I can travel a million miles

Chapter 214 Disappearing


This is the largest continent in the broken Xuanling Realm, and it is also located in the center of the 72 continents. Its scope is much larger than the Tianling, Tianding and other continents, almost three times larger.

There are far more realms in Tianxuan Continent than in Tianling Continent, with a total of [-] realms.

Moreover, different from other continents, almost half of the [-] realms in Tianxuan Continent are under the rule of the monster race, and only a few realms belong to the human race.

The reason why the monster race can occupy this continent is because there is a magnificent monster mountain in the Tianxuan Realm located in the center of Tianxuan Continent. One of the only three gods of heaven.

Lord Qingluan!

This is an ancient heavenly monarch of the monster clan, who has existed until now, and appeared in the world tens of thousands of years ago.

It is precisely because of the existence of this demon clan heavenly monarch that Tianxuan Continent has always been the continent ruled by the monster clan. Although the human race also recuperates here, they are either related to the monster clan or are under the rule of the monster clan. Down.

In the northern part of Tianxuan Continent, among the vast mountains, suddenly the whole earth shook violently, and the void suddenly distorted, and a strange force emerged from the void, impacting towards the mountains ahead.

But seeing a mountain peak about a thousand feet high, under the impact of this distortion, it directly annihilated and disappeared bit by bit.

And in this distorted impact, a group of light spots flew out of the air, drew an arc in the air, and hit a mountain in the distance, smashed the mountain peak with a bang, and then hit another mountain a mountain.

After crashing into several mountain peaks one after another, the light spot finally stopped, and a spiritual light appeared in it.

These auras merged towards the center, and quickly gathered into a woman's figure. Although it was a bit hazy, she could vaguely see that it was Chen Yao.

Chen Yao was obviously still a little groggy. After her figure gathered and manifested, her consciousness was not fully awake. She fell halfway up the mountain. The golden core in her body trembled violently, and all the Dao marks were scattered uncontrollably.

She tried her best to restrain the power of the golden core, and barely calmed down Dao Hen, and she was slightly relieved.


Although the body is broken and shattered, for Jindan Daoist, Jindan is the foundation of life. Neither her Jindan nor her soul were seriously injured, but the Dao marks were a little scattered by the impact, but it only took some time to recover. recover.

At that time, it will not be difficult to condense another physical body.

Chen Yao opened her eyes, looked forward, carefully examined the surrounding environment, and wanted to judge where she was swept by the tidal turbulence of the spirit world.

But only a cursory glance made her frown slightly.

As a Jindan real person, she also has the wisdom to understand the true beauty of all things. At a glance, although she doesn't know where she is, what she can be sure of is that she must no longer be in Wujing.

Do not!
Not only that, it seems that she is no longer in Profound Sky Continent, but has gone to an extremely distant place, so that her ability to discern the location of Profound Sky Continent has become very weak.

How far did I get swept up all of a sudden?

Chen Yao couldn't help shaking her head slightly. It doesn't matter if she goes to other realms, but if she is too far away from Tianxuanzhou, she might not be able to go back with her ability.

However, when she was involved in the spirit world, she had recited Chen Mu's title. Even if Chen Mu couldn't sense it in the spirit world, with Chen Mu's state, it shouldn't take long for her to discover the changes she encountered.

But Yan Hanyu didn't know what was going on.

There was chaos in the depths of the spiritual world, and she didn't know where Yan Hanyu was swept up.

Just as Chen Yao was thinking.

next moment.

Her body suddenly froze and froze.

With some difficulty, he turned his head a little bit, and saw not far away, an old man with a stooped figure appeared at some point.

The old man was leaning on a wooden pole, and he just stood there in such a simple way. There was no aura in his body, and he felt like an ordinary mortal.

But a mortal can quietly appear within ten feet of her?

Obviously impossible.

"Well, was it drawn into the spirit world, and then washed out by the tide... The cultivation base is only at the Golden Core level, and it is really favored by heaven and earth, and favored by luck."

The old man looked at Chen Yao with deep eyes.

Chen Yao was almost completely tense, but she didn't make any movements, she quickly relaxed, and saluted the old man respectfully, saying, "Greetings, senior, this junior is from the Great Primordial Dynasty of Tianxuanzhou, my brother Wu Shengzhen Jun."

