Chapter 50 Detour to Helan Mountain

After taking the oath in Yinshan, Liu Yizhen and others secretly robbed several small tribes nearby.

The reason why he didn't dare to plunder wantonly is because Hu Xia's troops left here are not weak, even a little stronger than Tongwancheng.

After all, everyone knows the importance of the Hetao Plain.

Especially Helianbo's enemy, the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It may not attack Tongwan City, which has a high wall and strong city, but once it finds that the Hetao is empty, it will definitely come to grab the Hetao.

After all, without the Hetao, Hu Xia, the "third most powerful country in the world", will immediately be beaten back to his original form and become a lonely ghost wandering in the grassland.

So Liu Yizhen and the others ran away in a hurry, not daring to do anything else.

"Wang Maide, how do we go?"

Liu Yizhen looked at Wang Maide.

Right now the life of this Jin army is in Wang Maide's hands.

Wang Maide pointed to the big river in front of him and shouted: "Cross the river! Then walk along the big river, go around to Helan Mountain, and then enter Longdi from Helan Mountain, so that you can return to Guanzhong!"

At this time, Liu Yizhen and others were located across the river, which was Wuyuan County in the Han Dynasty.

Well, it is Lu Fengxian's hometown.

In a broad sense, the Hetao Plain is actually the large "ji"-shaped land formed by the entire river around the Loess Plateau.

In this region, the Hetao Plain is also called "Qiantao", "Houtao" and "Xitao" among the three fertile plains near the big river.

Liu Yizhen's current location is "Qiantao", which is where Yunzhong County and Wuyuan County are located.

"Houtao" established Shuofang County, which is located to the west of "Qiantao".Due to the unstable river course here, it often migrates, resulting in many large and small oxbow lakes (such as Wuliangsuhai).

"Xitao" is because Helan Mountain blocked the desert to the west and formed a plain most suitable for agricultural development.

Now the route given by Wang Maide is to go from "Qiantao" to "Houtao", then go south along the river to "Xitao", then enter Longshang from Xitao, and enter the pass from Longshang.

It sounds like a big detour, but it's also the best route.

After discussing with Shen Tianzi and others, Liu Yizhen decided to take this route, but the necessary disguise is still necessary.

Everyone planned to pretend to be Wang Maide's subordinates, because the news was blocked, the Hu Xia soldiers in Hetao must not know the news that Wang Maide had defected to the Jin army.

And Wang Maide is actually considered a high position in Hu Xiaguo, there must be many people who know Wang Maide, and using his banner can minimize the other party's doubts about himself and other Han people.

When the sum is clear, pack lightly and head for the goal.

As expected, the Xiongnu tribe on the road did not check the Jin army carefully.

On the one hand, Wang Maide still represents the face of He Lianbo in their eyes, so they dare not make things difficult.

On the other hand, this Jin army did not bring a large number of cattle and sheep, and no one was jealous.As for the horses riding under him. Putting these thousand horses in the Central Plains may make people overwhelmed, but in Saibei, especially in a place rich in horses like Shuofang, thousands of horses are drizzle!There's no point in doing something.

Along the way, not only did Liu Yizhen and the others show no signs of escaping, but they enjoyed the food and drink hot food. They lived a more comfortable life than before!
On the way, Liu Yizhen will deliberately collect some rare crop seeds in the Central Plains, including eggplant, cucumber, spinach, lentils and so on.

Should say or not.

In the past, Liu Yizhen always felt that he was not a hedonist, at least not when it comes to food.

But after coming to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, I realized that I had changed.

In this era when the frying pan was not even invented, the food is either baked or boiled, and the texture is really hard to compliment.

Not to mention the taste.

Before many foreign spices were introduced to China, the seasonings were really pitiful.Moreover, the seasoning of meals in this era is all seasoned with "sauce", which can also be called "醢". This thing is a bit similar to the later Asan curry. With soy sauce, the taste is really indescribable.

Right now it is unlikely to find peppers, but there is still hope for peppers, so Liu Yi really passed by a tribe to ask, and passed by a tribe to ask.

The opposite is that Liu Yizhen did not find any trace of pepper, because according to Hu people who have seen "pepper", it is an extremely precious spice in the Western Regions where it is produced, and it is difficult for outsiders to get it.

This made Liu Yi really depressed.

I have no choice but to write it down in my notebook first, which is another reason to attack the Western Regions in addition to raisins.

But what is hidden in another village is that although no pepper was found, Liu Yizhen was surprised to find a few wilted cotton plants on the outskirts of a tribe.

But this is cotton!

This thing is hundreds of times more important than pepper!
Don't talk about pepper, just exchange sweet potatoes with Liu Yizhen
Forget it, let’s choose sweet potatoes.

However, although cotton is not as filling as sweet potatoes, its effect on people is not weaker than that of sweet potatoes!

Otherwise, there is no need for some people to be sold to grow cotton, right?
Liu Yizhen remembered that there were only those in the Western Regions and Yunnan near Huaxia, and he wanted to find someone to look for them later, but he didn't expect to find them now without any effort.

Liu Yizhen immediately stepped forward secretly to remove the seeds of those cotton plants, and asked Wang Maide to contact the leader of the tribe.

"Where else can I find this kind of flower? I'd like to exchange a gold cake for one of this kind of flower!"

Now the whole tribe went crazy, and hurriedly started looking for cotton.

It's a pity that this cotton was probably brought over by accident, and after all the effort, only ten plants were found and handed over to Liu Yizhen. Liu Yizhen also readily gave the gold cake to the other party.

Perhaps the leader felt that everyone in Liu Yizhen's group was stupid and had a lot of money, or because he felt that the gold cake was too hot to hold, so he gave Wang Maide a war horse as a gift.

But Wang Maide changed hands and gave the horse to Liu Yizhen.

Liu Yizhen saw that the horse was fat and strong, and his hair was shiny, so he accepted the horse.

What surprised Liu Yizhen was that this war horse was surprisingly easy to ride. Not only was it extremely docile, but it also ran fast, which made Fu Hongzhi, a master equestrian, very envious.

"This horse has a spirit, Duke Guiyang is really lucky."

Liu Yizhen found Mianmian and was very happy. He stroked the horse's mane and said beamingly, "Indeed, I also feel that this horse is extraordinary."

"Since the horse was obtained from the barbarians in Shuofang, why not call it cotton!"

Fu Hongzhi was a little speechless about Liu Yizhen's level of naming, but the war horse seemed very satisfied and snorted happily.

Liu Yizhen smiled and said: "General Fu doesn't understand, it's not my Liu Yizhen's good fortune to get cotton, it's my Central Plains Dynasty's good fortune!"

After hearing this, Fu Hongzhi looked suspiciously at Mian Mian under Liu Yizhen's crotch, and Mian Mian kicked Fu Hongzhi directly.

Patting Mian Mian's plump buttocks, Liu Yizhen waved his horsewhip: "Don't be naughty! Next stop is Helan Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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