My Taoism comes from the world of myths and monsters

Chapter 591 Making Trouble According to Order, One Dao and One Buddha

Chapter 591 Make trouble according to the order, one way and one Buddha

In Lingxiao Palace, all the immortals gathered.

When Song Lin opened his eyes, he found that he was standing in the middle of Lingxiao Palace.

The gods around him were all looking at him, and the Jade Emperor rarely smiled.

At this moment, Song Lin knew that he had made the right bet.

The reason why he didn't resist was because he guessed that the Jade Emperor might try to protect him.

After all, the fight between the two sides was so loud that it was impossible for the Three Realms to be unnoticed.

The Jade Emperor and the gods are probably still watching the live broadcast in real time.

As a member of the Heavenly Court, and the Tathagata Buddha disregarded his face and shot, the Jade Emperor would take action to protect himself no matter what.

"You did a great job, Xuandu! You really look good on me."

The Jade Emperor said happily.

He didn't expect Buddhism to be so despicable, and sent four masters to besiege Song Lin.

Fortunately, Song Lin was more up-to-date, and defeated Buddhism in full view.

If this battle is lost, the Heavenly Court will once again lose its majesty.

The incident with Monkey King back then had already made Tianting lose face as the boss, and if this kind of thing happened again, people all over the world would laugh at him as the Jade Emperor.

Monkey King didn't make a big fuss in the Lingxiao Palace back then, it was just the speculation of ordinary people.

Although Sun Houzi pierced through the Nantian Gate back then, and came to the square behind the Nantian Gate, causing trouble right in front of the Lingxiao Palace.

A meeting was going on in Lingxiao Palace, only Wang Lingguan and a few generals were dealing with Monkey King in the square.

At that time, the Jade Emperor didn't panic at all, and was about to send troops, but the Tathagata came instead, and suppressed Monkey King at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain.

As a result, there was no one in the heaven and the Buddhist support. On the contrary, the people in the three realms later thought that the Jade Emperor was afraid to hide under the table, so he could only hurriedly call the Tathagata Buddha to come.

There must be Buddhists helping to fuel the flames, and the Jade Emperor also had hardships that he couldn't tell.

You can't make a decree to prohibit discussion, so it really makes things real.

Now that Song Lin is slapping Buddhism in the face, the Jade Emperor is extremely refreshed.

Some people may not know the concept of Tathagata Buddha's shot.

Just imagine, in a mortal dynasty, the generals of the court sent troops to suppress the bandits. Not only did the bandits fail to be suppressed, but they were imprisoned instead, causing the emperor to go into battle in person.

Not only was the emperor disgraced, but the other generals were also ashamed.

"Haha, severely suppress the arrogance of the old bald donkey."

Facing the Jade Emperor's praise, Song Lin said modestly: "Your Majesty has been praised too much. Thanks to Your Majesty, otherwise, I will not be able to escape the clutches of the Buddha."

Song Lin still called Buddha, and didn't follow Jade Emperor to call bald donkey. After all, he was a real immortal master. It didn't matter if Jade Emperor called him as a peer.

"In the future, if you cause trouble casually, the Buddha will take action to settle it, just to suppress his arrogance."

Counting from Journey to the West, Heaven has suffered a total of thousands of years.

It was not easy for a person who dared to toughen the Buddhist gate to come out, how unhappy the Jade Emperor was.

"As ordered!"

Song Lin is not polite anymore.

This is called order to make trouble.

In the future, it will be logical to use the Jade Emperor to suppress people.

The Heavenly Monarch God General next to him was very envious and wished to replace him.

Of course, they also have an idea in their hearts. This is a technical job, and if they don't fight against the four, it can only be embarrassing.

Taking advantage of the joy of the Jade Emperor, Song Lin struck while the iron was hot and presented the rosters of the gods.

The Jade Emperor didn't take a closer look, and there were no masters on it, just brushed it off.

And Song Lin was allowed to go to Zangshu Pavilion and Treasure House to choose treasures.

"Can all exercises be watched?"

"It will be all right."

