Chapter 9 The Truth of Taoism (for further reading)

"Xuantong's secret?"

Song Lin's heart trembled, it seemed that this loyal and honest elder brother also had an unknown side.

It is true to say that as a big brother, he has no sense of presence, and he has an unusual side.

From seeing Xuantong's face just now, Song Lin knew that this guy was not simple.

"Xuantong has eleven mansions at the foot of the mountain, 25 wives and concubines, and five manors. This person is under the alias of Lin Yuanwai at the foot of the mountain. His subordinates found out a few days ago that Lin Yuanwai is Xuantong."

"Do you have evidence?"

Laoshan Taoist priests forbid their apprentices to marry wives and have children, and forbid them to be contaminated with wealth and honor in the world.

Practitioners who want to gain wealth must involve spells, and using spells to confuse mortals is a taboo in itself.

And after having a family, the whole person becomes timid and afraid to fight with demons.

"Of course, Xuantong has seven sons. The eldest son looks exactly like him, like a younger version of Xuantong."

"I see, you continue to investigate."

An inexplicable light flashed in Song Lin's eyes.

He guessed that not only Xuantong, but also other disciples were involved.

A few days later, when I met Yang Xing again, Yang Xing's right arm was missing. Not only that, but there was also a dark scar on his face, the wound seemed to be corroded by something.

"Master, no, there are people in the Lin residence!"

Yang Xing covered his wound and said out of breath.

"What's going on?" Song Lin frowned, Yang Xing was full of evil spirit.

"My subordinate followed Xuantong, and I saw him enter the Lin residence. Then I ran into an old man in green clothes. The old man shot out a cloud of green smoke, and this subordinate became like this. Fortunately, this subordinate ran fast."

After returning, Yang Xing found that he had been poisoned, so the strong man cut off his wrist.

"And then? Did he discover your identity?"


"Okay, you go down to recuperate first, and stay away next time."

After Yang Xing left, Song Lin's face became serious.

According to the legend, the miasma demon back then was an old man dressed in green.

It seems that decades have passed, and the miasma demon has not gone away, but has been hiding around Laoshan.

If the guess is correct, the eldest brother Xuantong should have colluded with this demon.

As for the don't need to guess, it must be for the sake of prosperity and wealth, and the Miasma Demon must have made an undeniable condition.

"Fortunately, I asked Yang Xing to investigate in advance, otherwise I wouldn't know how he died."

I didn't expect the traitor to be by my side.

Do you want to tell the Laoshan Taoist priest about this?

Song Lin thought about it for a while, but it is better not to say it yet. With the character of a Laoshan Taoist priest, he may not necessarily believe his own words, even if he does.Maybe he had torn face with Xuantong in advance, and fell into the rat's trick.

The other party has been hiding for so many years, and it is estimated that he has already figured out the truth.

The point is that there is no way to explain his ability and manpower, and Xuantong might bite him back.

Now the only hope for the Laoshan Taoist temple to come back may be on him. No one knows that he broke through the fetal rest period and the existence of Yanyun Eighteen Riders.

This is the only place that is in the dark.

If Song Lin makes good use of it, maybe it will produce miraculous effects.

Thinking of this, he went back to investigate the method of breaking the miasma.

Xuanke Temple has a long history and a lot of information, which is not comparable to Laoshan Taoist Temple.

Sure enough, he found the ancient records in Zangshu Pavilion.

A plague broke out in one place. After investigation by the people of Xuankeguan, it turned out that it was caused by the miasma of demons and rats.

So Taoists mixed betel nuts, cinnabar, magnets, and hot peppers with rooster blood and black dog blood to make Jiema San.

When using it, dissolve it with water, and then sprinkle it around, so that the miasma will not invade this place, and if you take it orally, you will not be afraid of the miasma.

Later, the Taoist killed the demon rat and took out the poison beads in its body.

