Chapter 6

Director Zheng was followed by a middle-aged woman, dressed plainly but neatly. It could be seen that she should have been very delicate and beautiful when she was young, somewhat similar to Luo Chun.It's just that the expression on his face is dignified and worried, with a bit of embarrassment at a loss.It is estimated that a good student like Luo Chun has never been called a parent before.

It should be Luo Chun's mother, but Director Zheng actually called Luo Chun's parents.

When Teacher Sun saw someone coming, he quickly got up to greet him, and Luo Shengnan had no choice but to get up and stand behind.

The next development can be imagined.Director Zheng arrived, and as soon as everyone sat down, he began to chatter without giving Luo Shengnan a chance to open his mouth to say a word.I don't know the truth at all, and here I am full of morality, justice, future and destiny.

Even in court, the defendant has the opportunity to provide evidence and appeal, right?What a unilateral conviction.If Mr. Liu was here, he would be speechless without scolding him a single swear word.

Luo Shengnan actually looked through Luo Chun's schoolbag and location after the exam. Not only did he not have a pack of cigarettes, but he didn't even see a lighter.

Although she doesn't know what kind of person Luo Chun is, she doesn't know whether she smokes or not, and she doesn't know why she was bullied, but at least today she clearly knows that smoking is not done by Luo Chun Yes, she didn't throw the cigarette butt either.

She is not a gentle campus heroine like Luo Chun, so she couldn't listen anymore, so she interrupted after holding back for a long time.

"Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but you kept saying that I was addicted to cigarettes when I was young, and that I violated the school rules for smoking on the stairs, and I must be punished. Did you see me smoking with your own eyes? Why do you say so?" Do you self-righteously think that your own guesses and imaginations are all facts?"

After the voice fell, the air froze for a few seconds.No one seemed to have expected her to speak in such a hostile manner, even Teacher Sun and her mother were frightened.It seems that this Luo Chun is really a soft-tempered persimmon.

In fact, Luo Shengnan was prepared to be scolded by Director Zheng, but the first person who spoke was Luo Chun's mother. "Xiaochun, how can you talk like this, you really let mom down." She got up and stood beside Luo Shengnan as she spoke, and pressed the child's back to make her bow in the direction of Director Zheng, her attitude was even a little bit The son nodded and bowed, "I'm really sorry for the teacher. I'm the parent who didn't educate well. I'll tell her what you told me today when I go back. Don't be angry with the child."

Luo Shengnan's heart and temperament, which was eager to try hard, was instantly extinguished by Luo Chun's mother's humiliation. It was not until the hand pressing on her back was withdrawn that she slowly straightened up.She suddenly understood why Luo Chun developed such a submissive character. With such a mother, how could she be a person who actively fights for herself.

Luo Shengnan misses her mother a little bit. Although Ms. Han is used to being the dean, she is strong and arbitrary, but she has always been very experienced in helping her deal with the relationship with teachers and schools since she was a child; No matter how good she is, everyone will always say that she just relies on her mother.Luo Shengnan has always hoped that her mother would not interfere in any of her affairs. She did not want to live under her mother's halo for the rest of her life, but now that she is in such a situation, she has to miss Ms. Han's kindness.

Sure enough, there is no harm if there is no comparison. Thinking of Ms. Han's domineering arrogance at home, Luo Shengnan couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth.

"You can still laugh." The two of them were silent until they left the school gate, Luo Chun's mother suddenly said something, and Luo Shengnan hurriedly recounted all the explanations he had just given to Teacher Sun. .

But to her surprise, Luo Chun's mother did not question her words as she thought, but sighed, "Mom knows, you don't know how to smoke."

"Then why did you interrupt me just now? You also asked me to admit my mistakes and apologize to Director Zheng." Luo Shengnan was actually not very angry, but more of an indisputable aggrieved and incomprehensible curiosity.

"Xiaochun, why haven't you grown up yet?"

"Didn't you hear the teacher say that you need to remember your punishment! It's no big deal to bow your head and admit your mistake. Don't record it in your file and affect you in the future. The most important thing."

"And Xiaochun, you still have to study in this school. There is still more than a year left. Offending the director will only make your life difficult..."

(End of this chapter)

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