The host wants to be human today

Chapter 865 Be Your Only Believer 1

Chapter 865 Be Your Only Believer 41
Losia raised her eyes, her light-colored and beautiful eyes fell on the little girl, and she looked at her.

The little girl's crimson eyes are round, beautiful and clear, just looking at you like this, as if she was just asking a normal question.

Two seconds later, he lowered his eyelashes in compromise, and just whispered.

"I also have to interpret the teachings."

Li Tang said oh, she was just asking casually, so she didn't feel too disappointed, she rolled on the bed with the quilt in her arms, and then she was comfortable and ready to sleep.

After a long time.

Hearing the sound of steady breathing not far away, the person who was looking down at the doctrine paused.

Losia glanced slightly sideways, looking at the clothes hanger aside.

In the line of sight is a white corner, which is obviously a believer's style, and what is pressed under it is a priest's robe with golden patterns.

Losia pursed her lips, and couldn't help but think of the scene just now.

As an enshrined archangel, his body is the purest carrier of the power of light. At the same time, he also lost his precious things, emotions.

The man raised his fingertips and lightly touched his chest, his beautiful eyes were slightly dazed.

What does this represent?


Two days later, the papal procession left the empire on time.

Although it was deliberately to spread the faith, the Pope didn't need help at all, and in order to prevent too much commotion, he only sent four believers to follow. Of course, there is now a certain little girl.

The country I was going to this time was a small remote country. Although it belonged to the camp of light, it was plagued by demons because it was close to the endless abyss.

In particular, demons have a bad personality. Some low-level demons like to catch people when they have nothing to do. Relying on their own strength, they have done many bad things.

That is to say, in recent years, the angel side has gradually made big moves. Countries that believe in light have set up churches one after another. By enshrining statues of angel gods and praying for miracles, they have regained a little bit of success.

Until recently, the faith of the people became weaker and weaker, and the angels were unable to protect the country, which caused the demons to act again.

In the end, the church could only discuss with the king, and chose to seek help from the temple.

That is to say, Losia happened to be in the world, otherwise even if the bishop and priests came, it might not have any effect.

After a day's journey, everyone finally found a place to stay before dark.

This is a small town, because it is far away from the empire, it looks a bit dilapidated, but it also reveals the simple natural scenery everywhere.

The streets are full of traffic, and the yelling of vendors can be heard from a distance, mixed with the immature voices of children from time to time.

Li Tang in the carriage was awakened by the noise, rubbed her eyes and sat up straight.

"Well, are you here?"

Losia, who let her lean on for a day, nodded slightly, and closed the teaching in his hand.

"Take a rest for the night first."

While he was speaking, the little girl had already poked her head out and looked out.

The Pope was silent for two seconds, but he couldn't help reminding.

"It's dangerous."

Li Tang uttered oh, and obediently retracted her head, but her blushing eyes were filled with excitement, no matter how she looked at her, she looked ready to move.

"Can we go shopping? I'm hungry."

Lucia spoke slowly.

"You can let the believers go, aren't you tired?"

After all, as soon as he got in the car, a certain little girl fell asleep leaning against him, although he didn't quite understand how it would be tiring to ride a carriage.

Li Tang shook her head, her soft and waxy voice resounded loudly.

"Snack Street is only interesting if you go shopping by yourself!"

The man was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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