Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 435 Chance!

Chapter 435 Chance!

Tan Daoji Department in the east.

Because most of the soldiers of the Tan Dao Ji Department are Jingzhou soldiers and Danyang soldiers, they are still a little uncomfortable with the severe cold in the north.

Even with a cotton coat to keep warm, but after all, he was not angry, and his limbs were still terribly cold.

So some soldiers secretly gathered in the military tent and lit a pile of firewood they picked up to keep warm in the house.


The warm heat made it easy to get sleepy, not to mention that there was no room for the soldiers to play around in the military tent, they could only lie down and chat, but it didn't take long for everyone to fall into a deep sleep.

The several-inch-high flame licked the sundries next to it restlessly, and the flame burst into a beam of light in an instant, igniting the entire military tent.

"on fire!"

The billowing smoke and scorching heat finally woke up these soldiers, and they were so scared that they fled in all directions before they had time to put on their clothes.

Chaos spread rapidly from one point to all directions.

The winter night was already dark and gloomy, and now someone shouted "fire" in the barracks, which immediately exploded the already sensitive soldiers.

Tan Daoji of the Chinese army was also quickly awakened, looking at the fire in the camp: "Has Helian Bobo called?"

"I don't know."

Liu Yizhen in the south and Wang Zhen'e in the north were both awakened by the movement in Tan Daoji's camp, and looked to the east with some concern.

"Xiangwu city gate is not open, it's not Helian Bobo!"

"It should be something wrong with him."

When marching and fighting, it is normal to have some accidents, but if there are no accidents, you have seen a ghost.

Soldiers are human beings after all, and they cannot be demanded by the standards of dead things.

It's just that this accident came at a bit too untimely...

Almost at the same time, both Liu Yizhen and Wang Zhen'e reacted.

"The whole army gathers! Prepare for war! Prepare for war!"

He Lianbo waited for several months for this accident, how could he remain indifferent!

"Liu Yuanjing! You lead two thousand soldiers to move to the front of Tan Daoji's camp to prevent Helian Bobo from attacking suddenly!"

"Zongxi and Xue Andu, each of you lead five hundred cavalry to go around Jieting, where Helian Bobo must pass through to escape from the encirclement, show me there to death!"


The Wangzhen Evil Department in the south also sent some troops to support the Tan Daoji Department to prevent them from being overwhelmed by the Hu Xia army that rushed out suddenly, and at the same time began to consolidate their defenses.


With the sound of a winch turning, the gate of Xiangwu City was finally opened!
But what surprised Liu Yizhen and Wang Zhen was that the city gate opened was not from the east!

Also not south and north.


Liu Yizhen turned his horse's head and led thousands of soldiers towards the west for support.

Helian Bobo actually chose to break out from the west!
This choice was obviously beyond Liu Yizhen's expectation.

After all, even if you rush to the west, you can only go west to Jincheng (now Lanzhou), and you can't go back to Hetao in the north.


Liu Yizhen thought of a possibility.

He immediately reined in his horse, turned around and shouted: "All go to support Wang Zhen'e! Helian Bobo's real goal is to go north!"

You can't go back to Hetao from Jincheng!

If he wanted to go back from Gyeongju, Helian Bobo would bump his head against Zhu Lingshi's iron wall in despair.

But there is still a way!

This road is the route Liu Yizhen used to return to Guanzhong from Hetao.

Arrive at Wanchuan first, then return to the hinterland of Helan Mountain along the Dahe River, and then return to Tongwan in the cloud!
This road is very risky.

But it is indeed very suitable for the current Helian Bobo!
Compared with other routes that have to face the Song army blocking all the way, as long as this route passes through the evil department of Wang Zhen, it is almost like a dragon entering the sea and letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

At this time, soldiers from the west came to report that a large number of Hu Xia soldiers rushed out of the city and asked Liu Yizhen for support.

But all of these were rejected by Liu Yizhen.

"Tell Pei Fangming! If he can hold on, he will support me, if he can't, he will support me!"

After giving a somewhat heartless order, Liu Yizhen's troops immediately crossed the city and headed north for support.


There were a few more dull bangs, and the gate of the east gate was also opened!
Everyone's vision is somewhat limited in the dark night, but even so, Liu Yizhen still locked on a vague outline at a glance.


This was the first time that Liu Yizhen called a person's name so violently, but that figure did not stop for Liu Yizhen, but continued to kill without looking back.

At this moment, Liu Yizhen didn't care about his safety, he threw his body on the horse's back, and rushed towards Helian Bobo with all his soldiers.

The whole night has become a bit messy, but it doesn't mean that everyone is running around like headless chickens.

Wang Zhen'e was the first to notice the enemy army rushing out of the city, and then saw that Liu Yizhen was chasing after him desperately, and immediately rushed out with a big knife on his back.

The horses of the two were getting faster and faster, and when they were about to approach Helian Bobo in front, the other party suddenly stood up.

Liu Yizhen and Wang Zhen'e, who were chasing from behind, didn't slow down at all. One held a sword and the other a knife, driven by the horsepower, they slashed at each other recklessly.


A sharp knife penetrates into the flesh.

The brisk touch did not relieve Liu Yizhen, but changed his complexion.

Wang Zhen'e, who came from behind, also noticed that Liu Yizhen was abnormal, and turned the figure over with the blade of his knife, but he could only see a strange face.

"Still playing double with me?"

The joy and excitement just now vanished in an instant. Liu Yizhen looked at the figure similar to Helian Bobo with a livid face, and the wrist holding the hilt of the sword gradually trembled.

"His Majesty……"

Wang Zhen'e rode his horse over and asked Liu Yizhen for countermeasures.

"Helian Bobo has been waiting for this opportunity. Now the situation is completely chaotic. I'm afraid we'll have to wait until dawn if we want to make adjustments."

Liu Yizhen and Wang Zhen'e are the commanders but have left the army. In addition, Tan Daoji's camp is on fire, and Pei Fangming is fighting with the enemy. Now it is almost impossible to restore order.

"By dawn, Helian Bobo will probably run back to Tongwan City!"

After complaining, Liu Yizhen forced himself to calm down.

Helian Bobo didn't choose to break out to the west?

This shouldn't be!
After going through the surrounding terrain several times in his mind, Liu Yizhen suddenly opened his eyes.

"Keep going north!"

Wang Zhen'e frowned, and pointed to himself and Liu Yizhen, as well as Fan Daoji who was inseparable from Liu Yizhen behind him, and a team of less than 20 soldiers.

"How many of us?"

"Just us!"

Liu Yizhen put his sword back into its sheath, raised his whip and slapped the horse's butt hard.

"Helian Bobo will not just sit and wait for death, since he wants to gamble with me now, then I will fulfill him!"

"The few of us are enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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