Chapter 1 Prologue


"The leaves on the top of the tree are already crumbling. It's really going to be winter..." There was no clear focus, the girl just looked down at the surrounding scenery.

The side streets of those buildings in the city have long been paved with golden yellow by fallen leaves.Autumn in Wenling is actually not too cold, but there is no shelter on the roof of the court building, and the wind seems to blow directly into people's bones.Luo Chun took off his coat and put it on his arms. He was only wearing a thin silk shirt, but he didn't seem to feel the cold around him at all.

She looked down, and the large crowd of media gathered at the gate of the court looked to her like a group of ants on a hot pot eagerly looking for food.

Luo Chun knew that they were all waiting for her, but she was tired.

Only the scene of the trial just now kept appearing in front of my eyes, "Are you really not accepting mediation?" "The law can do too much, these evidences can only sentence her to stay in prison for three months..." "Maybe she will go out I will still trouble you, there is no reason for such malice..."


No, no, no, no.

Three months is only the punishment that the law can give, it does not mean that the crimes they committed are only worth three months, and it does not mean that everything she has endured in the past ten years is only as easy as three months .She just wants a right to live in peace, she just wants to clear her innocence.

In fact, Luo Chun couldn't cry at all. She was so numb that she didn't have any big mood swings. Every day in the past ten years, the tears she shed were enough to make her cry until she dried up. After today, maybe the media will To say that she succeeded in revenge would be to say that she has been wronged, but in reality?No one but herself could empathize.

The wind was so strong that she could hardly support herself to stand still; the building was so high that all the hustle and bustle downstairs no longer had anything to do with her; Luo Chun's ears kept saying "jump down, jump down..."

Those scars on her body and heart have been around for ten years, no matter how hard she tried to cover up and repair them, they would still only be brought up and peeled off—she had tried too many times.

Now that I know it is a hurdle that I can't pass in this life, otherwise, forget it...

Luo Chun closed his eyes, and finally gave up all the strength in his body, like a fallen leaf, falling... with the wind.

"Campus bullying, insults, slut humiliation, I won the lawsuit today, and it seems that I got some back from one person, but my life can't be repeated..."

Maybe, she could be like a fallen leaf, falling back into the soil.

Perhaps in the spring of the coming year, the most gorgeous and gorgeous flower can be bloomed again.

(End of this chapter)

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