Liu Song Hanque

Chapter 502 3th Road Army

Chapter 502
The emperor finally decided to send troops!

The emperor had been reluctant to send troops before because he was concerned about Guanzhong and the Central Plains, which had consumed a lot of resources.

Now, Liu Yizhen intends to take out all the family wealth accumulated by Liu Song for several years, and go to pacify the Northern Wei Dynasty in one fell swoop.

How much gold is in the treasury has never been a secret.

But everyone knows that there is no state or county that is short of gold, because it is guaranteed by the reputation of the government, and the Yongchu treasure coin made of gold has always been a hard currency in the market.

In other words, the gold in the treasury is not just a good-looking metal, but a currency with quite strong purchasing power.

The emperor is willing to take out the money and circulate it in the market, not to mention that it can completely eliminate the damage to places such as Guanzhong and the Central Plains, at least it can greatly ease the financial burden on the people and the government in these areas.

As for the workshop, it is fully producing military supplies.

There is no doubt that this will be another gluttonous feast. Those aristocratic families stretched their necks for so long, and finally they were able to eat this morsel of military supplies.

The two-pronged approach, plus the transportation cost saved after the opening of the sea, finally gave rise to an unprecedented sprout in this ancient land to support Liu Yizhen's war expenses for the Northern Expedition.

"This battle is mainly in Hebei."

With the money and food, the next step is to discuss the specific arrangements for the war.

"This time I will personally lead the army to Hebei, and fight Tuoba Tao in Hebei."

"In addition, two armies will rush to Yunzhong and Jinyang respectively to deter Pingcheng."

Because of Tuoba Tao's actions, Liu Song has lost the opportunity.

And before the start of the war, Liu Yizhen was sure that Tuoba Tao would not foolishly follow Helianbo's mistakes and be seduced by Liu Song to Bingzhou, a battlefield that is not conducive to the deployment of cavalry.

Therefore, Hebei was the main battlefield chosen by Tuoba Tao for Liu Song. Regardless of Liu Yizhen's willingness or not, he would go to the battle.

"Yunzhong is closer to Pingcheng, and the roads are neat. I plan to send Fu Hongzhi, who is stationed in Jincheng, to lead the cavalry along the river to Yunzhong."

Although Fu Hongzhi's cavalry unit has not yet fully grown, it is obvious that the real opportunity cannot be waited for at this time.


Liu Yizhen and Shen Tianzi looked at each other: "Wang Huilong is General Shen's old opponent, so I will leave him to you."


A trace of excitement flashed across Shen Tianzi's eyebrows.

The last time he fought with Wang Huilong was very embarrassing, all because he didn't have cavalry on his side.

But the Yanmen side is full of mountains, and the cavalry has no room to use it, so the infantry can be used to fight to the death.

"As for Chang'an, the old general Wang Zhongde will be in charge."

In the past, Liu Yizhen had always left Wang Zhen'e behind to watch over his house.

But now that the situation in Chang'an has stabilized, it is basically more than enough to keep Wang Zhongde in Chang'an.

Besides, staying in the king's town to guard the house... I think it's a bit wasteful anyway.

"Afterwards, I will send General Mao Dezu northward from Jingzhou and lead troops to garrison Luoyang."

Putting Mao Dezu in the rear is a precautionary measure. In case there is a problem with any of the three fronts, Mao Dezu in Luoyang can lead troops north to support at any time.

"To the east, I have sent people to Xie Hui and Dayanzhi to send all the ships from the south to the north as soon as possible for support at sea."

"As for the others..."

"Naturally follow me to Hebei as soon as possible!"


From Liu Yizhen's arrangements, it can be seen that Liu Yi is really serious.

Except for the soldiers in the south who have not moved, the troops north of the Liu Song River are almost all out this time!

Even with preliminary estimates, there are 20 combatable soldiers mobilized.

If you count the civilian husbands, county soldiers, and government soldiers who are preparing for the war, this number will expand to 100 million!
It can be said that Liu Song really dispatched millions of people at this time in order to deal a fatal blow to the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Stimulated by the war, the military and related agencies began to prepare everything in an orderly manner like a wind-up machine, and the internal affairs team represented by Wang Xiu, Wang Maide, and Gao Yun was called by Liu Yizhen to explain the affairs.

"Wang Xiu, Gao Yun, you two are in charge of the government affairs of the court this time."

Wang Maide looked at the two colleagues, and pointed to himself with some doubts.

"This time you go out with me."

As the first three people who followed him, Liu Yizhen didn't hide too much.

"Not surprisingly, this time, it will be the last time I will go on a personal conquest."

After overthrowing the Northern Wei Dynasty, Beiliang, which still occupies the Hexi Corridor, is still considered an enemy. As for the small countries in the northeast, such as Goguryeo, Silla, and Baekje, Liu Yizhen will not let Liu Yizhen go out in person.

In the future, the work of attacking Beiliang and dredging the Hexi Corridor is obviously not Liu Yizhen's ability. Otherwise, it will take two or three years to go there, and the traffic will be inconvenient. Who knows what uncontrollable things will happen.

"And my expedition this time is an opportunity for Da Song."

"Some things, if I'm here, it's actually not easy to do."

Getting close to Wang Xiu and Gao Yun, Liu Yizhen expressed his appeal to them.

Gao Yun was shocked when he heard this, but Wang Xiu had an expression that he had expected a long time ago.

"During the time I'm not in Chang'an, you need to do your best to settle this matter."

After the affairs of the general and government were properly arranged, Liu Yizhen came to the harem to bid farewell to the concubines.

Liu Yizhen hugged several of his children one by one, such an expression and movement made even the Queen feel something was wrong.

"Your Majesty, isn't this battle very difficult?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Yizhen shook his head: "Tuoba Tao didn't conquer Hebei in one fell swoop, but he lost the opportunity. Now I have used all the previous accumulation to spend with Tuoba Tao. The Great Song Dynasty is in an invincible position."

"Tuoba Tao only won the initiative of the Hebei side, and is still at a disadvantage in the overall situation. It will be a matter of time before he can be defeated."

Little stars appeared in Queen Wang's eyes: "Your Majesty is the most powerful!"

"Then why is Your Majesty still so... melancholy?"

Liu Yizhen scratched the tip of Queen Wang's nose: "If it's just a war, I will be able to come back in a year or so at most."

"But for this expedition, I probably have a lot to do in Hebei, and I don't know how long it will be before I come back next time."

When Queen Wang heard this, she held Liu Yizhen's hand, her almond eyes sparkled: "What is Your Majesty going to do? Can you not do it?"

Liu Yizhen shook his head again.

He showed a bright smile to Queen Wang: "Didn't the Queen just say that I am very powerful?"

"What I'm going to do this time is to make everyone in the world so powerful!"

Queen Wang blinked: "The Son of Heaven is the Son of Heaven, how can everyone in the world be as powerful as the Son of Heaven?"

Liu Yizhen patted Queen Wang's head: "This is the reason why I must go."

"I still remember saying that day: May everyone in the world be like a dragon."

"Now is the time to keep our promises."

(End of this chapter)

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