Chapter 29

Luo Shengnan needed to be taken to the police station to make a statement. Luo Chun’s father had a job and left in a hurry. Luo Shengnan was worried that his mother would lose control due to nervousness and anxiety at the police station, so he asked her to go home first and accompany her on the pretext that he wanted to eat dumplings at night. The person is Teacher Sun.

After finishing all the procedures, before leaving the police station, she sat on the cold iron bench in the police station and told Teacher Sun that she might not be able to go back to school with her today, so she would not go with her, and she would Want to be alone.

It wasn't troublesome to settle the matter. Luo Shengnan knew from the very beginning that she just kept silent and didn't show her cards.

On the way to follow Teacher Sun to the office, she asked clearly about the timing of the whole thing, but when the teacher said in class on Friday that she would collect the money, she paid the money with the students on Monday until the class representative should have handed over the money. During the two days at the Academic Affairs Office, Luo Shengnan skipped class to go out to shoot with Mi Xiaoying, and was not at school at all, so it was nonsense to say that she stole the money.It's just that she was afraid that if she said it too early, Director Zheng would find another way to put on another hat instead.

In fact, when Luo Shengnan first started talking, she was still very calm. Today, from deciding to solve the report letter, to learning that she was implicated in the report case, and then to the police station, as a teenager, she behaved very well. It was surprisingly calm.But for some reason, it may be because facing this person is Teacher Sun, who is rare in the world to care about her, and he will not need to worry about her tolerance and mood like facing Luo Chun's mother. Maybe the chair at the police station is too big. It's cold, or maybe it's because she's a little busy this day, so she can't control her grievances.The more he spoke, the more nasal his voice became, and in the end, his voice trembled so much that he couldn't speak clearly.

Teacher Sun didn't say anything, walked up and hugged Luo Shengnan who was sitting in her arms, and she gently stroked Luo Shengnan's back until her emotions gradually calmed down.

"Xiaochun, everything will be fine."

After saying goodbye to Teacher Sun, Luo Shengnan didn't know where to go, so he wandered aimlessly on the street alone.She lowered her head and looked at her feet on the sidewalk paved with red and yellow bricks. She wanted to step on the inside of the bricks with every step and not to step on the seams, but the bricks and stones were very small, but no matter how she tried, will step on.

She was annoyed, but a pair of shoes stopped in front of her eyes, a pair of familiar shoes.

It's Mi Xiaoying.

"How do you know I'm here?" Luo Shengnan was in a daze.But I have to say, she was a little surprised.

Mi Xiaoying smiled but didn't answer, she looked very different from the shameless and skinny look in the past, cautious and reserved. "I didn't go to class today, but when I saw it in the class... I was afraid that you would be alone, so I came out to look for you." Probably because she was afraid of saying the wrong thing and making Luo Chun sad, Mi Xiaoying's words didn't match the preamble. There is no logic.

Luo Shengnan didn't mind, she pulled Mi Xiaoying to her side and let her walk forward side by side with her.

It was already evening at this time, and the weather today is actually very good. The autumn air is crisp and the clouds are thin. The whole sky is dyed a bright orange-pink by the sunset glow, which is far from the windy day in the morning.

Fortunately, she is not really alone.

"Thank you, Xiaoying."

On the contrary, Mi Xiaoying felt a little uncomfortable hearing such sensational words for a moment. She laughed nervously, touched her nose, and groaned for a long time before remembering what she wanted to say, "That...Xiaochun, do you still remember?" I don’t remember when I said that we would go to the newly opened steakhouse on Zhongshan Road after we got the deposit. In fact, the money came to me two days ago, but I see that you have a lot of things recently, so I haven’t told you... ..."

Mi Xiaoying shut up after speaking, maybe because she didn't organize her words well.

Luo Shengnan knew that this little girl was never good at comforting others, seeing her at a loss and not knowing what to do, she just thought it was cute and funny.

"Oh, don't laugh, Xiaochun, what I mean is... Otherwise, let's go eat today. We shouldn't have to wait in line before dinner. And it happens that Zhongshan Road has many nice shops to visit. Let's After dinner, you can go shopping! Let’s go and change our mood!” She managed to finish all the words, as if she had memorized the lines for a long time, afraid that she would forget the words, so she poured beans in one breath like a bamboo tube Pour out all the words.

After speaking, he looked relieved, and was almost sweating nervously.

"Okay, then Miss Mi will pay for all the expenses tonight." Luo Shengnan took her hand and made a joke.Because of her friend's care and comfort, she felt a little better, and she was able to barely show a few genuine smiles.

"No problem!" Mi Xiaoying answered very neatly this time.

It was the first time for Mi Xiaoying to eat steak in such a good restaurant.More than ten years ago, non-fast food Western food such as steak was not popular in China, and it became a high-consumption place as a matter of course.But in order not to be looked down upon as it was her first time eating, Xiaoying seemed to have done her homework in advance.

"Miss, how familiar do you want to be?"

"Eight points!"

"Sorry miss, the steak is not medium rare."

"How is it possible, I think everyone ordered eight points..." Mi Xiaoying felt embarrassed, and she couldn't change her mouth easily, so she could only be stubborn.

The waiter was also a little helpless, looking at Luo Shengnan on the other side.It is true that the steak is not medium-rare, but many Western restaurants at ordinary prices have been converted into Chinese food and do not understand the real reason for the division of doneness, so they did not reject the saying of medium-rare.

Seeing this, Luo Shengnan was worried that following the waiter's words would embarrass Mi Xiaoying, so he turned around and said, "I want eight points too."

The waiter's eyes widened. He thought that this lady was very familiar with choosing aperitifs and knives, and thought she was a person with taste and knowledge of Western food, but he still said such outrageous words.

(End of this chapter)

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