out.

Either the fish dies or the net breaks.

There is no third way!
Tuoba Si held up the golden sword, knowing that it was useless to pin his hopes on others, he could only fight out with the sword in his hand!

At this time, the junction of the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Song Dynasty turned into a flesh and blood mill again.

The two sides exchanged hands almost ruthlessly with a one-to-one casualty ratio. Obviously, the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty were also called out to die now, and they wanted to make a final desperate fight with the Song army.

This cruel scene has never happened before Liu Yu led the troops.

Because Liu Yu will always have other ways to pull the battle situation in a direction that is beneficial to him, and then expand this advantage like a snowball, and win the final victory.

But Liu Yizhen never conceited.

He didn't think he could walk the enemy like a dog like Liu Yu, control the overall situation, and win more with less every time.

His style of play is simple and rough.

It is to find the weakness of the opponent.

Then drill through this weakness at all costs!

You can say that this is an adventure, and this is the heart of the cub.

But it works!
For the Northern Wei Dynasty, how long can such spiritual power last?

Two hours?Still a day?three days?

It doesn't matter, now the main force of the Song Army, except Pei Fangming and some people staying in Luoyang, Tan Daoji continues to surround Xi Jin outside Huai County, everyone else has rushed here!
The Song army will only fight more and more, while the Northern Wei Dynasty will only fight more and more.

Despair may bring unbelievable power, but when the power is removed, it will drag people into the terrifying abyss.

Now Liu Yizhen is waiting for this opportunity.

Tuoba Si's heart trembled as he looked at the densely packed soldiers of the Song Army around him.

This kind of military strength, not to mention that Tuoba Si only brought half of Yecheng's troops here.

Even if you bring them all, you can't escape.

It can be seen from this that Liu Yizhen didn't care whether it was a rabbit or a lion that fell into the net, and he was ready to go all out.

"What a... lunatic!"

This familiar way of warfare reminded him of hunting on the grassland.

The current Liu Yizhen, the current Song Army, use tactics that are more like barbarians than those of the Northern Wei Dynasty!

Now it has reached the point where Tuoba Si has no choice but to slash the enemy with his golden saber.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, the soldiers around Tuoba Si surrounded him: "Your Majesty! Let's cover you to break through now!"

In this situation, no one thinks that Wei Jun still has a chance to turn defeat into victory.

Going, for an emperor, may be the best choice.

Ke Tuobasi looked at Liu Yizhen and shook his head slightly.

Liu Yi really came for him!

He had no doubt that if he had any signs of breaking through, Liu Yizhen would immediately give up the encirclement and suppression of the Northern Wei army and personally lead troops to pursue him.

"Break out on your own! Don't go back to Yecheng, go directly to Pingcheng!"

"Find the prince and tell him to act as I taught him in the previous letter!"

Tuoba Si knew it well.

Once he died, Tuoba Tao, a prince without much foundation, was not enough to maintain the current rule of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Although Liu Song is also full of contradictions now, they do not have the largest ethnic contradictions in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

That's why Liu Yizhen was able to continue attacking the Northern Wei Dynasty regardless of the south.

But the Northern Wei Dynasty was different!
Without the suppression of Tuoba Si, a large-scale national uprising would erupt in Hebei in an instant.

At that time, the Northern Wei Dynasty might be completely sucked into the quagmire and could not get out.

It's better to take advantage of retaining some power to occupy the land of Yanyun and seek a comeback.

Seeing that Tuoba Si insisted on this, the soldiers had no choice but to break through with all their might.

As soon as Tuoba Si's soldiers moved, Liu Yizhen, who had been watching Tuoba Si closely all the time, subconsciously grasped the reins, intending to go to encircle him.

But when he saw that Tuoba Si hadn't left, he slowly let go of the rein in his hand.

"Tuoba Si..."

At this moment, Liu Yizhen suddenly thought of his elder brother Liu Yifu.

At that time, he must have been so generous, right?
And Tuoba Si seemed to feel Liu Yizhen's gaze, and he also looked up, passing through the crowd and looking at each other for a moment.

When he came back to his senses, Tuoba Si continued to slash to both sides with the golden knife in his hand.

It's just that the situation is gone at this time.

The momentum of the soldiers of the Northern Wei Dynasty erupted for a moment, and then they fell into powerlessness. Many people had knelt on the ground, put away their weapons and begged to surrender.

There were fewer and fewer Northern Wei soldiers standing, and in the end there were only hundreds of people around Tuoba Si who were fighting hard and bloody.

Liu Yizhen finally rode forward at this time.

As soon as he moved, the soldiers of the Song army on the left and right stopped rushing to kill, leaving a moment of peace for the two of them.

Tuoba Si stood on the ground covered in blood, his face no longer grim when he saw Liu Yizhen walking towards him with a victorious posture.

"Liu Yizhen! I've heard your name before!"

The hero who had come to the end of the road was a little melancholy at the moment: "I thought about dying in the hands of Liu Yu, on the sick bed, but I never thought about dying on a junior like you."

Hearing this, Liu Yizhen was not at all annoyed at being underestimated, but smiled instead.

"Tuoba Si, it seems that you still haven't realized that what was supposed to be a great situation for you has suddenly turned into this."

"Do you think that after the death of the late emperor, there will be no one to control you?"


Liu Yizhen stared into Tuoba Si's eyes: "Since the Yongjia Rebellion, there have been men from the Han family trying to regain the north all the time."

"Zu Ti, Huan Wen, and then the late emperor."

"They never forgot the Northern Expedition, but one generation is stronger than the other."

"As long as we are not completely wiped out, even if it takes hundreds or thousands of years. As long as China and Kyushu are not under the influence of kingly teachings, there will still be people going north. This belief will not be broken."

Tuoba Si thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't understand."

"But if I understand one day, I will definitely become a Han Chinese."

He put the golden knife across his neck.

"In fact, I have never underestimated you, it's just...not enough."

Liu Yizhen nodded: "I think so too, you'd better write it on your Tuoba clan's genealogy."


Tuoba Si shook his head: "You don't look much like your father or elder brother."

"I forgot to tell you that I didn't kill your elder brother. He's the kind of person who doesn't bother to be killed by others."

"And I, too."

Liu Yizhen didn't stop him, and with the slash of the blade in front of him, Tuoba Si officially put an end to it.



I have been reading the comics of "Shao Song" today. The style of painting is amazing. I really hope that my book will one day. . . .Forget it, stop dreaming, just come to recommend it to everyone hehe ヽ(○^^)
(End of this chapter)

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