Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 446 Lord of the State

Chapter 446 Lord of the State
Among the officials, there was one person who had the strangest reaction. Although he looked ordinary, his face was full of "who am I", "where am I" and "who am I".

He is Liu Muzhi's eldest son, Liu Luzhi, who is also the heir to Liu Muzhi's Duke of Nankang County.

If the emperor really wants to make Liu Muzhi the Duke of Wu, doesn't that mean that he... will become the first Duke of Liu Song?
Liu Luzhi was panicked after being stupefied.

This honor is a bit too great.

Not to mention that he only received the favor of his father's generation, even if Liu Muzhi was alive, he might not dare to accept this honor, so he had no choice but to decline.

However, the difference may be that if Liu Muzhi himself refuses, Liu Yizhen will really not be able to continue to forcefully seal the position of Duke.

But a Liu Luzhi...

What he thinks doesn't matter at all!
What's more, the purpose of making Liu Muzhi the Duke is not Liu Muzhi himself, but several Liu Song meritorious servicemen who are still alive.

Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was aimed at Pei Gong.

Liu Yizhen granted the title of Liu Muzhi after Zhu Lingshi, Tan Daoji and so on.

Then Dongfeng, who sacrificed to the Taimiao, and the news of Liu Muzhi's posthumous title also spread like wildfire.

This news once again swept Chang'an like a storm. Some people were envious, some were skeptical, some were jealous and some complained. Everyone was discussing this matter, but there was no conclusion.

The ministers in the government and the opposition, especially those who are closer to the center, are all in a state of eating melons in this matter, and they dare not get involved at all.

From the emperor, to the three senior officials, to the six ministers, none of these people spoke out to stop them.

Smart people can see that there must be some ulterior transaction behind it, which cannot be meddled with their own little arms and legs.

Compared with the title of "Duke of the State", another news from the Ministry of Rites has more to do with these officials.

It is rumored that the emperor is going to reform the title of title!

Liu Song's officials are already familiar with the word "reform" to the point of numbness.

Almost every reform is a carnival of the Son of Heaven faction. From the earliest reform of the three provinces and six ministries of the central government to the reform of the military system later, the power of the Son of Heaven is gradually increasing, and I believe this time is no exception.

Then the news this time surprised these people.

It stands to reason that to strengthen the centralization of power, it is necessary to weaken the big nobles and support the small nobles.

But this time the emperor did the opposite. He not only killed the son and male titles, but also established the duke title.Such a mysterious operation made Baiguan directly unable to understand.

In addition, there is another more cryptic news from the attendant Xie Hui...

It's just that this news is extremely secretive, but it is said that it caused such a great shock that it even made all the families stop opposing the title reform.

In short, the atmosphere in the court these days is extremely strange, and everyone is waiting for the day when the emperor ignites the fuze.

The day came quickly.

At the court meeting on the first day of May, Liu Yizhen formally posthumously named Liu Muzhi the Duke of Wu, and made his eldest son Liu Luzhi inherit the title and become the No. 1 Duke of the Liu Song Dynasty.

By the way, Liu Yizhen also promulgated the imperial edict on title reform.

But once again something unbelievable happened.

This policy that greatly touched the interests of the aristocratic family did not attract a counterattack from the aristocratic family. On the contrary, it was passed very easily, becoming the easiest policy implemented by the Liu Song court in recent years.

At this time, it is considered that the knife has been sharpened.

Liu Yizhen showed a distressed expression after chasing after Liu Muzhi's Wu Guogong: "This Wu land is the place where Emperor Taizu established it as the foundation of the society. If it is designated as a feudal state, it will be against the ancestral system."

These words once again made all the ministers roll their eyes.

Knowing at this time that it violated the ancestral system?What about the duke with a hammer?

Unexpectedly, Liu Yizhen's next sentence left them stunned.

"So after thinking about it, I decided to take the land thousands of miles south of Wuping County in the original Jiaozhou and west of Jiuzhen County to set up Wu Kingdom, and consider it a vassal state of Wu Guogong."


Liu Luzhi, who was already terrified in his heart, almost passed out.


Is the emperor a seal or a punishment?

Can you really stay in that kind of place where the birds don't shit?
Some old ministers kept searching for the past memories in their minds, wondering if Liu Muzhi offended Liu Yizhen when he was alive...

The place Liu Yizhen mentioned is almost a piece of land without a human being. How much food can be collected there?Don't expect that a duke of a state will not have as many food towns as a count in the Central Plains, that would be embarrassing for the imperial court.

"I also know that there are few people there, so Duke Wu can move some of the people in the south to the fiefdom, and he can accept his appointment as officials, enjoy the feudal state, and become the lord of the country."




"Your Majesty!"

The sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves shouted from the minister's mouth.

"This is a policy that will harm the country and the people!"

"Your Majesty! Which villain proposed this! The minister will cut off the side of Qingjun right now!"

"Your Majesty! Absolutely not!"

Everyone shouting is very tragic, but the problem is that you shout all you want, please don't leave your mouth watering!
Those red eyes are nothing but anger, it's Hong Guoguo's jealousy!

They don't hate Wu Guogong who was enfeoffed.

They only hated that they were not the Duke Wu who was banned!

Everyone understands!
This feudal country is a real feudal state!
It's not the kind of fiefdom that allocates a piece of land for you, but you can't control your shit on this land, and you can only count money in your spare time!

Such a duke is not the kind of court puppet who can only lie down and collect money without any real power.This is truly able to become the lord of a country!Become the vassal of the lord of the country!
Not to mention that this land is in Jiaozhou, it is in the Western Regions and in the court of the Huns. As long as the emperor is willing to give it to them, they will have to walk to the land that really belongs to them!

There, the people are their own, the money is their own, and most importantly, the power is also their own!

Crack the ground and divide the public!

It seems that this is no longer just an extravagant wish in a dream, but something that really happened beside them!
Liu Luzhi, who had a gloomy face before, also turned red at this moment, glaring at the ministers around him who were trying to get excited with his most fierce expression.

They didn’t respond to the idea that I would be transferred to Jiaozhou, but now they object when they hear that there are such benefits. Are you still human?
In particular, Liu Luzhi also saw that many officials who had been promoted by his father would join the ranks of denunciation at this moment, and they would get so angry that they would kneel down to the emperor in a frenzy, and at the same time shouted in his mind : "Chen, thank Your Majesty Long En!"

This grace, he accepted it on behalf of his father!
"So good."

Liu Yizhen didn't give others a chance to refute, and followed Liu Luzhi's steps to make a firm decision on the matter.

Since then, the princes and countries that have disappeared for many years seem to have returned to this once hot land.

(End of this chapter)

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