Poison beads are the essence of demon rats. Rats practice breathing in damp and rotten places. Over time, beads will be formed.

This bead can release miasma and can be practiced into a magic weapon.

"Good stuff." Song Lin's eyes lit up.

If you get such a thing, Song Lin must consume the cause and effect to take this thing out

For monks with shallow morals, the most important thing is the magic weapon.

Because the monks in this realm don't have deep magic skills.

By the time you finish reciting the spell and casting the spell, the other party will already have pierced a dozen holes in your body with the magic weapon.

Song Lin memorized the prescription and ordered the other seventeen riders to do their best to collect materials for dispelling the miasma.

The more the better, each person brings dozens of pairs.

Before you know it, two months have passed.

Name: Song Lin

Boundary: gestational period
Dao Xing: Eight years

Supernatural powers: "The Eight Secret Techniques of the Zhigang Taoist", the method of summoning birds, the hemostatic curse, and the Taiyi swordsmanship.

Items: Sanyang Fire Sword, Yangqi Danwan, Qianlongshe Xisan, Jiewensan.

During this period, Song Lin learned the method of summoning birds and the hemostatic spell in Laoshan World.

At the same time, he learned a sword technique to use with the Sanyang Fire Sword.

Not only that, he also asked Yang Xing to find skilled craftsmen to make more than a dozen pairs of iron masks.

The mouth and nose of the mask are covered with a piece of cloth soaked in Jiebansan, including a set of clothes soaked in Jiebansan.

It can be said that everything is ready, just waiting for the time to come.

At the foot of the mountain, there is a dark secret room.

The candlelight is dark green, and the flames are strange.

The hazy light and shadow make the two people in the secret room look like ghosts.

An old man in green was sitting in the first seat, with wicked eyebrows, and his pupils were erect.

Next to the old man is a middle-aged man with a loyal appearance.

"Xuantong, how are you preparing?" said the old man in green.

"The other seven junior brothers were all bought by me, and now they only obey my orders. There is also a ninth junior brother, whom I have no contact with."

"Why did you miss one?" The old man in green frowned, his expression a little displeased.

"This person cultivates diligently and is not moved by external objects. Money and beauty will not impress him." Xuan Tong said.

"Forget it, it's nothing more than killing one more person at that time. It's not too late to do it in fifteen months!"


As soon as the words fell, the old man in green turned into a gust of wind and disappeared.

After the green-clothed old man left, Xuantong relaxed, and collapsed on the chair, staring at the void, muttering to himself.

"Master, don't blame me for being unfilial, who told you not to be flexible."

What is the purpose of practicing Taoism?The vast majority of people want to be prosperous and rich, and to enjoy longer prosperity and wealth.

Few people are willing to hide in the mountains all day long.

This kind of life, even 1000 years more, is boring.

After several years of painstaking training, Xuantong couldn't hold back his loneliness, and began to buy farms and houses and raise beautiful concubines in the name of going down the mountain to practice.

Of course, he doesn't have the talent for doing business, and he only has this career by relying on spells or cheating, robbing, or stealing.

Due to too much indulgence, the progress of practice is slow.

The first time he tasted the forbidden fruit, the first time he used spells to harm others, the first time he killed people... the precepts of the teacher's school were all broken by Xuantong.

He was afraid that it would be exposed one day, and the master would not be able to forgive himself.

Just when he was panicked, the old man in green came to teach him the method of longevity and the method of concealing breath, and promised to kill Laoshan Taoist together.

So a shocking plan kicked off.

"Old guy, Song Lin, enjoy the rest of the time, you still have half a month to live." Xuan Tong smiled coldly.

The reason why he didn't contact Song Lin was because he still had a secret in his heart.

That is, he hated Song Lin. This man's temperament was very similar to that of Master when he was young.

With one heart and one mind, the heart goes to the road.

The whole person is like a big rock. What's the point of living for such a person?
(End of this chapter)

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