Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 309 Proposal to move the capital

Chapter 309 Proposal to move the capital
The gap between the north and the south is really too big.

Now Liu Song's capital is Jiankang, and it is really difficult to control the north from here.

From a national perspective, moving the capital to the north is undoubtedly the best choice.

But everything can't be done just by talking about it, especially such a major event as moving the capital, which involves the country and the country, is difficult even for Liu Yizhen now.

In fact, Liu Yu had thought about moving his capital to the north in the early years. At that time, he chose Luoyang as his capital.

Naturally, this decision was blocked by the courtiers on the grounds that "the Northern Wei Dynasty is still alive and Hebei has not been restored. The north of the capital is the enemy's territory".

Now Hebei has been decided, but Liu Yizhen believes that once this decision is made, there will be countless reasons to stop it.

Because it has nothing to do with where the country's capital is chosen, or whether Beiping is pacified.

Still interests.

Jiankang has assumed the responsibility of being the capital of the country for a hundred years since the Han family traveled southward.

In this process, countless people have operated countless visible and invisible interest chains and relationship chains in Jiankang.

Once the capital is moved, these centuries of hard work will be wiped out. Who would sit back and watch this happen?

Take the farmland around Jiankang as an example.

Originally, one mu of land here might be worth hundreds of dollars, but once the capital is moved, the fields here might be worth tens of dollars.

This alone can destroy countless families.

Not to mention the southward migration family and the local aboriginal family who have worked here for a long time, once the capital is moved, their losses are too huge to be calculated with money.

Therefore, moving the capital has never been done just by talking about it.It will directly affect the interests of tens of millions of people and the reshuffle of the entire national system.

Liu Yizhen himself was a little uncertain, because there were four real relocations in history.

The capital of the Han Dynasty moved from Chang'an to Luoyang after experiencing Wang Mang's rebellion.This led to a sharp increase in the power of the Kanto family and gradually developed into the current family politics.

Historically, the "Reform of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty" in the Northern Wei Dynasty moved the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty from Pingcheng to Luoyang, which accelerated the Sinicization of the Hu people.It changed the chaos of "the regime of the Hu people only lasted for three or five generations" since the "Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms", and made Chinese history officially enter the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.And it also paved the way for the later "Six Towns Uprising" and "Separation of East and West Wei".

The replacement of Datang and Wu Zhou was regarded as the least harmful move to move the capital. Tang Xuanzong continued to create the glory of Datang in Chang'an.But hidden behind this is the fact that Tang Gaozong and Wu Zetian buried the Guanlong military group.

From the Western Jin Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty...

None of this counts!The original capital of the country was breached and had to be forced to move south.

The fourth time was when Daming moved from Yingtian to Beijing.


The vassal king has already hit the capital, what could be bigger than this?
Therefore, every time the capital is moved not because of a change of dynasty, it will bring great trouble!

Wang Hong hesitated: "Your Majesty really wants to do this?"

"It must be so!"

Resoluteness flashed across Liu Yizhen's youthful face.

He must take the initiative to take this trouble!

Because it is not Zhu Ming who is thousands of years later, the south has evolved into the new center of Chinese civilization in the long history.

The current center is still in the north!

Wang Ye is not partial!
As long as the center of the Han Dynasty does not return to the north, the Hu people will covet the land of China for a day.

At the same time, the backbone of the Han Dynasty will never really stand up.

Only go back!Only by facing up to the humiliation of oneself in the past can we clear away the haze since the chaos of the Five Dynasties, and truly be reborn from the ashes!

For this reason, Liu Yizhen must face all difficulties in the future!
Even if it gets messed up, Liu Yizhen might become the second... Oh, no, it is the first Emperor Yang of Sui, dragging the Han Dynasty back to the grave after finally crawling out of the quagmire, making Liu Yu's life's painstaking efforts go to naught, And he himself will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

But Liu Yizhen still wants to do it!
Knowing that you can't do it, but doing it, this is the romance in China's bones!
Wang Hong suddenly felt a sense of loss when facing the young and strong emperor in front of him.

I am old...

Liu Yizhen has just written the prologue to his grand plan and great cause!

Wang Hong said bitterly: "Doing this now, there is too much resistance."

"Isn't there going to be a lot of resistance in the future?"

Liu Yizhen was extremely firm in his heart and would never be shaken by these things.

"Now it seems abrupt, but it is actually the best opportunity!"

Now the northern family and the Northern Expedition military group have not been corrupted by the prosperity of Jinling, and there are not many conflicts of interest here.Even Liu Yizhen moved the capital to their advantage.

But once they really get a firm foothold in Jiankang and become like those southern families, Liu Yizhen will be completely in despair, and the plan to move the capital will become far away.

"Does Your Majesty have any plans for the selection of the new capital?"


Liu Yizhen did not hesitate at all.

"New Chang'an! That is the heart I chose for the dynasty!"

Wang Hong didn't show surprise. The capital was going to move to the north either Luoyang or Chang'an.

Luoyang may be more helpful in controlling Hebei, but Guanzhong has a greater "advantage"!
Because the enemies of the Liu Song Dynasty are all near Guanzhong.

The son of heaven guards the gate of the country, this is the responsibility that a father of all people needs to shoulder.Instead of hiding in Jiankang's luxury and luxury, indulging in the gentleness.


After Wang Hong came to see Liu Yizhen tonight, he received a lot of information. Even he was in a mess at the moment.

"Your Majesty, this is no longer something that the minister alone can decide, or even a hundred officials can decide..."

"I don't need you to decide."

Liu Yizhen didn't intend to let others take the blame.

He is the Son of Heaven, he can bear the glory, but he can also swallow the evil.

Those who are full of reputation are mostly hypocrites, and those who have mixed reputation are real heroes!

"I just want to ask Wang Shangshu, how many people from the southern family will support me?"

how many people……

It is certainly tempting to build academies in various states and counties, change their appearance and go there to change their way of life.

But compared with the relocation of the capital, compared with the century-old family business, it seems a bit insignificant.

"I'm afraid... nothing at all."

If it is said that Liu Yizhen's destruction of the nine-rank Zhongzheng system is the foundation of the family, moving the capital is equivalent to digging the family's ancestral grave...

No one dared to support Liu Yizhen at the risk of the world.

Son of Heaven, you can only do this alone, and you must do it alone.

"Less than ten percent..."

Liu Yizhen suddenly laughed.

"Those who have attained the Dao will be helped more than those who have lost the Dao. Now I have become a person who has lost the Dao."

Wang Hong wanted to comfort the emperor very much at this moment, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say.

He is the Son of Heaven.

He doesn't need comfort from others.

What he wants are the bright stars in the sky.These, no one can afford.

Of course, he doesn't need others to give it either!
He will get it by himself!
The world is overwhelmed, I am the only one, this is the Son of Heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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