"True Monarch Wusheng...oh, it's that one."

The old man muttered.

If I remember correctly, there seems to be a true emperor of the human race who was born thousands of years ago. He is suspected to be a true emperor of soul cultivation. He has killed several true emperors of Tianlingzhou and repelled the true emperor of Thousand Difficulties Returning to Ruins. His strength is not bad. .

Seeing the old man muttering, Chen Yao felt a little relieved. Since the old man had heard of Chen Mu's name, he wouldn't be able to bully her, a junior, as a true king.


This thought just flashed through my mind.

Seeing the old man facing her, he raised his right hand towards her, and with a light wave of his sleeve, the black cuff suddenly enlarged, covering the sky and the sun in the blink of an eye, covering the whole world.

Chen Yao shrank her pupils and subconsciously wanted to escape, but she couldn't make any movements at all, and was directly covered by the cuffs that blocked the sky and was directly involved.


After wrapping Chen Yao in with one sleeve, the old man raised his left hand and made a wiping motion towards the front.

It was as if some trace had been wiped away.

Then his whole person quickly faded away, gradually disappearing into nothingness.

About half a day later.

The pitch-black void suddenly split open, and a figure walked out of it, wearing white clothes. The turbulent spirit world behind the void was constantly washing away, but it couldn't shake a single corner of his clothes.

It was Chen Mu.


He appeared between the broken mountains, looked around slightly, shook his head slightly, and said: "It's really a bit far away, is this... Tianxuanzhou?"

Although he has never been to this continent, and he has never heard of it before, but he appeared here. As a true king, he naturally knew where this place was in a single thought.

With a rough perception, one can perceive that the vastness of this continent is far greater than that of Tianxuan Continent, and its radius is more than tens of millions of miles.

"The Central Continent of the Xuanling Realm."

Chen Mu took a slight breath.

In just one thought, he knew what this place was, and in another thought, he knew that this was the Central Continent of the Xuanling Realm. It was the largest piece of the Xuanling Realm after it was broken, and its prosperity was far greater than that of Profound Sky Continent.

These two thoughts flashed across his mind for a moment, and then Chen Mu looked forward, looking for traces of Chen Yao.

But after looking for it, it made him frown.

It turned out that there was no trace of Chen Yao, as if it had disappeared out of thin air!
With his current ability and realm, even in the chaotic spirit world, he can barely trace Chen Yao's traces, and he continues to pursue in the spirit world until he reaches here.

But returning to the present world from here, Chen Yao's trace disappeared abruptly, as if evaporated, which is obviously abnormal.

Someone covered up Chen Yao's whereabouts.

Moreover, his cultivation must be a true monarch, otherwise, it would be impossible to erase the traces so that even he could not find them.

Chen Mu took a slight breath, closed his eyes, and raised his right hand. He made a slight gesture with his fingertips, and a little inspiration emerged, directly deducing Chen Yao's whereabouts and traces between heaven and earth.


A moment later, Chen Mu opened his eyes again with a sullen face.

Can't be deduced.

If it is just to erase the traces, then any Nascent Soul True Monarch can do it, but if he wants to cover up all the karma and traces of Chen Yao in this world, even with his current ability, he cannot detect them. It is not something ordinary people can do.

Ordinary Nascent Soul True Monarchs do not have this ability, at least they have to be the Great True Monarch with the unity of all ways, or even a Titled True Monarch, to be able to cover up the cause of heaven and make him unable to deduce the slightest trace.

"Now I am not an unknown person in the Xuanling Realm. Any Dazhenjun or even a titled Zhenjun must be able to see the connection between Xiaoyao and me."

Chen Mu murmured.

Then, who knows that Chen Yao is under his protection, but forcibly detains Chen Yao, and also erases the traces between heaven and earth, cuts off all the causes of heaven, so that he can't even deduce Derive out.

Chen Yao is just a golden core real person, even if her talisman is made of mysterious yellow energy, but a mere mysterious yellow energy should not make a great real king or even a titled real king look up to her, and surrender herself to plunder , and even took the risk of forming an enmity with him, the 'true soul cultivator'.

What is the reason?
Is there anything in Chen Yao that is worthy of a high-ranking true monarch?

Chen Mu couldn't identify it for a while. After frowning for a while, he took a step forward and disappeared in place without a sound.

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