Naturally, the Jade Emperor was not stingy with these things. After all, exercises are not treasures of heaven and earth. They are things that everyone can watch.

If it wasn't for the fear of leaking the secrets and causing chaos in the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor would have made everyone practice.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

After that, Song Lin stayed in the Library Pavilion.

It is said to be a "Ge", but it is actually a small world. In addition to books, there are also stone slabs, tortoise shells, bamboo slips and other objects handed down from ancient times.

It records many exercises and dharma veins.

These are exactly what Song Lin needs, and the exercises of the heavenly court have a great effect on perfecting Donghua's dharma veins.

Although Song Lin knew that the most secret parts of these exercises were in the hands of the founders of each faction, it would be nice to have these common ones.

Song Lin thought so.

"There is also a secret method to deal with Buddhism." Song Lin thought to himself.

Heavenly Court has dealt with Buddhism for so many years, it is impossible that there is no secret method to deal with Buddhism.

Sure enough, in a certain cave sealed with runes, Song Lin found a secret method to deal with Buddhism.

The entire cave is full of restraint methods studied by the celestial masters.

"The 160th and fifth method of Potianyantong-Wanxiangyin, Tianyantong has the characteristics of seeing through everything, and can use the method of illusion to dazzle them."

"The Fifteenth Law - Light Art..."

"Breaking the King Kong does not destroy the body technique—the Qiankun Breaking Dharma Awl..."

Most of the books have invalid stamps on them.

It seems that the dharma lineage of this world is not static. The Taoist sect cracked down on the Buddhist dharma, and the Buddhist sect countered it.

From these books, Song Lin can clearly feel the fierceness of the two families.

The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is not only reflected in the concept, the two sides also have a lot of confrontation in private.

"These spells are probably useless."

They are all old methods, and there are countermeasures on the Buddhist side, so you don't know if you fall into a routine.

"Hey, but it can be used in the real world."

Song Lin thought to himself.

How to say these spells are a bunch of angels who racked their brains to come up with it. The world of Dainichi World Honored One has not experienced such a fierce competitive environment. These spells and the method of making magic tools may produce miraculous effects.

"Okay, that's it."

After a period of time, apart from searching for information about the Time and Space Avenue, Song Lin was only recording exercises in the real world.

Know yourself and the enemy before you can fight a hundred battles without imperil.

If the people in Donghua Heavenly Court can restrain the Buddhist spells with one or two hands, it will be much easier to deal with the Great Sun World Honored One.

So the past three years.

Song Lin is obsessed with Zangshu Pavilion, on the one hand, he is hiding from the limelight. I don't know how many people in the Buddhist sect want to step on him. Although he is not afraid, it is troublesome to pull around.

On the other hand, I also want to settle down.

After seeing so many spells, Song Lin understood a truth.

"The way is as simple as it is, no wonder the fighting skills of great supernatural beings have always been mediocre."

The supernatural powers and spells are all similar. For monks who have lived for a long time, it is not a problem to know tens of thousands of spells.

The same must be true of the enemy.

Rather than wasting time trying to see how one moves, it's better to compete in mana and avenues.

Therefore, low-level monks often fight in a flashy way. Occasionally, they will use a novel magical spell, which the opponent cannot cope with and wins.

The fighting between the powerful is like a brawl.

"It's time to go out."

Song Lin stood up and stretched.

Most of the Dharma veins in Zangshu Pavilion were exhausted by himself. Song Lin planned to find Kui Mulang. After several years, he didn't know if this guy ran away.

After reporting to the Jade Emperor, he walked out of the heaven.

At this time, Song Lin suddenly froze.

"Now it's considered an enmity with Buddhism. It's easy to hide a spear and it's hard to defend against it. Why don't you find a 'stable' enemy yourself?"

Song Lin thought of his own incarnation, Lotte, who is now the Kinnara Bodhisattva.

It's time to activate this pawn.

One way and one Buddha.

The two sang and sang together, each showing off the limelight and gaining the trust of their respective bosses.

After solving the puzzle in the future, Song Lin jumped out and said that it was actually me. This scene should be very interesting, right?
(End of this chapter)

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