LOL: Summoner of Goddess Jana

Chapter 34 Feasibility Analysis

Chapter 34 Feasibility Analysis

After listening to Li Wei's analysis, the students seemed to see the sun through the clouds and the sky through the fog. They felt that everything in front of them suddenly became clear!

They finally knew how to go.

Have the Zaunians resisted before?certainly.They have resisted more than once in history.

However, 10 years ago, under the leadership of the leader of the black alley, Fandre, the people of Zaun launched an organized armed riot against Piltover with fighters from several major gangs in Zaun as the backbone.

But that rebellion was the same as any one in the past 200 years. Even the Sun Gate Canal Bridge failed to cross, and before it had time to violate the territory of Picheng, it was killed by the law enforcement officers and returned in a complete defeat.

Why do they always fail?

The students didn't understand it before, but now they understand it.

Because the Zaunites of the past have been moving blindly based on their emotions, they have seen too closely, too shallowly.

They only thought about pushing down the Picheng people who were on their heads, but they didn't think about what to change or achieve after pushing down the mountain, and they didn't seriously analyze the situation between the enemy and ourselves or the feasibility of their actions.

No goal, no plan, the result is that every ten years there will be a noisy and chaotic scene, and then a sudden slap in the face from the Picheng guy, and immediately "gather like a ball of fire and disperse into a sky full of stars".

This kind of resistance cannot scare the business owners of Piltover.

They might even want the Zaunites to come here every once in a while, so that they can regularly clean up the rebellious thorns in a group of Zaunites.

But now, Levi is here.

As soon as he came, he clarified the ultimate goal for everyone: to realize the great harmony of the world in the future.

Then I set a short-term goal for everyone: to achieve a victory in Zaun in the near future.

Now, he explained the feasibility of the action to everyone: Janna, the goddess whose power is theoretically infinite, is the greatest force guarantee for their future actions.

After analyzing this point, then what they need to do next, this question can be seen clearly:

"We want to spread Janna thoughts to more people, attract more believers to join us, and help Goddess Janna regain her strength!"

Lena, who was sitting among the classmates, became the class representative again.

Her eyes were extremely focused, her little face flushed with excitement, and she almost forgot that standing on the stage was her once clumsy and rough elder brother.

"That's right." Li Wei glanced at his sister appreciatively: "The next thing we have to do is—"

"Mobilize the masses to the maximum!"

"Mobilize the masses?" This sentence seemed to have a natural fighting spirit, and the students blushed with excitement and their blood surged when they heard it.

"Yes, but everyone must pay attention!" Noticing the overly enthusiastic atmosphere, Li Wei immediately lowered his tone and emphasized to the students:

"What I'm talking about at the current stage is to 'mobilize the masses', which refers to propagating our ideas to the masses, arousing their class consciousness, and attracting them to come closer to us, to Janna—"

"Instead of blindly mobilizing the masses to fight and engage in confrontation."

"That would be impractical and even pointless."

Li Wei always adheres to the principle of seeking truth from facts.

He knew that some methods worked well on Earth, but not on Runeterra.

To mobilize the general public to fight, it sounds very passionate and surging.It seems that as soon as everyone wraps their heads in yellow scarves and rises up, they will be at the age of Jiazi and the world will be prosperous.

But what if it was done in Runeterra?
The cultural environment of Runeterra is still in a very primitive and brutal era.

The power of life and death of the Demacians is still in the hands of the nobles, while the Ionians are subject to various clans and sects.

Zaun, Shurima, Bilgewater, and Freljord are simply in a state of disorder where the weak prey on the strong. Natural selection of the fittest survives, and whoever is weak deserves death.

As for the Noxus Empire, as the largest slave manor and warmonger in the world, there is no need to say much about the situation there.

In this world, human life is very cheap.

The humanitarian spirit does not exist at all.

If you dare to resist, people will dare to kill you.

It doesn't matter if you come and kill as many as you want, or even kill them all.

After all, Piltover is the city of longing in the world, and they don't even need to work hard, cheap laborers will come from all over the world with the "Piltover Dream".

Not to mention cutting the leeks, you can never finish pulling them out.

As for the power of the general public. In this world, the power of 10000 ordinary people may not be comparable to a powerful warrior or a brilliant mage.

With more ordinary people, not only will the enemy not be afraid, but they may even be excited——

Just like using Sivir to clear 100 waves of soldiers in one breath, it is both exciting and decompressing, the more people you kill, the more enjoyable it is.

"The power of the general public is indeed inexhaustible, but we cannot dogmatically take this sentence as the bible to guide all battles, but must find a reasonable way to mobilize and use this power according to the actual situation!"

So what is this method?

Janna of course.

In this extraordinary world where great power is all in one body, only magic can defeat magic.

"We must mobilize the masses, let the power of belief of the masses belong to Janna, and create an extraordinary powerhouse belonging to our general public!"

"And Janna is a god shaped by faith. Her existence is doomed by nature. It is impossible for her to deviate from her own beliefs and abandon the humans who follow her."

Yep, that's Janna's basic setup, and it's never going to change.

Just like a dog is born a dog, a man is born a man. Janna was born from the belief of "guarding mankind". As long as she is alive, she will always guard the mankind who follow her.

