Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 356

Chapter 356
There are a total of thousands of people selected by the states, plus the soldiers who escorted them and their own guards and servants, making Chang'an, the newly moved capital, more and more prosperous.

All kinds of carriages and horses rush from Tongguan to Guanzhong every day, and the huge population flow is often the beginning of business opportunities. Some people have secretly started the business of these scholars one after another.

"Selling ramie!"

"Selling ramie!"

"The best ramie produced in Kuaiji is cheap!"

There were bursts of shouts in Chang'an Fang City, and gradually guests stopped beside the shouts, curiously touching the ramie, which is not common in Guanzhong.

"Come and see, one or two is only five baht."

The stall owner had a flattering smile on his face, and from his slightly humble appearance, he knew that he was a low-level peddler living in poverty.

The customers don't seem to be very interested in ramie, but they are very interested in the origin of the stall owner.

"This ramie is indeed a special product in Shanyin, Kuaiji. I do recognize the aroma and texture."

"And judging from its fineness, it seems that it was picked just this year. It's really perseverance that you can actually sell it in Chang'an, which is a long way away."

Hearing the guest's words, a thick-headed little guy suddenly jumped up from under the stall owner, and looked at the guest happily: "Father! This man seems to be from Kuaiji, and what he talks to us is Kuaiji dialect!"

"Faxing! I want you to talk more!"

The stall owner hurriedly drove the child away, for fear of offending the customers.

What is the identity of the Kuaiji people who can live in Chang'an now?Most of them were wealthy nobles who followed the emperor to move the capital from Jiankang!
And nobles, they don't want to have anything to do with people of low status like them!
As a stall owner who has been struggling for many years, he naturally understands that people in this world are not born at the same level.

Some people, only when you kneel down, will they be willing to treat you as a human being.

Standing ones are called heterogeneous and will make them sick.

As expected, the guest frowned slightly when he heard the child's words, and moved his hand away from the ramie.

"Businessmen pay more attention to profit than parting."

The words of the guests are already a little impolite.

"I think you are not very old. You should still have an old mother at home. You have left your hometown for a few taels of silver, and abandoned your family and ancestors. You really have forgotten your roots!"

The stall owner continued to laugh, not daring to argue with the other party.

But there seemed to be a spark in the child's eyes just now: "My father is not a person who forgets his roots!"

"Faxing! Shut up!"

The child was clearly speaking for his father, but what he received was his father's stern scolding, which made his tears keep rolling in his round eyes.

But he still stubbornly shouted loudly: "Originally! Father is the candidate recommended by the state to come to Chang'an to take the imperial examination! This is obviously a matter of Guangzong Yaozu, why is it called forgetting one's origin?"

The child's words caused commotion, and everyone's eyes turned to the stall owner whose face was gradually turning red with surprise.


Even the customer who spoke badly just now looked at the stall owner with surprise, how could a man like this be a Juren?
Under everyone's gaze, the stall owner was a little unhindered. He bowed his knees and bowed his hands to the surroundings repeatedly: "You are laughing, everyone is laughing."

"Are you Juren?"

The guests obviously questioned the identity of the stall owner.

The stall owner apologized and said with a smile: "It's just a fluke to be favored by the governor of the state."

The guest still didn't believe it, and his eyes were full of suspicion. shouldn't be like this!
Juren should be the proud sons of heaven in all states and counties. They should all be embroidered, wearing hats decorated with Zhuying treasures, and rings of white jade around their waists, as if they were gods...

Instead of being submissive like the stall owner in front of him, he doesn't have the slightest aura of arrogance all over his body!


The guest immediately concluded that the other party was a liar!

As for that child, he is probably a cunning and bad guy who is not polite like that, and it is not surprising that he is full of lies.

"Hmph! Don't you father and son try to deceive me? How can there be a Juren who is a pawn in this world? If you deceive people with such a name again, I will report to the officials and punish you for fraud!"

The stall owner quickly said yes, and only asked the other party to calm down and stop making a big noise, causing the government to come and confiscate the stall they set up privately.

But the child was still refusing to let go, and still yelled aggrievedly: "My father didn't lie! My father didn't lie! I'll show you his document..."

Seeing that the child was about to reach out to take out his clothes, the stall owner couldn't bear it any longer, and quickly raised his arm and slapped the child in the face.


The raised arm was gently pinched by a wrist, and the stall owner turned his head to see that it was a young man restraining him.

"Even if the child is wrong, we must use reason to convince him. What's more, the child is right?"

The big man spoke with a Ludi accent, and slowly lowered the stall owner's arm.

Then, he looked at the guest again.

"My fellow villagers are supposed to help each other when they are away from home. But you see his father and son being poor and humble, and you feel disgusted, accusing them of humiliating their family status for no reason. Is this the custom of disliking the poor and loving the rich in Wu?"

When the customer saw someone standing up for the stall owner, he also said coldly: "What's the matter with you?"

"The sage said: The affairs of the world should be my own responsibility. Since I see injustice, there is no reason to ignore it."

"Besides, I and this stall owner are both state candidates, so we can be regarded as classmates. It doesn't seem to be against common sense for classmates to help each other, right?"

Another Juren!
The big man took out his document from his pocket and showed it to the guests: "If you don't believe it, just look at it. The seal of the government is here, do you still want to say that I am also deceiving people?"

When the other party saw the big man's self-identification, and knew that he was really a Juren, his face became ugly.

Everyone knows that this year's Juren may turn into a dragon at any time, if he provokes the other party at this time, wouldn't it be making himself unhappy!

"Hmph! Mind your own business!"

Seeing this, the guest didn't dare to entangle with a Juren any longer, and left a very unhappy complaint before walking away.

"Thanks to this virtuous brother for helping me."

The stall owner saluted the big man with gratitude and partial apology: "Dai Shuozi, a native of Wu Jun Prefecture."

The big man also returned a salute: "Ju Renchao of Lu Jun Prefecture is honored."

Chao Shangzhi sighed and said: "To be honest, I came from a poor family and came to this market to sell some calligraphy and paintings to earn some money. Seeing brother Dai being humiliated like this today, I really feel sorry for him, so I stepped forward."

"It's just that I don't understand one thing. Brother Dai can just show his document to prove his identity. Why should he be angry with that dude?"

Dai Shuozi smiled wryly and shook his head: "One thing more is worse than one thing less. Harmony makes money. This is something in our bones."

Chao Shangzhi disagreed, he shook his head lightly: "If all poor families in the world are like this, how can there be any chance of surpassing those children from aristocratic families?"

At this time, Chao Shangzhi looked at the child who stood up for his father again, but felt that he would be more promising in the future than Dai Shuozi, a father who only knows how to be patient, so he asked a lot: "I don't know your son's name?"

Before Dai Shuozi could answer, the child said his name first——

"Dai Faxing!"

"When the Fa is clear, I will make the world prosperous Dai Faxing!"

(End of this chapter)

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