Li Wei can use his "evil contract" as a summoner to order Janna to do what she doesn't want to do.

But that doesn't make sense either.

Because if Janna deviates from her own beliefs, even if she is forced to, the power of belief she gained from these beliefs will no longer be used by her.

The result at that time will only be: the power of human faith will in turn abandon her as a betrayer, and then naturally create a brand new "Goddess of New Janna" who will always protect human beings.

And Li Wei will also completely lose his power along with Janna.

"So Janna's power is the power of our common people."

"She will always be on the side of the suffering, forever!"

Li Wei's direct explanation of the root of Janna's existence made Victor and the students even more passionate:
A goddess with infinite power will always stand by their side!

What they do is definitely promising!
"Then, how should we start publicizing?" A student asked excitedly: "Where do we start? Who should we publicize? How should we publicize?"

After the ultimate goal, short-term goal, and feasibility analysis, it is finally time to talk about the specific operation steps.

In the minds of these Zaun students, Li Wei was like the experiment teacher they had seen at the Hextech Institute.

It seems that he is not talking about politics or the overall situation, but is guiding everyone to complete a scientific experiment with scientific planning, rigorous design, and clear and complete steps in every step.

Sure enough, Levi did not disappoint everyone this time:

"Where does the advocacy start and with whom? That's a good question."

"And to figure out this problem, we have to figure out the most important problem first—"

"In Piltover and Zaun, who is our enemy? Who is our friend?"

"Who is the enemy? Who is the friend?" The students fell into deep thought.

Soon someone replied: "The Piltover Council, and the rich and wealthy families that control the Piltover Council, are our enemies!"

"Also... those Zaun alchemist barons who look like they are from Zaun, but are actually working with Piltover business owners, are also our enemies!"

"That's right!" Li Wei added in agreement: "I have analyzed the crimes of the big merchant class in Picheng in my previous article."

"As for the Zaun comprador class represented by some alchemy barons, they seem to be independent, but they are actually completely economic vassals of these Piltover merchant classes."

"These people are the most backward production relations in Zaun. They just want to rely on Zaun's cheap labor forever to supply Piltover with low-value-added minerals, chemical raw materials, and mechanical parts, and earn a little leftovers."

"They don't want to develop science and technology at all, and they don't want to achieve industrial upgrading, because that will offend the master of Piltover who firmly occupies the high-end market, and will affect their stable position in this spoils system—"

"So in a sense, these Zaun compradors are even more evil than the big merchants in Piltover."

"The big merchants in Piltover can at least promote the progress of science and technology, but these Zaun compradors will only guard their one-acre three-point land and hinder the development of productivity!"

After Li Wei explained, he exposed the ugly face of the enemy one by one.

Everyone clearly understands who is their enemy.

However, some students asked:
"Then Mr. Li Wei, what about those civilians in Piltover?"

"Are they our enemies?"

As soon as this question was brought up, the scene began to have differences of opinion.

Because Li Wei has learned from the memory of the original owner and the narration of Baku before, the oppression that the people of Zaun can feel most intuitively in Picheng is not those high-ranking big business owners, but the discriminatory gaze that appears every day Piltover civilians before them.

Said these Piltovers were friends?
The Zaunites were the first to scold their mothers.

It can be said that these ordinary citizens are enemies. It doesn't feel right.

"Ordinary people in Piltover are certainly not our enemies."

"But we can't naively see them as friends."

"If you regard the two cities as one, you may be able to understand that these so-called bottom layers of Picheng are actually not bottom layers. They are actually a head above the poor in Zaan, and they are the middle class occupying the middle of the pyramid."

When Li Wei said this, everyone reacted.

The Shuangcheng just looks like two cities, and this place has always been one.

Those commoners of Piltover, who are theoretically the same as the lower class, are actually inherently superior to the people of Zaun.

"They are not our enemies, but they have been bought by the powerful merchant class of Piltover, relying on its technology and financial hegemony, to grab excess profits from Zaun and the rest of the world."

"These middle-class people who live in houses and eat steaks also belong to the group of people who don't want to change the status quo. So it's hard for them to understand the struggle we have to fight—"

"We can try to win over some of them, but we must not regard them as the focus of early publicity and struggle work."

The enemy is clear, and the civilians of Piltover will be difficult to win in the short term.

Next, the question of who is a friend is easy to distinguish:

That is the pauper of Zaun.

Due to the extreme situation of Zaun's semi-colonial and semi-primitive society, except for the alchemy baron and his henchmen who are a very small number of people, the rest here are almost all the abject poverty class, and they are all progressive industrial abject poverty class.

"They are concentrated, and their economic status is low. They almost have no hope of getting rich, and they are treated extremely cruelly by the alchemy baron and the merchant class. These people are our natural allies."

"But now we are in Piltover, our business is just established, our strength is weak, and we can't establish a foothold and start working in Zaun, so..."

Li Wei pointed out the specific direction of work:

"What we have to do now is to do everything possible in Piltover to carry out our publicity work for Zaun international students, Zaun apprentices, and new immigrants to Zaun!"

"While trying to accumulate manpower, financial resources, and material resources, and at the same time expanding Janna's strength through the promotion of beliefs, and finally at a suitable time—"

"Back to Zu'an, to the place where the contradictions are most acute!"

(End of this chapter)

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